Help/Advice? (MJ related)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Couldn't really find where else to put this. I'm probably over reacting but it's something I would be keen to get some advice on so I can maybe handle it a little better.

Basically my girlfriend's dad is against Michael, now obviously if he knew all the facts he wouldn't be....but as we have all learnt it is ignorance and pretty much just a stubbornness to not try and see another point of view. He is into purely rock, or heavy am I.....but I am also into pretty much everything else.

Anyway, getting to the point.....I have an MJ tattoo on my arm which comes up every so often and he kind of jokes around asking 'why I have a tattoo of a pedo on my arm' then he laughs. He knows it winds me up, but it's not a funny kind of wound genuinely gets to me. After a few times I kind of hoped the subject would be ignored again, we don't share the same opinion (even though my opinion is educated where as his isn't) so it's best to stay away from the subject right?

But the subject came up again and he asked me to show one of his friends the tattoo, and the guy stared at me in disbelief that I 'had a tattoo of a pedo', then decided to try and make out McKauley Culkin was touched by Michael to which I instantly jumped to his defense and told him that McKauley even testified in a trial saying he had never been touched, he just wasn't having any of it!

I was getting pretty upset but trying to force a smile before my girlfriend pretty much told her dad off for even bringing it up. I have sent my girlfriend an article which is pretty much just a summary of facts about the allegations, had he bothered to read them and accept them he might leave it.

How do I deal with this? I've dealt with stuff like this from people in the past but it's kind of harder to handle when it's your girlfriends dad...........I hate that someone I have to associate with so much has this opinion without even knowing anything about it and won't even listen to me. I guess it's just him trying to wind me up at the end of the day but it does really get to me and I wish the subject could just be avoided for good.

If I had a few wishes in my life it would definitely be to clear Michael's name once and for all and for the whole world to hear about it!
Couldn't really find where else to put this. I'm probably over reacting but it's something I would be keen to get some advice on so I can maybe handle it a little better.

Basically my girlfriend's dad is against Michael, now obviously if he knew all the facts he wouldn't be....but as we have all learnt it is ignorance and pretty much just a stubbornness to not try and see another point of view. He is into purely rock, or heavy am I.....but I am also into pretty much everything else.

Anyway, getting to the point.....I have an MJ tattoo on my arm which comes up every so often and he kind of jokes around asking 'why I have a tattoo of a pedo on my arm' then he laughs. He knows it winds me up, but it's not a funny kind of wound genuinely gets to me. After a few times I kind of hoped the subject would be ignored again, we don't share the same opinion (even though my opinion is educated where as his isn't) so it's best to stay away from the subject right?

But the subject came up again and he asked me to show one of his friends the tattoo, and the guy stared at me in disbelief that I 'had a tattoo of a pedo', then decided to try and make out McKauley Culkin was touched by Michael to which I instantly jumped to his defense and told him that McKauley even testified in a trial saying he had never been touched, he just wasn't having any of it!

I was getting pretty upset but trying to force a smile before my girlfriend pretty much told her dad off for even bringing it up. I have sent my girlfriend an article which is pretty much just a summary of facts about the allegations, had he bothered to read them and accept them he might leave it.

How do I deal with this? I've dealt with stuff like this from people in the past but it's kind of harder to handle when it's your girlfriends dad...........I hate that someone I have to associate with so much has this opinion without even knowing anything about it and won't even listen to me. I guess it's just him trying to wind me up at the end of the day but it does really get to me and I wish the subject could just be avoided for good.

If I had a few wishes in my life it would definitely be to clear Michael's name once and for all and for the whole world to hear about it!

Well for one, I just wanna say: ugh, I know how you feel. My family is the same way -_-

My advice to you would be to tell/show him the facts, because whether he likes it or not, he's gonna have to face the fact Michael's innocent. And after that, if he keeps making fun, ignore him. Don't let it get to you because that's kind of like giving him the victory. (lol sounds corny, I know xD) Since it's your girlfriend's father, whenever he says something like that, do what I do: take a deep, calm breath, and then smile :) Because at least you know you're right and nothing you say is based on pure ignorance ^.^
Dare him!!

