Person Responsible For Whitney’s Enquirer Photo Exposed - Tabloid expose


[h=1]Whitney Houston's friend reveals for the first time the moment he found her dead in her hotel room[/h] Incredible details about the scene that unfolded around singer's tragic death in a hotel bathtub

<figure class="clearfix">
<figcaption>Tragic star: Whitney Houston and Bobby Kris</figcaption> </figure> Coleman Rayner

The horrific sight still keeps him awake at night and will be forever etched on his mind.
When Raffles van Exel saw Whitney Houston’s bodyguard frantically pumping her chest, he *immediately knew she was dead.
The singing legend was naked as she lay rigid on a sodden beige carpet. Water from the fast-running tap was still pouring out of the bath, forming an eerie, transparent frame around her.
It was an ill-fitting, ignominious end for a woman who was once the best-selling female artist of all time.
Raffles instinctively ran for a towel and covered the bottom half of her body as her devastated bodyguard Ray Watson stood up and began crying into his hands.
Today Raffles becomes the first person in Whitney’s tight inner circle to break the silence *surrounding her tragic death in February at the age of 48.
In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Mirror, he tells how she hid her drug habit from those *closest to her in the weeks before she died, and how she seemed to have a *premonition about her end.
“Whitney was good at hiding her drug habit,” Raffles says. “I *honestly thought she was clean in the two years before she died.

<figure class="inline-image clearfix ">
<figcaption>Breaking his silence: Friend Raffles Van Exel</figcaption> </figure> Coleman Rayner
“Yes, she would have the occasional drink. And I knew she was taking painkillers and the anxiety drug Xanax. But I never suspected she was using hard drugs.
“It really shocked me when I found that out. And actually it made me quite mad because I thought, ‘Whitney, you had us all fooled.’
“Everyone thought Whitney was in a good place and we never *imagined anything like this was going to happen.”
He adds: “But looking back, Whitney seemed to have a premonition about her death. She started carrying a Bible around everywhere she went and would read from it all the time.
“Also, she kept talking about ‘leaving’ America. I thought she meant she was going to Switzerland, where she had talked about living, but now I realise she meant she was leaving this world.”
Entertainment consultant Raffles, 44, knew Whitney for 24 years, having first met her after a concert in his native Holland in 1988.
He was her constant companion in the three weeks before she died. He was also in business with her, working on a new candle line that would carry her name with her sister-in-law and manager Patricia *Houston.
Speaking from his home in Los *Angeles, *Raffles reveals how he was due to shoot an *“infomercial” with *Whitney at the Beverly Hilton *Hotel on the fateful day, February 11, when she drowned in the bath of her luxury suite.
He says: “We were all waiting for Whitney to get ready and suddenly Pat said, ‘You know, I haven’t spoken to Whitney all day, I should go and check on her.’”

<figure class="inline-image clearfix ">
<figcaption>Hellraising couple: Whitney Houston and husband Bobby Brown</figcaption> </figure> Getty
He tells how he was in a room just down the hall from where *Whitney was staying, chatting to her daughter Bobbi Kristina. He says: “After a while I told Bobbi that I needed to go back to my house to pick up a poster. She asked if she could come with me.
“We walked down the hall and saw Whitney’s stylist Tiffanie Dixon bawling her eyes out by a telephone. Bobbi Kristina said, ‘What’s wrong?’
“It was then that I saw Whitney’s elderly aunt Mary Jones falling on her knees by Whitney’s room at the end of the hallway. She was on her knees crying.
“I ran over and asked her, ‘What’s wrong?’ She was saying, ‘Oh my God. Not my baby. Not my baby. Not my Nippy.’ She told me, ‘Go and help Nippy.’ I opened the door and saw Pat sitting on a chair, white as a sheet, rocking back and forth. I said, ‘Pat, what is wrong?’
“Then I saw Whitney lying on the floor with her bodyguard, who’d lifted her out, trying to give her CPR. It was the first time in my life I had seen a dead body. She was on the floor, totally naked. I don’t know where it came from, but I got a towel and placed it over her navel. Ray got up and started shaking his head and crying.”
Raffles reveals how the hotel security arrived and took over administering CPR. He says: “I stood holding hands with Pat... she squeezed my hand so tight.
“After no more than a minute, the police and paramedics arrived. They wanted to use defibrillators to try to get her heart started, but they couldn’t because the water was still running out of the bath and was overflowing on to the carpet. The carpet on which Whitney was lying was soaked through so there was a risk everyone would be electrocuted.
“They picked Whitney up and moved her from the bathroom to the living area. I helped one of the detectives move a sofa out on to the patio to make room.
“The police ordered everyone out but Pat refused. I told Pat I had to leave, that I could not take it any more.”
Raffles describes how Whitney’s *family and friends were so paralysed with shock in the minutes after she was declared dead that he was left to comfort Bobbi Kristina, 19, the daughter she had with ex-husband Bobby Brown. “I walked into Bobbi Kristina’s room and she was crying and bawling,” he says. “She asked me, ‘Is my mummy gone?’ I said, ‘They are working on her.’
“She held me and said, ‘I can’t believe she is gone.’ I didn’t want to be the one who told her her mother was dead. I asked to borrow her phone and I called Bobby Brown. I said, ‘Yo Bobby, where you at?’
“He said he was in Boston. I said, ‘I need you to come to LA, Whitney just died.’ He started crying. He said, ‘Is this a joke? Tell me this is a f***ing joke?’
“At some point someone told Bobbi Kristina her mother was dead. I think Pat gave her the news. Bobbi became hysterical.
“She started screaming and hyperventilating. She was really out of it. I told Pat that we needed to call an *ambulance. Pat said, ‘I can’t deal with this right now.’
“I called an ambulance and we took Bobbi Kristina to Cedars Sinai hospital. But she was still so out of it and kept saying she couldn’t breathe. I think she might have taken something that day but I can’t be sure.
“The doctors wanted to give her something to calm her down, but she wouldn’t let them. Bobbi Kristina was in a really bad way.”
Raffles, who says he has never touched drink or drugs himself, was with *Whitney through the years when she sank into the depths of her addiction.
He reveals that in the mid-90s, when she was married to R & B singer Brown, he would look on in horror at evidence of drug-taking – baking powder, smashed glasses and burnt spoons – as he took food into her room at the Bel Air Hotel. He says he tried to warn her to slow down, but says: “What Whitney wants, Whitney gets.”
He says she finally saw the light when her close friend Michael Jackson died from a drugs overdose in 2009.
“Michael was Whitney’s hero and they used to talk for hours and hours on the phone,” he says. “Sometimes they would be up until two in the morning chatting away. When he died it was a major *reality check for Whitney. She would tell me, ‘Raffles, I don’t want to end up like Michael.’
“I thought that finally she had got the message. She secretly moved to a private community in *Laguna Beach, California, and when I visited her she was jogging on the beach and spending some *quality time with Bobbi Kristina.
“She looked great and her eyes were sparkling again. I knew she was off drugs because she got *really chubby. I told her, ‘Girl, you got big!’ She told me how *happy she was to be exercising and getting clean.
“She said, ‘I’m still *smoking cigarettes but I am going to quit them too. I want to get my high voice back and go out and show everybody what I can do.’”
But Whitney appears to have fallen off the wagon shortly after she arrived in Los Angeles in January. Raffles says she initially checked in to the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel and set about going to business meetings and visiting her dentist, who he thinks prescribed her painkillers.
She started drinking again and was spotted knocking back margaritas and staggering out of a Hollywood nightclub, sweaty and intoxicated.
But Raffles insists she hid her hard drug use from everyone close to her.
Whitney is believed to have been in a drug-induced stupor when she drowned in room 434 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel while getting ready for a pre-Grammy Awards party.
An autopsy report later revealed that a contributing factor to her death was the “effects of atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use”.
The report stated that she had used cocaine shortly before she died, as well as marijuana and prescription drugs including Xanax, allergy medication Benadryl and muscle-relaxant Flexiril.
A Dutch newspaper later *reported that Raffles had admitted to *“cleaning” the singer’s room of drug paraphernalia before the police arrived. Others have accused him of being one of Whitney’s main *enablers.
But a police investigation has exonerated him of any wrongdoing, and he says he is now going to sue those who made such allegations.
“The only thing I did was help Whitney’s family take all her belongings out of the hotel room after the police had given us permission to clear it,” he says. “I did not ‘clean’ the room and I never said I did.
“After Whitney died, the crucifixtion of Raffles van Exel began and my life has been a living hell ever since. I’ve been called everything from Rihanna’s drug dealer to *Hollywood’s biggest importer of *narcotics. None of it is true.
“Whitney always promised she would make me famous, but this is the one promise I wish she had not kept.
“I feel now is the right time to speak about her as people want to know what happened.
“Looking back, I wish I had spotted the warning signs and done something to help her. I wish I’d spent more time with her and talked to her more. We should have staged an intervention or something.
“Whitney was my best friend, she was like family to me, and I don’t know how I am going to live now she is gone.”
:mat:First they shut Jacky Jasper up- now more spin:

[h=4]People News[/h] [h=1]Whitney Houston kept drug habit from friends[/h] Jun 17, 2012, 10:01 GMT

Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston hid her drug habit from her friends and family in the weeks before her tragic death.

The 'I Will Always Love You' singer - who had a history of substance abuse - was found dead in the bath tub of her hotel room in February after suffering a huge heart attack partly brought on by her cocaine abuse but those close to her thought she had been clean for two years.
Whitney's pal and entertainment consultant Raffles van Exel said: 'Whitney was good at hiding her drug habit. I Â*honestly thought she was clean in the two years before she died. Yes, she would have the occasional drink. And I knew she was taking painkillers and the anxiety drug Xanax. But I never suspected she was using hard drugs.
'It really shocked me when I found that out. And actually it made me quite mad because I thought, 'Whitney, you had us all fooled.' Everyone thought Whitney was in a good place and we never Â*imagined anything like this was going to happen.'
However, Raffles said 48-year-old Whitney - who had been using cocaine at the time of death - had a premonition she was going to die.
He told the Sunday Mirror newspaper: 'But looking back, Whitney seemed to have a premonition about her death. She started carrying a Bible around everywhere she went and would read from it all the time.
'Also, she kept talking about 'leaving' America. I thought she meant she was going to Switzerland, where she had talked about living, but now I realise she meant she was leaving this world.'
I guess Jacky is not totally silent on Raffles but it is just a rehash
[h=1]Congresswoman Corrine Brown Caught in Conspiracy with Known Fraudster[/h] <small> by Jacky Jasper </small>

HSK Exclusive – Many shocking revelations were uncovered during our extensive investigation into the background of the man known as Raffles van Exel (real name: Raffles Dawson), but nothing more shocking then the revelations that a sitting Florida Superior Judge along with Congresswoman Corrine Brown and her office conspired with Raffles to obtain valid immigration status in the USA. Despite Raffles having been forcefully removed from the country on numerous instances prior and a criminal record for theft and fraud.
In these documents, exclusively obtained by Hollywood Street King, there is a conversation between Raffles and the Judge (for the time being we are keeping the identity of the Judge a secret). In this conversation, the Judge tells Raffles that he is, “forwarding Raffles information to a friend who will expedite the matter”. The judge goes on to say that this friend is “trustworthy and confidential” and that Raffles should be “very candid.”
The Judge follows that email up with another telling Raffles:
“I know that this will happen if it can. REDACTED is a pit bull as far as tenacity goes and she knows I want this and she will follow through on each detail. The contact person will be at her desk on Tuesday but should talk with REDACTED on tomorrow. Keep the faith and spread it gently. “
Is this the reason major media organizations have not been able to find an INS record for the illusive conman Raffles Dawson? I don’t know, but next time I see Florida Congresswoman Corrine Brown’s chief-of-staff I’ll ask him.
As it goes, the mystery Judge involved with Raffles forwarded his case on to the Congresswoman who had her chief-of-staff appoint a person close to the congress woman to handle the matter. This comes just three months after Raffles used the same Florida Judge to help craft a fraudulent employment letter for Raffles, which was then submitted to the American consulate. This fraudulent employment document implicates a major film studio, along with associates of Hollywood mega director, Steven Spielberg. For the time being HSK has decided to keep the names and emails confidential while we continue to sort through documents and allegations.
[h=3]Entire Raffles Investigation revelations CLICK HERE[/h] Documents on his site:

Bobbi Kristina Calls Out Ray J as Whitney-Enabler[/h] <small> by Jacky Jasper </small>

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.” ~Oscar Wilde.
To Ray J, the truth seems to hurt – especially the truth behind his relationship with Whitney. It’s a truth which sources say the R&B artist can’t seem to deal with. That’s because before he was hospitalized after fainting following the Billboard Awards, witnesses say Bobbi Kristina confronted Ray J with the very truth we speak of. That is, accompanying Whitney Houston to parties where drugs were readily available. Don’t believe me.. Ask Pat Houston.
Here’s what an eyewitness reveals Bobbi Kristina said to Ray J:
“My mother would still be alive if it weren’t for you taking her partying where she could get her hands on drugs.”
Did Bobbi Kristina’s words to Ray J bring intense guilt to surface within him, causing him to faint? I don’t know. Know why? Because Ray J is an alcoholic drug addict, which could have played a role in his seeking of medical attention. Don’t believe me.. Ask porn star Mia Lelani.
i continue to stand by Raffles in his innocence...and as far as that article accusing RayJ of any wrong doing...idk about we all know how Michael was wrongly accused of wrong doing..its not right to point the finger at people and say they are guilty "just because it appears that way". There are two sides to every story...and the truth is usually in the middle somwhere. I am sick and tired of tabloids printing lies. I for one will wait until we hear from those that have been accused.
-_-lies from Raffles:

[h=2]Raffles van Exel speaks Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson in the UK. But is in trouble again in the USA[/h] <small> Posted: 2012/06/19 in Rafles van Exel, Whitney Houston
Tags: Bobbi Kristina, Bobby Brown, Corrine Brown, Dr. Tohme Tohme, George Benson, Harvey Levin, Hollywood Street King, Jacky Jasper, Joe Jackson, John Branca, Michael Jackson, Raffles van Exel, Sig Rogich, Whitney Houston </small>
Raffles van Exel thought he could start with a clean slate after laying low for several weeks. But no.
Lying his way through an interview with Britain’s the Sunday Mirror he frustrated many fans of Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson.
You can read the full interview here, but here are some of his lies: He met Whitney in Holland in 1988. Did he now? Well, that makes a change from the stories of meeting George Benson, who helped him move to the USA where he met Bobby Brown and got friendly with Whitney through him.
And that other story in his that flopped reality series he was filming where he told the producers he first met Whitney in Amsterdam doing weed with her in a cab. Now, of course, he says he’s never ever done drugs.
Then he claims he had no idea Whitney was using drugs in her last few years. He most have been the only person in the world not to have realised. Her family was pretty aware too, so were the people who toured with her during her last, disastrous tour. Raffles claims he has been with her when in the thick of her addictions in the 1990‘s. Yet when she apparently went back on drugs he didn’t have a clue?
His description of how Whitney lay dead when she was found in her hotel room clashes with every other account, including her autopsy report.
He now denies cleaning Whitney’s room, claiming he wants to sue the Dutch paper that reported it. Sadly he forgets millions of people heard him say it on live TV.
Jacky Jasper says: “Raffles says he notified Bobby Brown of Whitney’s death and explains he transported Bobbi Kristina to Cedars Sinai Hospital (but, he obviously forgot to mention that’s when he took pictures of a distraught Bobbi Kris before selling them to the tabloids).
He talks about his friendship with Michael Jackson, how important Michael and Whitney were in each others lives, calling each other day and night. Whitney nor Michael ever talked about this, and Whitney herself said she had not spoken to Michael for a long time after his death.
Meanwhile he’s also in trouble with the Jackson family again, as he has been spreading rumours about having sex with one of the Jacksons. Which one? Michael? No. Jermaine? No. Randy? No. No, you can name everyone of the brothers and sisters, and 3T but no. Raffles claims to have sex with the hot, young and sexy … Joe Jackson!! Yep, I was as surprised as you were. But Jacky Jasper actually discovered this bizarre rumour started by Mr Exel. This is Joe´s reaction: “What?!? No…No…that’s not true, it’s all lies. How do we get Raffles? Raffles needs to stop calling my name, I don’t know him like that. Why isn’t Raffles in jail? Raffles, John Branca and Harvey Levin are all working together. John Branca forged Michael’s signature on his Will, to steal my son’s estate.”
Meanwhile news has surfaced that a sitting Florida Superior Judge along with Congresswoman Corrine Brown and her office conspired with Raffles to obtain valid immigration status in the USA. Despite Raffles having been forcefully removed from the country on numerous instances prior and a criminal record for theft and fraud.
In these documents, exclusively obtained by Hollywood Street King, there is a conversation between Raffles and the Judge (for the time being we are keeping the identity of the Judge a secret). In this conversation, the Judge tells Raffles that he is, “forwarding Raffles information to a friend who will expedite the matter”. The judge goes on to say that this friend is “trustworthy and confidential” and that Raffles should be “very candid.”
As it goes, the mystery Judge involved with Raffles forwarded his case on to the Congresswoman who had her chief-of-staff appoint a person close to the congress woman to handle the matter. This comes just three months after Raffles used the same Florida Judge to help craft a fraudulent employment letter for Raffles, which was then submitted to the American consulate.
As the State of Nevada is mentioned in one of the documents, it is thought Dr. Tohme Tohme or his partner at TRW Advertising, Sig Rogich, of Las Vegas, Nevada, might have been involved in this? In any case: Raffles is pretty protected by judges and politicians alike.

Private Investigators Digging Into Whitney’s Death Details…[/h] <small> by Jacky Jasper </small>

HSK Exclusive - What’s listed as Whitney Houston’s ‘official’ cause of death may not be how the pop princess really died.
One Hollywood insider exclusively tells HSK that’s why a private investigation is currently underway to not only uncover the exact details surrounding Houston’s death, but to also “instigate” a new “official” investigation into the case. Know why? Because our source reveals “a very powerful man paid a sizable bribe to “someone” to speed closure to the matter.
Now, almost four-months since Houston’s “accidental drowning”, sources reveal the secret strike team is looking into bruises found on the Grammy Award-winning singer’s body during her autopsy.
We’re told the team of top notch detectives and forensic financial sleuths are also working on finding out the exact origin of what they’re referred to as a “batch of sleepy coke” – a substance which may have caused Houston to pass out in the hotel tub.
Here’s what our insider had to say about the sketchy situation:
“A certain little call boy from across the pond should be concerned. I ain’t even got to say no names on that.”

[h=1]Raffles Van Exel Spotted In West Hollywood…[/h] <small> by Jacky Jasper </small>

Word from the streets of Hollywood…
HSK Exclusive - Raffles Van Exel can’t seem to hold himself back from heading to rainbow-inspired spots to take part in his favorite pastime - cruising for men. The noted Hollywood celebrity con man’s most recent sighting at a popular West Hollywood gay bar proves just that.
Sources say they recently spotted the swindler – turned one time closest figure to the likes of some of pop culture’s biggest names, including Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston – at Santa Monica Boulevard’s (aka ‘boy’s town) Mickey’s bar, Friday night. You may remember about 15-years ago, that’s the same place Gianni Versace’s murderer, Andrew Cunanan, is said to have had his last California drink before killing the fashion icon in cold blood. Don’t believe me.. Ask Donatella Versace.
Here’s the drop:
“I saw Raffles last night in West Hollywood. He was wearing a played-out Ed Hardy shirt with jeans and a pair of shiny Chuck Taylor’s. Dude left Mickey’s in a hurry, he was hustling. I followed him for a moment, but he’s fast.
At one point, we were both standing at the traffic light – I could tell he was looking at me in his peripheral vision.
Dude was paranoid, but that didn’t stop him from looking for a trick. We both crossed the street, I didn’t want him to get suspicious, so I turned the opposite direction. By the time I looked around to see where he was at, dude was gone.”

People shouldn't be allowed to bring cameras to funerals in the first place, who's sick enough to take pictures of their dead relatives? meaning a family, but now I can see who was sick enough to do so... he's disgusting and should be put in jail IMO.
I do not really follow the things about this guy. Can someone summarize why he's important regarding Michael? I noticed the above article claimed he was close to Michael, but I very much doubt that. What connection does he have, if any, to Michael?
I do not really follow the things about this guy. Can someone summarize why he's important regarding Michael? I noticed the above article claimed he was close to Michael, but I very much doubt that. What connection does he have, if any, to Michael?

He connects to Thome.
^He is not connected to thome at all. Just because some obcure website says so. Show photo proof. Thome is an extremely low profile financier and so he's been connected in these type of websites to everyone. And raffles has as much to do with mj as matt fiddies. I';m at a complete loss as to why fans are so desperate to connect these sleazy lowlives to mj.
^He is not connected to thome at all. Just because some obcure website says so. Show photo proof. Thome is an extremely low profile financier and so he's been connected in these type of websites to everyone. And raffles has as much to do with mj as matt fiddies. I';m at a complete loss as to why fans are so desperate to connect these sleazy lowlives to mj.

Yeah, I did not understand why is there such a long thread about this guy on an MJ forum and I thought maybe I missed something, because all I have read so far is his connection to Whitney. So I just don't understand why he needs to be linked to MJ.
That website is the most ridicules pile of crap - King of the dance floor has absolutely no credibility
and one of his main sources for the hodge podge of tainteINTERNETet conspiracy is from the Death
Hoaxers. Thome has no connection with Raffles and half the crap abWhitneyteny was made up tI'm.
Im sure there is a tad of sprinkledinkled here and there to make it seem reliable. but that what liars
do when theydeceive decieve .. But this website sitridiculesidiculas its comical ..
Raffles van Exel Capitalizing on Whitney Houston Casket Profits by Jacky Jasper Raffles van Exel Juba Ka Fraud Flip That! Raffles van Exel seems to be hard at work to increase his finagling funds. Know why? Because the notorious Hollywood swindler’s latest entertainment venture involves him joining forces with House Music pioneer Steve “Silk” Hurley, and Polish Dance Music singer Kuba Ka up, for a soon-to-be released album. Here’s what’s being reported: “Raffles Entertainment is pleased to announce that global pop sensation KUBA Ka has teamed up with 4 time Grammy nominee DJ Steve “Silk” Hurley in Chicago for what is sure to be one of the most highly anticipated dance albums of 2012.” Here’s what Raffles van Exel had to say about the project: “I’ve known Steve ‘Silk’ Hurley for many years and I thought KUBA Ka energy would fit perfectly with Steve’s cutting edge sound. We’re working on an amazing album which is sure to rock the charts next year. Get ready world! KUBA Ka will be a world renowned super star!” Is Raffles van Exel using money from what he made selling the Whitney Houston casket picture to execute entertainment projects? Of course. Don’t believe me.. Ask Dr Tohme Tohme.
Sorry but I cannot helping thinking of Jacky Jasper sounds like Roger Friedman's alter ego or different incarnation of RF:D
you can say you're not responsible for the actions of someone in your employ or whatever, but you are responsible. having said that, this parasite is proof that if a person knows how to talk, they can get away with anything.
the best thing, i think, is, nobody should trust anybody that gives off a lot of empty flattery.
Van Exel is obviously the king of empty flattery. And no one can ever believe anyone who says anything to the effect of 'this person will be the next big thing'. Nobody can predict that about another person, no matter how good the musician or entertainer or whatever is. That's just another version of empty flattery.

Of course I'm used to hearing people say they predictED somebody's success AFTER they have succeeded.