Nancy Grace's Strong Words About MJ investigation

nancy disgrace only became host because of her strong words about Michael
nancy disgrace only became host because of her strong words about Michael

Meaning. . . she got her tv show because of her strong Pro Prosecution stance during the 05 trial. She was CONVINCED he'd be convicted and spend the rest of his life in jail. She talked about it almost daily on the air for millions to hear.

When he was acquitted she joked about having to eat crow. She was so pissed. She even got nasty with the jury foreman and kinda of tried to bully him.

She is NO fan of Michael's. Now she is trying to save face like most of the free world who judged him the past 15 years. NOW she wants to be on his side (for ratings).

Anything she says is suspect so don't put too much stock into her words or actions.
Let her talk, maybe she knows things that will help in his investigation..People changes and that is good. Rather than constantly butchering him If she wants to say something good then let it be. But DO NOT trust her. it will only be for ratings as she realize that there is no more Michael to bash. The fans are important now..$$$$$. Anything For Money.
What a Witch!!
Karma will get her a**
YOU IDIOT Nancy Grace _

The Toxology reports are out there were No illicit drugs in MJs system_ Michael died becuase of a propoful overdose - that was impropperly administered by the doctor - GROSS nelegence homocide becuase of his indifference toward his patient -
no pain meds or illicit drugs only an antidepressent and sedative _ along with propoful an anisthetic _

she just wanted to calle MJ a dope addict is all
her concern is FAKE -
I do not know if this one was posted.
Anybody knows about this person if she was related to Mike before?
Yes she was one of Michael #1 enemies
during his trial and worked along with Tom Sneddon
putting out false allegations on her show against Michael

she is more or less just wanting to call Michael a DOPE addict here
masking it with her false concern over bringing him justice over his death
Beware of the painted word.

Yes the evil media at times will seem to be sympathic toward Michael to attract his fans but no matter the tone of the report they will place the "words" in it because they know repetition will get these painted words into people's subconscious mind.

That's why when Barbara Walters interviewed Latoya for a seemingly favorable interview she had to slip the "gay" word and "molestation".

The evil media spends millions on studying hypnosis technics to bypass the critical faculty of the mind. Repetition, Emotion and Imagination being the main requirement to achieve that goal.


Ho Why Ho Whyyy
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YOU IDIOT Nancy Grace _

The Toxology reports are out there were No illicit drugs in MJs system_ Michael died becuase of a propoful overdose - that was impropperly administered by the doctor - GROSS nelegence homocide becuase of his indifference toward his patient -
no pain meds or illicit drugs only an antidepressent and sedative _ along with propoful an anisthetic _

she just wanted to calle MJ a dope addict is all
her concern is FAKE -

Exactly, I ain't even watching what she had to say. Her and all the rest of the witch hunters contributed to the death of my idol. I hate them all.
Nancy Disgrace just wants ratings, not justice for MJ. She will do anything for them. Her coverage of the trial was so over the top that people even in the media were criticizing her for her antics.
Yes she was one of Michael #1 enemies
during his trial and worked along with Tom Sneddon
putting out false allegations on her show against Michael

she is more or less just wanting to call Michael a DOPE addict here
masking it with her false concern over bringing him justice over his death

Oh, Ok I got you. I just didn't follow and din't know if she was involeved in his trial. So, what she says is comlete fiction.
thank you.
Beware of the painted word.

Yes the evil media at times will seem to be sympathic toward Michael to attract his fans but no matter the tone of the report they will place the "words" in it because they know repetition will get these painted words into people's subconscious mind.

That's why when Barbara Walters inreviewed Latoya for a seemingly favorable interview she had to slip the "gay" word and "molestation".

The evil media spends millions on studying hypnosis technics to bypass the critical faculty of the mind. Repetition, Emotion and Imagination being the main requirement to achieve that goal.


Ho Why Ho Whyyy

This is what I feel about the media too. You are right they want to attract MJ fans saying “nice” words. It looks like it is big fight for ppl's minds on TV and on the internet.
very true. They try to seduce you then twist your words. They are all the bloody same. Ratings and negative interviews sells. I fell sorry for Withney Houston..They are getting their money's worth.
Now with Michael on Wednesday another world wide viewing?
I hate people like Nancy, she can rot in hell and she will, maybe her tongue will drop off so she cannot talk rubbish..
Nancy Grace as well as a few others ought to be careful, if there is life on the other side they could find a thunderbolt decending on her one of these days.
The truth will get out when every body finds out we all will be in shock so sad how he was set up Love MJ for life the world is full of Evil god is the only one that can saved you from it