Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]

Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

The Last Tree will be screening at Temple Theatre (9:00AM) - Capacity = 1,750.

After The Wedding will be screening at Eccles Theatre (9:00AM) - Capacity = 1,200.

Leaving Neverland will be screening at Egyptian Theatre (9:00AM) - Capacity = 266.

The documentary Theatre is a small fraction of the two other Theatres. Interesting!
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

@Zetor of Lipstickalley, and if she/he is not a member here, please someone pass this to her/him.

A police officer testified in 2005 that the two books found in 1993 were found in a drawer the keys to which were with Blanca Francia. He testified that they had waited for Francia, who resigned in 1991, to come to Neverland with the keys to open that specific cabinet. Bear in mind that the police on that date brought with them a locksmith who broke into everything that was locked inside MJ's bedroom (and video taped how he was doing so) but surprisingly he spared the cabinet that had the only 'incriminating' evidence they managed to get that day. How convenient! How did they know about Branca? How Branca who left employment two years before the raid knew where the books would be found? why she had the keys? why the locksmith spared that cabinet? my guess she stole them from Heavenhurst where she was working before Neverland was bought (she was stealing from MJ memorabilia all the time), the police called her to bring them on the day of the raid when they realised they would end up with nothing from that search otherwise.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Nothing on channel 5 is popular!? nice see you soundmind
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Nothing on channel 5 is popular!? nice see you soundmind
You have to add channel 5 as a special channel on Sky in Ireland which is more effort than its worth. I dont think anyone has!

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Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Jeremy Vine the presenter is actually an MJ fan himself. He danced to Thriller for Strictly Come Dancing a few years ago and and argued against the Eagles album sales so will be interesting to see his response.
Nothing on channel 5 is popular!? nice see you soundmind
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I'm mostly scared about the things from this four hour documentery which will appear on YouTube in multible videos and edits (with commentsections were the army of MJhaters and racists can do their evil thing with no limits) which will maybe stay there forever for generations like the videos from MJfacts.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Wade Robson and James Safechuck are Money Grubbing Pathetic Liars!!!!:puke: :gross:
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Agreed, when I heard R&S weren't being paid I immediately considered how they were being indirectly paid, and free legal assistance would be one of them IMO.

As for the news app, well the Daily Mail brought it on themselves. About time they raised their standards, I'm just glad others are pointing out their poor performance. Sadly they still have plenty of die hard believers. You just need to read their comments section.

I've posted to correct basic factual errors in the reporting, quoted legal documents, pointed posters in the direction of them. I have spoon fed them with the information and what response do I get? Abuse. Being told to "research the facts" and "realise the truth", even being called a troll (LOL) by people quoting the $200million dollar settlement against 20+ boys, child porn images, incriminating FBI files, and other fantasies published in the tabloids etc is beyond galling.
And that is what you do. Good thinking people know and willing to listen. I have can care less about haters or people who just want drama. You can always point these kind of people out in the way they post.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

There might be a ripple this weekend, and then again when it airs on tv, but I'm hopeful people will see through this eejit. I have faith.

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I think most people can see through this nonsense. really, I think people saw through it even before M J died but we focus on the haters. Look how MJ death was deal with when he died and sold out 50 shows and more was wanted even a United State concert. That is all I need to know MJ was loved. this stuff is just annoying but I know we will get through it.
I have to say. it’s encouraging to see Sundance staff standing strong behind the filmmakers. Anyone who lived through the MJ years know for a fact he was a twisted, body-bleaching weirdo that gave children booze (Jesus Juice) and slept in the same bed with them. He was acquitted after the victims’ families received over 12 million dollars, BTW. He could have used the money to defend himself but paid them off instead. And now a whole new generation is worshipping at the feet of Jackson’s ghost because the family spends their days sanitizing his legacy. He was a straight-up creep who died in an illegal drug haze, surrounded by circus animals. Yet, just like Roman Polanski, his sexual sins were forgiven because he made money for the suits.

And who wrote this trash. Look at all the false sentences this nut wrote from the beginning to the end. Illegal drug haze. The med MJ used BY A DOCTOR was legal. And body beaching. REALLY when his DEATH REPORT even said MJ has a skin disorder. Whoever this idoit is DEAL WITH IT THAT MICHAEL JACKSON IS LOVED, WILL BE LOVED, even when this clown is dead and gone and this stupid film is gone. This is someone who is jealous of Mike.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Got the flyers Sundance. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MJInnocent</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Aaron (@435Aaron) <a href="">January 25, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Anybody remember Martin Bashir? He was made famous for his interview with Princess Diana. From that, he interviewed Michael Jackson. Dan Reed reminds me of Martin Bashir. They both thought a project involving Michael Jackson will bring them lots of attention. Perhaps both Wade and James were molested, but not by Michael Jackson. Corey Feldman said he was, but not by Michael Jackson. Perhaps Wade and James will tell us the tale of how it was done, but not by Michael Jackson. In reading many of the articles about this new docu, it is pretty obvious why Wade and James have a vendetta in for Michael's name, money. Both lost their law suits, so here is there retribution.

Will they get the sympathy vote, perhaps, but not because of Michael Jackson. Wade and James are not any better than their molesters. Just violate a victim because it makes you feel powerful. Micheal was a defender of children's rights, he felt sorry for them, the injustice of their innocence. It is sick and twisted what Wade and James have done to Michael Jackson. Wade and James are not defending children's rights, they are exploiting Michael Jackson's good name, because they are sick and twisted, just like those who molested them.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I agree!!!! He's an idiot!!!!




In my opinion, there is no way he can answer any of those questions and have his answers make sense.

Excatly theres no way anyone can belive him
terrell;4237866 said:
I have to say. it’s encouraging to see Sundance staff standing strong behind the filmmakers. Anyone who lived through the MJ years know for a fact he was a twisted, body-bleaching weirdo that gave children booze (Jesus Juice) and slept in the same bed with them. He was acquitted after the victims’ families received over 12 million dollars, BTW. He could have used the money to defend himself but paid them off instead. And now a whole new generation is worshipping at the feet of Jackson’s ghost because the family spends their days sanitizing his legacy. He was a straight-up creep who died in an illegal drug haze, surrounded by circus animals. Yet, just like Roman Polanski, his sexual sins were forgiven because he made money for the suits.

And who wrote this trash. Look at all the false sentences this nut wrote from the beginning to the end. Illegal drug haze. The med MJ used BY A DOCTOR was legal. And body beaching. REALLY when his DEATH REPORT even said MJ has a skin disorder. Whoever this idoit is DEAL WITH IT THAT MICHAEL JACKSON IS LOVED, WILL BE LOVED, even when this clown is dead and gone and this stupid film is gone. This is someone who is jealous of Mike.

&#128513;Once again confirming the obvious lynchmob agenda when it comes to mj.these fools keep digging. They cant even try to hide their pathetic obsession.

Bashir now works for the BBC as a religious reporter. Yeap you cant make it up can you
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Also wade saying he doesnt ''mute mj'' then whats the point of him doing this doco?????????

you cant get any dumber than this dude i swear :lmao:
8701girl;4237873 said:
Excatly theres no way anyone can belive him

The real answer to all of those questions is: &#8220;because it never happened, not by Michael &#8220; but now he needs money but most of all he needs a very good psychiatrist
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Did anyone watch the Channel 5 show? Curious what the tone was...
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Did anyone watch the Channel 5 show? Curious what the tone was...

No. I thought I'd see it on catchup but it's not there yet. Maybe it'll appear later today or over the weekend but I guarantee it's going to get my blood boiling. Still, there's nothing for me to formally complain about unless I see it for myself.

Luckily C5 doesn't attract huge audiences. Somebody said Vine is an MJ fan, but I doubt whether he is well read enough to know the utter, utter bullcrap that was included in the legal documents.

Plus I don't even understand what there is to say before the show has been broadcast?
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Also wade saying he doesnt ''mute mj'' then whats the point of him doing this doco?????????

you cant get any dumber than this dude i swear :lmao:

Wade is a complete joke.

He says he doesn't want money but tried to sell a book, tried to coerce money out of the estate before filing a civil suit, then when unsuccessful he filed a civil suit (which was unsuccessful) and is now going to appeal.

He doesn't want to destroy MJ (muteMJ) then what the hell is the point?

He's trying to convince the public that his motives all about exposing the "truth", I suppose, and not at all about money or spite.


Wade has ALREADY exposed his version of the "truth".
He did it in his legal filings.
He did it on US TV.
He has done it in the press.
He has done it in the new documentary about to be shown.

