MJ legal seminar in Sept: Mesereau, Feldman, Melville, Zonan amongst speakers

Stacy J, doesn't it make you ill. So many twisted people in positions ruining/damaging lives on purpose. Teaching false doctorines, swaying masses. They are being silenced in the most dreadful and painfully slow way. Karma, I wouldn't mess with it if they paid me billions.
Thank God I wasn't there, I would've screamed


I hope that what Zonen said about the shakedown won't be edited out of the dvd and someone can put that part on youtube for everyone to know.
Thank God I wasn't there, I would've screamed


I hope that what Zonen said about the shakedown won't be edited out of the dvd and someone can put that part on youtube for everyone to know.

If they do it, at least we have the w.wagener report - Someone said it's too late to sue them, so why wagener would like to see them indicted for falsification in this case ? (I saw a thread about it) -

why do you guys want to buy a DVD about people badmouthing Michael? I don't understand.

I do not want to support the people who did wrong by Michael, but if this DVD does come out I will buy it or something. Groups of MJ advocates have formed to take apart the allegations, accusers and the trial using the 2005 court documents and articles to get to the truth. Everything that everyone says or prints has become important. Many of the 93 articles and interviews are lost or have been removed to protect the guilty. When you are debunking a lie the best source to give a hater is the original rather than something from one of our sites. That way they cannot claim we made it up. Besides there are nuggets of information for Micheal's Fans & Supporters.

Did you know there never was a law made which could compel Jordie to testify. I didn't, many still don't but argue about a point that has no validity. Sneddon LIED!!!.

Dimond is trying to make her way back to the top and along the way she is attempting to rewrite history, denying what she said and did in the 90's so every gutter rag that printed or reprinted her stories are important now. This DVD if there really will be one will be important.
I know, it's ridiculous :( but that's their price range for most of their seminar videos
From the comedian Louise Palanker's Blog (who testified at the 05 trial and is apparently in a relationship with none other than the despicable Ron Zonen), a photo from the seminar, Tom obviously isn't amused...

(source: http://louisepalanker.com)
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Did Louise hear Zonen say that it was a 'shakedown' of MJ??
From the comedian Louise Palanker'sBlog (who testified at the 05 trial and is apparently in a relationship with none other than the despicable Ron Zonen), a photo from the seminar, Tom obviously isn't amused...

(source: http://louisepalanker.com)

SAY WHAT?!:no:....:bugeyed My god they really do stick together don't they! No wonder her fugly ass was all for the fam even though she knew they where lying! ILL!:puke:
SAY WHAT?!:no:....:bugeyed My god they really do stick together don't they! No wonder her fugly ass was all for the fam even though she knew they where lying! ILL!:puke:

Yeah, it's sickening. I almost wish I didn't check out her blog, she wrote some disgusting things about Michael there. :(
From the comedian Louise Palanker's Blog (who testified at the 05 trial and is apparently in a relationship with none other than the despicable Ron Zonen),

Yes, here they are: Ron Zonen being the boyfriend of Louis Palanker, and behind their back it's none other than Diane Dimond!


Palanker (who, remember, was a prosecution witness) also does this with Dimond:

One big family, aren't they?
Yes, here they are: Ron Zonen being the boyfriend of Louis Palanker, and behind their back it's none other than Diane Dimond!


Palanker (who, remember, was a prosecution witness) also does this with Dimond:

One big family, aren't they?

OMG!:bugeyed Diane Dimond, I'm gonna be sick... And Palanker dating Zonen?! Far out! Her trial testimony makes so much sense now! It's probably what that tabloid journo meant when he told Mez "gimme some hot docs, and I'll tell you who's sleeping with who at the DA's office". It's all connected, if anyone had ANY doubt that they were out to get Michael - here it is.:no:
From the comedian Louise Palanker's Blog (who testified at the 05 trial and is apparently in a relationship with none other than the despicable Ron Zonen), a photo from the seminar, Tom obviously isn't amused...

(source: http://louisepalanker.com)

thanks so much laramay!
i've done some little adjustments to that photo, just got rid of all the trash, it looks much cuter now...:cheeky:



jokes aside, Mez looks like he's about to puke.
why would anyone want to read Palanker's blog? she's a nobody. Did she even admit it was a shakedown and that the Arvizo's were liars?
why would anyone want to read Palanker's blog? she's a nobody. Did she even admit it was a shakedown and that the Arvizo's were liars?

for the sake of "know thy enemy" I suppose. I agree, she's nobody and irrelevant, but I'd read anything that might give me an insight into what went and goes on behind closed doors.
I don't think she admitted to anything. During the trial her testimony was such that you could see she hated confrontation, she wanted to be everyone's friend, and play for both sides so to speak. When she called another comedian a compulsive liar on the stand, she then went home and rang him to say that it was Mez that put words in her mouth, that he's making this like OJ trial and so on - even though they weren't really friends she rang him and tried to shift the blame so he's not upset with her in case what she said is quoted in the media. She's a fake.
The seminar is now available at the LACBA website for streaming:
http://onlinestore.lacba.org/SC/ind...ductName=&Format=6,7&SortBy=DateRecorded Desc
But it costs 140 dollars and I'm broke now otherwise I'd try and record the stream and share, could anyone else share perhaps?

