New Michael Jackson documentary/film - Mirroring Michael Jackson (2019)


Proud Member
Feb 15, 2003
I guess this is a completely different project thant Tajs work, correct?

I discovered this when @Simonna started following me on twitter, so I checked her activity and found that she was going to record a song and music video for the soundtrack of the movie.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I&#8217;m joining&#8220;Mirroring Michael Jackson&#8221; MJ TRIBUTE documentary.<br>The film is being made by people who LOVE MJ to HONOR and CELEBRATE our <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KingofPop</a>. I&#8217;m doing an original song for the soundtrack in loving memory of <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MichaelJackson</a> &amp; a music video <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#mjfam</a> &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533; <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Simonna (@Simonna) <a href="">January 23, 2019</a></blockquote>
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More info:

"The discussion about the project started when an amazing producer I&#8217;m working with, Kira Madallo Sesay, discover that I was a huge fan of Michael Jackson when she saw a tweet where I defended him.

The tweet went viral and I&#8217;ve since received hundreds of messages from Michael Jackson fans thanking me for the support and for defending their idol. I also received a message from Michael&#8217;s nephew, Taj Jackson, who thanked me for supporting his uncle.

"The point is that I couldn&#8217;t stay quiet. I had to say something to defend him. Michael Jackson was and always will be one of my biggest inspirations. I&#8217;ve been looking up to him my entire life, ever since the very first day I stood up on a stage and sang at age 6. I admire his hard work, his discipline, his passion for music, his love of all mankind, his kind heart and selfless generosity. He is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records in the category of &#8220;most charities supported by a pop star.&#8221; He donated $400 million to charities. He&#8217;s is an example for every artist on how their fame can be used to help make the world a better place.

His words have helped me to stay strong and believe in myself too. Like, &#8220;Always believe in yourself. No matter who&#8217;s around you being negative or thrusting negative energy at you, totally block it off. Because whatever you believe, you become.&#8221; And as a devoted Christian, Michael is a role model to me because he always forgave people even when they attacked him or spread lies about him. He said, &#8220;&#8230;I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to.&#8221;

Michael&#8217;s wise words have helped me to stay motivated when I was going through hard times and made me believe in myself even when I wanted to give up. He&#8217;s one of the reasons I became a performer so young and why I am still on the stage right now. As a singer and pop artist, I see it as my responsibility to stand up and defend his honor."

Mirroring Michael Jackson (2019) Documentary, Music
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Stop this! MJ was the most amazing person, incredible artist, the KING. Stop selling fake stories and using him to make dirty money.<br>I&#8217;m so mad that this is happening. As an artist, I am insulted that people are doing this to <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MichaelJackson</a>. Have some respect! <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#respect</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#theking</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Simonna (@Simonna) <a href="">January 12, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Shooting an interview today for the forthcoming documentary “Mirroring Michael Jackson”, focusing only on MJ’s music, philanthropy, and impact on my career. <a href=""></a><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MichaelJackson</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KingOfPop</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#mjfam</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#mj</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MJJCommunity</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#moonwalkers</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MJKingOfPop</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; SIEDAH GARRETT (@SIEDAHGARRETT) <a href="">April 17, 2019</a></blockquote>
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A documentary film honoring the King of Pop showcasing how Michael Jackson's groundbreaking musical legacy has influenced performers of the past, present and future.

Credited cast, sorted by IMDb STARmeter:
Michael Jackson Michael Jackson ... Himself (archive footage)
Gabriella Wright Gabriella Wright ... Herself
Gladys Knight Gladys Knight ... Herself
Ola Ray Ola Ray ... Herself
Simonna Simonna ... Herself - Performer
Vincent Paterson Vincent Paterson ... Himself
Travis Payne Travis Payne ... Himself
Alex Al Alex Al ... Himself
Siedah Garrett Siedah Garrett ... Herself
Jennifer Batten Jennifer Batten ... Herself...
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font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by <a href=";utm_medium=loading" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px;" target="_blank"> Christopher Broughton</a> (@christopherbroughton1) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2019-04-18T10:38:52+00:00">Apr 18, 2019 at 3:38am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async src="//"></script>
Siedah's presentation discs are absolutely beautiful.

