Dieter Wiesner-Channel on YouTube

I'm probably very slow on the uptake, but it has only just occurred to me that 'Angel Howansky' who is listed as the PR person for ArtLima, Dieter's company, is the same 'Angel Howansky' who seems to run Joe Jacksons' twitter account. No wonder they are so keen for fans to 'follow' Joe on Twitter. I guess it is all in aid of collecting fans twitter details for future marketing.........???
^^Is that why Dieter was with Joseph in Cannes recently? I guess they are still friendly-or at least professionally. I guess sometimes all is forgiven-like Debbie R with Marc Shaeffel-although I'd have a problem with it, if it were me. I think the entertainment industry is very different, though.

I'm going by memory here only-didn't Dieter and Joseph go together to put out a book?
joe would work with the devil if it ment making some cash. doesnt matter what dieter did to his precious son
^^Is that why Dieter was with Joseph in Cannes recently? I guess they are still friendly-or at least professionally. I guess sometimes all is forgiven-like Debbie R with Marc Shaeffel-although I'd have a problem with it, if it were me. I think the entertainment industry is very different, though.

I'm going by memory here only-didn't Dieter and Joseph go together to put out a book?

No they had not a book-deal. Kathrine did a forward to Dieters book. Dieter obvioulsly did some deals with Kathrine containing the kids. He was with Prince on the Bambi-event, RTL got a deal filming and interviewing the 3 kids in Phantasialand.
Joe was in assosiciation with Dieter with this UD-group-deal, using Michaels lost logo from history-time to promote products and many other doubtful events.

But nothing surprised in this family. Latoya even gave Victor Guiterez a friendly interview ( I think 2011) and gave him a big huge.
Artworks by Michael Jackson: The unknown side of a world star Hardcover - October 2015

Question please: would anyone know the status of this book?

If it contains Michael's complete artwork collection, I would be interested in purchasing it.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

Its too funny that now Dieter call Michael a friend, when in his 2005 lawsuit against MJ he said this:
"MJ once was an internationally famous pop star"

What happened to this lawsuit? Did Wiesner win?

I could never understand Michael's penchant for surrounding himself with obvious crooks.
The first time I saw Bob Jones I didn't even know who he was but my alarm went off instantly.
He looked and behaved like the prototypical sleazebag. And then there is Michael calling him the most loyal everything and stuff.
He looked like a snake and he was snake.

Same with Andrian McManus, Blanca Francia, Ralph Cachon.
Just by looking at this guy would you buy a used car from him?

How is it Michael could never see people's true nature?
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

The first time I saw Bob Jones I didn't even know who he was but my alarm went off instantly.
He looked and behaved like the prototypical sleazebag. And then there is Michael calling him the most loyal everything and stuff.
He looked like a snake and he was snake.

Same with Andrian McManus, Blanca Francia, Ralph Cachon.
Just by looking at this guy would you buy a used car from him?

You may mean well however; comments about judging someone based solely on physical appearance is very rude.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

You may mean well however; comments about judging someone based solely on physical appearance is very rude.

It's not PC but it's usually true: if you look like a crook you are a crook. If you look gentle you are gentle. If you look intelligent you are intelligent. I have a good radar for that and it served me well.
Ralph Chacon looks like a despicable person and he is indeed one.
Keep in mind it's about about being ugly or good looking. There are many ugly people who look completely harmless and are harmless.

The eyes are windows to the soul and usually it's true, especially in Michael's case:

There is a reason why this guy looked like that and was indeed an extraordinarly kind soul.

The complete opposite of this:

Sneddon looked like the prototypical Southern racist -- and damn if he wasn't one.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

You may mean well however; comments about judging someone based solely on physical appearance is very rude.

In fact it is completely unacceptable.
(and it is worth remembering that the tabloid press have made many unkind and unfounded comments on Michael's appearance)
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Please, let's not needlessly derail this thread.
Question please: would anyone know the status of this book?

If it contains Michael's complete artwork collection, I would be interested in purchasing it.

It seems to be available in German language only, from (Amazon Germany)

I wonder if anyone knows whether an English language edition is expected?
It seems to be available in German language only, from (Amazon Germany)

I wonder if anyone knows whether an English language edition is expected?

Seems to be out of stock at the moment. I will look to purchase this book. It has one favorable review.
Seems to be out of stock at the moment. I will look to purchase this book. It has one favorable review.