From the comedian Louise Palanker's Blog (who testified at the 05 trial and is apparently in a relationship with none other than the despicable Ron Zonen), a photo from the seminar, Tom obviously isn't amused...

(source: http://louisepalanker.com)

Yes, here they are: Ron Zonen being the boyfriend of Louis Palanker, and behind their back it's none other than Diane Dimond!


Palanker (who, remember, was a prosecution witness) also does this with Dimond:

One big family, aren't they?
:bugeyed :bugeyed :bugeyed
Yes, here they are: Ron Zonen being the boyfriend of Louis Palanker, and behind their back it's none other than Diane Dimond!


Palanker (who, remember, was a prosecution witness) also does this with Dimond:

One big family, aren't they?

:bugeyed OMG THE MOTHER F*CKERS!:doh:

You see that's why I hate when people say they feel sorry for Jordan and Gavin! :scratch:DON'T! These people all keep tabs on each other and are friends! And they be damn letting those two confess the truth! I knew that they all knew each other well but, it's still disturbing to look at pics of some of them together... ILL! They got each others backs!

93 and 05 was nothing but business for these folks that most where involved in from the beginning and later some met along the way! My god what people would do for money and cheap fame!:eek: It's like they got their own cult! An MJ f*cking haters club! PATHETIC!
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You ever get the feeling that you live in an alternate universe? Michael is dead and these people who did another human being dirty are laughing talking has if nothing happened. Michael is laying in Forrest lawn cemetery and the guy who put him there is on vacation win his kid like nothing happened. Ugh I am going to bed this is too much
OMG!:bugeyed Diane Dimond, I'm gonna be sick... And Palanker dating Zonen?! Far out! Her trial testimony makes so much sense now! It's probably what that tabloid journo meant when he told Mez "gimme some hot docs, and I'll tell you who's sleeping with who at the DA's office". It's all connected, if anyone had ANY doubt that they were out to get Michael - here it is.:no:

When was T-Mez told that? Who was the journalist? This sounds familiar but, I can't remember when I heard this? Cause if he was told that during 05 that means they were together during the time of the trial and no wonder her testimony was what it was!:puke::puke::puke:

Or maybe they meant Diane Dimond with Sneddon?! lol :puke::puke::puke: OMG...Sorry for the image!:bugeyed
When was T-Mez told that? Who was the journalist? This sounds familiar but, I can't remember when I heard this? Cause if he was told that during 05 that means they were together during the time of the trial and no wonder her testimony was what it was!:puke::puke::puke:

Or maybe they meant Diane Dimond with Sneddon?! lol :puke::puke::puke: OMG...Sorry for the image!:bugeyed

In his first visit to Santa Barbara since winning the Michael Jackson trial in 2005, Thomas Mesereau spoke to a group of about 200 people Thursday evening about the media's role in high-profile cases.

The audience was riveted as the distinguished criminal defense lawyer discussed how trial coverage has become an important part of American society, using elements of the Jackson case -- the most covered criminal trial in history -- to make his points.

"A lot of my views are somewhat controversial and not well liked," he told the packed room at the Fess Parker DoubleTree Resort, "but they are heartfelt views."

Throughout his 1 1/2-hour speech, Mr. Mesereau lambasted the tabloid media, claiming they sensationalized and distorted the facts of the Jackson trial, and also Santa Barbara County prosecutors for the "savage and cruel attacks" made against his client. But he praised Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville for keeping a tight rein in the courtroom and Robert Sanger, a prominent local attorney, for his work on the Jackson defense team.

Mr. Mesereau -- who was named by Barbara Walters as one of her "10 Most Fascinating People" and by GQ magazine as one of the "Top Men of the Year" after the Jackson trial -- was featured as part of Fielding Graduate University's Distinguished Speaker Series and sponsored by the doctorate program in media psychology, the first of its kind in the country.

Noting the intense media competition in the Jackson case, Mr. Mesereau recounted how a tabloid reporter called his cell phone one day:

"This reporter said, 'Give me some hot documents and I'll tell you who is sleeping with who in the DA's office.' I said, 'First of all, there's a gag order and I will not violate it. Secondly, I don't care who is sleeping with who.' " The audience erupted into laughter.

He also offered behind-the-scenes glimpses into why he wanted to keep the trial in Santa Maria, what kind of jurors he sought, and how he personally dealt with the anxiety of such a high-profile case -- in bed by 7 p.m. and up at 3 a.m., long walks with co-counsel Susan Yu, vitamins, good food and a condo on the other side of town from where throngs of journalists were staying.

Referring to comments in his article recently published in the L.A. Daily Journal, Mr. Mesereau noted lawyers should resist the lure of cameras in high-profile cases and instead "focus on the client's interest and welfare." His intent, he said, was to win his case in the courtroom, not in the media.

A lot of the coverage of the Jackson trial, he said, was erroneously labeled as news but was instead entertainment, perpetuated by television's use of legal analysts who had not even set foot in the Santa Maria courtroom and would "yell and scream and wave their arms around" about evidence they had never seen.

