Michael's Manhood Thread - 18+ (Read The First Post For Rules!)

@zinniabooklover how am I supposed to go to work with you bumping this?!? Yes I know it was yesterday afternoon but I’m just now getting to it. I feel faint.

God he knew what he was doing with those belts, didn’t he? I love how they emphasize every deep thrust he gives us (did i word it this way just to torture myself? I can’t be sure). Also the creases across his stomach and chest, and the sheen of the fabric, emphasize his abs working and it’s sooooo hot. And that facial expression!! Omg.

This whole thing is like watching him f- … I’ll stop there 😂

Seriously, it is actually INSANE the effect this gif and so many of them (all?) have on me. I swear watching Michael perform is the most intense foreplay lol
Every word. Pure gold.

The more I see of these type of gifs - and this one in particular - I do feel it is exactly like watching him ... ahem ... you know. I mean, EXACTLY. I've seen some great, sexy gifs but this one is some whole other ... something. 🥵 And, yes, the creases in the top. It's why I kept going on about the fabric and the play of light etc etc on the gold leotard. It really does enhance, um, everything. That man sure knew what he was doing. He didn't just have fabulous taste in clothes, he knew exactly how he wanted his stage outfits to support what he was doing physically. Because I absolutely refuse to believe it's just coincedence (sp?). He definitely knew.

Just wanna give a quick shout out to his gorgeous waistline. Highlighted so very beautifully in this gif, especially from this particular angle.

And, yeah, all the different types of belt arrangements. Just intoxicating. And those, er, deep thrusts ... hang on, is this Manhood?

<quick check>

oh, thank god. Better stop, though. I can feel my fragile self-control slipping.

Yeah, I'm sorry (not sorry) I bumped all those photos when you were at work, lol. What can I say? The time zone thing often slips my mind. And Michael is messing with my mind, anyway. These days it's mostly 🥵
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I completely understand what you mean. It’s not about Michael’s technical perfection as a danced, but something underlying it.

The only thing I can compare his dancing to is his voice (cue the “what is it about his voice?” Thread lol). The technical gorgeousness of his voice isn’t what makes me obsessed with it. It’s something else that runs deeper.
Thank you. This is what I was trying to express in an answer I posted to Hiker. I failed completely to get close to what I was trying to say but this right here sums it up very neatly. Hiker quite rightly pointed out Michael's superior technical perfection as a dancer; she also mentioned his fantastic ability to use his body in a particular way to get the effect he wanted. But I do feel very strongly that his genius goes way beyond his physical perfection. It definitely is something that runs deeper.

Same thing with dancing. The backup dancers are all great but I feel nothing lol. I mean, to be fair, I barely look at them. Michael is magnetic and it takes actual effort to draw my gaze away from him. But in this clip for example, something about it just feels like Michael is completely authentic and communicating something real about himself, whereas with the other dancer it looks like a performance. And there is nothing inherently wrong with looking like you’re performing when you are. That’s what I would say is the case of like 95% of artists lol. But with Michael it never looks put on, it just looks real. Deeply, thoroughly, real. It’s like a translation of himself. Somehow you feel closer to him just watching him shimmy around a stage. It’s mind blowing. It’s magic.
Thank you again. The back up dancer was doing exactly that, performing. Which is what he gets paid to do and he's doing it very well. It's like if you watch Mike Peters and Vince Paterson in Beat It. They both perform the dance routine very well. But if you compare what they are doing with what Michael is doing - chalk and cheese. There IS no comparison.

"It's like a translation of himself."

So beautifully put. He takes himself and what he is doing and turns it into some other thing. Like he's taking something rather lovely - embroidery silk, for example - and spinning it into pure gold. It truly is magic.

I love this comment. So much for me to think about.
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Every word. Pure gold.

