Janet's Own Tribute to Her Big Brother Vibe, April 2008

yes...i've seen the same thing. i believe it. i agree. let's see....what is it we are called when we come to Michael's defense in the way these people are coming to Janet's defense? we're called deviators. or...what else is it? let's see if i can remember.....hmmm...oh yeah....what is the most popular thing to call us when we come to MJ's defense the way these people come to these other artists' defense? .....let's see if my memory serves me correctly..uhm...oh yeah....we're called...'oversensitive'(oversensitive, fanboyism, godworshipping...same thing). now if we come at them the way they come at us, we are put on blast and told to not even come to the thread, before we even have a chance to say THEY are deviating..or that THEY are....oversensitive(fanboyism/girlism godworshipping....same thing).

and, remember....if your rebuttal is that we are more extreme than you are, when it comes to defending said respective artist....like i said..it's we not you, who have not had the chance to say, and have not said: 'get out of my thread, altogether', on these Michael Jackson boards. or..you are so extraordinarily defensive, we feel the need to leave the thread before it gets closed.

isn't it truth?

and it's not fair.....

I agree with you and Dats on that