I think he's well and truly covered off the "truth" angle!

So then if the truth is already told, and he doesn't want any money, WHAT IS THE POINT IN PURSUING THE APPEAL?

The outcome of the civil trial (should it go ahead) is of course Money. Nothing else. Even a troll couldn't argue against that, surely.

So despite, what Wade says, this can ONLY be about Money or muting MJ.

There are NO other options!!
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Theres nothing to say other than to create attention inorder to get ppl to watch it.

If you all want to wind yourself up and get stressed over it then the best way is to go looking for reports ,t v shows etc. It will do you no good.all it will do is make you think this is bigger than it actually is. You are just askig for trouble by looking for opinions that you know will be more than likely negative. Step away from the comp and t v screen and move back into the world where the majority made up their minds decades ago on mj and other than a passing moment dont care one iota as they are to busy trying to work to pay the bills.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Also wade saying he doesnt ''mute mj'' then whats the point of him doing this doco?????????

you cant get any dumber than this dude i swear :lmao:

I don't think you guys calling Robson a dumb are doing good work defending Michael. If this guy is a liar, he's certainly not a dumb. The situation is serious enough not to laugh about it like you do. Please don't do like MJ's haters.

Robson answered that question you're asking. He says he's doing this to do some prevention about child abuse. He says he doesn't care about muting MJ, he is using Michael's name to have the media's attention and communicate about this subject to the most people he can.

I'm not saying he tells the truth. I Just refuse to call him a dumb because avoiding the accusers word is the biggest mistake you can make if you are searching the truth.

I agree!!!! He's an idiot!!!!




In my opinion, there is no way he can answer any of those questions and have his answers make sense.

Someone explained very interesting things about that yesterday. It's a bit long but it shows very well why this case is so complex :

there are many documented cases of children who were abused and denied for years, even in adulthood, until finally brought to light. For many children who were abused, the abuse was carried out by someone close to their family, so they have to deal with feelings of love and hate for that person at the same time. love because it is someone who takes care of you and treats you well (most abusers are charming with children, give them games, get involved with them until they have total confidence and children come to love them very much), on the other hand they hate what they He does that abuser but they think that if he is doing it a person who loves them can not be so bad, they enter into a very difficult mental contradiction.

On the other hand, as abusers are people who are wanted by the abused they feel that they let themselves be abused and feel bad about it, and often do not want to harm that person they want for something that "they let themselves be done",
They are also afraid to tell their truth and to spoil the relationship of the abuser with the family (if this is very close) and if the abuser is too loved or respected they do not want to be the ones who destroy that because they feel responsible for part of the abuse .
They are all contradictory and internal feelings that many children abused as a result of abuse have and continue into adulthood if they are not treated, this explains why many abused have been unable to tell their abuse until decades later, even if they have denied it.

This issue is very delicate and difficult because not all abused children have hated and accused their abusers from the beginning, this usually happens when the abuser is a stranger or does not belong to the family, but if the abuse is on the part of a relative who has treated you well and is someone very close who is considered as a family everything is complicated because children come into contradiction because on the one hand the abuser treats them well and on the other abuses them and It is so confused for them and they feel guilty about tell the truth

if there are experts in the documentary they will explain it, in this way it is explained that wade has even defended it. On the other hand James never defended, he said in his lawsuit that he refused to defend him in the trial and did not want any contact with him because in 2005 he knew that Michael had used him as a child and did not want to know anything about him, James is much easier to explain everything. he simply denounced his cause as an adult, when he felt strong. but the subject of wade defending him in the trial will be explained by the psychologists for sure. for those who do not know anything about michael it is very easy to believe them both, even if wade denied everything in the trial, because the subject of the abuse is very complex and the victims react in different ways according
if the abuser is very loved by the people or not, if it has treated them well or not ... it is all very complex.

I only know that psychologists and experts can easily explain those things, so I do not know how a replica of questions and answers could be caught by wade, it all depends on what the documentary explains.
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Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I don't think you guys calling Robson a dumb are doing good work defending Michael. If this guy is a liar, he's certainly not a dumb. The situation is serious enough not to laugh about it like you do. Please don't do like MJ's haters.

Robson answered that question you're asking. He says he's doing this to do some prevention about child abuse. He says he doesn't care about muting MJ, he is using Michael's name to have the media's attention and communicate about this subject to the most people he can.

I'm not saying he tells the truth. I Just refuse to call him a dumb because avoiding the accusers word is the biggest mistake you can make if you are searching the truth.

Someone explained very interesting things about that yesterday. It's a bit long but it explains very well why this case is so complex :
On the contrary, he is incredibly dumb for the trail of lies he's left behind him! He's an absolute moron to the highest degree!

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elusive moonwalker;4237888 said:
Theres nothing to say other than to create attention inorder to get ppl to watch it.

If you all want to wind yourself up and get stressed over it then the best way is to go looking for reports ,t v shows etc. It will do you no good.all it will do is make you think this is bigger than it actually is. You are just askig for trouble by looking for opinions that you know will be more than likely negative. Step away from the comp and t v screen and move back into the world where the majority made up their minds decades ago on mj and other than a passing moment dont care one iota as they are to busy trying to work to pay the bills.

Agree 100%.

The vast majority of people at the moment have no idea about these allegations or that there is a documentary. Obviously that will change to an extent when it is aired on tv, but as it stands that&#8217;s not the case. We shouldn&#8217;t attract more attention to it.

MJ is such a polarising figure that you will ALWAYS come across people with a negative opinion of him, and not much will change their minds. If you ever get into a conversation with someone about it, then calmly explain the facts, but there&#8217;s no point seeking out tabloid articles etc as it isn&#8217;t going to help your own state of mind. There will forever be sleazy tabloid stories about MJ and that will never change.
dmehta;4237891 said:
Agree 100%.

The vast majority of people at the moment have no idea about these allegations or that there is a documentary. Obviously that will change to an extent when it is aired on tv, but as it stands that&#8217;s not the case. We shouldn&#8217;t attract more attention to it.

MJ is such a polarising figure that you will ALWAYS come across people with a negative opinion of him, and not much will change their minds. If you ever get into a conversation with someone about it, then calmly explain the facts, but there&#8217;s no point seeking out tabloid articles etc as it isn&#8217;t going to help your own state of mind. There will forever be sleazy tabloid stories about MJ and that will never change.

I respectfully disagree.

In the VAST majority of cases the reason that MJ polarises people, and the reason that there are so many anti-MJ trolls on the net (and in "real life") is because of what they read about him in the press.

The only way for MJ fans to voice their objections and to point out the truth is to actually go out there and express themselves.
If you're sitting silent you're a part of the problem. You're certainly not part of the solution.

Every time I see somebody state that MJ had possessed illegal images of children, I will add a comment saying it's not true. That is a VERY damaging thing to accuse somebody of and it is factually incorrect. Why on Earth shouldn't people counter that? I won't always get sucked into an argument about it, but if I do it is ALWAYS very clear that the opposition has a very limited grasp of the reality of what they're discussing. They are totally clueless but think they're experts because of the "truth" they read in their favourite newspaper or site.
MJTruth;4237892 said:
I respectfully disagree.

In the VAST majority of cases the reason that MJ polarises people, and the reason that there are so many anti-MJ trolls on the net (and in "real life") is because of what they read about him in the press.

The only way for MJ fans to voice their objections and to point out the truth is to actually go out there and express themselves.
If you're sitting silent you're a part of the problem. You're certainly not part of the solution.

Every time I see somebody state that MJ had possessed illegal images of children, I will add a comment saying it's not true. That is a VERY damaging thing to accuse somebody of and it is factually incorrect. Why on Earth shouldn't people counter that? I won't always get sucked into an argument about it, but if I do it is ALWAYS very clear that the opposition has a very limited grasp of the reality of what they're discussing. They are totally clueless but think they're experts because of the "truth" they read in their favourite newspaper or site.

I agree with much of what you&#8217;ve said. We SHOULD state the facts wherever we see misinformation.

All im saying is that you will always get sleazy tabloid articles about him and that won&#8217;t change. We should challenge people who make statements that are factually inaccurate, but if we are going to seek out tabloid articles and then get in a rage about it, you will forever be angry.

My bigger concern is when mainstream, more respected media outlets start jumping on the story. Which is why the fact that this doc is going to be shown on Channel 4 and HBO is so disappointing. The Sun or the National Enquirer printing a garbage MJ story is nothing new and will never change.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I wonder if Dan Reed got in touch with some of those jurors from the 2005 trial who came out afterwards and said they made a mistake for the film.