The more I see of these type of gifs - and this one in particular - I do feel it is exactly like watching him ... ahem ... you know. I mean, EXACTLY. I've seen some great, sexy gifs but this one is some whole other ... something. 🥵 And, yes, the creases in the top. It's why I kept going on about the fabric and the play of light etc etc on the gold leotard. It really does enhance, um, everything. That man sure knew what he was doing. He didn't just have fabulous taste in clothes, he knew exactly how he wanted his stage outfits to support what he was doing physically. Because I absolutely refuse to believe it's just coincedence (sp?). He definitely knew.

Just wanna give a quick shout out to his gorgeous waistline. Highlighted so very beautifully in this gif, especially from this particular angle.

And, yeah, all the different types of belt arrangements. Just intoxicating. And those, er, deep thrusts ... hang on, is this Manhood?

<quick check>

oh, thank god. Better stop, though. I can feel my fragile self-control slipping.

Yeah, I'm sorry (not sorry) I bumped all those photos when you were at work, lol. What can I say? The time zone thing often slips my mind. And Michael is messing with my mind, anyway. These days it's mostly 🥵

LOL remember when you didn't think of Michael sexually at all?? Look at you now! I am so proud hahah

But yes, everything you said here I agree with 1000000%. It is EXACTLY like watching him ______ and it makes my mind explode 🥵 :p. These types of gifs and these types of moves are my absolute favorite of him (aside from him smiling because his smile is so gorgeous I get butterflies just thinking about it -- although sometimes it's close lol). This is one of the many reasons watching his performances is something I can hardly survive sometimes because it turns me into an absolute mess. His movements were just so electrifying, sensual, and sexual and often in ways that seem completely subconscious. Like, we have already firmly established that he was clearly going for this reaction through his movement and stylizing it with his clothing, accessories, etc. so that with enough watching we couldn't help but see him this way...

BUT -- I also think some of this kind of movement was just happening without thinking, which makes it even sexier. Because I think what it all boils down to is that he was just naturally, authentically, an incredibly sexy man with massive MASSIVE sex appeal.

Let's talk about the thrusting for a minute lol.

We have this deep thrusting here...this passionate, sweaty thrusting like he's letting us know no one else will ever satisfy us again... 🥵:ROFLMAO:

But then... you have this more sensual, gentle, rocking kind of thrusting that feels completely instinctual and just like it's sex oozing from him...

There are so many moments like that one, above. Specifically, there are moments in some of the Bad performances of She's Out of My Life when he does the gentle, rocking thrusts and I can't handle it. I mean, these are not sexy songs all the time, is what I'm saying, and yet still he is being so.... ugh.

Why does he have to move like this?! To make that last GIF I ended up watching a few other performances including Rock with You at Wembley, which I'm obsessed with, and sometimes it honestly feels like he's going to explode with how much is inside of him. At any given moment, his body is moving so many different ways with variations of subtlety it makes me want to cry because I take it all in and I feel like I can't recover from it.

I don't even know what I'm saying anymore lol.

Oh and yes, I completely understood your comments about the fabric this whole time haha. I just get really caught up thinking about what's beneath the fabric. That's my problem. I have a hard time controlling my imagination and keeping it from going to X rated places lol.

Poor Michael. I'm so sorry. I hope you know how much I respect you and love you as a human being. You're just too much for my fragile human heart.
Mesmerizing. Hypnotic. I can watch this gif all day lol. That bounce is what my literal dreams are made of haha

Speaking of Shakira, I am in love with her too lol. I’ve had a crush on her since before Hips Dont Lie, but in high school that song and video was everything to me. She’s so amazing!

Until Michael, I never thought I’d say I loved anyone’s dancing more than hers but… I mean… it’s Michael Jackson. Of course he slays all competition in my eyes!
OMG, I was the same. I love Shakira. Someone had sent me Hips Don't lie video for all her shoulder and hip isolation movements. And I was like - "Wow! this girl can move! she is the best". Though after watching Michael, I am like, you had no idea was "can move" and "best" mean. For a normal person she is still VERY good. But Michael is just whole another level of dancer.
@zinniabooklover how am I supposed to go to work with you bumping this?!? Yes I know it was yesterday afternoon but I’m just now getting to it. I feel faint.

