How did murray expect to get the Propofol into England?

Other countries, other customs..

By using the word "drug" (which I personally don't like, especially not related to MJ)
I'm thinking automaticly on the 'black market', drug addicts and junkies.
Maybe, we in Germany are using the word "medicine" if something is allowed to use (= by prescription).
(A friend of mine needs to use morphine
- in one country a drug, in another a controlled substance -
under a strict supervision by specialist doctors and he isn't a drug user!
He is, through a very bad accident, a seriously ill patient, who deserves medicine for his pain)

But again: other countries, other customs..


(..) the GMC also administers the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board test (PLAB),
which has to be sat by non-European Union overseas doctors before they may practice medicine in the UK. (..)

I have not heard that the-man-without-a-name has signed up!
IMO: If, .. so he couldn't work legally, neither as private nor as a common doctor.


Propofol (Diprivan) is unscheduled in the United States, but is available by prescription only.
This means that sales and distribution are allowed only by those with a license and only to those with a prescription
(according to FDA regulations). Possession is not illegal even without a prescription.

Referring to the last sentence above:
Without a prescription you can not get it.
WHO - other than the manufacturer or a pharmacy of course - could possess propofol (legally) without any prescription???