Mr. Mesereau shared that when numerous colleagues advised him to request the trial be moved out of Santa Maria because of the conservative nature of the city's residents, he said he decided to check it out for himself.

"I went up before the trial and would hang out in local bars and restaurants, dressed in my jeans and just minding my own business," he said. "After a couple of weeks of doing that, I concluded that people there were not hostile to Michael Jackson -- they liked and appreciated him in the community."

He described residents as "conservative, but independent-minded. I decided Santa Maria was an honorable, fair, decent community and that he'd get a fair trial, which he did."

Although he used a jury consultant who conducted telephone polls and then charted the data, Mr. Mesereau said he disregarded it and used his instincts when selecting jurors. While many might think women with children would not be good jurors in a child molestation case, Mr. Mesereau said, he wanted these kinds of jurors because he thought they'd be more open to understanding Mr. Jackson, especially when "crazed prosecutors" were trying to portray him as "asexual, homosexual and weird."

"I picked jurors who I thought would be open to understanding him and his world and that he dances to a slightly different drummer."


He mentions the gag order, so it seems that yes, it was during the trial, sometime in 2004/2005. Disturbing, isn't it?
In his first visit to Santa Barbara since winning the Michael Jackson trial in 2005, Thomas Mesereau spoke to a group of about 200 people Thursday evening about the media's role in high-profile cases.

The audience was riveted as the distinguished criminal defense lawyer discussed how trial coverage has become an important part of American society, using elements of the Jackson case -- the most covered criminal trial in history -- to make his points.

"A lot of my views are somewhat controversial and not well liked," he told the packed room at the Fess Parker DoubleTree Resort, "but they are heartfelt views."

Throughout his 1 1/2-hour speech, Mr. Mesereau lambasted the tabloid media, claiming they sensationalized and distorted the facts of the Jackson trial, and also Santa Barbara County prosecutors for the "savage and cruel attacks" made against his client. But he praised Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville for keeping a tight rein in the courtroom and Robert Sanger, a prominent local attorney, for his work on the Jackson defense team.

Mr. Mesereau -- who was named by Barbara Walters as one of her "10 Most Fascinating People" and by GQ magazine as one of the "Top Men of the Year" after the Jackson trial -- was featured as part of Fielding Graduate University's Distinguished Speaker Series and sponsored by the doctorate program in media psychology, the first of its kind in the country.

Noting the intense media competition in the Jackson case, Mr. Mesereau recounted how a tabloid reporter called his cell phone one day:

"This reporter said, 'Give me some hot documents and I'll tell you who is sleeping with who in the DA's office.' I said, 'First of all, there's a gag order and I will not violate it. Secondly, I don't care who is sleeping with who.' " The audience erupted into laughter.

He also offered behind-the-scenes glimpses into why he wanted to keep the trial in Santa Maria, what kind of jurors he sought, and how he personally dealt with the anxiety of such a high-profile case -- in bed by 7 p.m. and up at 3 a.m., long walks with co-counsel Susan Yu, vitamins, good food and a condo on the other side of town from where throngs of journalists were staying.

Referring to comments in his article recently published in the L.A. Daily Journal, Mr. Mesereau noted lawyers should resist the lure of cameras in high-profile cases and instead "focus on the client's interest and welfare." His intent, he said, was to win his case in the courtroom, not in the media.

A lot of the coverage of the Jackson trial, he said, was erroneously labeled as news but was instead entertainment, perpetuated by television's use of legal analysts who had not even set foot in the Santa Maria courtroom and would "yell and scream and wave their arms around" about evidence they had never seen.

Mr. Mesereau shared that when numerous colleagues advised him to request the trial be moved out of Santa Maria because of the conservative nature of the city's residents, he said he decided to check it out for himself.

"I went up before the trial and would hang out in local bars and restaurants, dressed in my jeans and just minding my own business," he said. "After a couple of weeks of doing that, I concluded that people there were not hostile to Michael Jackson -- they liked and appreciated him in the community."

He described residents as "conservative, but independent-minded. I decided Santa Maria was an honorable, fair, decent community and that he'd get a fair trial, which he did."

Although he used a jury consultant who conducted telephone polls and then charted the data, Mr. Mesereau said he disregarded it and used his instincts when selecting jurors. While many might think women with children would not be good jurors in a child molestation case, Mr. Mesereau said, he wanted these kinds of jurors because he thought they'd be more open to understanding Mr. Jackson, especially when "crazed prosecutors" were trying to portray him as "asexual, homosexual and weird."

"I picked jurors who I thought would be open to understanding him and his world and that he dances to a slightly different drummer."


He mentions the gag order, so it seems that yes, it was during the trial, sometime in 2004/2005. Disturbing, isn't it?
Yes I see wow! :bugeyed:doh::puke: I bet eventually T-Mez knew! He knows way more then he tells but, he is professional not a dog like the rest! Even though they need to be called out and embarrassed IMO! Tee Heet!:evil:

Thanks so much for the article! I Thank the lord MJ had T-Mez. :angel:His strategy with picking the jurors was right on!:yes: