You're banned...

Banned for agreeing with while I'm agreeing with you, but you know, I'd rather ban the weather at this point!! -_-
Yeah, there's no way Spring is coming, feeling like early January, so whatzup with this planet?! Weather-meter broke down or what?? :sigh:
Banned for writing complicated sentences again. :lol: ;)

Yeah, they all talk about climate change and that it'll get warmer,..... and here? Here it gets even colder. :huh: :unsure: :scratch:
Banned for not understanding my simple sentences!! :p ;)
But maybe you were right, I could right it down a bit easier, I think, maybe... not quite sure though!! :lol: :D

Yep, something sure is off with this worlds' weather, and someone should make a definite decision on what to do to make things better for this tiny little planet that might just burst one day, and I'd rather not be around when it happens!! But what can we do about it?? Don't quite know, except what we're already doing, like recycling and stuff!!
Oh well, nothing to get over so serious about right now, I think! It's only snow & cold,... halfway March! :doh::sigh: ;)
Banned cause I didn't said I don't understand your sentences. :D :girl_whistle:

Yeah, we "just" have to take care of our beautiful home. :yes: .... But I agree, let's not get so serious, this is not the right place for that. :naa: :D :unsure:
Banned cause you got to be KIDDING me. :swoon: .... In the swimming pool? :wild:
Banned cause you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lucky. :yes: ..... When I go outside, I am an ice statue in less than a minute. :p
Banned cause you are right.... It was nessesary. :lol: .... I bet you haven't seen so much snow as we have very often. :D
Banned cause the only place I've seen lots of snow is in the movies........and I bet most of the time that snow is fake!!! :lol:
Banned for ruining some of the fun for us Eskimo's here in Europe!! :sigh:
No swimming pool here, unless inside, but there is lots of cold and rain/snow to get freezing wet in!! :doh: ;)
Banned cause we didn't really have a "winter" here, which means......our summer will be scorching hot! :heat: :D
Banned for making us jealous with you upcoming Summer... I hope we at least have a little bit of Sun this Summer!! :unsure: :sigh:
Banned cause :tease: us is really not nice. :nono: ;)

Banned cause we didn't really have a "winter" here, which means......our summer will be scorching hot! :heat: :D


"Justice" :D :cheeky:
Banned cause you won't change your status to available in the chat bar options. :girl_tantrum:
You talking to me Magic?? :huh:
You can't see I'm online, no green dot next to my name?? :unsure:
O yeah, banned for having a tantrum, don't get so exited girl... Don't worry, be Happy!! :D ;)
Banned cause you don't know what I'm talking about. :sigh: At the bottom of your screen (right side).....there it says...."Who's online" to that is the Chat Options icon....... click there, and change your status to "I'm available." :pray: :D
Banned cause Sunnies chabar is possibly not working. :thinking: .... as mine atm. :sigh: Otherwise she had probably known what you were talking about. :unsure:
Banned for not having received my chat message to you Jules, but I forgive you since your chat bar didn't work!! :sigh: ;)
Mine worked, I just didn't know how or where I could find it! Little did I know that little text balloon at the bottom of my screen was a chat bar, LOL!! :blush:
Never used that, so I didn't know... But now I do!! :D

BTW: Thanks again to amiga Magic for explaining!! :yes: :hug:

CU girls later!! :ciao: :heart:
Banned for winking to often. :D

Banned for not having received my chat message to you Jules, but I forgive you since your chat bar didn't work!! :sigh: ;)
Mine worked, I just didn't know how or where I could find it! Little did I know that little text balloon at the bottom of my screen was a chat bar, LOL!! :blush:
Never used that, so I didn't know... But now I do!! :D

BTW: Thanks again to amiga Magic for explaining!! :yes: :hug:

CU girls later!! :ciao: :heart:

I received it now! :wild: ... Thanks amiga. :hug: