Where is Michael's doctor?

I dont undertand how ANY physician can administer demoral or any narcotic INTRAVENEOUSLY WITHOUT MONITORING breathing, heart rate and blood pressure with machines.

I had major back surgery last year and was in the hospital for a week to recover;administered demerol intraveneously to control my pain the most horrific pain of my life, all the meds did was take the edge off. They had me on the HIGHEST dose possible the first few days and I could actually feel myself stop breathing at one point because you dont feel the pain in your lungs when you stop breathing, and the only way you know you have stopped breathing is if you are awake and focusing on your breath which is hard to do under so much medication. I did have to force myself to stay awake and focus on my breath, and if I were to stop breathing, because I was being MONITORED doctors would be alerted immediately. So in my opinion, this dumb ass physician of Michaelsgave him WAY too much medication if in fact that is the reason he died.
People stop stating opinion as fact, you don'tknow the details, it's as clear as, how strong your opinions may be, they're still opinions. The intricities of his life will probably never be laid bare in total, and so it should be. Even if some of these fears are true, it won't change anything now to talk in hindsight, it won't bring him back.