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Pandion haliaetus (fiskgjuse)
"In a letter, Berlioz sounds like a man living on the very edge: “So many musical ideas are seething within me!... Now that I have broken free of the bonds of orthodoxy, I see huge vistas opening up before me, which academic stuffiness had previously forbidden me to explore... There are new things, many new things to be done, I feel it in every fibre of my being, and I shall achieve my aims, believe me, on my life.”

I can't read what exactly are you recommending?
I got the name of the mompositor))))))
It is the standard work of instrumentation in the context of Western art music. Hector Berlioz (the mompositor), 1844 (1st issue), Treatise on instrumentation.
"In a letter, Berlioz sounds like a man living on the very edge: “So many musical ideas are seething within me!... Now that I have broken free of the bonds of orthodoxy, I see huge vistas opening up before me, which academic stuffiness had previously forbidden me to explore... There are new things, many new things to be done, I feel it in every fibre of my being, and I shall achieve my aims, believe me, on my life.”

Thank you, very informative 🙏💕