To Catlovers

Nathan Winograd
2 tim ·
In 2016, the Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter, which runs the animal control shelter in Marquette, MI, finished the year with a 99% live release rate.
In 2006, UPAWS was killing 65% of animals and on the verge of bankruptcy when a volunteer asked them to read my book, Redemption: (You can read about their transformation here:
The shelter lost $178,636 in adoption revenue by killing those animals and it would only have cost them $15,660 more to actually save them.
They decided to embrace the No Kill philosophy and the programs and services of the No Kill Equation which make it possible: The rest, as they say, is history.

Since then, not only are more lives being saved, but while the cost per animal has gone up slightly (by 8%), so has revenue: by over 60%.
UPAWS is one of the shelters highlighted in my documentary film, Redemption, about the No Kill revolution in America: And proof not only that any shelter can rehome 99% of the animals, but that it can afford to save them all:
Re: to catlovers

Hawaii has launched its war on cats. Three pieces of legislation have been introduced that would give the state the power to eradicate community cats (and other animals) now that they have been labeled as "invasive."
HB606 gives government officials the right to enter private property without consent to kill cats and other animals. It is not just inhumane. It is also breathtaking in its autocratic overreach and a violation of a core principle of our constitution; that "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated..."
SB776 likewise gives the state power to take whatever measures are deemed necessary, including trampling the 4th Amendment, in order to round up and kill cats (and other animals):
And SB904 establishes a kill fund that a group of nativists can draw from in order to eradicate animals quickly "without legislative approval" by declaring an "emergency," which is undefined:
If you live in Hawaii, now is the time to make your voice heard:
Without you, the animals don't stand a chance.
No Kill Advocacy Center

Florida animals need your help.
Legislation pending in that state would require shelters to partner with rescue groups instead of killing animals, send animals to foster care rather than kill them, promote them for adoption and redemption on the internet, and prohibit excruciating painful heart sticking (plunging a syringe through the chest wall and several layers of muscle into an unanesthetized dog or cat’s heart).
But shelters and others are fighting it by fear mongering. They claim that these animals “would defecate all over the neighborhood” and thus “make your family sick." They are also claiming that doing these commonsense things “would destroy animal sheltering in the state”:
It’s desperate. It’s mean. It’s evil. And if left unchallenged, animals will continue to die.
HB 515, the Companion Animal Protection Act, is here:
If you live in Florida, now is the time to make your voice heard. Contact your state legislators and ask them to vote Yes and cosponsor it:
Seaside Heights Animal Welfare Organization
den 1 mars kl. 18:20 ·
MOSES...aka: MO..On his way to the Farm,but definately NOT a happy camper...
Mo is the last of the original SSH Beach cats to be relocated to the CACR Farm Sanctuary..
74 cats lives were saved.. THANK YOU to everyone who supported us ...Relocation of this many cats is NOT an easy task.. It's frustrating,heartbreaking at times and mentally challenging.. Especially frustrating because the " mega $$$$ " animal advocacy groups offered NO HELP at all...Not even moral support..
So,the hard part is done in SSH.. There are a few cats the town wants removed and that should take a week or two.. I'll be removing ALL the remnants of the beach colonies such as the feeding stations and shelters.. Happy to say all the relocated cats have pretty much acclimated to their new home and have settled in forming new colonies on different areas of the property..
Now their new lives begin and OUR new task also begins.. We are ALL totally committed to the humane care of all the cats at the Farm.. DONATIONS and VOLUNTEERS are always needed and welcomed.. Supporters can sponsor Farm cats and in some cases adopt Farm cats...
We will continue to update and post on this page but urge everyone to visit and LIKE the CALLING ALL CATS RESCUES FARM SANCTUARY fb page to keep up with everything happening with the iconic Sanctuary cats.. We have some fun for the whole family events scheduled for the coming months to help support our cause..

This is the background story
Dogs prefer humans to food. But what about cats? A new study finds that cats prefer to play with people over food, catnip, and toys.
Last year, I reported on the result of a new study that found dogs preferred praise from humans to food.
Dogs were offered both treats and praise (“Who’s a good boy? Who? Who? You are!”) and the dogs’ responses were measured by MRI brain scans (while the dogs were awake and without restraint, so the test was not invasive).
The results showed that vocal musings on their awesomeness trumped the dogs' love of food:

I also reported on a study which found that nothing beats nice people (and the sound of the human voice) to make shelter dogs happy:
And that this is especially true in the older dog population:

But what about cats? If given the choice, would companion cats and shelter cats prefer playing with people, rolling around in a catnip-infused towel, eating their favorite food or a new treat, or playing with toys the most?
“Although it is often thought cats prefer solitude to social interaction,” a new study find this isn’t the case.
Most cats consistently chose people over the others. Food was no. 2, followed by the rest.
This was true of both companion cats (interacting with their human families) and shelter cats (interacting with unknown experimenters).
Cats initially chose to live with humans thousands of years ago because of the food.
They also took advantage of the shelter and warmth of house and hearth.
They stayed for the love.
It has been long thought that despite their close proximity to people, cats are “more independent than social.” That is not necessarily the case.
Science proves that love trumps the rest.