Dare him to show you facts, and so will you!

we already know, you will win!

Good luck!
Print out or buy the 'Not Guilty 2005 verdict' newspapers or screenshots and give them to him as a Christmas gift.
Print out or buy the 'Not Guilty 2005 verdict' newspapers or screenshots and give them to him as a Christmas gift.

Haha that's a good idea, I did send an article to my girlfriend on Skype to show to him but he didn't really seem interested. When there is proof put in front of him he doesn't want to know.
If he doesn't want to take a look at the facts, then I'm afraid all you can really do is ignore him. I've had family members make nasty comments to me about MJ, but they eventually stopped when they began to see how upset it was making me. I like the idea of sending him a Christmas gift...heh like the Michael Jackson Conspiracy book, but I'd only do it if he was continuing to pressure you.
If he doesn't want to take a look at the facts, then I'm afraid all you can really do is ignore him. I've had family members make nasty comments to me about MJ, but they eventually stopped when they began to see how upset it was making me. I like the idea of sending him a Christmas gift...heh like the Michael Jackson Conspiracy book, but I'd only do it if he was continuing to pressure you.

I can't see why he hasn't stopped already to be honest, I'm not sure if it's more the fact he keeps bringing it up and makes it really awkward because I then have to be in a position where I get angry with my girlfriends dad or the fact he believes it in the first place without knowing anything about it. Why do people argue with us MJ fans about something they have no knowledge about yet we are stocked full of knowledge about it.

I wouldn't go up to a Prince fan and argue about something about Prince with a Prince fan because they would know more about Prince than I do, and if something bad were said about Prince and the Prince fan was explaining why it was wrong.........I'd listen and believe them because as a Prince fan, they would know more about it than me!

It's funny, I'd spent years defending Michael which I am proud to do, but after he died I encountered it less and less..........and now it just seems like I have encountered the worst of it I've ever encountered. I've never been this bothered about it before....
Next time he says it just say
a) Grow up and move on, you must be a fan to talk about him this much
b) I'll buy you Thriller if you shut up, it's clear you want it.
c) Elvis dated a 14 year old girl. Calling him a 'dead pedo' or not?
There are some people that don't care about what facts are out there, they just enjoy ruffling people's feathers just for sake of. Your girl's dad sounds like one of these types. But I know that diplomacy is an issue because this is her family and you don't want to create tension.

The best offense for these type of people, is to not give them any ammunition, as you getting flustered only serves to egg them on and give them more enjoyment. Be polite, but do your best to appear to be unphased. Should the topic of your tattoo come up again, simply reply by politely saying "I'd never get a tattoo of a pedophile on my body, so take it as you will." And just leave it at that, cuz he obviously doesn't care about the facts and isn't open to discussion about it, he just wants to see you get irritated. Don't give him the pleasure and gratification he's looking for. Usually, they ease off once they don't get the desired reaction out of you. If he doesn't, I feel it's your gf's place to pull her father aside and tell him to back off, cuz he'll only try harder to get under your skin if he sees his game is no longer working on you. If you two are to the point of meeting each other's families, you should be united enough to not want to see you bullied by HER loved ones, especially after making your stance clear.
If you feel the dynamic with her dad is too far gone, you can be blunt with him and say, "you're welcome to feel however you want to on the subject, I obviously feel differently on the matter, but this tattoo on my body is here for a reason, and one of those reasons is not for something as vile as pedophilia. So, that's that." If he continues to bother you after being that blunt with him, he's clearly just looking to pick a fight; you and your lady should have a serious discussion on how to handle it from there...

I know it's an awkward and frustrating situation for you, I hope he backs the hell off lol. :)
Being he doesn't want to be informed just say "well ignorance is bliss" and drop the subject. walk away or even leave to show you don't approve. don't show emotion or anger just make it know you wont participate in him trying to belittle you or embarrass you. Because that is what he is doing . You are not being disrespectful you are just removing yourself from the area or situation.