To Catlovers

Re: to catlovers

Love to all cat lovers :heart:
Re: to catlovers

"Cat Kingdom" at Elephant Nature Park

It´s heartbreaking to see how they had to live before they were rescued.
Poor little cubs, maybe the legs are deformed because of malnutrition

I found this update

Tribute to Hera

In the end, destiny only granted her a few months of happiness: Hera the little lioness had to be put to sleep when she was diagnosed with a spinal tumor, terminal due to its size.
When Hera was born in a zoo in Romania less than one year ago, she never realised that her surroundings were unnatural. Freezing cold conditions, concrete floors and bars was the only home she knew. Her growth was stunted due to malnutrition as was her sister’s, Sara.

In April 2013, Sara and Hera realised that they were lions for the first time when they stepped out into the African sun at LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary, with their parents Tarzan and Siba. Hearing the call of other lions on the wind, seeing the bright blue sky above their heads and the golden grass around them, completely free to play, run and climb, they quickly adapted. With this exercise, sunshine and good, healthy nutrition, their visible wounds soon healed. It seemed to be more than a miracle when after three months, x-rays and a medical check confirmed that internally, their condition had improved and bones were growing stronger. Their rescuers rejoiced at the news that these young cubs now had a fighting chance to live a normal life and that this family, rescued from such suffering, would be able to live the happily ever after they so deserved.

Unfortunately, just a few short weeks after this happy news, the animal keepers who have been caring for the family noticed that Hera was dragging her hind limbs. She had been playing with her sister and mother just a few hours earlier.
The vet was called immediately and Hera was treated with medication. When it was clear there was no response to the medication, she was taken for x-rays, which proved to be inconclusive. Hera was then transferred to a clinic in Pretoria for full body x-rays and an MRI scan.
The MRI scan proved conclusively that young Hera had a spinal tumor, terminal due to its size.

We know that Hera had a much better life in the last few months at LIONSROCK and that everything was done to ensure that she did not suffer. It is with sadness that Hera was laid to rest. Although she was not with this world for very long, her indomitable spirit will live on. We will always remember her voice calling as for the first time, she stepped onto grass under the warm African sun.


It´s sad that little Hera died but it was nice to see both cubs running around playing
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I´ve posted about lions rescued from circus in south america before and their their trip to Africa which was going to be their forever home.
There are lions rescued from circuses in Europe too

He´s asking do you really need to have animals in little cages for our benefit?
I think the answer is of course not

btw this is another rescuegroup than the one that helped the lions in South America, both groups are taking the lions to sanctuaries in Africa.
Big cats shouldn´t have to live in circuses and zoo
Yearly Maulings Killings and Escapes by Big Cats

July 7, 2016 Berlin, Germany: Two lions escaped from the zoo in the German town of Baruth, which is 46 miles from Berlin. The lions made a run for it at 11am into an area full of guests. A sharpshooting veterinarian was able to sedate the intrepid female lion so that she could be placed back in its cage, along with her male counterpart who stayed at the entry of the cage. No one knows how they made their escape, but the executive director of the wildlife park, Julian Dorsch, told the press that the outbreak was apparently due to ‘human error’.

July 7, 2016 Devon, UK: A Siberian lynx has escaped from Dartmoor Zoo and is on the loose. Keepers have warned it could attack ‘if alarmed or cornered’. Flaviu, arrived the night before his escape by chewing through a board in the wall of the enclosure. Police are on site and a helicopter is combing the area while children in a local nursery are being kept inside. Around 30 visitors were ushered to safety this morning and the zoo was shut for the day on the advice of the local council.

July 2, 2016 Spain: An animal caretaker has been killed by a tiger at a nature park in the southern Spanish town of Benidorm. The 37-year-old woman was attacked by the tiger while she was in his cage. According to news website Ultima Hora, she had left a gate to the tiger area open. Police contacted the Red Cross and ambulances rushed to the scene – Terra Natura de Benidorm nature park – but they were not able to act until the tiger had been tranquilised.