The study suggests that in a home, people should spend more time with their cats, playing with them and talking to them.
In a shelter, that means more volunteers playing with cats. And it means shelters should dump the “no touching” signs and let people do their thing.
When I ran shelters, cats were required to be taken out of their enclosures at least twice a day for play, brushing, and interacting with others.
And the public was allowed to play with them and even take them out of their cages. (That also means that shelters which are replacing cages with glass enclosures do cats a disservice when the doors are in the back and thus the cats are inaccessible to people.)
Cats want, need, and crave social interaction with people, especially play.
The study, "Social interaction, food, scent or toys? A formal assessment of domestic pet and shelter cat (Felis silvestris catus) preferences," is here:
h/t Ryan Clinton.

Please click here to sign our petition
With their friend at risk of drowning, this incredible footage shows white tigers breaking from circus cruelty to show their concern.
It’s the movie which has convinced 29 million Chinese viewers that these tigers were not born to perform – they do so under duress, not because they enjoy it.
During a routine tiger performance at an animal circus in Hangzhou Safari Park, a rare White Tiger can be seen refusing to perform.
After clenching the ringmaster’s whip in his jaws, the tiger is whipped and threatened, forcing him to back off and accidently stumble into a moat surrounding the ring.

With one tiger at risk of drowning, the others immediately break from their circus performance to try to attend to their friend. Their concern is clear.
The ringmasters attempt to break up the tigers using whips and shouts leaves the long-suffering animals clearly torn between avoiding the whips and helping their stricken friend.
In the latter part of the video, released on Chinese social media by a concerned citizen, one of the tigers is seen with a wound on their face, possibly as a result of the incident.

Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale said:
“The video clearly shows the tigers empathising with the plight of their peer. They know he is in trouble and needs help and they want to give it to him. They are torn between their training with its threat of violence and their natural sympathy for another tiger in danger.”
As a result of the sustained criticism caused by the video, Hangzhou Safari Park has suspended their tiger performances pending a review of their practices.
Unlike the tigers in the video, we have a choice. Choose to help. Pledge never to watch an animal performance and tell everyone you know to do the same.
Nathan Winograd
den 18 april kl. 18:29 ·
How does a city bring hundreds of high paying jobs, raise millions in sales taxes, and revitalize small business? It stops killing animals at the pound.
This month, the Ozark, AL, city council passed an ordinance prohibiting the shelter from killing healthy animals, repealing a law allowing healthy animals to be killed after 48 hours and requiring them to be killed after 30 days, and providing exceptions for “critically ill or injured” animals after evaluation by a veterinarian:

Ozark’s Mayor notes he “has had many dogs throughout his life. He said changing to a ‘no kill’ shelter is something he's wanted to do for a while now.” When asked about the costs, he replied that, “We're not in the business to make money, we're in the business to save beautiful animals.”

On this issue, that’s my kind of mayor. We are ethically duty bound to do it, regardless of the costs. Might does not make right, but it does create affirmative obligations. But here’s the rub: when your community saves animals, it also makes money. Lots and lots of money.
Why did Google lease a 29-story building in downtown Austin, creating hundreds of high paying, tech jobs? According to Google, the city's “animal-welfare policies were part of the community brand that drew the company there.” Austin’s No Kill policy—and its 98% live release rate—"was attractive to company executives because it is attractive to a young, vibrant, pet-loving workforce."

