Michael cursing a paparazzo, true or false?

Michael can be very angry! I remember when Michael was in Germany in a TV show (were he sang Earth Song). The day after he invited 300 fans in an amusement park and I was there, too! The park was closed and just opend for Michael and his fans. The security from the park built a human chain to hold the fans back. I was in first row and one of the security threw his ellbow into my stomach. It was very painful!
Michael saw it and beckoned him over and yelled at him: "Don't do this with my fans! You don't beat my fans!". Michael was really loud! He was not cursing but he was loud. The security man was scared. It looked very funny because Michael was one and a half heads shorter than the security man.
I love Michael for this. The best: He did it for ME!
I looked at me and he saw me smiling (it was too funny to see that!). So he knew everything was alright with me.
My goodness, Michael was so angry!

Great story!

I bet that bunch to your stomach was well worth and forgotten pretty fast as soon as Michael started shouting.
I would volunteered to be beaten or punched if I had gotten a chance to talk with Michael :giggle:
Nice Eddie clip (love him, but Richard Pryor imho will always be the King of Comedy)!

Found it: here's what Mike was REALLY saying. . . :lmao:



Look how close he was to his mama, practically breathing on her! There's no way he would have dropped the F bomb in her EAR. Someone suggested he may have mouthed it ONLY (which makes more sense). Either way, it wasn't the Stone Age when this happened. With all of that madness that was going on then and the technology available, somebody would have picked up the audio.
But he has cursed in public, rarely but he has done it. Even Michael said in the Ebony mag interview from 2007 in the Thriller years he couldn't curse and called everything it was awesome smelly, that's why Spielberg and Q called him like. And at that moment of his life he allowed himself to say some words.
There's plenty that do though. Where I'm from, I've seen parents and kids using profanity with each other. One day I was at a store, there was a little girl around 7 or 8 cursing her mother out, I guess because the mom wouldn't get what she wanted. A guy that was there told the girl she shouldn't talk to her mother like that. The mother got mad at the man and told him to mind his own business, then continued to argue with her daughter. There's middle & high school kids on the city bus cursing in conversation really loud. There's adults & old people also on the bus. There's also Ozzy Osbourne's family if you've seen their show.

Yeah but Michael was not raised like that and we all know it. I'm with pentum on this on. I think he cursed under his breath to himself