Hmm, the review sounds more like an advert.
'Contains beautiful drawings of King Of Pop. The book keeps its promises. Unique buy recommendation. Let yourself be surprised !!!'

There seem to be lots in stock today, with about 5 sellers offering international deliveries
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Hmm, the review sounds more like an advert.
'Contains beautiful drawings of King Of Pop. The book keeps its promises. Unique buy recommendation. Let yourself be surprised !!!'

There seem to be lots in stock today, with about 5 sellers offering international deliveries

Here is the user's reviews. I do not believe it to be an advert but, to your point, it is not a verified purchase as are others listed by the reviewer.

I look forward to purchasing. If it is not to my liking, I will return for a refund.

The promise of Michael's art reproduced is more interesting to me than any other offering by current authors.
As I expected the same book like thee book 2011 and a few audios you can also hear on Wiesners webside:

Review is only a google-transate:

1.0 of 5 stars Nice book but simply too little, November 3, 2015
This review is from: Michael Jackson - The True Story (Hardcover)
Dieter Wiesner brought in 2011 exactly the same book out then under the Heyne Verlag in Munich. I thought okay, it'll buy you again and I did that. I compared it with the old and it's the exact same content, except for the few photos in it than in the book published in 2011 (Heyne). Ahead Audio messages were promised, which is also present in the form of a card with a QR code, this must be the first time this app from the Apple Store to download what I did and promptly hattte the MJ audio on my phone. I was pleased and thought there is now something great eg 30 minutes Audio Michael Jackson pur. I was shocked as was exactly just over two minutes of audio Michael just listen. I feel duped because you get exactly the same to hear audio on Dieter Wiesner's website, which unfortunately I have learned after the fact or I would not have bought me the book.
Here is the link for free hear. The audios are in my opinion totally uninteresting because Michael Jackson says things about Marvel and what he has been involved in Las Vegas but as I said the audios you can indeed for free to Dieter Wiesner's website. Who has probably made the PR (shaking his head). It is also interesting to mention the still exactly the same book has cost more 22,99 Euro in 2011 and now it costs 29,99 Euro. So I feel honest verschaukelt but you can try times with the Michael Jackson fans yes. So actually it borders on impudence paired with rip-off in my opinion. Best if someone really wants to read the book which incidentally is not so very interesting and much has been omitted, such as the Dieter Wiesner has sued more than 60 million euros in 2004, Michael Jackson, which I would have overblown already with the Title THE TRUE STORY expected. Much would be omitted or twisted and guilt are in the book still other vocal John Branca etc.
Dieter Wiesner was not Michael Jackson's personal manager during the History Tour 1996/1997 but sponsor the drink Mystery where he dubbed even in official Mystery Magazine # 1, for example. After that, he was in charge between 2000-2002 and his company MJ Net Entertainment for the merchandising, the company had a short time later signing as well as Mystery insolvency. And then from 2002-2003 Dieter Wiesner was really Michael Jackson's personal manager which ended with the abuse allegations. Of all the course, nothing stands in the book. Of course, this book contains documents only from the years 2002 and 2003 where he was Mr. Wiesner really Manager. My tip for you because the audios can also free-hand on, so you buy the old book in part for only 6,00 Euro from Amazon or even on Ebay, price of about 3,00 Euro to 12.00 euros. This book has the title THE TRUE STORY not deserve in my opinion. The veracity is also to be considered in some chapters in my opinion, at most. Google simply on besten.davor the Internet. Nevertheless, all the best for Mr. Wiesner, one can try it even once.

1.0 von 5 Sternen Nettes Buch aber einfach zu wenig, 3. November 2015
Rezension bezieht sich auf: Michael Jackson - Die wahre Geschichte (Gebundene Ausgabe)
Dieter Wiesner brachte im Jahr 2011 genau das selbe Buch heraus damals unter dem Heyne Verlag in München. Ich dachte mir okay kaufe es dir nochmal und das habe ich getan. Ich habe es verglichen mit dem alten und es ist der genau selbe Inhalt, bis auf das weniger Fotos drin sind als im erschienen Buch 2011 ( Heyne ). Im Vorfeld wurden Audio Botschaften versprochen, die auch in Form von einer Karte mit einem QR Code vorhanden ist, dazu muss man sich erstmals diese App im Apple Store herunterladen auch das habe ich getan und hattte prompt die MJ Audios auf meinem Handy. Ich war erfreut und dachte da kommt jetzt was tolles z.B 30 Minuten Audio Michael Jackson pur. Ich war geschockt als genau nur über zwei Minuten Audio von Michael nur zu hören war. Ich fühle mich hinters Licht geführt weil man genau die selben Audios auf Dieter Wiesners Webseite zu hören bekommt, das leider habe ich erst im Nachhinein erfahren sonst hätte ich mir das Buch nicht gekauft.
Hier der link zum kostenlos hören Die Audios sind meiner Meinung nach total uninteressant weil Michael Jackson sagt Sachen über Marvel und an was er mitgewirkt hat in Las Vegas aber wie gesagt man kann sich die Audios ja auch kostenlos anhören auf Dieter Wiesners Webseite. Wer hat da wohl die PR gemacht ( kopfschüttelnd ). Interessant ist auch noch zu erwähnen das exakt das selbe Buch im Jahre 2011 noch 22,99 Euro gekostet hat und jetzt kostet es 29,99 Euro. Also ich fühle mich ehrlich verschaukelt aber man kann es ja Mal probieren mit den Michael Jackson Fans. Also eigentlich grenzt es an Frechheit gepaart mit Abzocke meiner Meinung nach. Am besten wenn wirklich jemand das Buch lesen möchte das übrigens auch nicht so ganz interessant ist und vieles weggelassen worden ist wie zum Beispiel das Dieter Wiesner im Jahre 2004 Michael Jackson auf über 60.000.000 Euro verklagt hat, das hätte ich mir schon mit dem hochtrabenden Titel DIE WAHRE GESCHICHTE erwartet. Vieles würde weggelassen oder verdreht und Schuld sind in dem Buch immer andere vokalem John Branca etc.
Dieter Wiesner war zum Beispiel nicht Michael Jacksons Personal Manager während der History Tour 1996/1997 sondern Sponsor mit dem Drink Mystery wo er sich sogar im offiziellem Mystery Magazin Nummer 1 betitelt. Danach war er zwischen 2000-2002 mit seiner Firma MJ Net Entertainment für das Merchandising zuständig die Firma musste kurze Zeit später Insolvenz anmelden genauso wie Mystery. Und dann von 2002-2003 war Dieter Wiesner wirklich Michael Jacksons Personal Manager was endete mit den Mißbrauchsvorwürfen. Von all dem steht natürlich nichts im Buch. Dieses Buch enthält natürlich Schriftstücke nur aus den Jahren 2002 und 2003 wo er Herr Wiesner wirklich Manager war. Mein Tipp da ihr die Audios auch kostenlos anhören könnt auf, deshalb kauft euch das alte Buch zum Teil für nur 6,00 Euro bei Amazon gebraucht oder eben bei Ebay, Preise von ca 3,00 Euro bis 12,00 Euro. Dieses Buch hat den Titel DIE WAHRE GESCHICHTE meiner Meinung nach nicht verdient. Der Wahrheitsgehalt ist zudem in manchen Kapiteln meiner Meinung nach höchstens zu bedenken. Google einfach am besten.davor im Internet. Trotzdem alles gute für Herrn Wiesner, versuchen kann man es ja Mal.
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This review is from: Michael Jackson - The True Story (Hardcover)

^ I thought that 'Kunstwerke von Michael Jackson' was a new and different book?
Another review from a verified purchaser that is more detailed. Katherine authored the foreword.

"Who wants mortality? Everybody wants immortality. You want what you create to live. Be it sculpting, painting, music composition. That is why to escape death I attempt to bind my soul to my work. I give my all to my work Because i want it to just live and just give all that I have "Michael once said, and reached it.
This book is a dream.
Michael's paintings touch and inspire.
I could spend hours admiring his paintings and lose myself in it.
Every single painting is complete otherwise, it remains Michael his own style of painting faithful. The topics: - celebrities (including Martin Luther King, Andy Warhol, Elizabeth Taylor) - self-portraits - Walt Disney (eg Mickey Mouse) - traditional clothes - key - furniture - doors - Leonardo da Vinci - Suns - US Presidents - abstract work Michael was not only a music - genius! Finally we can admire him as a genius in painting. Unique, distinctive and with a lot of heart and soul painted. Beautiful book with a foreword by his mother Katherine Jackson. We love you more Michael.
Another review from a verified purchaser that is more detailed. Katherine authored the foreword.

In my view, this book is beautiful, and would be a must -have for all MJ fans, subject to their views on the 'ownership' of the drawings.

I only disagree with the review above in one respect. I believe that this book is intended to be a collection of the works that Michael created with Brett Livingstone Strong, and not a comprehensive overview of every sketch and doodle ever made by Michael ( and many seen on the internet are faked sketches). I don't think this book loses anything at all by not including Michael's doodles or works in other styles / created at other times. If there are other drawings created with Brett, they may have been personal gifts to other people, and it may not have been possible to include them here. (Edit: I've counted 72 full page full-colour reproductions, and there are several more drawings and sketches reproduced in smaller sizes). Altogether, I think this book would be very hard to improve upon, in its current content and format, except that it would be good to have versions in other major languages including English, French, Italian, Japanese, etc etc.

I really hope that the ownership of these drawings will soon be legally determined - I appreciate that the book may be controversial for this reason. It is hard to separate appreciation for the book with 'discomfort' at the underlying legal process.

(The book I am referring to is 'Kunstwerke von Michael Jackson')
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Another review from a verified purchaser that is more detailed. Katherine authored the foreword.

What has the review for the book "Kunstwerke von Michael Jackson" to to with Wiesners book?
What has the review for the book "Kunstwerke von Michael Jackson" to to with Wiesners book?

It is one of several MJ projects which were advertised by Dieter as being worked on by his company 'ArtLima AG'. The various projects were discussed a little earlier in this thread. Here is a link:

The MJ drawings are mentioned as 'Project 9' and were due to be exhibited 'in Europe in 2015'. This book appears to be another part of the 'Project.' The book is by Brett and is copyrighted to ArtLima.

We discussed the 'drawings' book in this thread on page 10:

This is what the ArtLima website said about the MJ drawings:

Agreement signed with Brett-Livingstone Strong

Representatives for Artlima AG traveled to Los Angeles California and concluded a successful financing and partnership agreement with Sir Brett-Livingstone Strong. A number of Original paintings done by the legendary late Pop Star Michael Jackson are now under the auspices of Artlima AG.

Mr. Stefan Oberholzer and Mr. Dieter Wiesner met with Mrs. Katherine Jackson, Sir Brett Strong and inspected the art by Michael Jackson. A signed and executed agreement towards an exhibition of the paintings in Monaco in 2015 is currently planned.
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I sure will not buy the book and supporting Wiesner or Brett Strong. Strong had a letter from Tohme that Michael gave all his art as a present to Strong. Right?
Strong also wanted to sell all the pictures in an auction and Estate stopped it. Right ?

All this fishy people who are still trying to make money from Michael and his fans and in the middle of it Kathrine Jackson. Sad, sad.
I sure will not buy the book and supporting Wiesner or Brett Strong. Strong had a letter from Tohme that Michael gave all his art as a present to Strong. Right?
Strong also wanted to sell all the pictures in an auction and Estate stopped it. Right ?

All this fishy people who are still trying to make money from Michael and his fans and in the middle of it Kathrine Jackson. Sad, sad.

I don't know about an auction, but some of Michael's drawings have been sold, including at least one appearing to be from this time period, via Julien's auctions - but the consignor is unknown, of course. (Julien's are credited for some small photos in the book). It seems that the planned exhibition of MJ art at 'Art Monaco' did not take place, but I don't know if anyone stopped it, or if Weisner/ BLS decided not to exhibit for other reasons eg insurance costs??
The originals did indeed have a huge valuation put on them, but whether this was a realistic value is hard to say. Also, if this art valuation was added to Michael's Estate value, I guess that would affect the taxation due.

I don't know whether there is any licensing arrangement between the Estate and BLS / ArtLima for this book of drawings, and the Estate have declined to comment. It is very sad that an important project like this has not come directly from the Estate even if as a joint project with BLS/ ArtLima. At least this way fans get to see Michael's art at least in some way as he wished, but I do still hope that the originals will not be sold off and hidden away in some private collection, as with Michael's costumes and other high value items that come up for sale.
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Myosotis, thank you for your review.

Can you please speak on the legal issues regarding this book? Have those issues been resolved in a satisfactory matter so that Wiesner can publish this book legally?

