Paul Anka Trashes Michael in his Book


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

He's still at it -_-

"ruthless streak" "stealing tapes"... REALLY?

There is absolutely no proof MJ stole the tapes. If anything his vocal take is entirely DIFFERENT from BOTH recordings Paul Anka has.

And then he talks about Michael letting kids into his villa to play and the kids ruining everything with rotting food, broken glass and the villa required renovation...

And then he calls Dean Martin the "good guy" and Sammy Davis Jr. "porn-obsessed" and "killing himself".

Before saying it's tabloid junk this seems very much written by Paul though.
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Well it is tabloid controversial too (gossip and sensationalism) but it is actual excerpts taken from Paul's book gossiping about many including not so nice things about Michael.:(
Paul did say on the view that he 'didn't know who it was either Michael or some body else 'took' the tapes....' Michael had a right to take a tape and put it in a safe, because it was a joint writing venture. He didn't have to ask Paul's permission to have a copy of a song he co wrote, just as Paul didn't need Michael's permission to show the song to that girl he showed it to, and Michael didn't get bent out of shape over that. Cool pic, by the way. And Paul is out to make big bank off MJ's death, using their relationship.
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If these things really are in his book I will make sure not to put a single penny in his pocket for any MJ duet, sorry!

Especially the way how he makes innuendo about kids and MJ - it looks like someone jumping on the tabloid media bandwagon about MJ and kids. And the thing about the songs: those songs were just as much Michael's as his! Michael had the right to have a copy of them.

Paul Anka seems to be a pretty low person to me.
I had a feeling that Anka would trash Michael in his book. It's what everybody else is doing these days. And personally, I've never really liked him after he made such a nasty circus out of the "This Is It" song business a few years ago. In my opinion, whether he was right or wrong, that was a disgusting and unprofessional thing to do. But I'm not surprised at all. And I think he's just looking for support from Michael's haters with this book like so many people before him. So I don't care.
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What an idiot he is to write these things and then expect us to buy his stupid book and album.

I'll enjoy writing my 1 star review for both for him.

So the book/album aren't released until another 2 weeks, we've got to endure this man's book tour for maybe a month or so. Sigh.
He's shot himself in the foot if he thinks any MJ fan will buy his book or the duet!
I remember that hotel mirage story with the delinquent children and mj, as being one of ddimond's anecdotes in that jaques peretti doc from 07. I looked up the story a couple of yrs back on google and couldn't find a ref to it apart from the peretti doc. Not sure if it originated from a tab, but i couldn't find it. So was it actually paul anka who told ddimond years ago or more likely did he just hear the story and thought he'd smear mj with it. Interesting that all the people he bad mouths are dead.
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Anka trashes lots of dead people in his book who cannot sue or answer (Elvis, Dodi Al Fayed), not just Michael. This is how he handles his staff:

He seems to be an arrogant, self-absorbed jerk. No wonder MJ didn't want to finish those songs with him. He surely won't get a penny from me.
I know a song for you .
"Paul Anka- Paul anka..What a ..."
Sell that .:)
Well, it seems like that ****er gets a rise out of trashing dead people, who can't defend themselves anymore. What's the point of him telling these stories? What do they have to do with his biography... is that not important enough to sell his book? Sad, pathetic little man.
I remember that hotel mirage story with the delinquent children and mj, as being one of ddimond's anecdotes in that jaques peretti doc from 07. I looked it up a couple of yrs back on google and couldn't find a ref to it apart from the peretti doc. Not sure if it originated from a tab, but i couldn't find it. So was it actually paul anka who told ddimond years ago or more likely did he just hear the story and thought he'd smear mj with it. Interesting that all the people he bad mouths are dead.

Was that the same programme that showed how DD got completely taken in by a con?

So Anka (rhymes with .......) clearly has an extremely low opinion of Michael but plans on releasing a duet, nice guy.
I wasn't planning on getting his album anyway cause I STILL didn't forget what he said last time! So he can shove it!:beee:
I can say it in this thread and that is I don't like Paul Anka. I thought it was really unprofessional how he handled that whole This is It problem. Michael just died and things were delicate for everybody and the estate. Mistakes can happen. He could have privately dealt with it but no the whole world had to hear that Michael was a thief of his own song. He did it for the attention. To be honest This is It is not my favorite song. I hardly listen to it. It's not bad but feels sad to me. I don't need to hear Paul Anka on it too.
He's sooooo bitter that Michael didn't put any song they were working on "Thriller".
Compared to some others, Michael almost received a 'compliment' in that excerpt. Doesn't anybody have decent lectors and editors anymore who will slap you upside down the head for ahem, wanting to publish such stuff? I've seen more interesting "Celebrity Death Matches".

And if two men are used to dirty mudslinging - it's probably Michael and Sammy Davis Jr.

Here's an awesome refresher on how to keep it classy in public.

And another heads-up (no pun intended) for Mr. Anka - the smearing of black males as the 'sexually deviant' ones ain't gonna fly (this generation isn't particularly outraged by Linda Lovelace) particularly not with MJ fans. They'll catch you in it - :swoon:... Particularly not coming from a white dude with his own set of issues.

