MJJCs Official Daily Poems & Reflections Thread

A Soldiders for God (A dedicated to Michael, and some other fallen stars)

This is a soldier
A soldier to god
A fallen soldier in a curel world
for is a day for saddness & happiness
For this is a soldier, s soldier
A soldiers to god
I love you Michael J. Jackson

her vines wrapping and twining
they swirl and sprawl
the overgrowth blocks the sun
her strength is underestimated
adorning leaves appear delicate
unknown to the casual onlooker,
her poison may leave a scar or two
she possesses a will that can't be bridled
the wild side of her nature
makes it possible for her to survive
claiming those not equally determined
she strangles and chokes off their life
her surface absorbs all the light
the greater her multiplication
the darker her underside grows
this is how she shuts the world out
showing onlookers all they need to know
July 13, 2009

I did not hold him on a pedestal
I held him in my heart

He wasn't made of metal
Like the money that men grabbed,
Nor even of rhinoceros hide
But flesh and blood like any other man

He wasn't tireless, though he rarely slept
Throughout the quiet of the night
His poetry grew upon the window frames
And melodies escaped like bubbles through the pane.

He rose with each new day
Brushed the clouds of myth away
Pulled on his shoes
and got the breakfast ready for his kids

He did the best he could
His best was phenomenal

But mostly he was kind
That was the thing...
That was what mattered--
To him
To those he loved.

I did not hold him on a pedestal
I held him in my heart.

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And so too does another day pass.
Of which one cannot help but sit back and contemplate the days business.
Look at that which has occured and wondering how that has impacted the moral fabric.
Those that participated in that day has somehow shaped what happened.
But the day none the less was a marvellous thing to behold.
for the fakers and the antagonists, the leeches and the thieves, for everyone who turned a dime at the distress of one precious man....

souless men

who is that teardrop wept for?
have you found your heart?
did you dare to go inside yourself?
when did your tears start?

the coldness you've shown
debauchery your common ground
summoning demons, you took aim
is it your own soul you have now found?

are those tears for yourself?
to whom is it that you are true?
as mortality nears, you are now afraid
can you weep for anyone other than you?

when the angels in Heaven wept bitterly
your snear spread from ear to ear
now they have taken one of their own home
the grip of the reaper to you is ever nearer

your solemnity is now heard in every land
are you truly repentant? do you wish to redeem?
has that ice in your heart melted
when you sleep at night, of what do you dream?

are the monsters you summoned now watching you?
is this why you feel the need to show despair?
you were in part and parcel with the devil's plan
for twenty pieces of silver your soul's been ensnared

with a mournful face you deeply contemplate
is it the innocent One for whom you now care?
does looking behind finally put things into place
has your cavernous soul for another finally found space?

Poems written for Michael- from the heart :)

Has anyone written any poetry about Michael?
Since his tragic untimely passing I have put pen to paper in an attempt to 'do something' positive with my aching heart. :-(
I am no stranger to grief, as lost my mum ( when she was just 57yrs old - 10yrs ago this Dec- and also had a baby grandson still born at full term last august- 2 wks before MJ's 50th b day) :-(
I found writing to be a way of letting out my feelings..........

Here's one to share about the precious and amazingly beautiful late Michael Jackson.

''Rare and Beautiful.........one of a kind''

Most kind and gentle soul
who for troubled children gave his all
a talent rare and beautiful
Michael Jackson

His dance.

''How do you moonwalk?''
Has anyone tried?
Many have tried to do it, but the master who perfected it has died,
With a quick sharp spin,
and a flick of his hat,
then up on his toes...........how does he do that?
Dance moves like no other, he surely must be,
the greatest performer the world did ever see.

His Voice

With a voice purer than gold,
and clearer than sparkling crystal.
Michael Jackson's voice is sharper than a thistle.
With songs sung from the heart,
He has amazed me from the start.

I am enthralled by your magic,
losing you too soon was so tragic,
Yet your legacy and legend lives on, forever and beyond
Thank you Michael
Of you we are so fond.

I hope you like my poems. Be inspired to write your own!
Dedicated with all my love to a man who is and will always be so very special to me

This comes straight from my heart.

