30th Anniversary; which songs were rehearsed?


Proud Member
Jun 17, 2017
Howdy ho, I don't post too often in the forums, but a thought just randomly popped into my head & I need help remembering some things.

Does anybody have a list of all songs rehearsed for the 30th Anniversary concert? There's a couple songs floating in my head but I can't remember if they were just a rumor or not. I'll post a list of the ones I do remember. Other than the ones that actually made it to the show, those were:
  • Heartbreak Hotel [Confident on this one]
  • Thriller [Either this or Dangerous had a costume shown off]
  • Dangerous [Check above]
  • One Day in Your Life (w/ Whitney Houston) [From the guy that had/saw footage]
Not counting the "Stranger in Moscow" duet with Jermaine since that was just spontaneous during rehearsals. Are there any songs I'm missing, or is one of the songs I listed incorrect? Let me know.
Yo. What?
It was in a book, Michael & Jermaine began singing "Stranger in Moscow" together iirc.
I can't help you

BUT if that happened, I need the footage...!
There was an image & I think it got reposted in the forum recently. The dude never released the footage & I think he's anti-Michael nowadays.