“Chicago 1945 was done prior to Al Capone”, Matt Forger: the secrets of BAD 25

Thing is all demos from the final songs could be released. It is just a matter of time ;)
Cool! Great article.
I always imagined Al Capone being first, and then Chicago 1945 and Smooth Criminal.
was a demo Hot fever even recorded? Maybe it was only on paper and was changed to twymmf before recording anything of the song.
Love reading all these tidbits of his songs...Always layers and layers to discover :D
Thank you so much Richard. Great article. It was a fascinating read. I love to discover all these details and background on Michael's songwriting prowess. Now I can't wait to hear Chicago 1945 and the latest reincarnation of DBMA. It is interesting to also learn the I'm so Blue is basically a finished song for everybody but MJ! He was such a perfectionist, because to me it is a perfect song already,
Thanks enjoyed reading that, shame about Groove Of Midnight would of like to heard it :( but hopefully well have the complete Smooth Criminal Trilogy soon with Chicago 1945 :)
anyone know if the chicago 1945 song is out there? any collectors have this song?
Thanks for your comments.
Hope we will all live long to dicsover more treasures from the archives. Even a draft is an important document that helps document the legacy.
A Smooth Criminal EP with the whole trilogy + bonus would be cool :D
Chicago 1945, Al Capone, Smooth Criminal (first pressing version), Smooth Criminal (second version), Chicago 1945 (2001 version).
Great read, Richard! Much thanks :)

Any other MJ articles coming our way? I'm really interested in hearing more about his post-Invincible material, if you've ever considered it.
Watch out Pentum, You are you going to have a bunch of PM's wanting to hear some snippets of Chicago 1945..lol

I know this is completely off topic but I know someone out there has Men In Black and I am suprized it hasn't leaked YET!.
Great read, Richard! Much thanks :)

Any other MJ articles coming our way? I'm really interested in hearing more about his post-Invincible material, if you've ever considered it.

many thanks AlwaysThere !
I have my book now ready in English, hopefully it will be released there soon.

And you are so right, 00's works are very interesting and also need some focus.
A Smooth Criminal EP with the whole trilogy + bonus would be cool :D
Chicago 1945, Al Capone, Smooth Criminal (first pressing version), Smooth Criminal (second version), Chicago 1945 (2001 version).

damn :D stop this utopia!