Latoya Jackson Access Hollywood Preview

Back to back means one night after another, joe made the same statment as her, i don't belive either of them actually took the time to look up when the concerts were actually on.

He forgave her because she was his sister, i am lucky enough not to be related to her and do not feel any need to forgive her.
u don't have to forgive her cuz she did nothing to U :mello:
She tried to ruin the career of the person i admire most.

She didn't, Jack gordon did.

She has been nothing but supportive of her family since she escaped her abusive husband. The same can be said of her before she met Jack Gordon.
That was a good interview. I hate when shows split up an interview to get you to watch their future episodes, access hollywood isn't a sitcom...ugh, lol.
thanks for the links. god, this is so depressing. and so unfair. poor children. poor family. poor Michael. poor us.
I think that for a lot of people it seems that we need to find something to focus on, instead of dealing with the fact that he is gone. Grief takes on a lot of different faces. Still; Michael set an example for us to follow. And even if its a challenge to follow in his steps, lets try to do it? Hate and anger consumes people, and blocks us from seeing the good things in life. If Michael could stand tall, and keep being dignified and not badmouthing people just for the sake of it, why can we not try to follow that?
That says it all!!!

I keep reading what he said, and what he wrote. And I see the great sense of humour in so many of the videos of him. He was a fun, loving, man who loved to laugh. And watching him really gets me in a good mood.
Smiling and laughing is contagious!
That was nice. Did you put that together?

I've watched all of those home movie youtube videos of him but I'm sure I'll be watching them many times again.

Lets try to turn the hate, rage and confusion in to the army of love that we really can be.
As the saying goes: do not doubt that a few dedicated people can change the world.
Lets change it for the better!!
I love that! :wub:
She didn't, Jack gordon did.

She has been nothing but supportive of her family since she escaped her abusive husband. The same can be said of her before she met Jack Gordon.
Not to mention that her and Michael were always pretty close, so that says a lot about her as a sister, as a whole. And besides that, I see her saying nothing but great things about Michael now, which really makes me happy to see. She loved her brother. NO doubt about it!
she aight but she starting to be a damn bore thats just my opinion go away now please toya give me a janet interview any day
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Lets try to turn the hate, rage and confusion in to the army of love that we really can be.
As the saying goes: do not doubt that a few dedicated people can change the world.
Lets change it for the better!!

THIS is key, IMO.
Her interview with Barbara Walter was a PR disaster.
Her interview on The View was the final facade: Michael is now known as a liar.

Please, someone tell Latoya to SHUT UP.
Her interview with Barbara Walter was a PR disaster.
Not to anyone I've spoken to. The more La Toya talks about the great side of Michael, the better he is perceived in the general public. So far she has only helped Michael's memory. And btw, it is Barbara WalterS, not "Walter". :rolleyes2:

Her interview on The View was the final facade: Michael is now known as a liar.
At NO point in her statements does she call Michael a LIAR or even hint at that. She even says "he got it more than the rest of us".

You don't know how to understand what people are saying apparently.
You don't know how to understand what people are saying apparently.

Honey, and you, apparently, didn't watch the video, did you? Michael comes off as a liar. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it gives the average person (non-fan) the impression that Michael lied to get attention. Just read youtube comments on that matter. You know full well that, at the eyes of the masses, Michael's statements don't have much credibility and, according to some oppinions I've read, people are starting to think that he lied about being abused. I, however, believe that he was abused mentally and physically. But others don't. By saying what she said, Latoya is also interfering in the "I didn't have a childhood" story. Joe comes off, in the interview, as a good father. So why did Michael constantly said he didn't have a childhood?- the average person asks. Well, I guess he said that in order to excuse the fact that he was always surrounded by children.- answers another average person. He must be a paedophile, then.- Concludes another average person.
Note that I DON'T think he was a pedophile, because I've read the evidence and it's clear that Michael is only guilty of being too kind and naive.

Not to anyone I've spoken to. The more La Toya talks about the great side of Michael, the better he is perceived in the general public. So far she has only helped Michael's memory. And btw, it is Barbara WalterS, not "Walter". :rolleyes2:

At NO point in her statements does she call Michael a LIAR or even hint at that. She even says "he got it more than the rest of us".
Listen, you must be the one who didn't understand things correctly. Of course,, she didn't call him a liar DIRECTLY. But he kept saying that he had been abused, as a child, and here comes Latoya saying otherwise. Get why I said that Latoya called him a liar?
" "he got it more than the rest of us"- She said she was spanked ONCE. Getting "more" than her doesn't seem much, does it?

Me and my brother watched the interview and she is only tarnishing the Jackson family name. Latoya talks just like a 9 years old. Her laugh is inaproppriate for anyone with a normal IQ.
One important point (probably the most important and decisive), in the interview, was when WalterS (thanks for the correction [capitalized letter deliberatedly]) asked why had Michael "used" sperm from a white person (translation to REALITY: Michael wanted his kids to be white?). Latoya, the big sister- instead of claiming that her brother was proud of being black, hinting at Vitiligo and saying that Michael probably didn't even know the sperm was from a white person- said that she hadn't talked to him about that. And that, my friend, is what forms the masses opinions on Michael. They don't care if his sister says, in a fake expression, that Michael was a great guy. They want the answers to tha white kids, Blanket's mamma=superficial stuff. Latoya didn't answer that properly. Guess what? She should.
about the great side of Michael, the better he is perceived in the general public.

Don't you know that Latoya is also very well known for her past rants?

The public knows she said that Michael didn't have Vitiligo and that he faked his death in 1995.

People also know that she claimed that Michael had given hush money to many families and that his mother referred to him as a "goddamn faggot". They know that his big sis said that he would have little boys locked in his room. They know she said young boys were constantly in the house. They know she said that little boys would stay weeks in his room adding that it was strange that a 35 years old man would sleep in a room with little boys. They know that she said her whole family thought Michael was a pedophile. DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT THE GENERAL PUBLIC FORGOT THAT? DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT EVERYONE BUYS THE "JACK GORDON THING"? I don't, BTW.

It's always Jack Gordon's fault. She posed for Playboy due to Jack Gordon. She did crappy records due to Jack Gordon. She lied about Michael and Janet due to Jack Gordon. She had too much plastic surgery due to Jack Gordon. She speaks like a retarded person due to Jack Gordon.
u don't have to forgive her cuz she did nothing to U :mello:

By hurting Michael she hurted millions. Apparently, it has something to do with being hummm... a fan!

And I don't forgive her as well.
One more thing: Latoya claimed that the family tried to "save" Michael from his addiction and that her papa would go to Michael's house every week. Mike's bodyguards, however, sent them away.

The family has denied that they went to Michael's house to save him from his alleged drug-addiction.

She made Michael look like a hardcore-addict who didn't give a fuck about his family.
y'all make urselves so self-important. if someone was hurt yet forgave, then how can u hold a grudge? it's not ur place ot do so. nothing was done to u
How 20/20 landed La Toya without paying!

The network news organizations don't pay for interviews. When one of them lands a great "get"-- meaning an in-demand interview subject-- its because of their powers of persuasion and the confidence their integrity inspires. Yeah, right. If you believe that, we've got a great health care reform bill that will solve everything. Network news operations from the Today show to 60 Minutes pay for interviews-- although they use very creative methods to get around having to admit it. Our pal the Rumor Rat has the latest example as it looks at the "coincidence" of La Toya Jackson guest-hosting ABC's Barbara Walters show, The View, while agreeing to give "her first one-on-one" interview to Barbara Walters on ABC's 20/20-- and finds it's no coincidence at all.

In fact, it's what we've been telling you-- and what the networks have been denying-- for the past ten years.

They pay.

Writes The Rat:

"How's this for coincidence: LaToya Jackson is recruited to co-host ABC's The View for two days at almost exactly the same time she decides to give her first one-on-one U.S. television interview to "20/20" which airs on the same network.

"Not buying it? Neither are we...

"A source tells The Rat that ABC, which 'never pays for interviews,' has worked out a deal with Jackson whereby she's paid a much higher-than-normal fee for co-hosting The View.

"In exchange, she throws in a 'free' interview with 20/20..."

That's how they do things at the networks. And that's another reason Rumor Rat is becoming a go-to site for lots of influential people in the media. While Perez Hilton slips dangerously, posting a surprising number of day-old and older used stories and the corporate porn-pushing gossip site becomes more irrelevant with its subliterate, crass childishness, Rumor Rat is having great fun taunting both of the mainstream-backed phonies while making great use of the sources it seems to have in every network newsroom and infotainment show studio office.
Honey, and you, apparently, didn't watch the video, did you? Michael comes off as a liar. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it gives the average person (non-fan) the impression that Michael lied to get attention. Just read youtube comments on that matter. You know full well that, at the eyes of the masses, Michael's statements don't have much credibility and, according to some oppinions I've read, people are starting to think that he lied about being abused. I, however, believe that he was abused mentally and physically. But others don't. By saying what she said, Latoya is also interfering in the "I didn't have a childhood" story. Joe comes off, in the interview, as a good father. So why did Michael constantly said he didn't have a childhood?- the average person asks. Well, I guess he said that in order to excuse the fact that he was always surrounded by children.- answers another average person. He must be a paedophile, then.- Concludes another average person.
Note that I DON'T think he was a pedophile, because I've read the evidence and it's clear that Michael is only guilty of being too kind and naive.

Listen, you must be the one who didn't understand things correctly. Of course,, she didn't call him a liar DIRECTLY. But he kept saying that he had been abused, as a child, and here comes Latoya saying otherwise. Get why I said that Latoya called him a liar?
" "he got it more than the rest of us"- She said she was spanked ONCE. Getting "more" than her doesn't seem much, does it?

Me and my brother watched the interview and she is only tarnishing the Jackson family name. Latoya talks just like a 9 years old. Her laugh is inaproppriate for anyone with a normal IQ.
One important point (probably the most important and decisive), in the interview, was when WalterS (thanks for the correction [capitalized letter deliberatedly]) asked why had Michael "used" sperm from a white person (translation to REALITY: Michael wanted his kids to be white?). Latoya, the big sister- instead of claiming that her brother was proud of being black, hinting at Vitiligo and saying that Michael probably didn't even know the sperm was from a white person- said that she hadn't talked to him about that. And that, my friend, is what forms the masses opinions on Michael. They don't care if his sister says, in a fake expression, that Michael was a great guy. They want the answers to tha white kids, Blanket's mamma=superficial stuff. Latoya didn't answer that properly. Guess what? She should.

You lost me at "honey". :lol: Didn't read the rest.
You lost me at "honey". :lol: Didn't read the rest.

Wasn't it convenient [to read the rest]?

Anyway, I didn't mean to sound rude. I'm sorry if I offended you. At the end of the day, we support the same man whether we disagree or not on some things.
Once again, if I offended you, I'm sorry. I know this sounds paradoxal, but I hate bitter discussions among MJ fans. There is so many people with a wrong view of Michael...those are the people with whom we should be discussing.