Gavin & Star Arvizo attends wedding between Ron Zonen and Louise Palanker

Gavins cousin used to go to a private school in Baldwin Park California not too far from where Gavin did.. And he has told someone I knew very well that he *the cousin* was not allowed to talk to Gavin or his mom because his *the cousins* mom said Gavins mom is crazy. Even his own cousin was told to stay away..
I did'nt know manatees could survive outside the ocean
All of them need to go to hell. It's sickening how they feel so remorse whatsoever for what they put an innocent man through.
Gavins cousin used to go to a private school in Baldwin Park California not too far from where Gavin did.. And he has told someone I knew very well that he *the cousin* was not allowed to talk to Gavin or his mom because his *the cousins* mom said Gavins mom is crazy. Even his own cousin was told to stay away..

Well, this doesn't surprise me at all.
Interview with Ron Zonen in April, 2011:

Can you believe this person? His appeals to emotions by claiming Gavin is such a "good, Christian boy". Makes me want to puke. And he would try the Jackson case differently? LOL. Like how? With a little less obvious lies? I mean how could they claim with a straight face that Michael started molesting Gavin while the whole world was watching after the Bashir interview?

Thing is, when one doesn't have a case then he doesn't have a case, no matter how he tries it. A lie is just that: a lie! In the MJ case the prosecution was given every advantage imaginable (sometimes even violating Michael's constitutional rights), they had a conservative jury with no black juror but with plenty of Hispanics (the accuser was Hispanic), but they still could not get any guilty verdicts out of the 14 charges! Zonen should try to live with that!
^^i think it's their way to get publicity. chandlers had the uncle arvizos has zonen. and i'm sure he would tried it differently. this time he'd pick believable lies and fake believable evidence.
Clearly that was the deal between the arvizos and the SBDA - that the prosecutors would never abandon the family and always defend them in public.
How i hate this family. Manipulative sons of whores! Atleast we can take comfort in knowing that they didnt get any money, and tat they got exposed in front of the world.
Only a matter of time before these morons accuse another celebrity of a wrong doing!
I doubt they will ever come out in public to accuse anyone again. They know they would be mocked and dispised as charlatans
MJ fans would be all over them like flies on S**t and any media that would interview or support their ISH. Fans are much more vocal now becuase they have the means to unite, be heard and ruffle feathers ..
The NERVE of these scumbags! I still don't know how to process this stupidity. I hope these losers try and come forward with 'new info' so that they can be exposed to the world for who they really are - evil. No one is going to put up with this shit- especially now that Michael is gone.
I doubt they would ever be so stupid as to publicly accuse anyone of anything like that again. But, I do consider them being on Facebook and showing their friendship with Dimond, Zonen and the witness Zonen married as a mockery of what they all got away with. They are very creepy like that and they clearly wanted attention.
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^^Zonin will keep these boys close forever to make sure they do not spill the true story. Fear is the basis of this very odd relationship.
^^Zonin will keep these boys close forever to make sure they do not spill the true story. Fear is the basis of this very odd relationship.
When Zonen passes away though...

The thing is, they know they could make money from selling their stories to tabloids. But they also know they'd open themselves up to having people once again questioning their motives, questioning their story, and now that they're old enough nobody would treat them with kid gloves anymore.

They would only open themselves up to everywhere they go being known as the grifters who helped to kill MJ.

Though I'm sure they think about telling the tabloids all the time...
I think there's a chance that eventually they will sell stories to tabloids. I suspect Zonen now keeps them at bay with something (maybe giving them money) and they keep him at bay too (I think there's nothing Zonen and Sneddon are more afraid of than the Arvizos going to the media and telling on them). If this balance turns somehow for some reason it could go either way though. If it would end badly with Zonen they could go to the media telling on them, but this is the less likely scenario because the media wants dirt on MJ, not on Zonen and Sneddon - plus by that they would throw dirt on themselves as well. The media would rather pay for the Arvizos keeping up with their lies about MJ, than the other way around. And the Arvizos will do whatever they are paid for.

At least with Jordan we don't have to expect he will do s**t in the media. (If he ever comes out, hopefully to tell the truth.) But the Arvizos are the kind of people who will do anything for money. If the money they (may) get from Zonen and Co. now dries up, they will go to the media smearing MJ once again IMO.
No way IMO the Arviso's are being threatened to not tell the truth. This family been grifters all their lives. They are happy to keep the lie goin and being on the side of people like Zonen guarantee's them that good life they feel they deserve.
I always thought the daughter devellin is the weak link for the prosecution in the arvizo family. Didn't she disappear to live with her boyfriend after the family left the neverland ranch and told her boyfriend that her mother was 'planning something big'. She seemed less under the thumb of her mother and closer to her father - at least until her mother told her the father had molested her when she was a toddler. If anyone can be 'turned' and encouraged to tell the truth, it would be her i feel. I don't think she perjured herself in her court evidence either, i think she just said mj talked to gavin alone in miami after the bashir doc was aired and her brother came out of the room a bit hyper. Didn't notice her at the wedding.
does anybody really think david is living truth? he's existing in a lie. does anyone really think that david wishes anybody a successful life after continuing to slander MJ like that? you notice, he falls short of saying that MJ molested him, because he knows there was no molestation. he determines that MJ's musical success was a manipulative trait, because david was enthralled with that success and wanted MJ's money. he wants to make up the worst ideas about MJ because david is envious of MJ, so he says negative things about MJ that are lies. he knows how his brother was rescued from cancer, and it's burning the crown of david's head. david's smile is not real, but he makes sure he's seen smiling at every photo op. he knows he'll meet God, soon, for judgement, if david doesn't change, but his heart is running out of time, and, for right now, it remains reprobate. the same goes for Gavin.
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I always thought the daughter devellin is the weak link for the prosecution in the arvizo family. Didn't she disappear to live with her boyfriend after the family left the neverland ranch and told her boyfriend that her mother was 'planning something big'. She seemed less under the thumb of her mother and closer to her father - at least until her mother told her the father had molested her when she was a toddler. If anyone can be 'turned' and encouraged to tell the truth, it would be her i feel. I don't think she perjured herself in her court evidence either, i think she just said mj talked to gavin alone in miami after the bashir doc was aired and her brother came out of the room a bit hyper. Didn't notice her at the wedding.

Davellin told several people at the time that her mother was planning "something big" against MJ and that she didn't want to participate in it.

At only 16 she moved away from home to her then boyfriend, Manuel Ramirez because of this. She also dated one of Michael's employees, Angel Vivanco to whom she told again that she wasn't on good terms with her mother and that her mother planned something against Michael in what she didn't want to participate. There was also a woman, Carol Lamir who was an owner of a dance studio Davellin attended and who became friends with the girl, who said Davellin confided in her about Janet beating them and how she got them to lie and steal. And that Janet started to organize Gavin's funeral and told him he would die, when Gavin was so ill. This upset Davellin very much. But when on the stand in 2005 Davellin denied all this and called her mother "a very, very good mother"...
that's 'Star''s real name.
Really?!...I thought Star was his birth name? Was he then named after his dad David Arviso? Then he would be Jr. Wouldn't they have to address him by his real name in court and they didn't...from what I can remember?!
Really?!...I thought Star was his birth name? Was he then named after his dad David Arviso? Then he would be Jr. Wouldn't they have to address him by his real name in court and they didn't...from what I can remember?!

David is what he refers to himself as in those posts where he is deriding MJ and MJ fans so that's what i'm refering to him as!
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Oh I see u mean his fake identity name after the trial. lol Okay...I still would call him Star though. So that everyone can know who he really is that way he don't get away with hiding... atleast online anyway. I believe Gavin now goes by Anton Jackson... Their so pathetic.
well, that proves he is not happy. if he's so secure with who he is, then he should go by his own name, then that would mean he's not ashamed of who he is, and he's happy with who he is. i mean, people are going to recognize his terrible face, so he can't hide. Oh, and so, Gavin wants Michael's last name? well..there you go...they're 'manipulated' by Michael..huh? Gavin can't get enough of Michael's music. fame. and Gavin still has a desire for MJ's money.
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Well, I guess they thought that changing their names they would hide from fans and our threats? But, goin on Facebook and puttin up pics of themselves hangin with Zonen is really stupid! They look exactly the same just older so many will still recognized them. Same with Jordan Cahndler, if some ever see him on the street they would recognize him too. I sure the Arviso boys would say they took their Step dads last name who's name is Jay Jackson.

But, reguardless it's still creepy because it's the same last name as Michael's. So why would they want to have the same last name as the person they claimed hurt their family?! Their so fake. I mean it's crazy look at Janet Arviso because she married her new Husband before the trial she became is Janet Jackson. SMH I remember when she wanted the court to address her as that! ROTFL Their all now Jacksons...a dream come true I'm sure. :crazy