I agree that it is very unfortunate that some fans would dismiss a book that contains Michael's art only because of legalities that may very well have been resolved. This is one of a handful of books published after Michael's passing that Michael actually had an input. In my view, because of that personal input, this book deserves much more attention because of that. Some are clamoring for books by authors who barely knew of Michael's existence before 2009 and gladly create fabricated tales with the hopes of a financial award.

It is very sad that an important project like this has not come directly from the Estate even if as a joint project with BLS/ ArtLima. At least this way fans get to see Michael's art at least in some way as he wished, but I do still hope that the originals will not be sold off and hidden away in some private collection, as with Michael's costumes and other high value items that come up for sale.

I sure will not buy the book and supporting Wiesner or Brett Strong. Strong had a letter from Tohme that Michael gave all his art as a present to Strong. Right?

Strong also wanted to sell all the pictures in an auction and Estate stopped it. Right ?

All this fishy people who are still trying to make money from Michael and his fans and in the middle of it Kathrine Jackson. Sad, sad.

The Estate does not have control over all of Michael's artistic outputs. Products that enrich the Estate have not been promoted by them. Products that do not enrich the Estate will not be acknowledged by them at all. It is the fans' decision how to respond in these situations particularly when Michael's input is involved.

The legal issues may have very well been resolved. Michael's mother rightfully supported a book that contains her son's drawings. I understand the dilemma; however, if the legal issues are resolved, it is no matter for me if Wiesner is enriched. It would be his legal right and a Michael Jackson fan's gain. Wiesner is publishing Michael's art and it is more important to me to possess a book that has Michael's input than who is enriched by it. I very much agree with Myosotis that this book allows fans to have access to Michael's art instead of the chosen few who can possess it through a high priced auction.
It was a auction organized by Howard Mann and Estate stopped it because they had no rights of selling the copyrights for pictures.

What happened since? Was legal issues resolved so this book could be published legally?
Annita;4116040 said:
It was a auction organized by Howard Mann and Estate stopped it because they had no rights of selling the copyrights for pictures.

I wonder if that auction was for prints? Normally, you would not purchase the copyright for art if you buy an original art work...the artist (or Estate) would retain the copyright . But who knows, where MJ art is concerned. It is all much more complicated than 'normal' art dealing. Maybe Mann was trying to sell both the originals and the copyrights, to make more money.

It seems impossible to know about the legal issues regarding the Artlima book, as the estate declined to comment when asked about the statements made on the Artlima website back in February this year (2015)

'The Estate does not comment on legal or business affairs as a matter of policy'.

However, the book of MJ drawings has been advertised (as 'forthcoming') on the Amazon website for at least the last 2 months, and it seems that the Estate has taken no action to stop the publication or distribution, including international distribution...unless action is ongoing and we do not yet know about it.....

The Artlima book does not seem to be being 'shut down' in the same way as for example the 'Rouas' perfumes with their MJ-image inspired boxes were. The Estate eventually came to some sort of agreement with Rouas, and the perfume website seemingly still has these perfumes for sale...they are advertised there, at least..

(For ease of reference, this is a link to the original thread about the drawings) jackson drawings

From this thread, the letter (from Tohme) said that:
'Reproduction rights are owned by BLS and the Jackson-Strong Alliance' . Ivy commented that publication / printing would therefore need agreement of the Estate.

When Neverland was packed up and the contents put into storage, these drawings were clearly not there. They were left with BLS, either in the aircraft hangar or in another Brett- owned / controlled location. This seems to indicate to me that Michael left these drawings at least physically 'in trust' with Brett, which would not seem to be unlikely, as Michael spent around 10 years creating these drawings with Brett. I don't know whether BLS / Weisner have said what they plan to do with the money raised from the sale of this book. I understood that BLS had acknowledged at some point that MJ intended income from these drawings to be used for childrens' health care?
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I sure will not buy the book and supporting Wiesner or Brett Strong. Strong had a letter from Tohme that Michael gave all his art as a present to Strong. Right?
Strong also wanted to sell all the pictures in an auction and Estate stopped it. Right ?

All this fishy people who are still trying to make money from Michael and his fans and in the middle of it Kathrine Jackson. Sad, sad.

Joe is in it too. His publicist Angel Howansky is handling public relations for Artlima AG too

I think whole Artima thingy is scrapped as there is nothing going on