The climate is not right for a documentary that ignores the sex abuse allegations, unfortunately.
ChrisC;4255514 said:
Siedah's presentation discs are absolutely beautiful.

The climate is not right for a documentary that ignores the sex abuse allegations, unfortunately.

It is exactly the right time to focus on Michael&#8217;s music, philanthropy and humanitarian contributions. Just because some lying scum is trying to detract from these things, doesn&#8217;t mean Michael&#8217;s supporters need to focus on that crap. That is just what the detractors and haters want us to do. I say good for Siedah for focusing on the positive aspects of Michael, while we continue to defend him against these pieces of racist trash-Greed, ROBson, and SafeCHECK.
Thank you Siedah!!!
somewhereinthedark;4255747 said:
It is exactly the right time to focus on Michael&#8217;s music, philanthropy and humanitarian contributions. Just because some lying scum is trying to detract from these things, doesn&#8217;t mean Michael&#8217;s supporters need to focus on that crap. That is just what the detractors and haters want us to do. I say good for Siedah for focusing on the positive aspects of Michael, while we continue to defend him against these pieces of racist trash-Greed, ROBson, and SafeCHECK.
Thank you Siedah!!!

It will look like an attempt to distract from the issue. As if we're saying to look the other way.
debut in Cannes??

why no news outlet pick up this news?
Another documentary of people claiming they came up with everything. Oh and someone doing the Mickey Mouse impersonation.

And I think the correct spelling is 'guitarist'.
somewhereinthedark;4255747 said:
It is exactly the right time to focus on Michael’s music, philanthropy and humanitarian contributions. Just because some lying scum is trying to detract from these things, doesn’t mean Michael’s supporters need to focus on that crap. That is just what the detractors and haters want us to do. I say good for Siedah for focusing on the positive aspects of Michael, while we continue to defend him against these pieces of racist trash-Greed, ROBson, and SafeCHECK.
Thank you Siedah!!!
I agree. At this point, no need in focusing on two liars. Now, focus on MJ and wha he truely was about and no more lies.
Siedah's presentation discs are absolutely beautiful.

The climate is not right for a documentary that ignores the sex abuse allegations, unfortunately.
Why not? MJ is dead. he already had a trial. these guys are proven liars. end of story. Time to move on. haters can focus on it but others will move on and focus on MJ and truth person he was, NOT the lies.
somewhereinthedark;4255747 said:
It is exactly the right time to focus on Michael’s music, philanthropy and humanitarian contributions. Just because some lying scum is trying to detract from these things, doesn’t mean Michael’s supporters need to focus on that crap. That is just what the detractors and haters want us to do.

Spot on
Is Cannes more prestigious than Sundance for audiences and how many they reach?

This is good news. The collective consciousness about MJ has to be re-directed to his music.
debut in Cannes??

why no news outlet pick up this news?

I think it was premiered in Berlin in February. (according to this article).

A new documentary about loyal fans of Michael Jackson who have chosen to dedicate their lives to honor the King of Pop's artistic legacy by offering imitation and other stage performances, will be presented at the upcoming Berlin Film Festival. from February 15 to 25, 2018.

Mirroring Michael Jackson will also be broadcast at the Cannes Film Festival as well as in other professional meetings of world cinema and the date of its official release has not yet been announced.
It's horrible that no reporter reported the positive documentary!
Looking forward to this.

Glad to see it focuses on MJ's art. No need to mention LN at all IMO.
Hollywood. — Graham King, producer of “Bohemian Rhapsody”, recently secured the rights to produce a movie based on the “King of Pop” Michael Jackson’s life. He also obtained access to all the legend’s music.

