Lisa Marie Presley * Designated discussion thread for everything LMP

^ yeah. I read it on his official website's forum. But its writting by fans I think. Thats why I was wondering.

I dont think i've ever heard him say those excat words bout her but then again maybe he did and i havent read or heard it yet
Lisa Marie Presley. whether you like her or dislike her, she seems so be a very popular subject for discussion among MJ fans. This will be your designated discussion thread for everything LMP. Keep all articles and discussions about her in this thread. Please No excessive hatefulness and or name calling and above all treat each other with respect when discussing this topic no matter what your opinions or views may be.


:lol: I was looking through random photos of Michael and found this, from the "You Are Not Alone" short film. Gotta love it, though, Michael's facial expression, heh! ;)