Michael my eyes still cry for you and my heart still hurts
My life has changed things will never be the same
I cant take this pain I just wanna see you again

You'll live inside my heart Now and forever
I will always tresaure the pleasure I cannot measure
The feelings you give me inside I will never hide

My love For you is so strong
Without it I couldnt've carried on
Now your gone my life is all wrong

You are everything in this world to me
And yes somethings are never meant to be
But without you there is no me.

I cant thank you enough for all you have done
Its because of this I carry on
But now your gone
I cant find the strength to get along.

Just to hear your song
I was able to move on.

You gave my life meaning
You kept me dreaming
Its becasue of you I would wake up gleaming
Now Im streaming because Im woundering why your leaving
All Im doing is grieving
Your the reason I kept on believing

I love and miss you so much
Id do anything just too feel your touch

Why did they take you away
Life will never be ok
I justed wanted you to know I feel this way.

You were my angel here on earth
I have loved you since birth
Your my lifes worth.

I promise I will never let you go
From my heart I will always love you so.
My letter to Michael.

''You are amazing, that's what you are,

An inspiration to many, a bright shining star.

You are the best entertainer this world has ever seen,

It's been a privilige to have lived in your era, you are the best there has been.

Loved by so many, despised by a few,

Yet those who mocked you, didn't know the real you.

Thank you for everything, your beautiful tender heart,

I am so very sad that you had to part.

A voice like no other, and dance moves the same.

I just hope one day in heaven I'll see you again.''

Loads of love and total admiration

Your friend and fan........

Love ...........

wonder of you

like the stars in the heavens
the mysteries of you have no count
in wonder i consider that which i
can conceive, knowing it is not
in the slightest of all there is
to grasp, in you the mundane ceases,
and the hunger and need to go deeper
forever increases, the kindness that is
yours to share is as vast as the skies that
hold all the mysteries that wink to me
from on high, ever there and ever playful,
by and by you reveal that your fountain
never goes dry, were i to drink from it
til the end of time, still only a small
portion of it would i have, yet the portion
which is given to me is mine, and mine
exclusively, and yet you let no one go thirsty
nor leave anyone in want, for your fountain is
as eternal as you are, springing from the same
source, ever giving and ever loving, your
mysteries shall always be and it is my joy to
consider the you in the who that you are
Images of You

i close my eyes and picture you as you sit quietly and stare
how i long to watch your face and admire the graces
you extend towards us
No One looks close enough
to bear witness to the miracles
residing behind your eyes
or listens carefully enough
to catch your sighs

i can only picture how you must glow in a knowledge you alone knows
of the wonders and mysteries that surrounds each one
and the role you play to get things done

i picture how you start each day
when you're quiet and reflective and pray
you're reluctant, but obedient and ease into your way
and i watch you
and am mesmerized.
Holding You

I hold your face and you hold mine
Separate but entwined
Child-hearts balancing on a precipice
Holding on…
Salty kisses, wet with tears
Butterflies dancing upon wells of sorrow
Lips skim the surface
Thoughts dive within
Deep… deep
Holding on, we float in a cavern
Of emptiness
Of loneliness
Dark, cold, remote emptiness
But I am there with you
You are not alone
Not while my kisses dance upon your face
Not while I silently regard your darkness
Feeling the chill
Warming you with my love
And holding you
Forever, holding you…

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monkeys on parade

futility eludes the curious possessing dubious understanding
how can the equation be worked when variables are without definition
like a game of connect the dots with no lines drawn to show the course
deafening chatter disturbs those who are trying to sleep
with or without the star the show must go on, and on and on it goes
huge chunks are absently misplaced and conclusions drawn to a false positive
in the end it's all psychological and no representation does accuracy obtain
with such a meagerness, the curious should from such activities abstain
such a nature is not within their grasp at present yet reckoning shall prevail
for all such seemingly intellectual pursuits the gaping hole of zero results
Friend... (((hug)))

Some thoughts on love and loss:

Master, what is the best way to meet
the loss of someone we love?

