Michael's Manhood Thread - 18+ (Read The First Post For Rules!)

Wait, is this for real? Is he really reading and reacting to those tweets or this is fan made? I can't tell. Most don't look real.
I wish it was real lol it has to be fan made, but it's hilarous lol 😂
I need more proof 🤤 Gold pants never gave us this -

Oh lord yes!!! 🤤🥵
As I already told you, I am not supposed to be hanging about this kinda threads these days, but you girls are terrific and the Michael images are far too addictive to stay away right now. I suppose we all needed the alibi to talk about these most pressing issues o_O Thank you, wild1 for providing it for all of us 😎 Feels kinda good to know I ain't alone in my lunacy 🤗

Oh, wild, but I spelled it all out already in my post - it's a 3 seconds segment from 5:20-5:22 I even gave y'all the link to the video. Usually, when I give online instructions, they tend to be rather clear. I suppose the fact that I 'hid' the link in the timeframe wasn't quite as obvious as I thought it would be.

Anyways, here is the vid

Please feel free to do it. I actually got a few more gif requests. The more people can help, the better it is 😅 Don't get too lost in the 'research' though.

And again, thanks for refreshing this deliciously scrumptious thread 🍩

lol we are luring you to our wild ways in this thread and we are so happy about it!! (Well maybe Michael deserves the credit! Either way we are most definitely not alone with this madness. I genuinely didn’t expect to be so shamelessly lustful toward him 2 months ago but now I don’t know any other way to be!! Haha

Omgggg well that’s embarrassing haha. You totally laid it out! Sorry about that. I mentioned somewhere in the thread that I’m traveling for work right now and I am interacting on this 18+ thread while running a both with thousands of people crawling all around, so needless to say I am distracted! Haha but I savor each one of these posts And they are keeping me going in life these last three days!

A GIF of that beautiful sexy moment is forthcoming :)

So happy and honored to be credited for this new wave of manhood talk in the forum!! Truly, is my greatest accomplishment as of late! 😂
GOD! Tell me this is photoshopped! I really want to know what was he thinking going all Free Willy with tight stretchy gold pants!
It is not photoshopped!! It is the marvelous truth of him!

Truly, what was he thinking? He’s supposed to love his fans! Why does he torture us like this?!

Jk I’m grateful for every ounce of torture he gives lol
It is not photoshopped!! It is the marvelous truth of him!

Truly, what was he thinking? He’s supposed to love his fans! Why does he torture us like this?!

Jk I’m grateful for every ounce of torture he gives lol
I'm so grateful too lol 😂

This is just heaven lol :love:
Coming to this thread after a long day is like being a kid in the candy store. I don't know what to read, where to start, what to appreciate, who to reply. I am totally going crazy 😵‍💫🤯🥵😍😍🤩🤩😵

Your reaction Hiker, reminds me of myself back in 2008/9, when I would come back from work and basicaly just lurk around MJJC, smiling at all the pictures of Michael that were poppin' up at the time and reading intrigued what people were posting in all kinda threads......

It is not photoshopped!! It is the marvelous truth of him!

😁 aaaand that's a wrap up 🎬 as some would say :cool: Although girls, I must warn you that there have been plenty of 'Michael' pics circulating online with all kind of 'edits' to them, as ML surely remembers from a convo of ours from back in November last year 😋

Thankfully, it's not the case with this picture and that is indeed the man, in his glorious might and his big......ego 😉


Truly, what was he thinking? He’s supposed to love his fans! Why does he torture us like this?!

*singin' all shabbily* Why, why??? Tell'em it's INhuman nature.........


@Antwort is this about right???

Does this green 😁 answer your q? 😅 It'not right; it's just about purrrfect. Much appreciated! Thx again for the quick reaction and most excellent delivery. In my corner of the galaxy, those are seldom occasions. You've been indeed, most forthcoming 😊

Omgggg well that’s embarrassing haha. You totally laid it out! Sorry about that. I mentioned somewhere in the thread that I’m traveling for work right now and I am interacting on this 18+ thread while running a both with thousands of people crawling all around, so needless to say I am distracted! Haha but I savor each one of these posts And they are keeping me going in life these last three days!

A GIF of that beautiful sexy moment is forthcoming :)

So happy and honored to be credited for this new wave of manhood talk in the forum!! Truly, is my greatest accomplishment as of late! 😂

It is quite the accomplishment, you know? You definitely breathed new life into this section of the site. Again, it's great to be in such funny, awesome company.

