Katherine Jackson talks to Hello Magazine

^^^ I actually took pictures of the pictures using my ipad! lol The problem I had was that the magazine was too big for the scanner. I will have a play around, now we have the pictures I can concentrate on just the text, i'm not very technical I'm afraid.
Wow, Michael met most of Hollywood legends from movies and music!

I don't know if it's her age but how come she didn't recognize Latoya if she has lighter skin than Janet? :blink:
^^^ I actually took pictures of the pictures using my ipad! lol The problem I had was that the magazine was too big for the scanner. I will have a play around, now we have the pictures I can concentrate on just the text, i'm not very technical I'm afraid.

Clever girl:D I thought photos of Havenhurst were fab and it look absolutely fabulous after renovations.
I didn't care much about the woman who popped on front of the camera every now and then:)
Havenhurst looks beautiful, I don't know why they don't want to live there, I know KJ says it reminds her too much but I hope the children were happy about the move, especially leaving behind Kenya.
Those types of places that Paris is attending, do have rules, I think to instill in them the responsibility of doing so. It's part of Society, being a responsible citizen. Is Katherine saying the item about the points, to emphasize what Jermaine believes to be true? Who knows. If Katherine had been parenting Paris instead of Paris doing whatever she wanted, perhaps Paris would have stayed at Katherine's home. That's part of responsible parenting, keeping an eye on your children, knowing what they are up to. Katherine's parenting style is too lax. She likes the lifestyle that Michael Jackson provided, hence the lawsuit against AEG Live. Katherine Jackson likes her children working in Show Business because of the Income. Being poor was not fun for Katherine Jackson or her husband or her cubs.

I did enjoy the picture of John Lennon's quote and what an influence this had on Michael Jackson and why he said he was the biggest Beatles fan, which is why he spent the money to own the rights to the Beatles song's!
Yes, I just hope that the children were included in that decision because they all seemed to love Kenya when they were on Oprah. Kenya is a living breathing link to Michael and some children can take great comfort from the unconditional love that animals give. But hey, I don't know how that decision was made and I'm a sentimental old f*rt! Lol
Your so right about animals being a link to loved ones that have passed. I remember a story about a soldier that had adopted a dog while in Iraq and after he was killed his family jumped through hoops to get that dog to the states.
I see this more like a woman trying to show off. Before MJ death, that house was filthy, congested with so many people living there with no electricity. That plcae was like a refugee camp with deadbeat sons dropping off their offsprings at record times. now that MJ is gone and his Estate has spent cash renovating, it's show time. even if she had to do that paid interview, does she really have to show off a house that is not even hers?
Kenya was left behind because the Calabases house where they now live does not allow dogs. At least that was the reason that was given.

Who believe that? The rent for Calabasas is (if I remember right) 100.000 per months and the owner can forbid a dog??
Maybe first this residence was rented by Mr. Branca only for few months and therefore I can understand why the dog stayed of Hayvenhurst.
But very fast Katherine loved Calabasa and wanted never back to Hayvenhurst. For that it was certainly necessary a new contract. Why had nobody thought on the dog?
An animal is for children and especially griefing children an important thing for their soul pain because an animal can be a friend and give consolation.
Besides Kenya is a present from their dad and this make it more bad. Kenny is something like a link to their dead dad.

I know Paris said a short time after the move to Calabasas "I like Hayvenhurst more then Calabasas."
Maybe, I think so, because Paris wanted living where her dad was living many years.
But is was her grandma who loved Calabasas and the wish from grandma was more important then the wish from Paris.
And so has Paris neither a stay in her dad's house nor her dog Kenya.
But she lives in a steril palace because it was grandmas livelong dream to live as a queen.
^^ Nneme, I believe you're right about the rent & Kenya not being permitted in the house. With that kind of rent I think you can have a miniature horse. Usually renters have to put a deposit which is return in full at the time the renters move out if there're no damages to the premises. Also, landlords now are asking for a deposit for each pet the renter has, so I don't believe the landlord doesn't permit dogs, but I could be wrong.
One thing I have noticed is that KJ seems to lack that protective streak that most mothers have, I could never say she is cold and unloving but I don't think she is this lioness. She failed to protect her own children in so many ways and she has failed to protect P,P&B.