God he knew what he was doing with those belts, didn’t he? I love how they emphasize every deep thrust he gives us (did i word it this way just to torture myself? I can’t be sure). Also the creases across his stomach and chest, and the sheen of the fabric, emphasize his abs working and it’s sooooo hot. And that facial expression!! Omg.

This whole thing is like watching him f- … I’ll stop there 😂

Seriously, it is actually INSANE the effect this gif and so many of them (all?) have on me. I swear watching Michael perform is the most intense foreplay lol
I finally get the purpose of that big heavy belt! 🥵 And the creases! you can just feel how that body is moving. I find the dangerous outfit so hot for that same purpose, its emphasizes every movement, and lines of his body. But maybe I do need to examine the bad outfit some more.

The more I see of these type of gifs - and this one in particular - I do feel it is exactly like watching him ... ahem ... you know. I mean, EXACTLY. I've seen some great, sexy gifs but this one is some whole other ... something. 🥵 And, yes, the creases in the top. It's why I kept going on about the fabric and the play of light etc etc on the gold leotard. It really does enhance, um, everything. That man sure knew what he was doing. He didn't just have fabulous taste in clothes, he knew exactly how he wanted his stage outfits to support what he was doing physically. Because I absolutely refuse to believe it's just coincedence (sp?). He definitely knew.
Definitely not a coincidence on the outfits. He wanted his clothes to dance and move with him. They were all very carefully crafted to show exactly what he wants to show and produce the effect he wanted to have. (Michael Bush talks about him wanting his clothes to dance part, rest is me ;) )
Thank you. This is what I was trying to express in an answer I posted to Hiker. I failed completely to get close to what I was trying to say but this right here sums it up very neatly. Hiker quite rightly pointed out Michael's superior technical perfection as a dancer; she also mentioned his fantastic ability to use his body in a particular way to get the effect he wanted. But I do feel very strongly that his genius goes way beyond his physical perfection. It definitely is something that runs deeper.
yeah! Completely agree, its not just the technique. He is a very natural dancer, rhythm just lives in his body. I don't know if he really thinks about many of those moves, or they just happen. But I agree that he is not just dancing, he is making a statement with every move. And some of those are "I am sexy and I know it!" or "I am too sexy for my gold pants" or "take that ladies! you thought I can't get sexier! ;) :D .
I am sure a lot of the steps are practices to perfection, but some are spontaneous because you can see the differences in live performance.
But then... you have this more sensual, gentle, rocking kind of thrusting that feels completely instinctual and just like it's sex oozing from him...

There are so many moments like that one, above. Specifically, there are moments in some of the Bad performances of She's Out of My Life when he does the gentle, rocking thrusts and I can't handle it. I mean, these are not sexy songs all the time, is what I'm saying, and yet still he is being so.... ugh.
Oh! That is Human Nature. I don't know if the song is meant to be sexy, but his performance .... uh huh, 🥵🔥 Its not Come Together sexy, its more calm type of sexy, sensual, like he is taking his time, enjoying the moves and wants you to enjoy too ........... I don't know what I am saying anymore .......
LOL remember when you didn't think of Michael sexually at all?? Look at you now! I am so proud hahah
I think the easy answer here is - the internet. It's that simple. I see so many more images of Michael than I ever did before. It's impossible not to respond. I'm not really an online person. I'd rather stare at the sky. I mostly went to the internet for info. No-one else has ever got me spending this much time online. Only Michael has been able to get me here. This world of Michael images is something else. A feast for all the senses. It was only yesterday that you posted a gold leotard photo that had me bursting into tears and then spending the rest of the day shaken. And it's not surprising because it's in the context of some of the other images I've seen recently. Sexual Power and Beautiful Restraint / MM90 - air guitar / Hiker - my fave gold leotard which I found in the archive - the black pvc jacket gif / MM90. These are very different to the type of images that were routinely in the papers back in the day. Now it's all 🔥