How did a Florida community realize a $71 million financial impact, including $5.7 million yearly on veterinary care, pet supplies, and other local shopping, as well as one additional employee at each of the areas 179 for-profit veterinarians? Local lifesaving at the SPCA:
How did a Nevada community increase its sales tax revenue by tens of millions annually? It cut killing in half and doubled adoptions:
Why did a Virginia community build a new shelter? To attract business. According to a local editorial, “The economic vitality of the Fredericksburg region rests on more than jobs and roads and developable acreage—the obvious factors.
“It also depends on quality-of-life concerns. When major employers consider a job-creating move to an area, they size up all sorts of factors, including amenities such as parks, schools and public services. Those things matter as far as getting and retaining a quality workforce.
“Which is a long-winded way of suggesting that how Stafford and Spotsylvania care for stray and abandoned critters matters to the counties’ current well-being and future prospects”:

The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors was more direct: “Enhancing the lives of all our citizens—human and animal alike—benefits everyone. The new shelter will make Stafford County an even greater place to live, work, and raise a family—along with a few pets.”
I’ll be even more direct than that: No Kill is good for animals, good for people, good for the community, and very, very good for the bottom line.
Re: to catlovers

Chomusuke (KonoSuba 2)

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Nathan Winograd
den 20 maj kl. 18:34 ·
"I met countless dogs and cats who had survived unimaginable cruelty: they were used to fight or used as ‘bait’ in fights, starved to shockingly skeletal states, set on fire. When I would visit the animals on my lunch hour, though, I would often see dogs wag their broken, bandaged tails when I walked into the kennel room, malnourished dogs who would look up from their bowls of food to play bow and lick my hand. Of course, dogs are not alone in their capacity for forgiveness.
I will never forget the cat I saw who had been set on fire. When I walked into the room, he rubbed his raw skin against the bars of his cage just at the sight of me, a stranger to him, purring and eager to be touched."
What do we owe the neediest animals who arrive in shelters looking for a second chance?
We owe them a safe harbor and time—time to abandon fear, to forget a haunted past, and most important of all, to learn that humans can be trusted after all. Indeed, with the right amount of love, kindness, compassion, positive conditioning, and, when necessary, veterinary intervention, psychologically wounded animals, like humans, have a remarkable capacity for resilience.
Learn more:
Then demand more:
They were rescued from circus in south america , sent to a sanctuary in Africa to have some good last years of their lifes but for two of them it ended with murder.
here is a video when they were released into their enclosure in november last year

Devastating news about two of our rescued lions.
Posted: 3 June 2017. Updated: 3 June 2017

Everyone at Animal Defenders International and Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary is heartbroken and devastated that two ADI family members, two of our rescued lions, have been murdered in an evil attack on Emoya in South Africa.

Ex-circus lions and best friends, José and Liso were relocated from South America last year along with thirty others – the conclusion of ten years of work for ADI, following the sad lives of these animals, campaigning for them and finally their rescue, which brought them home to their native environment, where they blossomed, growing in health and strength.

This cowardly killing of two innocent souls, sweet, elderly lions, one of whom had suffered brain damage from blows to the head in the circus, must not be left unpunished. The crime is currently being investigated by South Africa’s police and anti-poaching units.

An ADI team including President Jan Creamer, is flying to South Africa to speak with the authorities to see what ADI can do to help bring the perpetrators to justice. We are keeping all options on the table until we speak with the police and anti-poaching units, including investigations and the offer of a substantial reward for information leading to convictions; we will be taking advice on the best measures.

The safety of the remaining lions is our top priority. ADI and Emoya are reviewing all security measures; armed guards are in place and a range of additional security measures are being evaluated, including, if appropriate, evacuation of the lions whilst these are implemented.

Information is still being gathered and we will not update further until we have spoken with the police and Emoya.
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve watched the number of kittens needing foster care at Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter steadily rise. At last count, it was 68. They need people to step up and temporarily care for some of these little gems.
Some just need a place to run around until they fatten up and are ready for adoption. Others need the “burrito” treatment: wrapping in a towel so only there little heads stick out and constant holding because they are a little skittish and need plenty of contact with people. And others are orphaned neonates who need bottle feeding.
If you live anywhere near Williamson County, TX, please consider going there and picking up a dozen or two. Of course, you can foster one, a couple, or a litter. But my suggestion is you go BIG.
The most epic summer my family ever had, the one we still talk about, is not the year we traveled to Europe or vacationed in Hawaii, or any other. It is the summer we bottle fed 49 neonatal kittens. If you have kids, it is the summer they will never forget.

I´m sure there are other shelters too who need help to foster kittens
Re: to catlovers

Aww, beautiful cats! My heart melts over little kittens. I'm so glad to see that these kitties are getting some love and care. So sweet!

I have a cat and she is the sweetest little baby ever, so I just can't understand the avid cat haters in the world. The people I know of who claim to "hate" cats are the ones who seem to torture/tease cats when they are around them, and then get mad when the cat gets angry with them for it. In reality, when treated with love and respect, cats are very affectionate and loving with people they trust!