Formule 1

Also was said that Ferrari usually does contracts with drivers 1½ year before the season begins, so now would be the time do contract for 2009 and there is also rumours Alonso has signed for Ferrari to replace Kimi.

I haven't heard about this!

I hope that it isn't true. I think it depends on how much success is yet to come for Kimi and Ferrari together. He said in an interview that he will stop when he feels uncomfortable and not adore driving anymore. How can he tell and feel it 1 and a half year earlier??? :unsure:

But we are talking about the 2010 season, Kimi has contract till the end of 2009.
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^Yep, and it's all just speculation now, we don't know anything for sure yet.
Räikkönen retirement rumours persist

Hot on the heels of strong speculation that Fernando Alonso has penned a Ferrari agreement for 2010, it is being rumoured again that the Italian team's current star driver Kimi Raikkonen could be soon to retire.

The reports, suggesting that the 28-year-old reigning world champion will not renew his contract beyond next year, appeared on Friday in the German language newspapers Rheinischen Post and TZ.

Rheinischen Post claims that Raikkonen, the laconic Finn, told some friends at a party recently that he does not intend to spend much longer as a Grand Prix racer.

"Kimi loves the driving and hates everything else about Formula One," one of Raikkonen's apparent friend is quoted as telling TZ.

"The public appearances, the life under the spotlight - he doesn't have the desire anymore," the unnamed friend reportedly added.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that today we have ordered our tickets for the Hungarian Grand Prix. We will be attending the Friday's free practice. Our tickets will be for the "Super Gold tribune" where the paddock and the starting grid is. We can go only for that day but it'll be so great fun!!!!!!! I just can't wait! Yay!!!! :D I'll surely make tons of pics! I'll post them I promise!

Here you can watch a great video compilation by Evenstar Saima!

Watch it especially at 5:59!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! It almost made me cry how sad Kimi was during that interview. Like a lost boy.... awwwwwww :wub: I'm sorry for him!
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Räikkönen retirement rumours persist

Hot on the heels of strong speculation that Fernando Alonso has penned a Ferrari agreement for 2010, it is being rumoured again that the Italian team's current star driver Kimi Raikkonen could be soon to retire.

The reports, suggesting that the 28-year-old reigning world champion will not renew his contract beyond next year, appeared on Friday in the German language newspapers Rheinischen Post and TZ.

Rheinischen Post claims that Raikkonen, the laconic Finn, told some friends at a party recently that he does not intend to spend much longer as a Grand Prix racer.

"Kimi loves the driving and hates everything else about Formula One," one of Raikkonen's apparent friend is quoted as telling TZ.

"The public appearances, the life under the spotlight - he doesn't have the desire anymore," the unnamed friend reportedly added.

That's the thing I never wanted to hear - that he doesn't have the desire anymore :no:

Oh, and I forgot to tell you that today we have ordered our tickets for the Hungarian Grand Prix. We will be attending the Friday's free practice. Our tickets will be for the "Super Gold tribune" where the paddock and the starting grid is. We can go only for that day but it'll be so great fun!!!!!!! I just can't wait! Yay!!!! :D I'll surely make tons of pics! I'll post them I promise!

That is so cool! Enjoy being there for me too :D I wish we had F1 circle in Finland too, actually it has been even planned, but now if it really is that Kimi is retiring I don't want it anymore :girl_cry:
That's the thing I never wanted to hear - that he doesn't have the desire anymore :no:

That is so cool! Enjoy being there for me too :D I wish we had F1 circle in Finland too, actually it has been even planned, but now if it really is that Kimi is retiring I don't want it anymore :girl_cry:

He didn't have the desire for the public appearances in his whole career! He has the desire only for the driving! That's why they always attack him that he doesn't like anything related to the business or money in F1 but the driving and only the driving. It doesn't mean that he doesn't want to drive anymore. He said that he enjoys F1 now more than any other years in his career.

Don't be said, you wrote in one of your previous posts that it's only a rumour or a speculation. We don't know the truth. Even maybe Kimi doesn't know what he would like to do after 2009. (But let me say something: if he would be a 3-time-world champion by the end of 2009, then it's ok for me that he wants to retire. :lol:)

I find it strange that Finland doesn't have a F1 circuit. You are among the most successful nations when it comes to F1 world champions! This sport and motorsports in general are really favorite there I believe. Don't talk about Hungary. It was a lucky nation because Bernie wanted a circuit behind the Iron Curtain back then if I remember well. He could have chosen other countries as well. It was sensational to have F1 circuit here in Hungary, I think it's still is.
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Well in Germany it was just in the news on TV that Kimi shall have said something like that.
I'd understand him to be honest. If you're not driven like Michael Schumacher in getting addicted to breaking records and in a way enjoying being the happy showman in public and on stages it should be hard for Kimi to motivate himself by all the side effects f1 brings with itself.
As a champion they force him into something he as the personality he is certainly doesn't like but just has to do as a champion.
So now that he has won it in the amazing way he did last season he maybe only wants to show them he can do it again... but if not there are still more important things for him. And that's very good and nice for him. It's a good way to live a happy life somewhere away from the public.
Wow just think you could stop working with 28 and have enough money to travel the world with all your family for years till you've found the nicest place where you want to live and maybe work with ppl around on whatever is fun for you! lol I could get jealous with Kimi *giggle* but I am happy for him! :cheeky:
Well in Germany it was just in the news on TV that Kimi shall have said something like that.
I'd understand him to be honest. If you're not driven like Michael Schumacher in getting addicted to breaking records and in a way enjoying being the happy showman in public and on stages it should be hard for Kimi to motivate himself by all the side effects f1 brings with itself.
As a champion they force him into something he as the personality he is certainly doesn't like but just has to do as a champion.
So now that he has won it in the amazing way he did last season he maybe only wants to show them he can do it again... but if not there are still more important things for him. And that's very good and nice for him. It's a good way to live a happy life somewhere away from the public.
Wow just think you could stop working with 28 and have enough money to travel the world with all your family for years till you've found the nicest place where you want to live and maybe work with ppl around on whatever is fun for you! lol I could get jealous with Kimi *giggle* but I am happy for him! :cheeky:

Yeah, I know where you are coming from with your post. I think he wants to do it again, because if you are a 1 time world champion they say you were lucky or you have had just a great car. Though I don't think is true, because in F1 someone who is world champion then he deserves it very much. There are so many races, you have to perform great during the season. Not a lot of mistakes are acceptable.

So, when he would do it again then I could understand his retirement wishes. Plus he is not that kind of person who likes the highlights, cameras, interviews, public, etc. He's more like a private person which is not easy in such sport like F1 where PR is very very important.

I think he's not interested in records. He said it somewhere and I believe it's true because when it comes to Kimi, he really means it when he says it. Btw, no one on Earth would be able to do bigger records than Schumacher. I think all F1 pilots or wannabe pilots know this. If you are realistic than you know that it's simply impossible.

Though I think by the end of his career he will be among the greatest (in some statistics he is already among the greatest). I think there are 4 categories if you look at the statistics - I'm not talking about driving skills just what the statistics show):
1. Michael Schumacher
2. Alain Prost, Ayrton Senna
3. Alonso, Lauda, Häkkinen, Fangio, Clark, Mansell, Piquet, etc. (here comes Kimi I think)
4. others
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*giggle* well maybe I'm tooooo convinced but I'm really pretty sure Kimi will be this seasons champion also!!! :hat_wave:
*giggle* well maybe I'm tooooo convinced but I'm really pretty sure Kimi will be this seasons champion also!!! :hat_wave:

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would be more than happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry , I had to steal this cute smiley:hat_wave: :hat_wave: :hat_wave: :hat_wave: :hat_wave:
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Mechi, that is the cutest Ferrari style smiley IMO!

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Here are some great and funny pics

aww :wub:

what a competition :)

:lol: it's great

what a dilemma :unsure: I think he's made the best choice!!!