For me, Katherine was not a good mother (and not being a good grandmother). -_- :nono: :fear: Katherine was submissive to Joe and me, I think inadmissible a woman being submissive to her husband or anyone else. Submission in any situation is unacceptable and I am not able to understand how some women accept it. It's like living in a prison, not having the ability to have a voice, not have attitudes, not face what is wrong around you... Do absolutely nothing and be just watching everything going on in your face and do nothing. :bugeyed And worse, pretend that everything is OK, that life is wonderful, beautiful, perfect and move on.... :bugeyed :doh: Soooooo :wtf2 ????? *big sigh*

Poor Kenya, stuck at Havenhurst with Majesic - I wonder if the children were involved in the decision making on leaving Kenya behind.

If it were me, I would be so mad about not being able to get me the gift of my father with me. :perrin: Animals have feelings and cling to the owners. They are not objects that you simply abandons or leaves around anywhere and with anyone. Does Katherine did not care about that? :blink: Does she not been touched? :blink: I'm sure PPB wanted Kenya to have with them! I really hope that Kenya is being looked at and being well cared for. Majestic? :puke: He is not the best person for this. Kenya should be with PPB and not be with Majestic! :nono: :bugeyed

I have tried to scan but Hello is too big for my scanner, in the meantime I have managed the photos.













Oh Katherine.... :sigh:

I'd like to be able to understand their attitudes/behavior. :unsure: But I am not able. :nono:
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Jamba I agree full time work, late night, beatings, & strip clubs are a no no.

So Katherine says Paris wants to come home and a tabloid says she does not? Wonder who is telling the truth here. Of course Prince is out. He is a teen with a girl and a car. I would stay out too. As long as he maintains his good average in school, he can stay out of the house. We will soon find out the true situation, because one day someone will tell the truth.

I hope the kids put them all on blast and don't hold back on anything including Queen Kate.
I wouldn't be surprised if Joe was abusive physically and psychologically to Kate and I'm not just talking about how he cheated in her shamelessly for years. I don't find any other logical explanation being terrified at him to the point of doing absolutely nothing to assure the emotional and physical well being of all her children.
This is what I don't understand, Mrs Jackson does not live at Hayvenhurst, I fact she said it was to painful for her to live there, and yet she has done this interview from there. I find it strange.
I looked at the first photo and that was enough for me. What I saw was a woman looking very well groomed in a hot pink jacket and floral dress in front of a mansion. She looks happy and content, as well she might. The caption, however, says, "not a day goes by that I don't think of my son and shed a tear." This caption is totally at odds with the photo of this well-dressed, contented "lady of the manor," who looks rather pleased.

IMO KJ is a narcissist, a materialist, and a religious nut who has little or no sense of right or wrong. She tells a story that once Joe tried to physically attack her and she threw a glass ashtray at him, which cut him and made him bleed, and he never tried it again after that. Yet she could be in the same house while her children, including a young child being thrown against the wall and hit by an adult with full strength, were beaten and yell--"stop, you're going to kill them." And after that, pretend it never happened and go on as usual.

The problem is that MJ was sensitive--and she is not sensitive and neither is Joe. So they minimize the damage.

I see KJ as a kind of 'what me worry?' person--if I don't see it or talk about it, it didn't happen. MJ read a ton of parenting books--has KJ read even ONE?
The Calabasas house is a sterile, dead environment from what I saw, due to KJ's horrible decorating taste. NL was a warm place with real art, nice furniture, a home.

