Jordan Chandler Discussion Thread

Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

Moreover his testimony is inadmissible in court due to the
Sodium Amaytal (sp) administered to him.

The Sodium Amytal claim was never proven and in fact, I think it isn't true and it was something thrown into the story by the Chandlers to mislead.

When June Chandler was subponead in 2005 for the Arviso's trial ,
I wouldn't put past Jordy Chandler got wind of it and
FLED the country just to play it safe.

Jordan was in the US during the trial. It was his uncle, Ray who claimed he fled the country but it was just another lie by him. Meanwhile Jordan was in Colorado (I think it was Colorado) skiing happily...

Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

^^ To be fair, I don't think it's the task of Jordan's friends to say anything. It's Jordan's task. He is the one who has to go out there and confess that it was all a lie. I personally think that his friends, such as this woman who used to be his girlfriend, know the truth. Obviously if Jordan told other people in college that it was a lie then he told one of his best friends too. And this girl is one of his best friends and she was in Jordan's life already during or shortly after the allegations. So I'm sure she knows everything. But I don't think it's her place to out Jordan on it.

Actually I know of another person about whom I know she is in Jordan's inner circle and she has online presence based on her job. She also occasionally writes articles in her field and after Michael's death she wrote an article about Michael which sang praises of Michael! Not one negative word. She praised him as a legend, an icon, it was a very positive article. And I know that this person is in Jordan's inner circle and was already in the mid 90s. Would you sing praises of a man about whom you think he molested your friend when he was a child? So I do think Jordan really did tell the truth to people in his inner circle.

Sorry to be a bit cryptic about this other person. I do not want to tell her name, because I do not want fans to storm her blog and twitter account, that would lead nowhere. Like I said it's not the task of Jordan's friends to tell the truth, it's Jordan's. But I thought it was very telling how this person wrote a gleamingly praiseful article about Michael after his death. I do believe that deep down Jordan would like to tell the truth, he just doesn't have the guts.


A fan i've spoken to said something similar. They knew of someone very close to JC (and this person knew about '93) who had some nice things to say about Michael. At first I didn't really believe that person but they showed me proof. Seems like quite a few people he spoke to have positive things to say. Like that classmate of his is a huge MJ fan and wrote an article defending him during the trial so he must of been telling these people that the allegations are false.

My thoughts on why he won't tell the truth are that he's just a coward who wants his life to remain the same. I do think he feels bad but I think he's not willing to deal with all the things that a confession will bring.
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

Does anyone think that Jordan might fear what Sneddon would do to him if he did talk? Because if he did tell the world that he was somehow forced to testify against Michael, how would that make Sneddon and his office look, even the 2005 trial. Is that a probable scenario?
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

I can't be sure either. But based on the settlement published by the Smoking Gun, it's about negligence AND confidentiality : both parties could not speak publicly about the "case", not even Michael.

Was Jordan a principal party in the settlement or just a beneficiary? I'm asking this question because i don't understand how a minor can come to a settlement/agreement with an ins. co. If he's just a beneficiary probably he can speak, but i have the feeling that he will never do it. He's as bad as his father.
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

The Sodium Amytal claim was never proven and in fact, I think it isn't true and it was something thrown into the story by the Chandlers to mislead.
Hi, :)
respect77, can you please explain why you believe that? Because I always thought this story makes the Chandler look pretty bad.
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

I wish that Jordan friend from college had testified in the 05 trial, I really think it'd had helped him to stop people saying he molested Jordan...

I wonder if Jordan will ever do the right thing knowing he signed a contract and if I'm not mistaken, he'd loose his millions...

^^Could someone correct me but I thought the reason TMez did not call those kids that Jordan talked to was because Jordan did not take the stand? Oh I wish he was brave enough to go on the stand for the prosecution; then we would have TMez ripping into him on cross-examination. What a joy that would be for the whole fan community!!!

