Memorial live feeds - keep it all in here

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Berry Gordon is saying some nice things. I like the way he is praising all of Jackson 5 as they were there with Michael all that time and I think they get forgotten sometimes. They are mourning the loss of a brother which must be awful.
I was in bits crying when stevie said he wished he never lived to see this day. But magic johnson really brighted it up with his fried chicken story :)
Ohhhhhhhhh now here come the bucket of TEARS.. Jennifer Hudson singing one of my favs. Me being a Keiko fan (the whale from Free Willy) who lived here on our Oregon Coast for a bit before they set him free - only to die in freedom near Norway in Dec 12 2003.
I recently just switched from recording this on TV the CNN channel over to BET. The banner they use on BET is not as big as what you see on CNN, FOX, MSNBC etc.
Rev Al Sharpton's speech made me cry and smile at the same time. I hope people remember his words for years to come.
"There ain't nothing strange about your Daddy" Wow - what a response that got. See his kids in the audience. I didn't know they were there.
Rev. Al Sharpton just finished his speech - Good GOD, it was INCREDIBLE!! Pretty much sums up how the majority of us feel about Michael, just perfect. I'll try and audio cap the replay for those that missed it -

At one point, the Rev said something like 'Their Daddy wasn't strange, it was strange what their daddy had to DEAL with' - Michael's children were right there at the front, standing and CLAPPING.

Jermaine singing Charlie Chaplin's 'Smile', absolutely heartbreaking. As Danny said - AMAZING - Great pic of michael on the big screen above him, arms outstretched, great bit smile :)
I wish with all my heart that all this was just some bad dream and I will wake up to find that Michael is still here with us...and not on the other side.

I can't stop bawling... dang this is so hard.
That was so hard for him to do. Great going Jermaine - you did your brother proud. :)
That was beautiful of Jermaine. He got me crying. Good on him for having the strength to perform.
jermaine did well, still got goose bumps,