June 16, 2016 OR: Josephine County Animal Protection Officer David Pitts reports that the Great Cats general manager, Sarah (or Sherrie Johnson?), told him keeper Sara Romswinckel hadn’t noticed that the tiger’s “den” was unlocked when she pulled a cable opening a “guillotine” door, which in turn allowed the cat, a white tiger named Scooby, to enter the den. When the tiger then rubbed his face against the gate, it opened, prompting Romswinckel to push her body against it an effort to close the gate. When the keeper then put her arm across the slightly open gate, to gain leverage, the tiger struck. Romswinckel suffered fractures and extensive soft-tissue damage. Pitts reported that the tiger, if it escaped the den, could have hopped a 6-foot wooden fence. Craig Wagner, the park President, previously was cited for a “photo shoot,” where a teenager handled a tiger and leopard was bitten by the leopard, according to a USDA complaint filed in 2013.

June 12, 2016 Canada: A lynx scratched a little girl at the Ringtail Ranch in Wainfleet. The child pulled on a Plexiglas window on the enclosure, opening it wide enough that the lynx was able to reach out its paws and scratch the girl on either side of her head. She was standing there with her parents. Welland and District Humane Society executive director John Greer said the cat’s claws could easily cut through skin, and “it’s ridiculous the amount of damage they can do in a very short period of time.” “The little girl really got lucky,” he said.

June 7, 2016 UT: An Amur leopard escaped and was at large at the Hogle Zoo during peak visiting hours. Zeya, a 60-pound, four-year-old Amur Leopard, is one of the smallest animals to live at the zoo’s Asian Highlands exhibit. They said she apparently climbed up some mesh fencing that surrounds the enclosure and squeezed through one of the 6″ by 6″ holes at the top. A large quantity of Zeya’s fur was found on the mesh, which led zoo officials to reach this conclusion about Zeya’s escape. Zeya was found sleeping on a beam about 15 feet in the air just outside the fence to her cage. Her escape prompted a lockdown at the zoo and guests were ushered into buildings as workers contained Zeya. An emergency response time shot her with a tranquilizer dart and she was taken to the zoo’s hospital for observation.

May 21, 2016 Chile: Two lions were killed after a man jumped into the lion enclosure at the Santiago Metropolitan Zoo in Chile, local police said. They say the man climbed over the fence and removed his clothes before he approached the lions inside the enclosure, and zoo staff shot the lions to protect him. The incident has provoked outrage on social media, while the zoo is defending its actions.

Apr 21, 2016 TX: The Conroe Police Department began receiving phone calls reporting a small tiger on the loose. Given that tigers are not native to the Houston, Texas suburb, this probably seemed pretty strange. Conroe police are not pleased with the young tigress’ presence. Dorcy McGinnis of the Conroe Police Department told KHOU, “[The tiger] is a very strong animal. It definitely would not be appropriate here in the City of Conroe.” Although tigers can be legally kept as pets in the state of Texas, Conroe’s city ordinances prohibit owning or harboring a “dangerous animal” in the city. A day later and no owner has come forward.

Apr 15, 2016 Palm Beach, FL: A woman has died after a tiger injured her inside the tiger’s night house at the Palm Beach Zoo. The victim was said to be “very knowledgeable about the tigers and loved them dearly”. She was flown by Trauma Hawk to St. Mary’s for treatment, according to Naki Carter, a zoo spokesperson. Police said the tiger was tranquilized. Authorities had to wait until the drugs took effect on the tiger before rescue crews could get to the victim. Yes, that’s two people killed by captive tigers on the same day. A new record.

Apr 15, 2016 San Salvadore: A white tiger being kept in a private zoo in El Salvador fatally attacked its keeper and escaped but was recaptured hours later. “It looks like the keeper wasn’t following safety protocols as he fed the white tiger and it attacked him, causing serious injuries that caused his death.” The big cat was being kept in an animal park run by a group called the Wildlife Refuge Foundation on the outskirts of Jayaque, a town just west of the capital San Salvador.

Apr 2, 2016 Malta: The hunters’ international fair, organised by the Hunters’ Federation, attracted thousands of visitors to Montekristo Estates for a weekend of guns, ammunition and hunting paraphernalia. It also attracted visitors to the animal park that had been closed last Nov after the mauling of another child by a tiger on the loose. While the zoo was inexplicably open, a second child, this time a young boy, suffered scratches to his neck and back from another animal, a juvenile lioness.

Mar 7, 2016 Russia: A toddler has been mauled by a lion cub after it was left to run loose in a Russian park in Vladimir, east of Moscow. A traveling “zoo” owner was showing off the lion cub in the park. Within seconds the young animal’s attention is diverted to a small child sitting nearby and the cub races to the boy and begins to maul his neck. His mother can be heard screaming in Russian “get him” as the helpless child cries out “mummy.” The handler quickly pulls the lion off the toddler and proceeds to beat it.

