Michael Jackson Article In This Months Who Magazine.


Proud Member
Aug 1, 2009
Somewhere Between Munchkinland & The Land Of OZ
Hey guys, not sure if any of you are interested of not, but I was in Woolworths today and I came across this article in the Who magazine on Michael its on how he was killed.

I was going to scan the article but my scanner is being a pain in the backside and won't scan it so I'll type it up so for any of you that are interested can read.

It Was Homicide!

The word is finally out, Michael Jackson died at the hands of another. Nine weeks after Michael Jackson's body was wheeled from his drug strewn Los Angeles mansion, one big question remains: was one doctor to blame, or several?

The Los Angeles County Coroner has reportedly rules the singers death as a homicide, meaning death at the hand of another. Other rulings a coroner can make in a death investigation include: natural, suicide, accident, and "could not be determined"

While the pop star's personal physician, Dr Conrad Murray, has admitted administering powerful drugs for Jackson's insomnia in the six weeks before his death, an unsealed search warrant notes that police are still trying to determine if he died as a result of the actions of a single doctor, or the "grossly negligent treatment of several doctors" over time

The Jackson family released a statement on Aug. 24, commending the work of authorities in the case. "The family looks forward to the day that justice can be served", the statement concluded.

In search of Jackson's rented Holmby Hills home after the singer's death, detectives reportedly found about eight bottles of the powerful operating - room anesthetic propofol, as well as other vials and pills that had been prescribed to Jackson by Murray, and two other Jackson physicians, Dr Arnold Klein & Dr Allan Metzger.

An autopsy of Jackson, who would have turned 51 on Aug.29, reportedly found lethal levels of propofol in his system. According to affidavits lodged with the warrants, Murray told detectives he had been giving Jackson 50 milligrams of propofol every night intravenously - Jackson called the drugs his "milk" but, worried his patient was becoming addicted, tried to wean him off the anesthetic.

After continuously monitoring him all night, he said he administered the star's final dose at 10:40am on June 25, and left his patient for just two minutes to use the bathroom. When he returned, Jackson was not breathing.

But Mobile - phone records obtained by police reportedly revel that the doctor was on the phone for 47 minutes - on three separate calls - beginning at 11:18am, something he failed to reveal to investigators, according to the affidavit.

In A statement, Murray's lawyer Ed Chernoff said, "Much of what was in the search - warrant affidavit is factual, {but} much is police theory. Dr Murray never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11am not breathing" Murray has consistently denied any wrong doing.

Underneath the article is the excate time slots that Murray had administered Michael's pain relief to him, I'll type these out too.

June 25:

1:30am Murray again tries to get Jackson to sleep without propofol and gives the singer a 10 milligram tablet of Valium, but Jackson is unable to sleep.

2:00am Murray injects Jackson with 2 milligrams of lorazepam, pushed slowly into the singer's IV. But, again, Jackson can't sleep.

3:00am Murray then administers 2 milligrams of midazolam to Jackson, also pushed slowly into the IV. Jackson still remains awake.

5:00am Murray gives this singer another 2 milligrams of lorazepam, but Jackson still can't sleep.

7:30am Murray administers another 2 milligrams of midazolam. Murray claims he is continuously at Jackson's bedside, monitoring the singer with a pulse oximeter and measuring his pulse and oxygen statistics, But Jackson still remains awake.

10:40am Murray gives Jackson 25 milligrams of propofol diluted with lidocaine to keep Jackson sedated after repeated demands for the drug by the singer.

10:50am Murray states he left Jackson's bedside to use the bathroom and is gone for no more than two minutes. Upon his return, Murray finds Jackson's not breathing. Murray begins CPR, and gives Jackson 0.2 milligrams of flumazenil, an antidote for certain overdoses. Using his mobile phone, Murray calls Jackson's personal assistant, Michael Amir Williams, and asks him to send security upstairs for an emergency.

Murray continues CPR and then, before security arrives, he leaves Jackson and runs out to the hallway and downstairs to the kitchen where he asks the chef to send up Jackson's 12 year old son Prince. Murray continues CPR. The boy arrives upstairs and summons security.

12:21pm Jackson staff member Alberto Alvarez dials 911, and the Los Angeles Fire Department responds to the scene shortly thereafter. Murray waits for the ambulance while conducing CPR, and later accompanies Jackson to the hospital.

A UCLA Medical Center team works on Jackson for more than an hour while his family gathers at the hospital. At 2:26pm, the King Of Pop was pronounced dead.
there are a lot of missing hours.
7:30 - 10:40am okay so 3hours of begging for propofol. okaaaaaay.

10:50-12nn that long for CPR and for calling the paramedics?? c'mon now.

and didn't Mike's personal Chef, Kai confirmed that Prince didn't come up to his dad's bedroom. "the kids were downstairs with her and the nanny".
Nine weeks after Michael Jackson's body was wheeled from his drug strewn Los Angeles mansion, one big question remains: was one doctor to blame, or several?
Jeez, they make it sound like he was living in a drug refinery...

7:30am Murray administers another 2 milligrams of midazolam. Murray claims he is continuously at Jackson's bedside, monitoring the singer with a pulse oximeter and measuring his pulse and oxygen statistics, But Jackson still remains awake.
Every time this man releases a statement, he gets himself in more trouble imo.
Lemme see if I understood.....he repeatedly injects Michael with Valium and other drugs (which Michael has allegedly been taking for years) and he continuously monitors his vitals BUT when he administers him propofol (which is a relatively new drug if compared to the others and considering all he had given him before), he thinks it's a good time for a quick trip to the bathroom, to make some calls or to do God knows what?
Jeez, they make it sound like he was living in a drug refinery...

Every time this man releases a statement, he gets himself in more trouble imo.
Lemme see if I understood.....he repeatedly injects Michael with Valium and other drugs (which Michael has allegedly been taking for years) and he continuously monitors his vitals BUT when he administers him propofol (which is a relatively new drug if compared to the others and considering all he had given him before), he thinks it's a good time for a quick trip to the bathroom, to make some calls or to do God knows what?

That part sounds sus to me too, why now after givening him high doses of the other two drugs administer him with propofol and duck off to the bathroom. I've never trusted this guy to begin with nor have I ever liked the guy.

If I had my way he would be charged for manslaughter lose both of his practices and then locked up with the key thrown away and no hope in hell ever seeking bail.