I personally think Paris will NOT ever be happy there--in that house with those people, and she was not before, obviously, so why will it be different if she comes back? Will KJ be any different? There are indications she is very happy AWAY and does not want to come back (even tho' KJ says she does and maybe Paris says that to please KJ??). Would anyone in their right mind want to go back and live with KJ in Calabasas?? I think she is better off with a bunch of other kids her age who are not the Buckley snobs. She needs to have friends outside her relatives, not that she is going to abandon her brothers, but she needs other, real friends (not online friends). The girls she was hanging with before she left were not good for her IMO.
its a shame to read this forum since the AEG trial is out of control.
now so many people shooting against katherine. blame here for everything. thats not better than what murray is doing with michael. a few months ago noone would every say bad things about her. i know that not everything she does was the best, but now using her name to call her 'only money hungry',... all that bad stuff does not makes you better than the media.
weird world.

i'm waiting when people starting to shoot against michael junior, maybe he said some bad things to his sister paris. oh i'm waiting for this.

topic: can someone please create HQ scans? havent read it yet. and its not possible for me to read it on that low quality scans.
No chris, we began to be angry at her to see how she shamelessly sold PPB with that hag for that interview in 2010, again in 2011 and she only used them for ratings knowing Michael wouldn't want them around her for how she treated him, insulted him and spread bs every time she's wanted since 2003. After that many of us were outraged to see how KJ, Joe and the ass cubs were whoring them in every tacky even they could. The AEG trial was the straw at least for me to be utterly disgusted at her how she allowed strangers to invade his whole life (at least I the Estate showed they cared more about him fighting to not release his medical history publicly but the judge allowed it either way,) to throw him under the mud to support a 40 billion case. They're doing with the children exactly what Michael hated to be forced to do, I think the only difference are the absence of beatings. She's shown no sign to protect them, nor the reputation of her son. If that's not being a greedy money hungry, I don't know what it is.
LaToya did an episode on her new Show at Hayvenhurst and now Katherine Jackson is being interviewed at Hayvenhurst. LaToya couldn't see anything different to the place, but I think the Estate wanted to get rid of the deadbeat's and their kid's and stop sponging off the Estate of Michael Jackson. This sense of entitlement is so damned destructive and who do we blame for that? I'm definitely looking at Katherine Jackson. She didn't seem to mind picking up the phone and calling her son, Michael Jackson, to pay the bills and to keep Michael Jackson's brother's out of trouble with the law, when it came to child support payments. I can see rich men having lots of children, but not males like Randy or Jermaine Jackson. It's almost like incest what went on with the same woman, in the same house and then both males, Randy and Jermaine Jackson, fathering children with this same woman, under the same roof. Wasn't values, morals or ethics instilled in any of them.

Joe Jackson and Katherine Jackson always seem to be so proud of how well all their children turned out. How? When you look at each of their cubs, I just don't see a good role model in any of them. I truly believe if Michael Jackson had not thrown money at the situation of his siblings and parents, things would have spiraled out of control worse than what has been reported in the Media, than we have previously witnessed.

Even Tom Mesereau has alluded to this fact, when he talked about how Michael Jackson did his best to minimize how bad relations were amongst the Jackson legacy.

Is Hayvenhurst going to be the tourist attraction that the Jackson family has been salivating for since Michael's death? Is this why Hayvenhurst has now been publicly opened up to in both LaToya's show and now the Hello article featuring Katherine Jackson. I'm surprised Katherine Jackson does not have a crown on her head to show her true colors, because I to agree with the assessment of how Queen Katherine Jackson looks in the latest photos, posed in front of her mansion!
Where's Scarlet O'Hara when you need her...As God is my witness, I will never go hungry again!

As far as hayvenhurst home being a place the Jacksons salivate to make an attraction spot after mjs death... I don't see that! In the 70s,80s,90s it has been the backdrop of the Jackson family.. There done numerous interviews and photoshoots there. Now an interview that happens at hayvenhurst is perverse into a plotted attempt for the Jacksons.. Not this one, I can't agree.

And my opinion is it should always be the backdrop of the family, that home is a landmark food them.. It has before Michael became king and that never changed.
Actually, maybe one day Hayvenhurst WILL be a place open to the public--MJ lived there a long time and he remodeled it too. He made his quarters into a more private space by putting in his own entrance and a 2-story bedroom, etc. so he could entertain, work on music, etc there in private. I mean it might be more feasible than NL. But maybe the neighbors will be opposed, just as they are re NL, cause they don't want the extra traffic etc. in a residential area, so maybe it won't happen due to their resistance/objections??

