BREAKING NEWS: Murray no longer contests that Jackson orally ingested Propofol

Well, that makes them look foolish, now doesn't it?

From what I read, they're still planning on saying Michael administered his own dose and died that way. Yeah, fat chance the jury will buy that one, especially after they've retracted their original statement. :smilerolleyes:
It's about time they ended this farse of a trial. Murry is as guilty as homemade sin!
Looks like they just might throw out their theory mj administered his own dose soon too ! by the way things are going for them it wouldnt surprise me
Well, that makes them look foolish, now doesn't it?

From what I read, they're still planning on saying Michael administered his own dose and died that way. Yeah, fat chance the jury will buy that one, especially after they've retracted their original statement. :smilerolleyes:

Makes one wonder what the defence is gonna make up...........injected himself???.......

It's about time they ended this farse of a trial. Murry is as guilty as homemade sin!

Yes, they should end this farce!!!!......lock him up and throw the key away!!!!
So what's their strategy now? That MJ died because of Lorezapam?
Fleak removing the syringe from the floor before taking a pic of it will become an issue now, they might very well claim that was the syringe MJ used to rapidly infuse the propofol . One of the paramedics testified during the preliminary hearing it was Murray who grapped that syringe and gave it to them. Walgren should re call the paramedic and ask him where that particular syringe came from . I knew that syringe would become an issue and was really worried when Brazil did not ask the paramedics about that syringe.

At that point, Dr. Murray held up a hypodermic needle with a blue color, and said, “We could use this here. The team said, “That’s okay.” Witness thought that was odd because they had asked about drugs and Dr. Murray said he had given none. The size of the needle caught his attention. It was a 24 gage [ed. note: small gauge needle.]
it was actually a needle not the syringe . I don't think anyone mentioned a needle found there right? was this the other part of the syringe which Fleak removed from the floor? probably we will never know!!
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