But yes, everything you said here I agree with 1000000%. It is EXACTLY like watching him ______ and it makes my mind explode 🥵 :p. These types of gifs and these types of moves are my absolute favorite of him (aside from him smiling because his smile is so gorgeous I get butterflies just thinking about it -- although sometimes it's close lol).
I think the first time I really thought this was when I came across the black Bad top gif. I'd had intimations before but that image really made me go, 'er, what now?' And then when I came across this silver top gif that just finished me off. Yeah, it does make your mind - and maybe some other things - explode. Just can't see any other way to look at that image. 😲

His movements were just so electrifying, sensual, and sexual
See, for me it's still more about the dancing than anything even though I'm loving this 'evolving' phase I'm going through. I would say exactly this about his dancing. He is sexual when he dances but it isn't (for me) the main focus. When I watch him dance or move it's almost Zen. I can isolate one particular moment and it will be so complete, so meaningful, so beautiful, so profound that nothing else can touch it.

1 - Beat It - the bit in the corridor where he's backlit and he kind of turns his legs to the side and creates that amazing silhouette.
2 - SC - so many moments but the main one, actually, I don't even know how to describe it. It's immediately after the little African American kid has done his dance moves in the alleyway with Sean Lennon watching. This is the 4 minute version, btw. The time stamp is approx 2m 52s, IIRC. If that was the only moving image of Michael I was allowed to keep I'd be OK. It's so perfect and so ... it's everything.

I could go on but you get my drift. There is also that graceful curve he creates. When Michael leans back (at the end of MITM?) that's another Zen moment. The angle of his body, the beautiful curve. Is he cutting through the golden section? I have no idea. I know nothing about art. But there is something going on there that just sends me into something ... I dunno, it's just breathtaking.

Like, we have already firmly established that he was clearly going for this reaction through his movement and stylizing it with his clothing, accessories, etc. so that with enough watching we couldn't help but see him this way...
Exactly so. 'With enough watching ... ' I'm seeing a whole new side to Michael simply because I can. Obviously, Michael's fans saw all this back in the day. I didn't. I was all wrapped up in my Zen moments. I clearly needed all this stuff the internet is throwing at me. I'm not complaining. Bring it on! Having access to SO much material and being able to watch / look as much as I want ... it's just Wow! 😊

BUT -- I also think some of this kind of movement was just happening without thinking, which makes it even sexier. Because I think what it all boils down to is that he was just naturally, authentically, an incredibly sexy man with massive MASSIVE sex appeal.
God, yeah. There's nothing I can add to this. The man was just fan - f****** - tastic!!

Let's talk about the thrusting for a minute lol.
Ooh, yes please! And then let's watch it again. And again. And, maybe again. Just to be sure, y'know.

We have this deep thrusting here...this passionate, sweaty thrusting like he's letting us know no one else will ever satisfy us again... 🥵:ROFLMAO:
Sigh. Yes, the deep thrusting. Which leads to 🥵

But then... you have this more sensual, gentle, rocking kind of thrusting that feels completely instinctual and just like it's sex oozing from him...
This is definitely my territory. Don't forget, you're having wild fantasies, I'm having daydreams. I'm better when things are low-key. Michael is too much for me, lol. He definitely isn't trying to be sexy. He just IS. Just to be clear, yes, he does stuff intentionally. A lot of what he does is deliberate. But it is grounded in his natural, erotic, sexual power and charisma. It is just there and he uses it and shapes it any way he wants whenever he wants. But, yeah, 'rocking', 'oozing'. Now my thoughts are going to very 'interesting' places. Mm ...

Why does he have to move like this?! To make that last GIF I ended up watching a few other performances including Rock with You at Wembley, which I'm obsessed with, and sometimes it honestly feels like he's going to explode with how much is inside of him. At any given moment, his body is moving so many different ways with variations of subtlety it makes me want to cry because I take it all in and I feel like I can't recover from it.
Exactly so. I veer wildly from feeling like all my responses are fine and wonderful and I'm loving it etc. Next minute, the exquisite torture is too much and I feel like I can't cope, can't contain it, don't understand it and certainly can never recover from it. It's fabulous but there is definitely a 'torture' element to all of this. Which I haven't experienced with anyone else which I think is why I don't know how to cope. I have never been through anything like this before so I have no point of reference.

I don't even know what I'm saying anymore lol.
Me neither. We're all in the same boat. Don't we all say this over and over? I love him but he turns my brain to mush. My emotions, whatever ... it's all just ... all over the place.
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Re: Michael's Manhood - Explicit pictures are NOT allowed
I think this will always be my fave gold leotard photo. It has everything. ❤️‍🔥
Omg there is so much happening here and I’m going to lose it lol. I have so many feelings and so much to say, but I don’t have time at this moment. So instead I will share a GIF I made earlier today but didn’t have time to post!

It is from the MTV 10th anniversary performance. This is during the Black or White section. For a number of reasons the whole performance of Black or White/will you be there are not my favorite Michael performances, but they are still objectively amazing. And he looks INSANELY hot and sexy in the whole thing.

This particular moment did things to me and I knew it had to be gifed lol

Re: Michael's Manhood - Explicit pictures are NOT allowed


we've seen this one...but daaaaayuummmm.....:fear:

Ok… @zinniabooklover there is a lot I need to reply to with this. Yes, intense is the word. But also…

Have you, or anyone, stared at his crotch as hard as I have in this picture because GOD I can’t handle it. Everything else in this picture slays me too… his face and lips, the buckles on his legs, his fists clenching, the curve of his body in that position…. But the impression we see in the crotch area is going to keep me awake at night lol

God I love this man. I love him so much lol
Omg there is so much happening here and I’m going to lose it lol. I have so many feelings and so much to say, but I don’t have time at this moment. So instead I will share a GIF I made earlier today but didn’t have time to post!

It is from the MTV 10th anniversary performance. This is during the Black or White section. For a number of reasons the whole performance of Black or White/will you be there are not my favorite Michael performances, but they are still objectively amazing. And he looks INSANELY hot and sexy in the whole thing.

This particular moment did things to me and I knew it had to be gifed lol

Love this so much!! It gets better every time I watch it 🥰

Girl you and me both! I'm multitasking over here with doing notes for my final and whatnot, yet I'm so distracted :ROFLMAO:

Have you, or anyone, stared at his crotch as hard as I have in this picture because GOD I can’t handle it. Everything else in this picture slays me too… his face and lips, the buckles on his legs, his fists clenching, the curve of his body in that position…. But the impression we see in the crotch area is going to keep me awake at night lol

God I love this man. I love him so much lol
Just everything about this man I love lol

Thank god I'm not the only one that literally stared right at his crotch first thing...my goodness we know what he's packing lol ;)
Have you, or anyone, stared at his crotch as hard as I have in this picture because GOD I can’t handle it. Everything else in this picture slays me too… his face and lips, the buckles on his legs, his fists clenching, the curve of his body in that position…. But the impression we see in the crotch area is going to keep me awake at night lol

oh, don't worry you are not alone, what a view! I am starting to have my doubts if underwear were involved in Bad outfit either or everything was held together with those belts and buckles! Mikezilla keeps making appearances even in this outfit.

Thank god I'm not the only one that literally stared right at his crotch first thing...my goodness we know what he's packing lol ;)

but, you girls really!
OK, girls, you're making me feel a little bit guilty now. Not only is there a massive time zone difference (not so bad for me and Hiker, I think, as she is in Europe) but also a massive difference at the moment re what we are all doing. I'm not a student with finals looming nor am I a teacher with a bunch of students to get through end of year exams or whatever. Hiker had a big presentation the other day and I don't have to wrestle with those either. I do have way too many domestic responsibilities but they are not subject to deadlines.

So I'm not gonna do any bumping today. I always do so many, as well. Which I love to do but can see it's maybe a bit too intense or at least quite time consuming. The one thing I was gonna do was go over to Fave Pics and look for 2 or 3 calming photos. Gotta tell you, girls, I am so done with the 'photoshopped' thing. It's really starting to annoy me. I've reached the stage where I only want to bump photos from his shows. At least that way I know they are genuine. It's slightly limiting but that's where I am with that just now. Maybe that'll change, I dunno.
I think this will always be my fave gold leotard photo. It has everything. ❤️‍🔥

oh ya, this is my all time favourites! Michael in dangerously sexy outfit, pouting, touching himself like no care in the world! I just noticed the little piece of jewelery around his neck! It has special place in my mind (which is getting very crowded these days though)
OK, girls, you're making me feel a little bit guilty now. Not only is there a massive time zone difference (not so bad for me and Hiker, I think, as she is in Europe) but also a massive difference at the moment re what we are all doing. I'm not a student with finals looming nor am I a teacher with a bunch of students to get through end of year exams or whatever. Hiker had a big presentation the other day and I don't have to wrestle with those either. I do have way too many domestic responsibilities but they are not subject to deadlines.

So I'm not gonna do any bumping today. I always do so many, as well. Which I love to do but can see it's maybe a bit too intense or at least quite time consuming. The one thing I was gonna do was go over to Fave Pics and look for 2 or 3 calming photos. Gotta tell you, girls, I am so done with the 'photoshopped' thing. It's really starting to annoy me. I've reached the stage where I only want to bump photos from his shows. At least that way I know they are genuine. It's slightly limiting but that's where I am with that just now. Maybe that'll change, I dunno.
oh don't feel guilty! I love all the photos that you bump, I don't have to hunt for new material ;) Its a real time saver :D .
Keep on looking for treasure in this 1200+ page thread :)
Re: Michael's Manhood - Explicit pictures are NOT allowed

Look at his BAD tour costume
OK, I lied. Here I am bumping this image. :D

I wasn't going to bump this one - came across it weeks ago - but have just seen Hiker's question re Michael's, ahem, 'undergarment' situation on the Bad tour. So here we are, ladies.

I assume this is genuine. If it is, the cod piece doesn't seem to have done a very good job. Male ballet dancers have to wear them and they are not revealing anything. So Michael's is obviously of some different sort of design. Seems weird for the cod piece to be attached to the outside of the costume. That makes no sense. Surely it should be stitched to the other side?

I don't really know about such things. Whatever. I'm bumping this for your consideration.
OK, I lied. Here I am bumping this image. :D

I wasn't going to bump this one - came across it weeks ago - but have just seen Hiker's question re Michael's, ahem, 'undergarment' situation on the Bad tour. So here we are, ladies.

I assume this is genuine. If it is, the cod piece doesn't seem to have done a very good job. Male ballet dancers have to wear them and they are not revealing anything. So Michael's is obviously of some different sort of design. Seems weird for the cod piece to be attached to the outside of the costume. That makes no sense. Surely it should be stitched to the other side?

I don't really know about such things. Whatever. I'm bumping this for your consideration.
That is a very odd piece of attachment, can't tell if its real. Male ballett dancers wear similar dancer's belt which is suppose to hold everything in place and smoothen out their front area. They don't have things floating around while dancing! So the technology to keep Mikezilla in place existed :) Michael was probably going for a different look ;) Or maybe Mikezilla was too strong to keep in place and wanted to keep coming out to see what's all the oohs and aahs are about ;) Either way, no one is complaining. Michael has his style and he makes it work!

oh ya, this is my all time favourites! Michael in dangerously sexy outfit, pouting, touching himself like no care in the world! I just noticed the little piece of jewelery around his neck! It has special place in my mind (which is getting very crowded these days though)
Oh, you posted it again. Sigh. You could literally post this every day and I would never get tired of seeing it. I do have it saved and it's in my slideshow but the more places I can see it, the more times I come across it in a day ... omg ... gotta be happy about that.

And, yes, that thin silver chain. Like the one in GITM video. Just gorgeous. God, that man had taste, he had style, he had class. And here he is just oozing sex. We need to keep sw23's word. 'Oozing' just sums up the whole 'thang'. 🥵 ❤️‍🔥