What does the writing mean?

nice painting


cool pic :)

here are the Ferrari machos :lol:

Hanna, you've said that you like Jenni and Kimi as a couple, I've found a nice wallpaper, here it is :)
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Here are some great and funny pics

what a dilemma :unsure: I think he's made the best choice!!!

What does the writing mean?
It just says: Kimi in front of important decision: Where to go for next season?

nice painting
Wow! I didn't even realize it's actually painting.. very nice! :yes:

Hanna, you've said that you like Jenni and Kimi as a couple, I've found a nice wallpaper, here it is :)

Yes! They are one of my all time favourite couple in the whoole world! And the favourite from Finnish couples :cheeky:
That's nice wallpaper, they look so perfect together.. :wub:

Kimi has bought new boat again, called Sunseeker Predator :yes:
I couldn't find a pic of it but it's really cool what I read from magazine.. it has own crew and everything.. And costs "only" 3.5 million €.
Thanks for the translation. :)

Yeah, they look lovely together. :wub: Though it's a bit funny that Jenni is taller but anyhow if they love each other then it's not a problem at all.

"Only" 3,5 EUR for a boat... :lol: Nice! I would be happy with 1 million EUR for my whole life...
Thanks for the translation. :)

Yeah, they look lovely together. :wub: Though it's a bit funny that Jenni is taller but anyhow if they love each other then it's not a problem at all.

"Only" 3,5 EUR for a boat... :lol: Nice! I would be happy with 1 million EUR for my whole life...

Hahah me too :lol:

And I think it's just cute that Jenni is taller, Kimi looks like cute little hobitti when he's standing next to her :lol: :lol:

p.s. we're achieving the wrestling thread :shifty:
^^^Sometimes when Jenni is on high heels they look like mother and her cute boy... :lol: Overall Kimi isn't that short man with his 1,75 m. Other pilots are way shorter than him. I think there are only 3 quite tall men in F1: Kubica, Webber and Coulthard. They are around 1,80 m.

PS: Go for the wrestling thread :lol:
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Throwing in the towel - or the steering wheel...

One rumour that has been knocking around in Formula 1 circles for a long time is that Kimi Raikkonen will quit Formula 1 at the end of the current year, if he wins a second World Championship. The Finn has been at the forefront in F1 since he joined McLaren Mercedes in 2002. He was then 22 years of age. He quickly became a title contender and was runner-up in the championship in 2003 and 2005. He then switched to Ferrari on what is believed to have been a three-year contract and he won his first World Championship last year. This year he has been a frontrunner but has not seemed as motivated as previously with lacklustre drives in several races.

Most F1 World Champions tend to go on until their late thirties, but retirement at 29 would not be unprecedented. Mike Hawthorn retired at 29 back in 1958, while Jody Scheckter quit at the age of 30 in 1980. James Hunt called it a day at 32 and Mika Hakkinen stopped at 33, a year earlier than Jackie Stewart.

Raikkonen relates particularly to James Hunt and from time to time has been known to compete in events using James Hunt as his pseudonym. This is reported to have happened twice last year in a snowmobile race in Finland and later in a powerboat race in Hanko (in which "James Hunt" appeared wearing a gorilla costume). When asked about it, Kimi said "Was it really me? You don't know."

The usual explanation for early retirement is self-preservation but with the improvements in safety over the years, there has been a switch of attitudes and the pressures of being an F1 driver are often cited as being a good reason to stop racing. The money earned by F1 drivers these days means that most of them who become established can quit whenever they want to as they have enough money to live for the rest of their days without ever needing to work again. What keeps them going is the passion for racing and the joys they get behind the wheel. Most do not know anything else, having raced professionally since their early teens. Few have any qualifications to do anything else. In the past retired champions have run their own teams with different levels of success; others have gone on racing in other championships, some have switched their ambitions to their children, others have turned to life as TV commentators. Only a couple have run successful businesses. Most continue to do promotional work of one form or another.

