The Brad Sunberg Seminar Leak/Theft of 2023


Proud Member
Nov 3, 2022
So as most of you know, Brad Sunberg's laptop was stolen during a seminar in Brussel, other people have more details, but as of now, any song could leak sadly, This is so infuriating to me and all of you probably, I won't stop you from listening to the leaks (theres only 1 as of now I believe), but unless if you wanna wait for an official release of them, go ahead and wait many many years, just a sad situation for Brad, he deserved none of this and shouldn't have to go through this
Absolutely disgusting. No media stemming from this theft should be promoted in any form in any part of this community. I know we’re better than this.
The MJ community has once again proven that they will do quite literally anything for unleaked songs. This is why the Estate doesn't release things for us - because some people are this desperate for songs.

Quite sad for Brad, I hope he gets his stuff back.
Quite sad for Brad, I hope he gets his stuff back.
It’s not about that, Brad had backups. It doesn’t matter if he’ll get his laptop back if the contents on it is now all out there. It’s rather about taking away from Brad to be able to share all these stories and songs that he’s been involved with. He’s dedicated so much time and effort to present this to whomever wanted to hear it. You’d get backstories from the man who was there to see it come together in the first place. Now, it’s in the hands of the lowliest of lowest in the so-called fan community. Songs will get traded, small snippets be posted, alterations of the source material may happen at any time and you’ll have no way to tell. The worst part, I’d say, it’ll reach its audience without a proper context (I’d like to stress that one).

Brad might even get in legal troubles for this!

A vile and disgusting act that I wouldn’t want no, however small, part in. I sincerely hope that, at this point in time, this community can unite in drawing a line. ’Cause a line has to be drawn.
I don't understand what leakers get out of it. Why do it?
it's crazy! I don't like how it happend though! Glad to hear the songs in HQ, but this is crazy! Looks like a movie!
It’s not about that, Brad had backups. It doesn’t matter if he’ll get his laptop back if the contents on it is now all out there. It’s rather about taking away from Brad to be able to share all these stories and songs that he’s been involved with. He’s dedicated so much time and effort to present this to whomever wanted to hear it. You’d get backstories from the man who was there to see it come together in the first place. Now, it’s in the hands of the lowliest of lowest in the so-called fan community. Songs will get traded, small snippets be posted, alterations of the source material may happen at any time and you’ll have no way to tell. The worst part, I’d say, it’ll reach its audience without a proper context (I’d like to stress that one).

Brad might even get in legal troubles for this!

A vile and disgusting act that I wouldn’t want no, however small, part in. I sincerely hope that, at this point in time, this community can unite in drawing a line. ’Cause a line has to be drawn.
I really hope he won't, because none of this is his fault. The only person who should get into legal trouble is the thief.
I also don't understand what the thief got out of it? Are they planning to make huge amount of money from this? Are people still buying Michael's unreleased unfinished songs and demos? Or the person thought of themselves as entitled to this music as they call themselves a "fan"!! Michael would be so "proud" :rolleyes: