Horror Story written by Michael Jackson

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date
I hear tabloids are now claiming MJ was under the influence of painkillers at that time, and when he was high he wrote this...sigh.

These people need a reality check. Somebody should tell 'em how many "green fairies" have been consumed in the 19th century in Paris, or how much red wine, vodka and scotch have gone into the production of the world's greatest literature??
Just imagine what else Michael could have written if he had the freedom to sit around in a coffee house and observe people the way he loved to?
I love his creativity and the poor man couldn't even jot down the outlines to a story without it becoming another "proof" of his "freakness". How sad.

It ain't easy to be an artist around narrow brains.

Did the beatles get attacked like this?
"I am the eggman, I am the walrus". Yeah, sure!! :rofl: