Site Seeing All Things Michael Jackson


Premium Member
Jan 31, 2022
I think it would be so fun to travel around to all the famous (and not so famous) Michael related sites, destinations, exhibits, etc. But the trouble is, I still am not clear on what is even out there. I thought it would be fun to start a thread on any kind of Michael related things worth seeing. I originally came to this idea because about two months ago I went to a random coffee shop in a super, super small town about an hour from my house and was shocked (and delighted) when I saw an MJ portrait painted on one of the walls inside. Then, about a month ago, I went to a comic book shop and was once again delighted to see a life size MJ cardboard cut out just chilling, not for sale, but part of the shop decor.

Seeing random MJ related stuff in the world just fills me with joy and I would love to form a little list of the BIG worthwhile stuff, along with the small fun stuff like I mentioned above. I am personally located in the Northeast United States and would love to find some places I could travel to this summer. But, since we are all from all over the world, I thought maybe people could just share anything they know about, regardless of location, of what's out there so that fans all over can find things to appreciate.

Some things this might include:
- Locations meaningful to his life
- Museums with Michael exhibits
- Museums/galleries with Michael's own art, his art collection, or work inspired by Michael
- Public art/murals/street art, etc.
- Tribute shows/artists worth seeing
- anything else Michael related that I might be forgetting...

This could also be a great thread for sharing pictures of things we do see in the wild, so to speak :)

PS: I searched for a thread like this, but didn't find one. If one already exists please forgive me (and point me to it)!
I think it would be so fun to travel around to all the famous (and not so famous) Michael related sites, destinations, exhibits, etc. But the trouble is, I still am not clear on what is even out there. I thought it would be fun to start a thread on any kind of Michael related things worth seeing. I originally came to this idea because about two months ago I went to a random coffee shop in a super, super small town about an hour from my house and was shocked (and delighted) when I saw an MJ portrait painted on one of the walls inside. Then, about a month ago, I went to a comic book shop and was once again delighted to see a life size MJ cardboard cut out just chilling, not for sale, but part of the shop decor.

Seeing random MJ related stuff in the world just fills me with joy and I would love to form a little list of the BIG worthwhile stuff, along with the small fun stuff like I mentioned above. I am personally located in the Northeast United States and would love to find some places I could travel to this summer. But, since we are all from all over the world, I thought maybe people could just share anything they know about, regardless of location, of what's out there so that fans all over can find things to appreciate.

Some things this might include:
- Locations meaningful to his life
- Museums with Michael exhibits
- Museums/galleries with Michael's own art, his art collection, or work inspired by Michael
- Public art/murals/street art, etc.
- Tribute shows/artists worth seeing
- anything else Michael related that I might be forgetting...

This could also be a great thread for sharing pictures of things we do see in the wild, so to speak :)

PS: I searched for a thread like this, but didn't find one. If one already exists please forgive me (and point me to it)!
Yoann Bomal. French MJ fan. Did an ace documentary in 2019, mainly looking at Michael as a dancer and trying to set Michael's dance legacy into a broader context than most people do. Opening minutes of the doc, he's sitting down talking to camera, setting out basic pitch for the doc. When he gets up to skateboard away, the camera pans back and you see that the colourful wall he's been sitting in front of is a huge mural of Michael. Sorry, don't know which part of France although most of the doc seems to be in Paris so I'm guessing that's where it is.

I know this is a bit vague but I'm mentioning it because the impact, when he gets up and you get the wide view (versus the previous tight close-up) and you see the Michael mural it just feels great. Well, it does for me. I've watched the doc multiple times and this bit gets me every time.
Yoann Bomal. French MJ fan. Did an ace documentary in 2019, mainly looking at Michael as a dancer and trying to set Michael's dance legacy into a broader context than most people do. Opening minutes of the doc, he's sitting down talking to camera, setting out basic pitch for the doc. When he gets up to skateboard away, the camera pans back and you see that the colourful wall he's been sitting in front of is a huge mural of Michael. Sorry, don't know which part of France although most of the doc seems to be in Paris so I'm guessing that's where it is.

I know this is a bit vague but I'm mentioning it because the impact, when he gets up and you get the wide view (versus the previous tight close-up) and you see the Michael mural it just feels great. Well, it does for me. I've watched the doc multiple times and this bit gets me every time.
Wow!! That documentary sounds amazing. I really want to watch that!

Also, that kind of mural is exactly what I'm talking about! Thanks for sharing :)
There is a thread about the huge history statue and where they are now which might be interesting.

Lyon, France - August 2019. No idea if this graffiti art is still in place.

Photo credit - Olivier France
Some things this might include:
- Locations meaningful to his life

Trim Castle, County Meath, Eire / Republic of Ireland.

I posted a photo of Fore Abbey, County Meath over on Hiker's lovely 'Keep calm / beautiful nature' thread. And realised that County Meath counts as a meaningful location in Michael's life. He lived there for approx six months, IIRC, in 2006. According to the reports I've read, it was quite a healing time for him. Seemed like a nice idea to post a (different) photo over here, as well.

I believe that Michael spent the greater part of his time in Ireland staying at Grouse Lodge, near the village of Rosemount.

N.B. The county is split into two parts, one side is Meath, the other side is Westmeath. I'm not completely sure which part Grouse Lodge is in.
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Thanks for restarting this thread! I might as well share something. It's so minimal and the photo I took is awful. But back in March I went to a random coffee shop in Jim Thorpe, PA, USA and there was a mural of Michael Jackson, and several other artists on the wall! It filled me with such happiness :)

This was my first time after becoming a fan to see Michael "in the wild" so to speak and it made my day!
Thanks for restarting this thread! I might as well share something. It's so minimal and the photo I took is awful. But back in March I went to a random coffee shop in Jim Thorpe, PA, USA and there was a mural of Michael Jackson, and several other artists on the wall! It filled me with such happiness :)

This was my first time after becoming a fan to see Michael "in the wild" so to speak and it made my day!
Oh, I like this. Who have we got? Joey Ramone. Is the other guy meant to be Ozzy? I'm guessing the guy holding the dove is Ozzy Osbourne, lol. Their version of Michael is pretty good.

This mural is supposed to be on Hollywood Boulevard. Whether it is still there today is anybody's guess.

One thing I love about these street murals is seeing which iconic 'Michael' pose the artist decides to use. There are so many to choose from.

Bit of a rubbish reproduction but it's the only one that would post.

Created in July 2018 by artist Jo Di Bona. Paris (possibly near corner of La Rue Lepic). As far as I can tell it was still in place as at Feb 2021.

N.B. @staywild23 didn't actually ask for locations where Michael performed - imagine how many pages the thread would need, lol - but I got over-excited. Seeing Michael's name picked out like that - it's not surprising at all but I thought it was cool and got a bit carried away :D
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Got the info for my last 2 posts from an article posted in a thread by @CherubimII

Thread title - Michael Jackson Memorial that Mysteriously Disappeared from his Childhood Home Found

Tried to post the link over here, didn't work.

Good article, worth reading.
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Looking for other stuff and came across this. I had a lot of fun watching it.
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At the rock hall of fame museum there is an exhibit with some MJ items. This year they had the original thriller jacket, ghosts shirt, a belt, his shoes his we are the world jacket, a grammy and some type of certificate from Quincy Jones.
Grevin Museum, Paris. Has a waxwork model of Michael. The first one, created in 1996 by Denis Lonchampt (sculptor) and Laurent Teboul (he did the clothes, I think), went on display in April 1997.

N.B. See below for a photo of the Grevin Museum itself.

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Grevin Museum, Paris

The new wax model of Michael was created by Jean Baptiste Seckler and looks like this:

Michael's short film for Bad was filmed at Hoyt Schermerhorn station in Brooklyn. Directed by Martin Scorsese over six weeks in November of 1986.

I think I prefer this wax model over the other one, this one seems more accurate IMO.
Don't like waxworks, tbh. Can't see the point of them. There's a lovely clip of Michael (Thriller era, IIRC) looking at a waxwork (poss the Madame Tussaud's one) and he's asked what he thinks of seeing himself as a waxwork and he very diplomatically says it's fascinating. While he's stood next to something that, to me, looks like ... well, I probably shouldn't finish that sentence, lol.

But that second one, if you *have* to have a waxwork, at least it's got a bit of energy about it.