By knowing that when we truly love, it is never lost.
It is only after death that the depth of the bond
is truly felt, and our loved one becomes more a part
of us than was possible in life.

~Oriental tradition~

Unable are the Loved to die
For Love is Immortality,
Nay it is Deity--
Unable they that love to die
For Love reforms Vitality
Into Divinity.

~Emily Dickinson~

I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches.
If suffering alone taught,
all the world would be wise
since everyone suffers.
To suffering must be added mourning,
understanding, patience, love, openness,
and the willingness
to remain vulnerable.

~Anne Morrow Lindbergh~

Sorrow comes in great waves...
but it rolls over us,
and though it may almost smother us,
it leaves us on the spot,
and we know that if it is strong,
we are the stronger inasmuch as it passes
and we remain.

~Henry James~
I've been hearing this song a bit lately. It's beautiful, and reminds me of a poem I wrote a while back.

~Josh Groban~

A beautiful and blinding morning
The world outside begins to breathe
See clouds arriving without warning
I need you here to shelter me

And I know that only time will tell us how
To carry on without each other

So keep me awake to memorize you
Give me more time to feel this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today

If I could make these moments endless
If I could stop the winds of change
If we just keep our eyes wide open
Then everything would stay the same

And I know that only time will tell me how
We'll carry on without each other

So keep me awake for every moment
Give us more time to be this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today

We'll let tomorrow wait, you're here, right now, with me
All my fears just fall away, when you are all I see

We can't stay like this forever
But I have you here today

And I will remember
Oh I will remember
Remember all the love we shared today

Here's the poem that I wrote:


I shall remember you without regret
Like a child remembers their mischievous deeds
With a smile and a wink
Memories need not be nostalgic—
Need not be tinged with sadness
What if we remember the ‘now’ of each moment?
Reliving the joy
Like the ecstasy that we feel every time we see
A full moon on a clear night
Month after month
Always the same, yet always new
I will let each memory of you
Light up my heart
Without regret
Without longing
Without missing
I will smile
And blow you a kiss
Wherever you are
My dear…


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lovely song dim. i was listening to this one earlier and it felt like Michael.

look to the sky

[Verse 1]
When it rains it pours and opens doors
And floods the floors we thought would always keep us safe and dry
And in the midst of sailing ships we sink our lips into the ones we love
That have to say goodbye

And as I float along this ocean
I can feel you like a notion that won't seem to let me go

Cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me
And you make everything alright
And when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me
And I can always find my way when you are here

[Verse 2]
And every word I didn't say that caught up in some busy day
And every dance on the kitchen floor we didn't have before
And every sunset that we'll miss I'll wrap them all up in a kiss
And pick you up in all of this when I sail away

And as I float along this ocean
I can feel you like a notion that I hope will never leave

[Verse 3]
Whether I am up or down or in or out or just plane overhead
Instead it just feels like it is impossible to fly
But with you I can spread my wings
to see me over everything that life may send me
When I am hoping it won't pass me by

And when I feel like there is no one that will ever know me
there you are to show me

Cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me
And you make everything alright
And when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me
And I can always find my way when you are here [X2]
That's sooooooo beautiful Friend. Here's a similar song by Josh Groban:

To Where You are
~Josh Groban~

Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memory, so clear

Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be (?)
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen

As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
'Cause you are my
Forever love
Watching me from up above

And I believe
That angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave

Fly me up
To where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

I know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
Love Stories

Whatever happened
To “happily ever after?”

Love stories always seem to end.
Courtships peter out,
Lovers’ passions fade
Children leave the nest,
Soul-mates drift away,
Parents pass on.
But does love really end?

Love stories end
But love itself remains.
Circumstances change,
But love endures
Stretching across the boundaries
Of time and space,
Life and death.

Even scorned love…
Especially scorned love
Defies annihilation.
No kindness is wasted,
No kiss blown towards the moon
Is lost in the heavens,
No prayer of forgiveness
Goes unheard.

When love stories end,
These three things remain:
Faith, hope and love,
And the greatest of these is love.