About that girl friend songwriter, didn't she say somewhere comments that showed she believed Jordan. I am sure I read this somewhere in some paper. I can't remember if a media source quoted her. Anyone remember this?
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

The excuses made for this man not doing the right thing in this thread is maddening. First off don't call him Jordy call him Jordan second of all covering your own ass is no excuse for doing the right thing. Oh he does not want to loose his money screw that. It is blood money anyway never earned he stole. Someone said something about Sneddon, Sneddon is a 70 something old man who does not practice law anymore he can't do crap. And who is going to sue him? You think the estate is going too? The Jacksons? How about Larry Feldman? How about his Mother? No one is going to sue that bastard. And if they do, so what. He is just has guilty has his parents were.
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

^Jordan is in his 30's he is a grown ass man. He don't get no excuses from me. The minute he didn't want to testify in 05 it was obvious he was a chicken! He wouldn't even show up to even lie about MJ. Francia took that place! Jordan just rather continue to sit this out and to continue to let this shit ride. SMH That pisses me off more then the idea of "What if he would have showed up under oath lying?" But I say to that at least T-Mez would have gotten a chance to Cross examine his ass! UGH!

By the way, The 94 Civil Settlement was not for Molestation it was for Negligence! Therefore home boy is all clear to talk but, he just don't want to! Let's not forget that when Sneedon himself tried to get the 94 settlement into the 05 trial to show the jury some B.S guilt on MJs part, the Judge shut his ass down because that settlement was not for molestation but, for negligence! Making it irrelevant to the current case! The Settlement was NOT introduced to the jury! HA!

And guess what on The Larry King show after MJ was acquitted he mentioned the Settlement to that same jury and they shrugged and said and okay so what there was settlement!? They saw it as irrelevant to the current case aswell. So even if Sneedon would have gotten his way, it was goin to be a tough sell. lol
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Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

It is really weird to say the least, that 2 grand juries did not charge Michael with anything in the 90s, that's why I think there was nothing from the start in the criminal case, it was purely civil. It's the only explanation I can think of.

I agree with you. And another thing that has never made sense to me was why the Chandlers were so willing to take a settlement over going through a criminal trial when they were making such serious claims against Michael and the accusations could have sent him to jail for years. Nothing sounds right about that.
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Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

Hi, :)
respect77, can you please explain why you believe that? Because I always thought this story makes the Chandler look pretty bad.

Evan did sedate Jordan with something according to Ray's book, but that it was SA only came up in the spring of 1994. At the time there was another high-profile child molestation case featured in the media in which a woman accused her father of sexually molesting her when she was a child. During that trial it came out that she was given SA by her therapist when she came out with those allegations and the drug was deeemed unreliable and the father was acquitted. This was after the settlement in Michael's case but when the prosecution still pressured the Chandlers to testify in a criminal case, which they were running scared from. And this is when Harvey Levin, who worked for a radio at the time, first threw in the claim that SA was given to Jordan. The way he worded it sounded like the Chandlers were his source, though he never said it. It was also odd how when Mary Fischer asked Mark Torbiner about it (Torbiner was Evan's friend, an anaesthesiologist, who allegedly administered the SA to Jordan), he was rather ambigious about it: "If I administered it it was only for dental purposes". So it seemed like something the Chandlers wanted to throw in at the time when the prosecution pressured them to testify. IMO as an excuse why Jordan should not testify - his testimony could be deemed inadmissible because of the SA etc.

Evan did administer something to Jordan and maybe his purpose was to get him say things, but IMO it was not SA and it was unsuccessful at the time. This is how the story is told in Ray Chandler's book:

Jordie and Evan met Mark at Evan's office at 8:30 AM. As it turned out, the x-rays showed that Jordie had no cavities, just the overretained baby tooth that was causing the permanent one underneath to come in crooked.
Evan cleaned his son's teeth while Mark set up his equipment, and when the boy was sedated Evan performed the thirty-second procedure. When Jordie was safely out of sedation, Mark packed up and left.
"That was great," Jordie said, fully awake. "I didn't feel a thing? Can we go eat now?"
"In a minute," Evan answered.
Jordie sat quietly in the chair while his father cleaned up around the operatory.
"Hey, Jordie," Evan said, trying to sound nonchalant. "Since this is our last day together, is there anything you want to tell me before we go?"
"Yeah," Jordie replied. (Evan prayed for a miracle.) "I'm thirsty."
"Uh, okay. You can get up and walk now. Go to the kitchen, there's some bottled water in the fridge."
Evan had waited all week for the right moment to talk to his son, but he was concerned that forcing him to speak before he was ready would drive him further away. The end result was that the right moment never came. Or that Evan had passed it up.
"I was standing there drinking, Oh, well, I guess that's it, he's not going to talk. But while he was out in the kitchen it hit me that I'd been taking the wrong approach. Here I was tiptoeing around him because Dr. Abrams has scared the hell out of me. But Jordie was about to go away with Michael for five months, so how much worse could it get! If he wasn't totally screwed up yet, going on tour was sure to finish the job. That realization changed my whole way of thinking. I could be as tough on him as I wanted. I had nothing to lose."
When Jordie came strolling back from the kitchen, Evan went on the attack. "Have a seat, and listen very carefully to what I'm about to say. Do you remember when you came over to the house I told you that if you lie to me I was going to destroy Michael?" Jordie nodded that he did. "Good. Keep that in mind, because I'm going to ask you a question. Do you care about Michael?"
"Yes," the boy answered.
'You could say you love him, right?"
"And you wouldn't want to hurt him?"
"Okay then, let me remind you of something. Remember I told you I bugged your bedroom?" Jordie nodded. "Well, I know everything you guys did, so you might as well admit it."
The boy remained silent, seemingly unimpressed by his father's strong arm approach. Sensing this, Evan quickly changed tack.

"Look, Jordie, lots of famous people are bisexual and nobody gives a shit. They're not embarrassed. It's sorta cool, in a way."
After ten minutes of meandering monologue Evan had elicited nothing from his son but a blank stare. Frustrated, he switched back to his original approach. "I'm going to give you one last chance to save Michael. If you lie to me, then I'm going to take him down in front of the whole world, and it'll be all your fault because you're the one person who could have saved him."
In his heart, Evan already knew the truth; he didn't need Jordie to confirm it. But he believed if his son could just hear himself say it, if he could just spurt it out quickly and painlessly like the tooth, it would release him from the prison in his mind. Without a plan, Evan began babbling away again, saying whatever came to mind in the hope of eventually hitting on something that would push a button in his son and free him.
"I know about the kissing and the jerking off, so you're not telling me anything I don't already know," Evan lied. "This isn't about me finding anything out. It's about lying. And you know what's going to happen if you lie. So I'm going to make it very easy for you. I'm going to ask you one question. All you have to do is say yes, or no. That's it. Lie and Michael goes down. Tell me die truth and you save him."
Jordie remained silent for what seemed to Evan a hopeless amount of time. Then, "Promise?"
"Have I ever lied to you?"
And I never will."
"You won't hurt Michael, right?"
"And I don t want anyone to know. Promise me you won't ever tell anyone."
"I swear,no one."
"Okay. What's the question?"
"Did Michael touch your penis?"
Jordie hesitated. Then, almost inaudibly, he whispered "Yes."
Evan would press no further. He had heard all he needed to hear. He reached out and hugged his son, and Jordie hugged back, tight.
"We never talked about it again," Evan later told the L.A. district attorney. To Evan, the details didn't matter. "The prison walls had cracked and I was confident the rest would take care of itself."

I personally don't think Jordan even said an "almost inaudible yes" that day (there are good reasons for me to think so when I read the book further). Evan only needed to claim this because he should have returned Jordan to June the next day and he needed an excuse why he did not do that.

In any case, the SA stuff is not pivotal in Michael's defense. The way as it is told in Ray's book is just as problematic. You see a father threatening his son into saying things about his friend, otherwise he would take down MJ in front of the whole world...
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Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

About that girl friend songwriter, didn't she say somewhere comments that showed she believed Jordan. I am sure I read this somewhere in some paper. I can't remember if a media source quoted her. Anyone remember this?

I don't believe she said anything publicly about the case. If a media source quoted her I'm sure the media source made up the quote. The "girlfriend" doesn't talk to media or anyone about Jordan. The signs are that Jordan's friends, including this "girlfriend", know that MJ was innocent.
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

respect77;3753665 Jordan was in the US during the trial. It was his uncle said:[/IMG]

:swordfight::angry: :angry:
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

AGAIN, if Michael couldn't talk about 1993 neither could Jordan. I believe even if he wanted to he cannot. If you recall in the 1995 interview (MJ & Lisa Marie) Michael stated he couldn't talk about the case.
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

AGAIN, if Michael couldn't talk about 1993 neither could Jordan. I believe even if he wanted to he cannot. If you recall in the 1995 interview (MJ & Lisa Marie) Michael stated he couldn't talk about the case.
MJ DID talked about his innocence in that Diane Sawyer interview despite knowing he could get sued if he did. Yet, he still did it. And was sued by Evan Chandler but, that law suit went no where.

My guess would be because the Settlement was for Negligence and not Molestation and Evan couldn't prove any wrongdoing on MJs part because of that. So Jordan really doesn't have any excuses left! He can if he wanted to say the truth. So what if he is asked for the settlement money back? If that is what he is afraid of loosing then does't that shows how much of a greedy lying **** he really is! Simply there is no room for excuses, the TRUTH is what should matter here.
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Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

AGAIN, if Michael couldn't talk about 1993 neither could Jordan. I believe even if he wanted to he cannot. If you recall in the 1995 interview (MJ & Lisa Marie) Michael stated he couldn't talk about the case.

Out of court settlements cannot prohibit anyone from talking in court in a criminal trial. So if Jordan wanted to talk sooooo much, he could have used the opportunity and testify in 2005 that Michael never molested him. Imagine the impact! He chose to be a coward.
I guess we should be glad that at least he did not choose to go on the stand and lie like some other prosecution witnesses. :smilerolleyes: Though had he done so Mesereau would have ripped him and the myth of their case apart, I'm sure. The only reason people consider them "more credible" than the Arvizos because they were never cross-examined and their lies have never been exposed in court. They were clever to avoid court...

I do think Jordan is a bit better than Gavin and Star, if one can say that. At least he seems to have a bit of conscience. Some of his friends make praiseful comments about Michael (and no negative comments), which would be odd if they really thought he molested Jordan. They obviously do not think that. But unfortunatley Jordan does not have enough guts to do what he should publicly. A friend of his praising Michael in an article after Michael's death won't compensate for anything. Jordan needs to be clear and public about telling the truth because Michael was accused and humiliated the most public way imaginable and the stigma is still on him.

Jordan needs to realize that most of it in his hands. The Arvizos are only believed by those who believe them because Michael has been accused before. But even much of the media, even people like Sullivan don't consider the Arvizos or Francia credible. It's the Chandler case that makes people wonder, because that remained kind of mysterious, because it was never discussed in a court. So that helped the media to keep up the myth about that one. Also the Arvizos and Francia were jumping on the bandwagon started by the Chandlers. Without the Chandler case there would not have been an Arvizo case and there would not have been Jason Francia claiming "improper tickling" (after the police coerced him into saying that).

So Jordan cannot act like he cannot do anything about it and like it's not his business what people think of Michael. He is the person who can do the most about how Michael is remembered and whether the stigma remains on him forever! Whether he likes it or not, whether he thinks it's unfair that his parents placed this burden on him when they coerced him into lying, he cannot escape this responsibility.

