Our thread for Lisa -Marie Presley. - Our Condolences, Love & Prayers to all of her family.

IKR! I immediately wanted to re-post it but am trying to behave myself, lol. Awesome photo.

8 pages already! Let's keep it going. There is a lot to celebrate, remember, mourn. There was so much depth to this woman. She can't be contained within just a couple of pages. I have so much more I want to say about her.
Haha ah yeah! I know 🥰 its as cool as the converse ones,
She really mirrors Michael to be fair, especially for the welfare and education of children. I loved that L.E.A.P photo of her with Issac Hayes and all it stands for.
We shall. 8 pages is not enough, that's for certain.

Lisa Marie Presley Photo: Candlelight vigil at Graceland for Elvis 2015.​

I had to bring these two photos together. ❤️


So tender 💘

Another fave look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
For people who don't like spoilers, don't read past this point! I'm posting quotes from the Billy Corgan podcast. The episode is 'To The Grays' - broadcast 17 Jan 2023.

He talks about Lisa Marie from approx 18m 50s - 43m 2s.

If you're OK with spoilers, here's a couple of quotes from Billy Corgan's podcast. They are not 100% verbatim bc it was too fiddly doing the transcribing. But they are close enough.

24m 8s - Lisa Marie talking to Billy about her relationship with Michael, trying to get him to understand why she fell for Michael:
" ... [he was] one of the smartest, most talented people in the world ... do you understand the charisma, the energy in a person like that ... do you understand why that would be attractive to me ..."

28m 40s - Billy talking about Lisa's vocal talent:
" ... she really did have a great voice that the world never really got to hear ... her true talent as a vocalist which, like her father ... she had a unique set of pipes with the ability to sing soul in a particular way, she had that naturally but no-one ever really cultivated [it] ..."

I feel vindicated. Hearing Lisa sing, especially on her third album, I can hear that she's not the finished product but the talent is there. And that it's not just about needing more time to develop but also that she hadn't quite found the right people to help her get to where she needed to get to. Not to slam the people she did work with. That was all fine, she worked with some interesting artists. But to really help her draw out what was there in her voice, I agree with Billy, it would have taken a different bunch of people. It's frustrating bc she's so close. She was almost there, imo.
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