Feb 28, 2016 Canada: The owner of Papanack’s Exotic Animals shot and killed a five-year-old male lion named Zeus that had escaped from its enclosure. Officers from Hawkesbury OPP rushed to the scene and found the African lion walking near the entrance of Papanack Park Zoo, an unfenced area. There was no way to contain the animal, police say, and the zoo owner was forced to shoot it. Kerri Bayford posted on behalf of the park “At approximately 5:19 p.m. our male lion breached its primary perimeter fence. Police were called immediately and within minutes our staff, with police present, made the decision to euthanize the lion on our property,” Bayford wrote. “The risk to the public of trying to sedate the lion was simply too high as the sedative takes too long to kick in and this would have put everyone at risk.”

Jan 21, 2016 Australia: A 12 year old tiger has attacked a keeper at an Australian zoo founded by the late Steve Irwin. The incident, which took place Thursday morning at the Sunshine Coast’s Australia Zoo, left 41-year-old Che Woolcott with “significant puncture wounds” to his head and forearm, according to local media reports. He was treated at the scene before being transferred to the hospital.

i just realised there is a cat in one zoo who can become a pet cat but she has another friend.
The size doesn´t matter when you chose a friend
It´s international tigerday today
I´m late to post this. it was last week
Shelters across the country today are participating in a “Clear the Shelters” campaign, a nationwide adoption event to empty the shelter the good way.

It is the second such event this year--Just One Day was the first--and as many as 20,000 animals may find homes.

Just One Day is a campaign that asks shelters across the county to “empty the shelter” on June 11 of every year via adoption, rather than killing: []
Thousands of groups, including some of the largest shelters in the nation, take part every year. And the results are dramatic. Kern County Animal Services, for example, had 126 adoptions, its highest single day ever. The City of El Paso Animal Services reported 180 adoptions, its single day best. And Greater Birmingham Humane Society found homes for 196.

Modeled after Just One Day which has been active for several years (imitation is, after all, the sincerest form of flattery), “Clear the Shelters” is asking shelter do the same: []
And while Just One Day includes a wide range of groups--traditional shelters, municipal agencies, No Kill shelters, and rescue groups--Clear the Shelters appeals to municipal shelters specifically. Since it does not use the words “No Kill” and since it is sponsored by NBC which does not advocate for No Kill, regressive shelters like Dallas Animal Services that normally do not participate in these kinds of lifesaving endeavors will today. Last year, on the first Clear the Shelters event, the Dallas pound reportedly ran out of animals to adopt.

Unfortunately, not everyone is celebrating. The Dallas Morning News, for example, published an opinion piece, saying that the pound should not participate because the animals may be adopted by the wrong sorts. In an article called “Don’t buy the hype on feel-good ‘Clear the Shelters’ effort,” the article says that animals adopted by “careless” people face a fate worse than death, an antiquated fallacy long used to justify shelter killing which is not only blatantly false (they would not be saying that if they were the ones facing the needle or gassing) but shows a tragic disregard for the value of animal life. There is no evidence to support the assertion that animals adopted from shelters on this day as opposed to any other face increased risk, especially given that the people who are motivated to adopt on a day the shelter is asking for increased public support are demonstrating evidence of caring, not nefarious intent. Far from representing the best interest of animals as the author of the opinion piece would have readers believe, the views expressed embody the antiquated, unfounded and misanthropic views that have provided the political cover for the atrocity of shelter killing for well over a century.

Me? I am happy they are participating. While shelters that participated in Just One Day ran out of animals, Dallas, which refused to, was not only threatening to kill animals claiming they were full, they did. Their success today is crucial to animals who otherwise face oblivion at their hands.

NBC is reporting that over 45,000 animals were adopted during yesterday's Clear the Shelters adoption event in which 700 shelters across the country participated.
That erases one week's worth of killing in the United States.
this is how Big Cat Rescue started.
By then they thought wild cats could be good pets but they got a lesson from the animals.
In 1993 he located a place in Minnesota that sold bobcat and lynx kittens and we drove there with my 12 year old daughter and a friend to look at them. What we found was a “fur farm”. While they sold a few cubs each year as pets, their main business was raising them for a year and then slaughtering them to make coats.

