Michael's Manhood Thread - 18+ (Read The First Post For Rules!)


So lovely.

His beauty is like fine art. You just have to stop and admire it sometimes.... wow.
Exactly so. Like wandering through an art gallery and seeing the most beautiful work of art and just ... you have to stop and gaze in awe and silence and wonder. And it might be several minutes or it might be 2 hours but then you leave because there is no point in looking at anything else, there is no room in your head for anything except this beautiful face.

Was replying to your comment over on Hands and then felt, 'no, don't wanna do this' so am dropping it here. I suppose I'm used to derailing Manhood but not other threads, at least not as much. Hope you don't mind me commenting over here instead.

Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about your low mood today. Especially the student bit. Not asking for details, of course. I just meant, Sunday, not usually a working day. As for reading about Michael's later years, yes, it's always so difficult. He had awful, dreadful, horrible difficulties in each decade but the 2000's was especially hard, I think. Earlier I was watching the video of the verdict day from Michael's trial. And the voiceover from the reporter was so annoying (maybe it was just my mood). They were commenting on how Michael was not saying anything and looked quite blank (he didn't use that word but that's what he meant). Just seemed stupid. Of course, the press would not have known about the credible death threat made against Michael on that day or about his lead bodyguard's insistence on Michael wearing a bullet-proof vest. But, even apart from that, it's the verdict day. He's hardly going to be babbling to the press. Especially after the way they covered the trial.

Sorry. Got a bit carried away there.

Anyway, I'm in one of my weird Michael - tearful moods which sometimes key in to other stuff that's going on and sometimes just stand alone. Since my BTW 1987 insanity calmed down I thought, 'oh, this'll be cool, I know what to expect from my normal level of insanity. I've got this'. Mm, don't think I have.

First off, my daydreams are revving up. They are much more detailed, much busier, more, um, tangible, if you get my drift. So that's been a bit unexpected. And they pop up randomly whenever they feel like. Which isn't always convenient, lol.

But, also, my reactions are all over the place again. With BWT 1987 I at least knew what was going on and things were insane at particular times, for the most part (i.e. when I was watching Tokyo or Brisbane). Now I've gone back to random madness. Yesterday I had to go to three different shops to buy some last minute plants for the garden. So that's what I'm thinking about. Normal stuff. Completely out of the blue Michael pops into my head and I instantly feel sick to my stomach.

Today I'm reading a book review about an American painter who I've never heard of and, again, out of the blue, Michael pops into my head and my heart does that awful thing where it just sort of expands madly but also contracts really painfully. It gets squeezed by huge emotions which are mostly sad / tearful / wrenching / heartsick. No idea what that's about but it's been with me all day. I didn't really have this when I was in BWT 1987 mode cos there wasn't room, I don't think. The insanity and hysteria were so huge they blotted out everything else. Now there is more room in there and all sorts of stuff is flooding in again. I almost feel like I don't know how to cope with this which is ridiculous. I should know how to deal with this by now, it's hardly new.

Sorry. This is probably too much derailing. Let me go and find a nice picture.