The producer’s company, GK Films, employed the services of John Logan, a three-time Oscar-nominated writer, to write the script of the movie.

An Africa Giant, African American singer, songwriter, and dancer Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 — June 25, 2009) dubbed the “King of Pop”, through stage and video performances, he popularized complicated dance techniques such as the moonwalk, to which he gave the name.

His sound and style have influenced artistes of various genres. Jackson’s contributions to music, dance, and fashion, earned him the title “King of Pop”.

He is recognised as the Most Successful Entertainer of All Time by Guinness World Records.
In 1992, Jackson was declared King of Sanwi, a traditional kingdom located in the south-east of Ivory Coast. In 2001, the MTV Video Vanguard Award was renamed in his honor.

The film which is due for release on 29 August 2020 is going to be based on real-life events that happened during the course of Michael Jackson’s life and not the desensitised version.

“Mirroring Michael Jackson” is a documentary film honouring the King of Pop showcasing how Michael Jackson’s groundbreaking musical legacy has influenced performers of the past, present and future.

The film presents cherished memories of Jackson via the collective voices of MJ’s friends, fellow recording artists and collaborators. Michael Jackson’s talent and artistry is celebrated in the film with original musical performances in loving memory of the “King of Pop”.

The movie will portray all the complexity of the singer’s life from birth till death at 50 years old in June 2009. No part of his childhood as a star and his adulthood as a world-renowned artist will be ignored.

His adult life was filled with a lot of challenges as he often had to pay off accusers over allegations of sexual molestation of children who spent the night at his house.

One of the allegations sprouted from the story portrayed in a HBO documentary titled “Leaving Neverland”, a film that won an Emmy for its compelling story. The makers of the documentary are currently involved in a legal battle for $100 million with the Jackson estate.

In spite of all these allegations, there is a significant amount of interest in the life and music of the icon as evidenced by the Broadway musical which is currently in production.

King and Logan will iron out every detail of the script before setting it at the studio. The duo have worked together on two other films titled “Hugo” and “Rango”, which is an animation. — Africa Giant.
Re: New Documentary Film Honors King of Pop

(deleted my comment as it does no longer make sense after the threads were merged :D )
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Re: New Documentary Film Honors King of Pop

Don't like them saying Michael "paid off accusers" how about an actual honest portrayal of a great man?
Re: New Documentary Film Honors King of Pop

Don't like them saying Michael "paid off accusers" how about an actual honest portrayal of a great man?

Yeah really. I hope that's just that website's shitty journalism talking and not the people actually making the film.
Did Michael paid them to leave him alone? yes he innocent and all. but I could of sown he did give some them money because they wouldn't let him be. they said that this film is being made.

i honestly don't want it.
NatureCriminal7896;4289184 said:
they said that this film is being made.
i honestly don't want it.

Don&#8217;t worry. The film premiered at last year&#8217;s Cannes already, so it&#8217;s not anti-MJ or we would have heard of it. A lot.
That's great news. but honestly i still don't want it. hope you guys enjoy when it get officially release.
looking forward to seeing a positive MJ documentary that focuses on his many talents
“Mirroring Michael Jackson” is a documentary film honouring the King of Pop showcasing how Michael Jackson’s groundbreaking musical legacy has influenced performers of the past, present and future.

Sounds positive for once!

The film which is due for release on 29 August 2020 is going to be based on real-life events that happened during the course of Michael Jackson’s life and not the desensitised version.

The film presents cherished memories of Jackson via the collective voices of MJ’s friends, fellow recording artists and collaborators.

Michael Jackson’s talent and artistry is celebrated in the film with original musical performances in loving memory of the “King of Pop”.

Directed by Christopher Broughton. With Gabriella Wright, Ola Ray, Gladys Knight and many more.

It is unknown where the documentary will be showcased and as soon as we know we will let you know!
