Worried about Michael's new recordings


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We've known for quite sometime now that Michael was working on a new album for the past several years. What's been recorded and finished, we have no idea. But we do know that there is new music. So I am worried about where this music is right now. I am worried that someone is going to wrongfully get their hands on this and either leak it, destroy it, or make money that they don't deserve off of it. In a recent article by Will.I.Am, he stated that Michael wanted so bad that his music not to be leaked, that he ordered Will to give him back all of their demo's. It's clear that Michael did everything in his power to keep his new music from being leaked. We all know what happened to Hold My Hand. That somehow got leaked and it wasn't supposed to. Let's just hope that if this music ever does get released, it gets done the proper way. The money goes to his children. The album is simply titled "Michael Jackson". And if any more tweaking might be done to it, or if there must be songs to be selected, that someone like Quincy Jones gets to do that job and Bruce Sweiden gets to mix it, if that needs to be done. I have a feeling that Michael created some masterpieces with Will.I.Am and on his own. Michael deserves this to be done the right way.
Well....i really hope it won't go the 2pac way. His mother and a label releasing album after album, with beats that weren't even supposed to be used. I DO hope for new music to be released...i actually can't wait.
Im also concerned about additional tweaking as it wouldnt be necessarily what MJ would have wanted. If QJ and Swedien or even Will had to finish off any tracks I could live with that but I dont want just anyone finishing any unfinished tracks.
i 3rd that notion. but what about mike's earlier recordings they might have to tweak it cause of dated production
I agree with you. I hope that Quincy is the one who produces it for him because not only is he good, but I believe he would have Michael's best interests in mind.
One thing that occurred to me the other is this and it's very sad:

For my work, I use a laptop computer. Due to the highly sensitive nature of the information stored upon it (I can't tell you what, so don't ask) the whole hard drive is encrypted. Before windows even loads I have to enter a password to enable the information on the drive to be decrypted and use to load windows. Anyway, the point is this security prevents any un-authorised access to the data on the hard drive. If anybody attempts to access the data by any means without the password they will not be able to make any sense of what is on the drive due to the encryption being in place.

Now, my thought was that if Mike was serious about keeping his music secure he could have been using a similar method of data storage on the hard drives he used to store his music, so if one went missing nobody could access it. Anyway, as he is now dead, the passwords are gone forever and potentially the music too. I don't want to sound overly negative, but this is a possibility IMO and I do find it quite worrying.
One thing that occurred to me the other is this and it's very sad:

For my work, I use a laptop computer. Due to the highly sensitive nature of the information stored upon it (I can't tell you what, so don't ask) the whole hard drive is encrypted. Before windows even loads I have to enter a password to enable the information on the drive to be decrypted and use to load windows. Anyway, the point is this security prevents any un-authorised access to the data on the hard drive. If anybody attempts to access the data by any means without the password they will not be able to make any sense of what is on the drive due to the encryption being in place.

Now, my thought was that if Mike was serious about keeping his music secure he could have been using a similar method of data storage on the hard drives he used to store his music, so if one went missing nobody could access it. Anyway, as he is now dead, the passwords are gone forever and potentially the music too. I don't want to sound overly negative, but this is a possibility IMO and I do find it quite worrying.

If they really wanted it they could get past the encryption easy plus i think it wasn't only Michael who had the material I think he gave it to a couple of very close people who he trusted.
One thing that occurred to me the other is this and it's very sad:

For my work, I use a laptop computer. Due to the highly sensitive nature of the information stored upon it (I can't tell you what, so don't ask) the whole hard drive is encrypted. Before windows even loads I have to enter a password to enable the information on the drive to be decrypted and use to load windows. Anyway, the point is this security prevents any un-authorised access to the data on the hard drive. If anybody attempts to access the data by any means without the password they will not be able to make any sense of what is on the drive due to the encryption being in place.

Now, my thought was that if Mike was serious about keeping his music secure he could have been using a similar method of data storage on the hard drives he used to store his music, so if one went missing nobody could access it. Anyway, as he is now dead, the passwords are gone forever and potentially the music too. I don't want to sound overly negative, but this is a possibility IMO and I do find it quite worrying.
Then there's a possibility that we we may never hear it.


*Edit* - I've just read giddyup's post...and you've put my mind at rest a little.
I hope others can get past the encription if Michael did infact do that with his recordings.
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i deffo think the ablum was finished,and was ready to come out during the gigs. i think the rehersal footage will have a few new songs. we will hear it, his master copy of the album will be in the vault. mj might have had a deal with sony,we just dont know yet.
He had been in talks with Universal, so I'm not sure he had a deal with any record company for new material. I just hope that the most recent material is accessible and will be allowed to be released.
If they really wanted it they could get past the encryption easy plus i think it wasn't only Michael who had the material I think he gave it to a couple of very close people who he trusted.

Trust me. Nobody could get past the encryption on my laptop easy.
I'm not sure if this the right place to be talking about this. So... I'm sorry if talking about this here is wrong.

My brother has been telling me that Mj, was planing on releasing his full album on a video game first around December. Then months later he would release his cd album. does anyone know anything about this?