The cats were in cages that were several inches deep with layers of fur and feces. The flies were so thick in the metal shed that we had to put hankies over our faces just to breathe without inhaling them. On the floor was a stack of partially skinned bobcats, Canada lynx and Siberian lynx. Their bellies had been cut off as this soft, spotted fur is the only portion used in making fur coats. I was so stunned by the sight, that I was numbed and in denial of what I had just seen. There were 56 kittens and we asked if there was that big of a market for them as pets. We were told that whatever did not sell for pets would be slaughtered the following year for fur.

In horror and disbelief I looked at my husband. I couldn’t speak. I had never heard anything so heartless and now the pile of dead cats in the corner hit me with the reality of a freight train.
The reason I´m posting this now is that little Feather has passed away.
I´m not sure if she´s the last one from that furfarm

Nowadays they have rehab bobcats, it´s babies who can´t manage of their own when they have lost their mother, injured cats , when they are healed, old enough and can manage of their own they are released
7 reasons to adopt your next best friend

The best thing you can do to combat cruel puppy factories just happens to also be the most rewarding.
Adopting is the most effective way to break the cruel puppy factory supply chain — and by offering your heart and home to an rescued animal, you'll not only be enriching your life — but saving theirs!

If you’re thinking about extending your family with a four-legged friend, here are seven great reasons to adopt from a rescue group or shelter:

1They’ll help you find your soul mate.
All good rescue groups have an application process to ensure that you’ll be perfectly matched with your new friend — think of them as matchmakers! By finding out more about you, your living arrangements and lifestyle, they can match you up with the paw-fect candidate. The ultimate aim for pet rescue and adoption organisations is to find your four-legged soul mate!

2 You’re helping to break the cruel puppy factory cycle.
As long as animals are purchased from pet shops and online, cruel puppy factories will continue to exist. Don't let them take advantage of unwitting people — or subject dogs to lives of misery — in order to make a quick buck! Adopting from a rescue group or shelter is the simplest way to take a stand against puppy factory cruelty!
3 You’re saving someone who really needs it.
Rescue groups, foster networks and animal shelters help animals who have been forgotten, abandoned or given up on through no fault of their own. These animals ask for little more than the chance to share their lives with someone who loves them — especially those who have never been given the chance before. By adopting from a rescue group, you’ll not only be making a friend for life — you’ll be saving one.

4 They help every breed in need.
From border collies to bull dogs, burmese to british shorthair – not to mention rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets and just about every companion animal you can think of ... you can expect to see more than just mix-breed dogs and cats behind the wire of your local pound or shelter. Tragically, all types of companion animals are victims of cruelty and abandonment. All dog and cat breeds (indeed, all companion animals!) desire – and deserve – a loving home. So make adoption your first option whenever you're in search of a new four-legged or feathered friend for life.

Due to the sheer volume of purebred and ‘designer’ dogs in need – many of whom would likely have come from puppy factories – volunteers have established groups with the aim of assisting these dogs with finding their forever homes. For a list of rescue groups facilitating rescue and adoption in Australia, check out PetRescue’s rehoming directory.

5 Your adoption fee goes back into helping more animals.

Good rescue groups will ensure that any dogs, puppies, cats and kittens adopted out will come vaccinated, desexed, wormed and microchipped — all of which is included in the adoption fee. Often, animals are cared for by dedicated, volunteer foster carers until their forever home can be found. This allows for them to be properly assessed in a home environment — which can be really helpful if you already live with animals or children, as foster carers can provide helpful insight on the behaviour of animals in their care. So your money is not only going towards making sure your new friend is happy and healthy, but you'll be giving it back to an organisation so that they can save more lives. You can't get a better deal than that!

6 They give oldies another chance.

Older animals are tragically often the last to be chosen — and the first to be euthanised. Senior dogs and cats can find it particularly difficult to cope in strange environments like shelters and pounds, but thankfully there are rescue groups assisting in the transport and foster care of these special animals, with the aim of getting them into more suitable environments — and matching them with someone who can provide the love and friendship they are only too happy to return. We like to think of older dogs and cats as 'friendship experts' — after all, they've got years of experience behind them!

7 You’ll be saving more than one life.

Every time an animal is adopted to a forever home, a place is opened up in the rescue and foster care network for another animal in need. So when you take your bestie home from a rescue group, they’ll be able to start the rescue cycle over again with another lucky animal. One kind act = two saved lives!

