Michael Jackson related pet peeves


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
These are not pet peeves about Michael himself but things related to him. Anyone got any?

Mine are

1. People who say that Quincy Jones was the mastermind behind Off The Wall, Thriller and Bad

2. People who don't research the false allegations, refuse to do it but still talk like they know everything about it

3. People who say that everything Michael did after Thriller sucks without even giving his later stuff a chance
- people believing the allegations without having any other knowledge about it except tabloid crap
- people thinking having been on forums since 1932 makes you a "better", more "real" fan than others
- people buying anything stamped MJ without checking where it comes from and who is selling it
- people belittling younger fans because they know less than older ones do
- people believing you cant be a "real fan" if you dont know what Michael ate on march 14th 1982
- people who believe Thriller was Michael's last album
- people who think Michael Jackson fans are necessarily hysterical featherheaded teenagers
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When people say ''He only looked good untill Thriller'' like the only exceptable image of Michael for them is from the Thriller era or before
1.People saying his kids arent really his.

2.People believing garbage wrote about him.

3.People COMPARING mediocre artists to Michael

4.People speculating about how much surgery was done.

5.People believing the allegations (Which they should know to be lies cos he was proved INNOCENT)

6.People using Michaels name to benefit themselves.

7.People who judge Michael without listenin to Michael speak about the thing theyr judging him on ,and without trying to understand how it feels to be him.
When people keep insisting that he was/could have been gay. If Michael was gay i would have no problem with that but people need to stop calling him something he never claimed to be.
The allegations must be Nr 1 for me. How people love to judge Michael and give their 2 cents on the allegations (usually condemning Michael) when it's clear all they "know" about them is from the tabloids and they aren't aware of even basic facts. Not only that, but when you start telling them the facts and correct them, they will say: I don't care that much, I have a life... So if you don't care, why do you feel the need to give your 2 cents and condemn him? People are lazy but very judgmental at the same time. A very annoying combination.

I also agree with everyone who said it's annoying that people think Thriller was the only and last great thing he did, just because this is what the media shoves down on their throats. Many of them don't even know his latter works.

It's connected to the previous point: I hate it that radios will only play Black or White, Beat it and Billie Jean from him. No wonder most people only know these from him. I wish generally radios would be brave enough not to play only the greatest hits of an artist (not just Michael) but less known gems as well.

The surgery talk. Paternity talk. Yes. I couldn't care less about these subjects. I don't know why people are so obsessed with them.
When people keep insisting that he was/could have been gay. If Michael was gay i would have no problem with that but people need to stop calling him something he never claimed to be.

Yes, I agree with that. And when you correct them they call you homophobic. When we are just lie-o-phobic. Generally I hate it when people project themselves or their own interests, personalities onto Michael. I believe a lot of people who claim he was/could have been gay are doing that basically. But sexuality is just one example of this projection. People do that in many other areas as well: eg. religion etc.
About people not wanting to research the allegations is it possible that the reason why they refuse to do it (Apart from laziness) is because they are afraid that they'll be proven wrong? Some people have huge ego's and are never humble enough to say three simple words. ''I was wrong''
^ Oh yes! That!

When people think he STOLE the Beatles catalogue! What the hell? It was on sale. The man put hard earned millions on it. It's his right. It's his.
All of the above (good job guys) plus when people say that at least the children now have a normal lives.
All of the above (good job guys) plus when people say that at least the children now have a normal lives.

Mine is all of the above as well.

Especially people calling him a child molester. And the one that would really irritate the hell out of me is when he is refer to as wacko Jacko. I can't even begin to tell you just how much that anger and irritated me. Every single time I had heard or read it. I had to even force myself to even type it on here. Because I don't like seeing or hearing it.
I agree with everything that's been said. I also hate it when people think that Michael lied about having vitiligo, and claims that he bleached his skin because of self-hate.
These are not pet peeves about Michael himself but things related to him. Anyone got any?

Mine are

1. People who say that Quincy Jones was the mastermind behind Off The Wall, Thriller and Bad

This. And while i can handle people questioning MJ's life or the allegations, i just can't handle when they question or try to negate his talend.
People believeing the allegations and/or that he was still guilty in 2005 even though he was found innocent and was.

People who think/believe they know everything about Michael Jackson -including his thoughts and feelings on everything/everybody/every place.

People believing that Michael Jackson lost his popularity in The States after Thriller.

People being closed minded in general to things such as Michael's changing skin tone to barely none. He had Vitiligo. - And some that think Vitiligo makes one turn "white" when infact you turn to 'no color' - you lose skin -tone/color - one depigmentates

With the L.O.V.E
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-Those who say he turned from a black man into a white woman

-Those who say he wanted to be white

-Those who say he's a child molester

-Those who say his face was melting/nose falling off etc etc

-Those who say Invincible was a terrible album

-The Cascio's

-The disgusting press with their propaganda
I believe there's been a thread like this already, but I hate it when you see haters commenting on youtube videos start naming off a grocery list of lies all in one comment. E.G. He was a gay white woman who molested children. It's as if they ate tabloids like candy. It's irritating.

Also comparing MJ's trial to OJs gets on my nerves, as well as everything else mentioned here. But most of the time I just roll my eyes and laugh at their ignorance.
Oh and I really really really hate when they say 'Not guilty is not the same as being innocent'.

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I hate it when teachers educate my children on 'Michael' solely based on controversy and not his true HIStory.
People still going on and on about the time he held Blanket over that balcony really annoyes me. This happened almost 10 years ago and Michael made a mistake. People need to get over it.

There are parents out there who beat, molest and even murder they're own kids. People should spend time focusing on those things instead of some mistake Michael made almost 10 years ago
In no peticular order.

1. So called Friends and unfortunetly family members too of MJ who keep selling him out.

2. The lack of attention Invincible gets from the public and the hate some fans show against it.

3. Plastic Surgery talk and the lack of understanding or straight up denial people have about MJ having Vitiligo.

4. That B.S talk of MJ killed himself.

5. People feeling sorry for Murray.

6. Saying MJ kids isn't his.

7. Thriller this Thriller that, like that's all he ever did.

8. Books, books and more books about MJ.....O_O

9. THE ALLEGATIONS....And everyone who did this too him! GRRRR!
Aswell as all of yours:

When people say MJ wasn't a good father.

When people say we was a paedophile and don't know anything about any of the cases.

When people say MJ wanted to be white.

When people say his nose was falling off.

Saying he looked like a woman (wtf!!)

When people diss his later work, or say his best work was behind him, i.e. Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad
when they complain about how much of Michael's own money he spent. 2. when they say Michael was right up there with the Beatles and Elvis excuse me, Michael jackson was the biggest entertainter this world ever seen. 3. when they say he was broke.
If Michael Jackson was broke then he was the richest broke man i've ever seen. I hope that someday i can be as broke as he was

I hate it when people won't give him a chance. It pisses the heck outta me and what annoys me even more is that I play his music to them, they clearly enjoy it but are too narrow minded or prideful to say what they really think and they just shrug and say some thing like "it was okay" :girl_tantrum: those people should get a spine, some guts, some balls and any other organs you can think of and just admit he's friggin' awesome :girl_tantrum:
When people won't take him seriously as an artist just because he didn't play instruments. When people see someone on stage playing a piano or strumming on a guitar they think ''Wow that person must be a real songwriter'' but when they see someone singing and dancing on stage like MJ they think ''That's a manufactured pop star who is being controlled by his record label''

I've seen people give artists with alot less talent than Michael more praise just because they strum a few notes of a guitar on stage.