Which Is The Most Popular Buffy The Vampire Slayer Forum

Thats a good question. I'm looking for an Angel forum myself.

Hey hiya! Fellow Buffyverse fan! LOL
I think it's BuffyForums. I got banned for posting sarcastic hate speech in a thread about Dumbledore being gay lol. It was hilarious.

This is either going to traumatize or set a bad example for America's youth to the extent that they will fear or embrace gay people, and I'm not sure which is worse. By making one stupid comment, Rowling has integrated her flawed British (bunch of pompous liberals with a stupid accent and an even stupider language; what is it called? It sounds like they stuffed a bunch of marshmallows into their mouth and started making odd noises) morals straight into the fragile minds of our children. What is next? A Harry Loves Ron spinoff? Maybe Hermoine uses her stupid little wand to vanish her and Draco's unborn love child? Which is offensive both because it's pro-choice and also because it implies that characters in children's stories have sex organs.

Stop mind-****ing our country, Rowling. **** off. ****. Period. Off. Period.

I'm so mad right now. My blood is boiling as I am in the process of typing this. I want to go to Hot Topic and throw eggs at all the goths to calm myself. I'm not even sure how much longer I can go on typing coherent sentences before I just snap and st-- AHHHHHHHH I HATE YOU JK ROWLING WANT TO HIT YOU IN YOUR STUPID BRITISH STOMACH WITH YOUR STUPID BRITISH BOOK WHY DO WE EVEN ALLOW STORIES ABOUT WITCHCRAFT IN THE FIRST PLACE WE SHOULD BURN THEM AND BURN EVERYONE WHO USES THE WORD 'WICKED' BECAUSE THEY SAW HARRY POTTER AND THINK ITS COOL I HATE THEM WANT TO DIE.

I don't mean to over exaggerate but this is the worst day of my life ever. I mean if my mother died tomorrow it would be almost as bad as the pain I'm feeling right now.

This is from 5 months ago, but I saved it because that's how awesome I thought it was.
British (bunch of pompous liberals with a stupid accent and an even stupider language; what is it called? It sounds like they stuffed a bunch of marshmallows into their mouth and started making odd noises)
OHHH LOL bloody yanks.
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