Where could there be a museum for MJ? (I doubt people will go to Gary, IN on a large scale.)

Alicat--yes, I agree with your post :) Jermaine has 8 kids--that's a lot to take care of, educate, etc.

Interesting that the magazine is titled "hello"--as in "hello?" Earth to KJ--hello??
re "Queen KJ"--Taj (or maybe TJ?) called her queen and ceo at the trial-- and there is a queen-type image on the Dangerous cover, but the face is a dog's face, and on the other side is a king figure, but the face is a bird face. In fact, the Dangerous cover is packed with animals, not adult humans. It's interesting that MJ on the cover has the usual king and queen figures, but the beings wearing the crown and the robes are animals. Of course, he later dances with a human queen in the Dangerous clips--a beautiful woman wearing the red robes.

Re KJ, I think she compartmentalizes (as Karen Moriarty talks about in her book) and in her mind she was a good mother, and to be fair, she gave MJ affection and love when Joe did not (didn't even allow the kids to call him Dad!!) and that was why MJ loved her. She also gave him the access to religious teachings. But she didn't see his pain or protect him. IMO he was ambivalent about her on a deep level.
^Your second paragraph jamba makes me wonder knowing how she disappointed him dare to acknowledge she isn't a saint or perfection as he thought before.
^Your second paragraph jamba makes me wonder knowing how she disappointed him dare to acknowledge she isn't a saint or perfection as he thought before.

I think MJ was trained both at home and by Motown to be very careful about what he said in public--to stay on script, but in private he might have felt differently from his public statements. There was a comment he made about the stuff that the search warrants confiscated in 93--a journal where he had written about his mother. Whatever was in there we'll probably never know, but I think in private he saw her as less 'perfect' that his public comments b/c he did stay away from her and the rest of the family for the most part.

I think he was conflicted and actually as a person living in the spotlight, what choice did he have but to take care of his family and his mother as best he could? If he had not, the press would have been all over him--they were always looking for an opportunity. His will is actually a courageous statement as was his public acknowledgement that he was abused by his father.
In my opinion it had not so much about what he was taught at home and Motown about how he speaks in public regarding his mother.. He (for the family public image) wouldn't call her a saint, and say he regurgitated in the sight of his father. Talk about the abusive nature of it all.

That does not make the family look so great!! There is nothing that can be said (that I can think of anyway) that would make me think otherwise. There's a reason why he'd help his mother more so than his father, and speak so highly of her and not so much his father..

It's not a PR stunt!! While Michael did his fair share of PR and PR stunts, that was not one of them. He wanted her approval more than anything, he loved her and always wanted to make her proud.. Because he thought so highly of her..

We can sit here and try to psycho-analyze each Jackson and think we know it all, but the fact is we don't. What we do is basically like giving a full movie review with only seeing the trailer!! We can't give a fair judgment.

Also a little side note, it's easy to judge someones actions when we have never put in there situations or shoes... Lets not always sit on our high horse looking down on people because something they do, when we've never been put in those situations..
We can sit here and try to psycho-analyze each Jackson and think we know it all, but the fact is we don't. What we do is basically like giving a full movie review with only seeing the trailer!! We can't give a fair judgment.

Also a little side note, it's easy to judge someones actions when we have never put in there situations or shoes... Lets not always sit on our high horse looking down on people because something they do, when we've never been put in those situations..

The above paragraphs are a bit blanket statement. To be honest, if we only talk about what we know 100%, there wouldn't be talk at all, in any of the threads.

When you write about judging someone, shouldn't you include all other threads, in which people are judging other people, or do you only want us to stop judging Jackson fam members?

There are people judging AEG people, without them being in their shoes or in their situation.
People judging Bieber, Timberlake, Timerland, Miley C and the list goes on in every single thread.
If you want to be fair, you should post the above paragraphs on all other threads too, otherwise you would be hippocrite or double standards to ask fair game for the Jackson family but not for everyone else.
In my opinion it had not so much about what he was taught at home and Motown about how he speaks in public regarding his mother.. He (for the family public image) wouldn't call her a saint, and say he regurgitated in the sight of his father. Talk about the abusive nature of it all.

