Heal The World appreciation thread


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It's about time that Heal The World got it's own appreciation thread. I've seen way to many people crap over this song saying that it's too sappy but i think it's beautiful. It has a gorgeous melody and a great positive message. I wish that Michael would have sung it live. If only once

I'll take a ''sappy'' song like Heal The World over a song about picking up drunk women at the club any day.
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Thank you for this thread.
I also hear and read a lot of hate for this song and I think most of the time is because of the lyrics.

You see, when I first listened to this song back in 1991, I still haven't learned to speak English and even though I didn't know the language, I got the message and it was clear for me at such a young age. The video made it obvious though but MJ succeeded 100% with this song because he got what he wanted. To give a message of love loud and clear for all the people around the world.

Mission accomplished MJ.
I used to L.O.V.E. to listen that song all of the time. It was one of my most favorite MJ songs. As well as one of my most played MJ songs. But ever since what had happen to him. That is one of Michael's songs I can't seem to listen to anymore.:(
Another thing i love about Heal The World is that Michael is getting a message across without sounding preachy
The melody of Heal the World is so beautiful. I'm on the verge of crying everytime I hear this song
The song is pure magic & joy for me. Everytime I listen to it I get goosebumps during the crescendo at the back end of the chorus :wub: It's such a simple messege and one that I feel is most important to Michael's messege.

Thank you for this thread :)


Heal the World really is epic! I wish they would play/ perform it more often. We are the World somehow seems to be the preferred song when it comes to performing one of Michael's anthems
Heal the World really is epic! I wish they would play/ perform it more often. We are the World somehow seems to be the preferred song when it comes to performing one of Michael's anthems

The only time I've seen them both performed is the memorial at the Staples Centre. I've got that particular performance saved on my favourites on YouTube. But as you can imagine I don't watch it often :no:
This is my mother´s favorite song. It´s so beautiful.
I love the live performances of this song. Seeing Michael interact with the kids on stage was sweet