Oh, it might make his life a little uncomfortable for a while, with media chasing him etc. So what? The lies of Jordan's family made Michael's life hell for almost 20 years! So accepting a little bit of inconvenience would be the least Jordan could and should do for Michael. He has enough money to hide somewhere in the world for a couple of months. After that the world and the media would move on and leave him alone, just like they did in the past 20 years.
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Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

Umm Who is going to sue him for breech of contract if he comes out to state MJ didnt molest him ?
Evan Chandler had to sue MJ for breech of contract when MJ said they found nothing nothing nothing.
and he lost ..

No one has authority to sue Jordy over breech of that civil suite except MJ and maybe the Estate.
I doubt very much the Estate would sue him for exhonorating Michael.
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

I wish Jordan would have showed up in court in 05. Even if it was to lie under oath. Because T-Mez would have killed him on Cross! And I hate that the 93 allegations gets the title of the most damaging to MJs rep by so many because it never went to court. People should see it differently actually. It was nothing but allegations that 2 grand Juries rejected. And the accusers preferred a civil settlement of a different allegation called negligence so they can just get paid. So really...the strongest? Pff That's just what the media have tricked everyone to think. SMH
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

Umm Who is going to sue him for breech of contract if he comes out to state MJ didnt molest him ?
Evan Chandler had to sue MJ for breech of contract when MJ said they found nothing nothing nothing.
and he lost ..

No one has authority to sue Jordy over breech of that civil suite except MJ and maybe the Estate.
I doubt very much the Estate would sue him for exhonorating Michael.

I don't think the Estate would sue. Nor would have Michael sued him for it, when he was still alive. However I wonder about the insurance company. Could they sue?
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

I wish Jordan would have showed up in court in 05. Even if it was to lie under oath. Because T-Mez would have killed him on Cross! And I hate that the 93 allegations gets the title of the most damaging to MJs rep by so many because it never went to court. People should see it differently actually. It was nothing but allegations that 2 grand Juries rejected. And the accusers preferred a civil settlement of a different allegation called negligence so they can just get paid. So really...the strongest? Pff That's just what the media have tricked everyone to think. SMH

I've read a lot about it, but as english is not my first language, I still can't understand some terms. Was the negligence allegation chosen just because it was the only one who could be used to do the settlement or did Evan accused Michael of some negligence?
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

The question should be what didn't Evan accuse MJ of, right?
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Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

MJ DID talked about his innocence in that Diane Sawyer interview despite knowing he could get sued if he did. Yet, he still did it. And was sued by Evan Chandler but, that law suit went no where.

Yeh but i dont think he went into too much detail bout it he was trying to be careful not talk too much bout it but the thing when you are being interviewed you cant help but answer the questions the interviwer asks.
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

I think the insurance company will go after him. You know insurance companies do no like to give you money when you are entitled to it, much less for when you engage in fraud to get it. They would ask for interest too--unless the time has expired for the insurance to get back the money? Does any one know the law on fraud?
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

Yeh but i dont think he went into too much detail bout it he was trying to be careful not talk too much bout it but the thing when you are being interviewed you cant help but answer the questions the interviwer asks.
No he didn't get to far into it. But, the bits he did share were strong and to the point! Enough to get EVAN pissed off. MJ just said straight out that he would never do a thing like that to a child or children period. And the biggest blow to Evan Chandler and Sneedon was when MJ said the picture was no match and that's why he is sitting here today! So without gettin to far into detail, I think MJ hit his mark quite well.
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

Jordy Chandler was a minor when they Lied on Michael. When Sneddon ask Jordy to testify I think he told him if I am made to testify I will tell the truth that Michael didn't touch him, and thats why he wasn't called to testify.
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Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

to testify against Michael in the 2003 trial.
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

I don't know much about settlements but when some people say if Jordy speaks the ins. will come after him, it confuses me. I thought the ins settled with his parents & not with Jordy. Can a settlement obligates a minor never to speak about those issues?
Re: Jordy Chandler Discussion Thread

It was the 03 allegations that led to the 05 trial two yrs later. So there was no 03 trial. Jordan threatened to sue if he was made to testify in the 05 trial. He never said anything about telling the truth. And Jordan was a party to the settlement as well, being represented by his Guardian ad litem.
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