I just want to say there are kitten factories too, I don´t know so much about the situation in Australia but there are places in the world were 2-legged friends need to be rescued too..birds.
It´s world cat day today
Project Bay Cat
den 4 augusti kl 19:50 ·

12 years ago when we first started Project Bay Cat, people thought the cats were pests. No one - except us - saw that their lives had intrinsic value and that they were worth saving. What we didn't realize at the time is that by saving their lives, we were also saving our own. Because when you see the value in others and help them when they're in need, it makes your heart glow brighter, your soul feel stronger, and connects you to this world in truly profound ways.

Project Bay Cat
den 13 juli kl 20:20 ·

"Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth." - unknown
Not only does this go for the Bay Cats, but it's true for ALL community cats and those unsung heroes who care for them. Do you agree?

Bay Cays is a TNR-project.
There were about 175 cats when the Bay Cats project started 2004 and there are about 30 cays there now
Here are their story
Re: to catlovers

I read somewhere the reasons for the injuries could be that someone pored acid over the kitten
Yoda, yet another victim of some cruel human

Two days ago, on my way to the vets' with three animals, I was so tired and distracted, I was not prepared to meet love! I saw him, by heart skipped a beat, and that was it - I knew we were going home together and that he will be loved, forever! I called him Yoda ??🐾
How did I found about him? I will tell you the story.... A man was looking for me at the clinic, he was told I could help if there is an animal in need. He found me. He has found Yoda at an abandoned house yard, helpless and so horrifically injured!!!!!!!! I don't want to think what has happened, it is sickening. This man, he did not take photos or just shared what he had seen - he picked up the kitten and took him to the clinic to seek help. He was desperate to find me, as he is renting and could not take Yoda home, nor he knew how to attend to his injures. And, the moment I saw this kitty, like 5min later we were on the way home, with all the medicine we needed to start treatments! He made friends with one of the other babies immediately after sniffing his bottom, they are inseparable now! 💞 I started right away working on his wounds and hoping he will soon forget the bad that has happened to him and it will only be the scars to remind me. We have a stricked daily routine - wake up, feed him delicious food, clean up the wounds, put antibiotic in both eyes, then cream all over to help the healing process. That we do a few times a day, to ensure fast recovery. I have to tell you, he is so patient and even purrs while I do all that! I hope he know this is home, I am mommy and he is safe and will be loved and adored only from now on! 💖 I will keep you all posted on his recovery. He is now part of my big family and he will thrive with us! Desi xx

Sweet little Yoda
Re: to catlovers

Before and after, what love can do- together with some vet care I suppose.
Re: to catlovers

It is turning out to be a banner year for animals in shelters.

Sheltering had its best day ever as 45,000 animals were adopted out on one day in July, erasing one week's worth of killing: []

Sheltering had its second best day ever as tens of thousands were also adopted out on one day in June: []

Delaware is on track to become the first verifiable state with a 90% save rate: []

Colorado has 24 communities saving at least 90%, roughly half of them are over 95%, and it has surpassed 100,000 adoptions statewide for the first time: []

Michigan overtook Colorado with the most communities saving at least 90%: []

Austin, America's largest city with a 90% save rate, is running at over 96% year to date, the highest it has ever been, and took a major step forward by doubling its holding period and adding protections for "owner surrendered" animals: []

Gas chambers are closing all over the country, including Ohio, Michigan, and California: []

Communities in Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, and elsewhere are reporting dramatic increases in lifesaving as they are on the verge of joining the 90% club: []

More states are banning breed discriminatory laws: []

Hundreds of thousands of cats have been saved, rather than killed, as more communities are embracing community cat sterilization: []

And shelter killing is at its lowest level ever: []

There's more. Much, much more.

Obviously, far too many animals are still being killed, others are being neglected and abused in the very shelters that are supposed to protect them from it, and of course, we still have a long way to go: []
But we must have language for progress because acknowledging progress is the key to inspiring more of it.

In a world that can be cynical, at times monomaniacally focused on bad news at the expense of the good, people can and often do lose sight of hope and existing potential; potential that should and can and must be harnessed for the good of animals.

Onward and upward...
It´s black cats day
Re: to catlovers

If familymembers were treated like pets..
A World War on Cats

Australia will kill 2,000,000 cats in five years. New Zealand has announced that it will exterminate every community cat in the country. Hawaii officials want to wipe the state free of community cats. Washington, D.C., officials want to eradicate cats. And now there is a call to exterminate cats throughout the continental U.S. “by any means necessary.”

