The new court case against MJ

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Proud Member
May 30, 2023
The Netherlands
So as most of you know, Wade and James their case have been revived. Does anybody know the real insides of the case? What can we do to defend Michael? How can we raise our voice? His birthday is also coming up. When are the docuseries from Taj and the other one (forgot the name, something like trial by media) coming out? Ofcourse the media is always getting right into it when there is negative news about MJ.
So as most of you know, Wade and James their case have been revived. Does anybody know the real insides of the case? What can we do to defend Michael? How can we raise our voice? His birthday is also coming up. When are the docuseries from Taj and the other one (forgot the name, something like trial by media) coming out? Ofcourse the media is always getting right into it when there is negative news about MJ.
Taj's series has had no updates in a while and fans are getting fed up, but any negativity about it results in attacks from other fans. Seems that project is sadly dead but Taj isn't stepping up to fix it.

Jin Chohan is the one doing the Trial By Media documentary, but he's hit a wall for funding. The link to the GoFundMe is here:

As for defending Michael, while I don't have too much experience with this but having witnessed what others have described going through on here, I think the following should be exercised:
  • Be as firm and polite as possible.
  • Provide whatever verified links with verified info that you can. Can't afford any mistakes here.
  • Don't degrade into name-calling, personal attacks, and or threats. Definitely no threats. As I said on the other thread, the last thing we need is to give the haters and the media more ammo.
  • Make screenshots of every comment you make on different sites. I say this because during LN's release there were fans talking about how they had their comments deleted and even their accounts banned for flaming/trolling despite not doing so. Be prepared for this to potentially happen, especially on news sites.
  • If you're not up for debate, or if no one is willing to listen, it might just be best to walk away.
Release the best single you have left. Go on the offense with new MJ music to counter the negative BS. If you lose the case the music is worthless. Stop sitting on it.
Release the best single you have left. Go on the offense with new MJ music to counter the negative BS. If you lose the case the music is worthless. Stop sitting on it.
Innocent ManMichael Jackson
Brad Buxer
  • Written and recorded in 1994
  • Lyrics leaked online
  • Reworked in 2008
  • The chorus is "If they won’t take me in Cairo, then Lord knows where will I go, I’ll die a man without a country and only God knew I was innocent now."
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