Let's end the confusion about MJ's unreleased tracks here

UNKNOWN BRAD BUXER TRACK - I don't know the title of this song, but from what I've heard, I'm guessing that it is the long-time speculated Bottom of My Heart. I've only heard about 25-30 seconds of it, though. It is similar to Heal the World and Cry in terms of music; a smooth drum track that is slightly buried under the strings, pianos and guitars. Lyrically, it leans towards What More Can I Give and We Are the World. It's a down-tempo ballad about a tragedy. (If my memory serves me correctly, it was aimed towards a Hurricane Katrina disaster in 2006.) Michael even borrows a few ad-libs from What More Can I Give in the song ("Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" and "Teaching, I'm preaching my brother!"). The version I heard was taken from the ending of the song, where I assume a choir would have been inserted; however, since it's an unfinished song, it's just multi-layered vocals of Michael. "Sending love from the bottom of my heart."
UNKNOWN REDONE TRACK - This 30-second snippet of a RedOne song was played to me over a phone conversation, so I couldn't really make out everything that Michael was saying. Sounded something like, "...wasting your time with a man... let's get on the floor, babe!" He talks to RedOne, referring to him by his actual name (Nadir), saying "Nadir, turn this up a bit... little more... alright!" Michael even busts out a "hee! hee! hee!" which he hasn't done since Privacy back in 2001. I really missed hearing him do that. Musically sounds like a mix of Pokerface by Lady Gaga and the rhythm of Speed Demon.
Also, this might be the song in the Jeffree Phillips collection, Dance for Love?
What do we know about the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory soundtrack that Michael apparently wrote? I know we likely won't ever hear it, but I know nothing about it.
The others could be the Instrumental Grooves from the Rene Sessions. Revenge, Ask Rene, Bombay Nights etc.
The others could be the Instrumental Grooves from the Rene Sessions. Revenge, Ask Rene, Bombay Nights etc.
“Bombay Nights” actually has a vocal. Several demos from the HIStory sessions, including this one, went up for auction on Ebay a couple of years ago. The seller said “Bombay Nights” has a scratch vocal.
“Bombay Nights” actually has a vocal. Several demos from the HIStory sessions, including this one, went up for auction on Ebay a couple of years ago. The seller said “Bombay Nights” has a scratch vocal.
Wasn't Korgnex the one who purchased it? I remember him sharing a photo with all those tapes including "Family Thing" and a bunch of other instrumentals.
What do we know about the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory soundtrack that Michael apparently wrote? I know we likely won't ever hear it, but I know nothing about it.
Rumour has it that one of the tracks is called Coco Butter.:poop:
“Bombay Nights” actually has a vocal. Several demos from the HIStory sessions, including this one, went up for auction on Ebay a couple of years ago. The seller said “Bombay Nights” has a scratch vocal.
I've read the Ebay ad before and don't remember it saying "Bombay Night" had vocals. Do you still have a screenshot?
I've read the Ebay ad before and don't remember it saying "Bombay Night" had vocals. Do you still have a screenshot?
I don't recall it either. Most I've heard was an user here claiming that someone they knew had bought the song on an auction and that it had vocals, but there was no reply on that.