God damn haters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Livingston, Scotland
Theres a person on youtube called albokiller23. He/she/it has stated that Michael was a pedophile and that us fans are blinded. When I confronted him/her/it (telling about how Chandler admitted that it was a lie and that his family accepting Michael's money only proves it was the only thing on their mind) this is what I got as a reply.

"no its not about money if something like happens out of nowhere comeon theres something wrong with that picture.just think about he did take care of kids and hes the weirdest person alive and for that to just comeup out of nowhere theres something wrong.he did it i know he did it it hurts you so much that you cant see straight but the facts are there its obvious that he did it.i dont know why you care so much about this animal because he doesnt care about you. the truth hurts he paid them money to do that to say they lied about the situation. "

Michael was no animal..But this person IS!

I also asked this person for proof of his/her/it's allegations..I provided mine, yet this hater seems to be stalling...Guess IT has no proof.

Even though Chandler hasn't admitted that he lied, it's still obvious that Chandler (and more so his family/father) was out after money. His fatger even wanted to negotiate a record deal in the agreement (WTF?!)

I've been a fan since the early 90's so I know all about haters man, and I know to not care about them. They want you to get mad. I just laugh and smile at them.
In the end of the day it's their loss, so don't even worry about them.
If it wasn't for Michael's music then they wouldn't even have nothing to talk about in the first place.
I wouldn't even bother trying to change their mind. These people seem to enjoy saying these things to get a rise out of people. At the end of the day they are uninformed and uneducated. Because, let's face it, if they actually did their own research, they would soon find out he was innocent. They don't want to. They enjoy the drama. Idiots. They're not worth it x
the facts are there

Well, if that person can present the facts then I will agree.

Don't these people find it strange that out of thousands of children, only 2 came out with these accusations? But, I blame the media more than anyone, they were focusing on the bad points and never let Michael speak. You can see how much it took out of him when you see the court cases. First day, he walks in upbeat and confident. Last day, despite their being hundreds of supporters outside and being acquited, he walks out slowly, miserable and he just doesn't look like Michael Jackson, it's sad. They wore him down, they broke his heart, soul, mind, everything. Just for money.

We should just be thankful for people such as Tom Meserau.
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Well, if that person can present the facts then I will agree.

Don't these people find it strange that out of thousands of children, only 3 came out with these accusations? But, I blame the media more than anyone, they were focusing on the bad points and never let Michael speak. You can see how much it took out of him when you see the court cases. First day, he walks in upbeat and confident. Last day, despite their being hundreds of supporters outside and being acquited, he walks out slowly, miserable and he just doesn't look like Michael Jackson, it's sad. They wore him down, they broke his heart, soul, mind, everything. Just for money.

We should just be thankful for people such as Tom Meserau.

Typical ignorant drivel from a mis-informed, deranged hater. Where have I read this stuff before? :rolleyes: Honestly the MJ haters are so predictable in their so-called opinions and declarations of "truth" that I can read and memorise their gibberish with my eyes closed. I wouldn't bother with them if I were you, they are irrelevant and in the minority.
They wore him down, they broke his heart, soul, mind, everything. Just for money.

We should just be thankful for people such as Tom Meserau.

sad, very sad but very true. the essence of mj was his innocence, love, love for all people, love for all things, compassion of a saint.
what's worst about the trial was this... while the trial took an enormous emotional toll, the haters got what they wanted.

the comedians, tabloids, late night show hosts, and just down right haters the opportunity to come up with news ways of spoofing mj, making fun of him, calling him vile names..... it sold trash, the shows made money, they got what they wanted at the expense of MJ.
I am still mad at one person who called MJ a washed up celebrity. I exploded at the A-hole and will not apologize for it either. It was a bunch of dumb haters complaining about him.
It's hard to do, but just don't go to their page or read their comments. I understand wanting to scream at the top of your lungs how you felt about MJ, but people have their own opinions, and they will continue to believe it if they choose too.

People have created wars over certain beliefs and in the end all it did was cause more harm. Talk to your family & friends about the good you saw in Michael, then they might talk to their peers about it (if they want to listen then they will), but don't let someone else's negativity stop you from being you and feeling the way you do about Michael.
Don't listen to him and don't give him attention. He is a silly person and nothing can convince him. He's a fucking tabloid reader and it's nhot possible to change his mind... sad... very sad
I have always wished Michael would come out and curse all these bastards out including th damn media on national television. That would have been fantastic!!!! The problem is that Michael was a sweet loving person, so they took advantage of that, if he would come out and sue these mofo it would be a different story.
The negative people want you to respond. They thirve on that stuff. Just ignore it if possible. It's not worth getting into it with these types of people!
What I can't stand is people who when I talk about Michael make these sick derogatory comments. One in particular is that Michael supposably wanted to be white. FFS its the most frustrating of them all - as well as the child molestation accusations. It makes me sick to the stomach. Literally. Gahhh it makes me scik
sad, very sad but very true. the essence of mj was his innocence, love, love for all people, love for all things, compassion of a saint.
what's worst about the trial was this... while the trial took an enormous emotional toll, the haters got what they wanted.

the comedians, tabloids, late night show hosts, and just down right haters the opportunity to come up with news ways of spoofing mj, making fun of him, calling him vile names..... it sold trash, the shows made money, they got what they wanted at the expense of MJ.

This makes me so sad :( So tragic.. It also makes/made me very angry too. Just imagining Michael being down tears at my heart :(