That does not make the family look so great!! There is nothing that can be said (that I can think of anyway) that would make me think otherwise. There's a reason why he'd help his mother more so than his father, and speak so highly of her and not so much his father..

It's not a PR stunt!! While Michael did his fair share of PR and PR stunts, that was not one of them. He wanted her approval more than anything, he loved her and always wanted to make her proud.. Because he thought so highly of her..

We can sit here and try to psycho-analyze each Jackson and think we know it all, but the fact is we don't. What we do is basically like giving a full movie review with only seeing the trailer!! We can't give a fair judgment.

Also a little side note, it's easy to judge someones actions when we have never put in there situations or shoes... Lets not always sit on our high horse looking down on people because something they do, when we've never been put in those situations..

The PR stunt, as you like to call it, was "the Jackson family values." Which weren't any. Michael Jackson wanted to give the appearance of a united Jackson family. In the Oprah interview back in 1993, Michael Jackson called his family "a Show Business family." Since Michael has died, we see Katherine Jackson, once again, showing what kind a mother she is, by inserting Michael's children into the public eye, making money, like a typical Show Business family.

Katherine Jackson may have taken off the masks, that protected Michael's children, for when they went out in public, so that they would have some form of privacy, but Katherine took away their privacy. Not only does Katherine state that she isn't up on what goes on technologically, to excuse why Paris was unsupervised with her Internet savvy activities, Katherine pretty much excuses herself from all responsibility of child rearing, when it comes to Michael's children. It was why Michael gave her 40% in his Will and stated Diana Ross as next in line, because this was the kind of structure Katherine Jackson would need to step up to the plate to watch over Michael's children. When Paris Jackson left Katherine's home, it was not a loving environment.

This is just a short summary of why fan's of Michael Jackson's are calling Katherine on the carpet. Katherine seems to be more interested in Michael's money, than really supervising Michael's children. When Katherine decided to leave on her "vacation" away from Michael's children, something was definitely wrong in the household. Michael's children were being threatened by Michael's siblings. If you thought this didn't upset Katherine, her babies being accused in the public's eye, by Michael's children and the Estate of Michael Jackson, I think this explains why Paris Jackson was cutting herself, before June and then why she attempted suicide. The lack of love and sanity in Katherine's home is not something Michael Jackson raised his 3 children in!
In my opinion it had not so much about what he was taught at home and Motown about how he speaks in public regarding his mother.. He (for the family public image) wouldn't call her a saint, and say he regurgitated in the sight of his father. Talk about the abusive nature of it all.

That does not make the family look so great!! There is nothing that can be said (that I can think of anyway) that would make me think otherwise. There's a reason why he'd help his mother more so than his father, and speak so highly of her and not so much his father..

It's not a PR stunt!! While Michael did his fair share of PR and PR stunts, that was not one of them. He wanted her approval more than anything, he loved her and always wanted to make her proud.. Because he thought so highly of her..

We can sit here and try to psycho-analyze each Jackson and think we know it all, but the fact is we don't. What we do is basically like giving a full movie review with only seeing the trailer!! We can't give a fair judgment.

Also a little side note, it's easy to judge someones actions when we have never put in there situations or shoes... Lets not always sit on our high horse looking down on people because something they do, when we've never been put in those situations..

When is the last time MJ called KJ a saint or perfection? I think those statements were made a long time ago. MJ had major issues to face and deal with and who did he turn to for warmth, love, comfort? Not his birth family. He turned to friends like the Cascios, Eliz Taylor, and other close friends, and the love from his fans and his own children. IMO there is no way MJ would be happy or approve of the choices his mother has made re his precious kids since he passed. Everyone who knew him said he was a terrific and dedicated father--so IMO KJ totally has dropped the ball in carrying on his good work in raising them to be the people he wanted them to be.