As Dr. Marc Bekoff notes, “Cats are vilified and no attention is paid to the emotional lives of these sentient beings.” “n addition to it being morally repugnant,” he writes, “it is not based on science and it won’t work.” And he’s right. It is to propose a vicious, medieval slaughter with no end in sight: a cruel and barbaric genocide against cats not unlike those from the darkest chapters in human history.

Not only does removing one species to allegedly help another not work as a metaanalysis of every published study concluded, but those calling for the removal of cats because they claim they are “non-native” are guilty of the most pernicious hypocrisy, for they, too, are “non-native” to North America.

They belong to a species that is the most “invasive” the planet has ever experienced, causing virtually all of the environmental destruction, including the tragic decline of birds.

And while they blame cats for harming birds, they kill or pay others to kill birds so they can eat them, supporting a viciously cruel industry that kills billions of birds annually.

And yet for reasons based entirely on narrow self-interest, they do not hold their own actions to the same standards which they impose upon cats: they do not force themselves to live exclusively indoors, they do not pack up and move back to the continent where humans first evolved, they do not stop eating birds, and they do not impose upon themselves or their fellow humans discriminatory standards which judge the worth of an individual based solely on the lineage of their ancestors.

It is time to reject such a cavalier call to human violence and such blatant forms of discrimination we have come to regard as intolerable in our treatment of one another.

We need a kinder, more tolerant and saner vision of environmentalism, a movement which at the beginning of the 21st century now promotes a philosophy of biological xenophobia which would be unrecognizable to its early founders such as John Muir and Rachel Carson, individuals who preached an environmentalism based on kindness, compassion and respect for the natural world and its inhabitants.

Above all else, we need an environmentalism that is guided by the principle that respect for sentient life is paramount, irrespective of species, irrespective of where members of that species may currently reside, and irrespective of any traits a particular species may have evolved that do not suit arbitrary or culturally inherited human prejudices.

What can you do to stop the nativist agenda?
It’s time to take the environmental movement back from the hateful bullies and thugs of the nativist movement. Here are some suggestions as to what you can do stop the momentum and proliferation of this cruel philosophy:

Stop Funding the Proliferation of the Nativist Agenda:
Stop supporting “environmental” organizations that are guided by a “native” and “non-native” philosophy and agenda and that actively promote killing, partner with corporate polluters like Monsanto and Dow, and call for mass extermination and clear cutting of forests. This includes groups such as the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society, the Nature Conservancy, and the Natural Resources Defense Council. Tell these groups you no longer recognize their agenda as that of environmentalism, that you oppose discrimination based on species, and that you will only support organizations that champion individual rights of animals over those, like them, that promote human bigotry.

Think Globally, Act Locally:
Organize and push back against the nativist agenda in your community, which, given the proliferation of this insidious philosophy among environmental organizations, local governments, city, county, state and federal land management agencies has probably declared war on plants and animals in your area, too.

In my community, I am fighting to stop the Sierra Club agenda to clear cut 450,000 healthy trees and spread thousands of gallons of herbicides in the Oakland and Berkeley hills (and other East Bay cities). If you live in the East Bay, please join me. Similar efforts to destroy thousands of healthy trees in San Francisco are also underway.

Break the Cycle of Violence:
If you are a parent like I am, do not allow your child to be indoctrinated into a philosophy of intolerance and hate. Refuse to allow your child to participate in school field trips or summer camps with “environmental education” programs that preach reverence for the “native” and fear and disdain for the foreign while instructing children to demonize animals and go into our natural places and rip up plants.

Preach Compassion and Tolerance:
In your communications with friends, family and coworkers, begin to push back against the language of intolerance and biological xenophobia whenever you hear it. Tell others you respect nature and therefore reject the narrow, arbitrary litmus test of worthiness of “native is good” “non-native is bad” and the incredible harm to animals and the environment that such irrelevant distinctions ultimately enable.

Because of climate change, one-third of all plant and animal species are on the move. Not only should we welcome this, as doing so is the only way they can survive, we should actively help them. For example, as tree lovers and environmentalists in Cambria are banding together to determine how, if at all, they can save their precious remaining Monterey Pines now dying from drought in record numbers, here in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Sierra Club is calling for willfully destroying them in record numbers. Instead, we should be planting more of them. Destroying them is not only ecologically irresponsible, for those of us who dearly love the stunning, even arresting, beauty of these trees, and for the animals who depend on them as “home,” it is also truly heartbreaking.

Educate Yourself:
A growing backlash against nativism is already brewing within the environmental movement and among scientists who reject it as a dangerous, harmful pseudo-science.
So you think you want a Bengal cat like Thor-think again
The internet is buzzing about Thor, a Bengal cat with gorgeous fur. “I want one, too!”

But do you? Really??

Having rescued 57 hybrid cats and referring so many more to other sanctuaries, we know a lot about cats like Thor. And it’s not all what the breeders promise.

Most of our hybrid rescues have been surrendered from people who purchased these designer cats from a breeder. Read dozens and dozens of first-hand stories HERE. They were told they had the look of a leopard and the personality of a domestic cat – which is just not true. You can never predict how much of the wild and how much of the domestic cat will be in these cats’ genetic makeup.

Though buyers are willing to spend a lot of money on exotic looking cats, they’re later shocked andSavannah cat don’t want any of the common breed-specific traits they come with. They just wanted a pretty cat, that’s all.

Living with the loud meows and yowling common to these cats or putting up with the pungent odor of their marking and urinating all over the house, destroying carpet, walls and furniture makes most owners scramble, looking for a solution.

Guess what? There is none! That’s the nature of the beast, as they say.

They seem to be surprised by the chronic health issues these breeds are commonly afflicted with, too. After buyers pay breeders thousands of dollars, now they find vet bills for chronic diarrhea, upper respiratory infections and more piling up. It can often make the initial purchase price seem paltry.

Bengals and hybrids coming from catteries also have a greater chance of having FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) – a fatal disease in cats. Nothing is more heartbreaking than saying goodbye to a cat you’ve fallen in love with. Read what it was like for this owner who surrendered her FIP kitten Esteban to us after spending thousands of dollars trying to diagnose his many problems. By the way, the breeder did not help at all.

It’s easy for many people to understand why a 400 lb. tiger should not be kept as a pet, but people will still try to keep these small wild cats and hybrid cats as pets. They don’t seem to understand that no matter the size, wild means wild!

These cats are caught between two worlds. Some are feral or shy, others want attention, most haveBengal breakfast health and behavioral issues when they’re surrendered to us. We accept the soiling, health and behavioral problems that most people refuse to accept. With donations, we’re able to provide them indoor and outdoor areas where they can stretch their natural wild side.

We encourage anyone considering a bengal or hybrid cat as a pet to read first-hand stories from previous owners and the problems they’ve faced before you make a decision you may live to regret. And read the reality of what it’s like for these cats at the breeders’ catteries, cats like Sapphire. For those of you have rescued a Bengal or hybrid cat and have stayed committed to your cat, thank you!

With so many wonderful domestic animals in desperate need of homes, there’s simply no excuse for purchasing or breeding exotic cats as pets. We hope you’ll help us educate others whenever you see hybrids being promoted as appropriate pets – since nothing could be further from the truth.

Please share this link that has everything you need or ever wanted to know about hybrids – We need your help in preventing more hybrid cats from being senselessly bred for profit. Education is the key.

Thank you for your donations that help us care for all these castoff hybrids we’ve given sanctuary to. Without you, they’d have no other option.
Mama Cat Gives Birth In A Steel Plant, Gladly Accepts Help From Workers

When one stray calico cat was ready to give birth, she sought out shelter and warmth…in the pit of a local steel plant!

A couple weeks ago, steel workers heard an unusual noise and realized it was the sound of meowing kittens. When they found the source, they were surprised to find a mama cat and her six newborn babies. The poor kittens were covered in dirt, metal shavings, and oil, and the poor mama cat was having a hard time getting them clean.

The workers were happy to help and the mama cat was glad to receive it. She remained friendly even as they picked up her babies and seemed to know that they were going to take her family to a safe place.

The caring employees knew exactly who to call: The Cat House on the Kings, a no-cage, no kill sanctuary in Parlier, California.

“Those babies are brand new, but they’ve got a loving and diligent mom to look after them, and she is doing an amazing job,” said Harvie Schreiber, with The Cat House of the Kings, in a story by Love Meow.
Re: to catlovers

beautiful fiv cats living at their foreverhome Blind cat rescue &sanctuary