Dim that is a very beautiful and truly said poem, and so is your new siggie. blessings (HUGS) you.
So Strong

Like a butterfly balancing on a silk thread
This love lies trembling
Between darkness and light
Mystery and knowledge
Hope and despair
Precariously suspended between
Grace and need
Love holds on
This fragile thing—so strong—
Holds on…

My cousin sent me a couple of CDs for my birthday, and on one of them was the most beautiful song! I'd never heard it before, but the lyrics struck me straight away, because the poetry in them is amazing. I thought I'd share it with you all. :)

Her Song
~Jake Holmes~

She can make a pirouette of feeling
Turn and turn inside me every time we touch
She can shade the color of confusion
So all that matters is that nothing matters much

She can take the secrets out of shadows
I was sure that I would always have to keep
She can lay all curled against the morning
And stop tomorrow with the quiet of her sleep

I have looked in house of mirrored faces
For a long, long time
But now I see myself reflected in her smile

She will smooth the edges of my questions
Growing trust where I thought trust could never grow
She will wait while I begin to love her
She will hold me while I'm letting go
She will hold me while I'm letting go
I'm afraid that this is not a very cheerful poem, considering that it is Michael's birthday, but after all the revelations this week, my spirit is not up to celebrating. Michael is not alive anymore to celebrate his birth, but his life will be celebrated forever.

No Sunshine
(August 29, 2009)

I miss you like the winter misses sunshine
Where is the warmth,
Where is the light
Now that you are gone?

Without you I am like
A forest without birdsong
Dry, like the creek beds in summer—
Waiting for the rain

Without you
Beauty struggles to show its glory
Pink shamrocks seduce me from the embankment
But their colours dance into tears

I long for you like a kiss that cannot touch
My poetry aches for you,
Like a child without a mother
My hand reaches for yours in the darkness

Where have you gone
My Pan, my muse?
Too far
Too far away from me

I wrote this poem with Michael in mind over two years ago, but it seems so relevant now, as I see how the full moon came to farewell him at his funeral.

Moonlight Reflections

So still upon the shore you rest
Satiated of all Heaven’s riches
A heart content and immersed in sleep
A nightingale calls your name
But you do not stir
For you are far away in your dreams

Moonlight dances above you
Like fairies attending to your comfort
All still within
All busy without
And ere you move a fraction
They scatter like a million bolts of lightning

The moon sighs
And wraps her luminous arms about you once again
Silvery beams caress your cheek
She loves you—
Her equal in radiance
As glorious in sleep as waking

Silken locks, like the folds of midnight
Frame her reflection in your face
Two lights that glow
Of the purest beauty
The one above
The other below



I've been listening to this song lately. Love it! It reminds me of someone :)

Nature Boy

~Eden Ahbez~
Sung by Nat King Cole

There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was he

And then one day
A magic day he passed my way
And while we spoke of many things
Fools and kings
This he said to me
The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return

And here's another poem that I wrote recently:

Far away

Each night before I go to sleep
I say goodnight to you
I pull the blankets tight
And snuggle in my warm cocoon

I wonder if you’ll hear my prayer
If you are listening too
For words of comfort from a friend
Whose love is ever-true

For love does not disintegrate
When from the loved-one torn
It is an ever-fixèd mark
Or so the Bard has sworn

And I believe his ageless words
I live them day-by-day
Holding you close within my heart
Though you are far away

And here’s the prayer I pray for you
Each night before I sleep
God bless your soul with peace and love
As you rest in His keep

My letter to Michael.

''You are amazing, that's what you are,

An inspiration to many, a bright shining star.

You are the best entertainer this world has ever seen,

It's been a privilige to have lived in your era, you are the best there has been.

Loved by so many, despised by a few,

Yet those who mocked you, didn't know the real you.

Thank you for everything, your beautiful tender heart,

I am so very sad that you had to part.

A voice like no other, and dance moves the same.

I just hope one day in heaven I'll see you again.''

Loads of love and total admiration

Your friend and fan........

Love ...........


Oh my! not blowing my own trumpet but this is so lovely..........:doh:
A lovely quote:

For it was not into my ear you whispered
but into my heart.
It was not my lips you kissed
but my soul.

~Judy Garland~