The latest stories about retirement have been appearing in German newspapers, notably Munich's TZ, which argues that the Finn still likes racing but does not have any interest in all the other things that being a Grand Prix driver entails. With plenty of money in the bank and two World Championships he will have proved that his first title was no fluke and the suggestion is that he would be satisfied to walk away and get away from the media spotlight and live life as he wishes to lead it.

These suggestions have been linked to suggestions that Fernando Alonso has an arrangement in place to join Ferrari. The 27-year-old Spaniard has been frustrated at McLaren and Renault and if he wants to win more titles needs to be at Ferrari. There are other teams that might win races one day but the statistics in modern F1 are very clear: since 1978 only four teams have won titles: Ferrari, McLaren, Williams and Benetton/Renault. Alonso has driven for Renault and McLaren and while Williams might be an option, Ferrari is the logical destination for him. He is a logical driver for Ferrari.

Here's a great comment on this article, and I almost agree with it, but I hope if he would win it this year than he keep driving in 2009, just for fun - and probably for his 3rd world title.

When Kimi would most likely retire, personally I feel he'll keep racing till 2010. His contract expires after the 2009 season, he may quit then or go for another season. All totally depends on what happens in these next two years. If he'll win the world title again this year, making that two consecutive world titles with Ferrari, then I assume he'll call it a day and enjoy life fully like he wants to, but maybe he'll finish off his contract and continue in 2009 to really have the fun we''ve been dying to see since he left McLaren. Then maybe I also call enjoy life and have free weekends again! But until that day comes, and I'm sure most of us are dreading it already, keep flying Kimi because you rock! And we'll support your decision 100% because you've given us a lot of good memories and deserve to have your life back.
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wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome!!!!! This is our unofficial Ferrari smiley: :hat_wave: :hat_wave: :hat_wave: :hat_wave: :hat_wave:

Please, come here as often as you like to!!! We would like to know your thoughts and comments.

We are dedicated Ferrari and/or Kimi Räikkönen fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are 3 people that post often in this thread.

Mechi - from Germany
The One (Hanna) - from Finland
Kinga (me) - from Hungary

We discuss everything related to F1 and mostly we post about Kimi and about the team Ferrari.
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and hopefully me !! from Romania ! that is if i am able to catch the next race :( cuz i've been missing a few races this season ....dunno what's going on with their transmission on tv here .... :hat_wave:
and hopefully me !! from Romania ! that is if i am able to catch the next race :( cuz i've been missing a few races this season ....dunno what's going on with their transmission on tv here .... :hat_wave:
i know that feeling but ..i don't know what's going on...:( they say they broadcast it but they don't or change the hour or something :( i hate that too ...
ps we can also talk on yahoo messenger if you want :)
I have only MSN messenger address.

What do you think about Kimi's retirement rumours/speculations?
i have msn .. but ... i usually use there some political symbols that most ppl consider offending...i'll give my id to you but only if you think you are open minded enough ;)
i think he's too young to retire ... i'd like to see him retiring when he had achievements comparable to Schummacher ..but that's a dream, isn't it ?
:welcome_sign: mjjfelicia!!!!!!

yesssssssssssssssss FERRARI:hat_wave::hat_wave::hat_wave:

well fans of other teams are welcome here also... I heard Hamilton is really popular... but either he has no fans on this board or they just didn't find us... or they don't have the courage for this thread??? lol
i think Hamilton is a great pilot but unfortunately he's not Ferrari pilot... i'd love to see him instead od Massa tho..
I don't care about politics at all. I don't like to talk about it either.

You can give your id in pm.

I think that too, that he's too young to retire. I hope there are some great results in front of him. I think no one could ever achieve Schumacher's records. They are unbeatable. Better not to keep in mind them because it could be frustrating for an F1 driver to always think about his records. And Kimi said it himself that he didn't care about F1 records at all.
i think Hamilton is a great pilot but unfortunately he's not Ferrari pilot... i'd love to see him instead od Massa tho..

and Hamilton never ever will be one IMO.

Better not to say any bad things about Massa, he's doing quite well nowadays and I'm afraid of him a bit.
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