Sammy Davis Jr. certainly enraged his share of lawnmowers and so did Michael.., and I thank them both for that.
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Well another one, so we will watch his book gain not too great sales, and his song gain even less sales. After all people already have the one with only Michael's voice on it, so unless you are a Anka Nanka fan, or just like the same song sung different ways, he will not get many Michael fans buying his song.

There is a patterns among these people like Sullivan to trash Micahel & expect Michael's fans to still support them. Where did this strange behavior come from. I mean, if Pepsi sees that teens are their best customers, are they going to make ads trashing teens?
If not for Michael, I wouldn't know of his existence. His ass probably thinks the more dirt he writes on a myriad of stars, the more copies he will sell. After all tabloids love this kind of shit and thrive on it giving loads of free publicity. I will not be buying his crap.
Paul Anka shared a link.
March 21
Can't wait to hear all of the amazing stories about Paul Anka's life, career, and friends such as Elizabeth Taylor, Dodi Fayed, Tom Jones, Michael Jackson, Adnan Khashoggi, Little Richard... and so many more?!

Then pre-order your copy of his autobiography My Way today!

I don't know what to say? He calls MJ his friend, but the extracts in DM says something different.
I suppose this 60's leftover is in desperate need for cash, so what better way to make it than dish a dirt of dead people.

This is what you get when PA has nothing to show on his own, so he has to rely on telling dirt on other people.
^^^ Tom Jones is still living so it will be interesting what he has to say on him, but, as I wont be buying his book, I may never know.

@Shelly-webster yes, it was a 'street child' who gave an elaborate and convincing account to DD (and also the police?) and she was really taken in by it, you could feel her excitement at the prospect of 'nabbing' MJ. However it turned out that it was all a con led by some Fagin like character. Have I got that right? I've only seen it once, given that it was a programme that showed MJ to be an innocent victim so it wasn't widely picked up by the media.
^^^ Amazing stories my ass, tabloid trash brought up to try and sell copies of a book from a man I have no interest in. He calls them all friend and then stabs them in the back, classy!
Last tear - I remember that episode well, believe I still have it on tape somewhere. The kid was coached, he knew everything about the ranch ( locations, everything) and the people working there. He convinced a lot of people until he was caught out in the lie.
^^^ Tom Jones is still living so it will be interesting what he has to say on him, but, as I wont be buying his book, I may never know.

@Shelly-webster yes, it was a 'street child' who gave an elaborate and convincing account to DD (and also the police?) and she was really taken in by it, you could feel her excitement at the prospect of 'nabbing' MJ. However it turned out that it was all a con led by some Fagin like character. Have I got that right? I've only seen it once, given that it was a programme that showed MJ to be an innocent victim so it wasn't widely picked up by the media.

I was talking about she claimed happen in 2003 at the Mirage.
Guys dont worry bout this fool!

No one even knows who he is lol hes just another backstabber whos trying to make a buck out of saying mean & untrue things about ppl are no longer with us and can no longer defend themslves. That alone that shows what a spiteful jealous child he is
He seems to be full of himself:smilerolleyes:

This bit from MTV got me giggle:
"Jay-Z might call you... maybe. According to singer Paul Anka, the rapper owes him several unreturned phone calls and he's hopping mad about it.

Anka told TMZ that he wanted Jay on his new Duets album (which includes Michael Jackson) but he's yet to hear back from him.

"I called up Jay-Z..I wanted to put him on a track with Michael Jackson. I called him up and Jay-Z has totally blown me off," says Anka. "He's totally inappropriate in his behavior. I love his wife...but Jay-Z wouldn't return a call." Interestingly, Hov sampled Anka in his "I Did It My Way" on the Blueprint 2."

Jay Z probably thought, "Paul who?"
What I find totally inappropriate behavior is, that he expect everybody recognize him and run when he says so.
What an arrogant fool.
I can't believe that Paul Anka. What a backstabbing traitor he is. And as for he book I would spit on it and wipe my @$$ with it.
What a ****er this guy is. Ever since his comments regarding Michael supposedly "stealing" the songs he co-wrote, he comes across as a bitter and arrogant ass (well, he probably was before, but I never took notice of it). It's kinda ironic that "his" arguably most famous song, Frank Sinatra's "My way" (which I do love), is not really his song anway (another one of his famous songs, also not sung by him, which I also happen to like, would be Tom Jones' "She's a lady"... is that a theme? His songs sung by other people becoming more famous than his own?? His own famous songs, like "Diana", "Lonely boy" or "You're having my baby" charted high like 50 years ago and none of his songs in last 30 years got as much publicity as Michael's "This is it"). All he did was purchase publishing rights to a french song and write english lyrics for it. A french song of which his opinion, according to an interview he did with the UK telegraph, was "I thought it was a shitty record, but there was something in it". But really, if you listen to the original version: you hear that, other than the lyrics, it's pretty much the same song, but still he seems to think he put some kind of magic touch on that song to make it a less "shitty record". Really the only thing that's full of shit though is him. I mean, it's not like that guy didn't accomplish anything or hadn't had a career... he had lots and lots of songs that charted and his stuff is not too bad, but his arrogance is really a huge turn off.
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