Poor, clueless folks passing by your booth blisfully unaware of your naughtiness lol Too bad I can't say the same. Juuuusst about everyone around me is well aware of my Michael 'fixation' - from family to friends, from co-workers to neighbors - and, sadly for me, they occasionaly feel the need to remind me just how loca I are for caring so deeply for him. But if my obsession with him is the worst kept secret in the universe, then his obsession with me might be quite to the contrary - the best kept secret on earth. Just kiddin' girls, just kiddin' 😇

lol we are luring you to our wild ways in this thread and we are so happy about it!! (Well maybe Michael deserves the credit! Either way we are most definitely not alone with this madness. I genuinely didn’t expect to be so shamelessly lustful toward him 2 months ago but now I don’t know any other way to be!! Hah

Oh girls, if you only knew. I've been ruling over Naughtyland for ages, as I've laid it all out, since forever, actually. You are quite tamed, compared to some of the things I think about. Still, your convos are too exciting to stay away from and the man in the pictures does deserve some of the credit 😋 But without you gals, it would have been rather awkward to be in here, talkin' to my crazy self, staring at the computer screen, squealin' over Michael 🤣 and reproaching him for his torture all day long. I shall revert to my lurking ways soon enough. But, for now, let us enjoy this special, magical day/night when we get to collectively relish in Michael's....... boastfulness and our girly naughtyness 🥳

Now, who is ready for the new gif asignment? How about we tackle Beat it - TII version?

Please check out the 3:11 - 3:14 segment and his interaction with Orianthi's guitar, basically the still shot for the vid. I've always felt sorry for the poor girl when he 'instructed' her like that, to make his mighty point 🤭 Truth be told, there is a sec there where he actually makes me laugh with this whole thing, he tries a bit too hard, poor guy. But 🤫 don't any of you dare tell him that, we're all supposed to be impressed and faint and drool over his every move.
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Please check out the 3:11 - 3:14 segment and his interaction with Orianthi's guitar, basically the still shot for the vid. I've always felt sorry for the poor girl when he 'instructed' her like that, to make his mighty point 🤭
That segment is so funny :ROFLMAO: I can't tell if that is Michael's version of 'scolding' or its part of the performance.

PS: I really must go to sleep now. Stop posting!! I am sure to have some sweet dreams today 😴
That segment is so funny :ROFLMAO: I can't tell if that is Michael's version of 'scolding' or its part of the performance.

PS: I really must go to sleep now. Stop posting!! I am sure to have some sweet dreams today 😴
It was hilarious :ROFLMAO: no matter what he does it's just adorably hot lol

You'll definitely have some sweet dreams girl lol
That segment is so funny :ROFLMAO: I can't tell if that is Michael's version of 'scolding' or its part of the performance.

I wouldn't call it scolding, but rather friendly suggestion 🤣 The man was tryin' to get a point across. What that point was, ain't exactly clear, not from where I'm standin' anyhow 🧐

PS: I really must go to sleep now. Stop posting!! I am sure to have some sweet dreams today 😴

Make me stop posting, I triple dare ya! 😼 You couldn't, even if y'all tried. Not even Michael himself could order me to stop tonight. I can be such an insubordinate brat, like you wouldn't believe it, just ask around. Some other night, I might obey him and return to my submissive ways, but NOT tonite 😆 Tonight I'm a slave to my own rhythm, not his 💋

Hiker, you better check your inbox and go to sleep. I was thinking of emotionally blackmail you into helping out with that Beat it - TII gif request I made earlier, but I'll leave that strategy to others, far more ornery and mischevious than I'll ever be 🤭

Plus, I had another gif wish, from the same performance, but this one was fiercely serious. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait before y'all wake up OR I can learn how to do gifs myself. The world better watch out when ai get the hang of gifs 😱I are known for my editorial skills (be it in written, video or audio format). Gifs aren't quantum physics, are they?
Plus, I had another gif wish, from the same performance, but this one was fiercely serious. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait before y'all wake up OR I can learn how to do gifs myself. The world better watch out when ai get the hang of gifs 😱I are known for my editorial skills (be it in written, video or audio format). Gifs aren't quantum physics, are they?
It is harder than quantum physics. The hardest part of creating these gifs is keeping your drool off the keyboard, keeping your eyes focused on the right buttons to click and making sure you don't pass out otherwise you have start all over again. o_O🥴
Don't you walk away from me Mr when I am talking!! :mad: ..... but if you do, I am still going to enjoy it :love:🤤. Look at that swagger.

oh my gawwwwwd. I never spell it GAWD, but if there ever were a reason to, there it is!!
That segment is so funny :ROFLMAO: I can't tell if that is Michael's version of 'scolding' or its part of the performance.
I can't either! I still love it though. I love that entire video actually, from him riding around, to the rehearsals themselves. I still haven't watched TII and probably won't anytime soon, but I am realizing now that I basically find him sexy all the time lol.
Oooooh now I have a thought… since I just posted two gifs of what I consider Michael’s sexiest feature (his glorious smile) … what if everyone posted a pic, gif, description, whatever, relating somehow to what *you * consider his sexiest feature?! Let’s be honest…. We have sooooo much to choose from from his eyes, hair, lips, hips, giant ….. *sigh*….um, hands(?), fingers, chest, (the list goes on simply to include every body part).

No pressure or anything, but I think it could be fun 🤩
Oooooh now I have a thought… since I just posted two gifs of what I consider Michael’s sexiest feature (his glorious smile) … what if everyone posted a pic, gif, description, whatever, relating somehow to what *you * consider his sexiest feature?! Let’s be honest…. We have sooooo much to choose from from his eyes, hair, lips, hips, giant ….. *sigh*….um, hands(?), fingers, chest, (the list goes on simply to include every body part).

No pressure or anything, but I think it could be fun 🤩
I totally agree with this!! 🤩