MJs productivity secret


Proud Member
May 17, 2022
Michael was very productive during Bad.
What was his secret?
I think it was a desire to do everything he could to top Thriller. Also what helped was it was desire to cement his legacy.

I read years ago, Michael filmed the Smooth Criminal short film as early as he did (May 1987) solely to make sure it made it on the album as Quincy wasn't a fan of the song.
Like @SmoothCriminal1995 said, I think the mounting public pressure to top Thriller, plus officially breaking ties with his brothers, gave MJ a creative boost.

In hindsight, his mid-1980s hustle is remarkable. He was always working on a variety of material, but the amount of finished/near-finished music that resulted from 1983 to 1987 alone is astonishing.
Michael was very productive during Bad.
What was his secret?
Michael was at the peak of his productivity during Bad and Invincible eras. He wrote so many songs. The only difference between Bad and Invincible is that during Bad era most songs were written by him, while during Invincible era most songs were co-written by him...