Paris Jackson in favor of separating the art from the artist, including her father Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Feb 15, 2003
Paris has made tweets which can easily be interpreted as she is in favor of separating the art from the artist, which would include Michael Jackson.

Your thoughts on this? I dont like it.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dear Wade and James, I believe you and I love you. Keep going <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AfterNeverland</a> <a href="">@StinsonHunter</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#leavingneverland</a></p>&mdash; sia (@Sia) <a href="">March 6, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dear <a href="">@ParisJackson</a> I love you, keep going. I believe you are a good person.<br>&#65533;&#65533;</p>&mdash; sia (@Sia) <a href="">July 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wowww. Smh and lol at the hypocrisy. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Brandi Jackson (@BJackson82) <a href="">July 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="12" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:16px;"> <a href="" style=" background:#FFFFFF; line-height:0; padding:0 0; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; width:100%;" target="_blank"> <div style=" display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"></div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style=" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"></div> <div style=" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 4px; 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text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by <a href="" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px;" target="_blank"> &#10024;i post what i want</a> (@cyphergyal) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2020-07-02T08:06:26+00:00">Jul 2, 2020 at 1:06am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async src="//"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">it&#8217;s not gossip Paris she thinks your father is a pedophile</p>&mdash; c &#8321;&#8322;&#8323;&#8324;&#9316; ||-// (@PolarizeChanges) <a href="">July 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">well then i suppose this is a similar situation to the nikki sixx thing y&#8217;all ripped me to pieces over. i&#8217;m a massive mötley crüe fan but do not condone nor support the things sixx has said about other artists.</p>&mdash; PK (@ParisJackson) <a href="">July 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">to further clarify, we all love disney movies don&#8217;t we ? they&#8217;re the best. but walt disney, as genius as he was, was also anti-simetic. you can appreciate good art without condoning certain things the artist does.</p>&mdash; PK (@ParisJackson) <a href="">July 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Lightbringer;4296417 said:
Paris is obviously in favor of separating the art from the artist, also with Michael Jackson.

Your thoughts on this? I dont like it.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">to further clarify, we all love disney movies don&#8217;t we ? they&#8217;re the best. but walt disney, as genius as he was, was also anti-simetic. you can appreciate good art without condoning certain things the artist does.</p>&#8212; PK (@ParisJackson) <a href="">July 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

She&#8217;s comparing Disney to Sia here, not MJ. But this only proves how easily her tweets can be taken out of context.

Poor old Walt wasn&#8217;t even an anti-semite, btw. There&#8217;s no proof whatsoever for this accusation.
ScreenOrigami;4296421 said:
She&#8217;s comparing Disney to Sia here, not MJ. But this only proves how easily her tweets can be taken out of context.

Poor old Walt wasn&#8217;t even an anti-semite, btw. There&#8217;s no proof whatsoever for this accusation.

Her statement goes both ways, it definitely can be interpreted both ways. The disney comparison can easily be linked to Michael. And if she does not mean that, she should not have posted it. Just the type of thing MJ-haters can save and gossip about forever.
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We already have a thread for this which is her thread. guys stop harassing Paris if you don't agree with her. I don't agree with everything she say and do but let it go.
We already have a thread for this which is her thread. guys stop harassing Paris if you don't agree with her. I don't agree with everything she say and do but let it go.

I am not harassing her. If I wanted to harass her I would be going on twitter or instagram shouting at her, which I dont. I still think its a clumsy thing to say, her statement on disney can be used for Michael as well.
NatureCriminal7896;4296426 said:
Like she said this will to will pass.

Nothing would pass if the fans weren&#8217;t tirelessly working to expose the accusers&#8217; lies. Just imagine the fans hadn&#8217;t put in the work after LN and where we would be now.
ScreenOrigami;4296421 said:
She&#8217;s comparing Disney to Sia here, not MJ. But this only proves how easily her tweets can be taken out of context.

Yep, in context it's quite clear. I'm wondering if twitter's messy structure contributes to such misunderstandings (that one tweet in itself would be indeed easy to misinterpret).

Lightbringer;4296422 said:
Her statement goes both ways, it definitely can be interpreted both ways. The disney comparison can easily be linked to Michael. And if she does not mean that, she should not have posted it. Just the type of thing MJ-haters can save and gossip about forever.

I don't think she meant it that way, she's just not very good at expressing herself sometimes (seems to be a family characteristic :rolleyes:). The Disney reference is more like a common misconception people bring out these days to illustrate the separate-the-art-from-the-artist question, I doubt it has anything to do with MJ liking him.

Having said that, Paris should have stayed out of this mess, but I don't think we should see too much into her superficial tweets.

ScreenOrigami;4296433 said:
Nothing would pass if the fans weren&#8217;t tirelessly working to expose the accusers&#8217; lies. Just imagine the fans hadn&#8217;t put in the work after LN and where we would be now.

Yep. Imagine if fans just "relaxed" and let the worst case scenario happen: MJ would be erased by now from history (literally). It could have affected the outcome of R&S's lawsuit, the income of the Estate, and Paris wouldn't be given opportunities now either (and Sia wouldn't be trying to kiss her bottom).
ScreenOrigami;4296421 said:
She&#8217;s comparing Disney to Sia here, not MJ. But this only proves how easily her tweets can be taken out of context.

Poor old Walt wasn&#8217;t even an anti-semite, btw. There&#8217;s no proof whatsoever for this accusation.

Well I suppose, she may have naivety like her dad. I don&#8217;t get why people say Walt Disney is &#8220;anti-Semitic&#8221;, they&#8217;re just a bunch of idiots calling him that out of hatred and spite just like that idiot Sia is still now.
Never heard of this person called Sia in my life
Sia,whoever she is

:D The funny thing is she could gain a massive supporter base in the MJ fandom if she apologised for last year and showed genuine care for Paris. That could be also a way to use the Jacksons for PR of course, but at least with a positive outcome. What she actually did was so creepy it may alienate others as well if they learn about it.

Well I suppose, she may have naivety like her dad.

Yep, and that's the main concern here, we just don't want to witness history repeating itself. :/
ozemouze;4296513 said:
The funny thing is she could gain a massive supporter base in the MJ fandom.

This is the part I&#8217;ll never understand. If you&#8217;re a musician, wouldn&#8217;t you be dreaming of having MJ&#8217;s gigantic global fan base supporting you? I mean, seriously, any artist who shows MJ some love, and be it just a tweet, will definitely be on the list of artists whose work we&#8217;re going to check out and &#8211; if it&#8217;s any good &#8211; support by either listening to it ourselves or recommend it to someone who may like it. Such a super easy way to get one&#8217;s name out there.
This person is in the circle that mandatorily promoted LN. I think they really believed MJ didn't have supporters anymore and would be cancelled anyway (as the MSM and Oprah said to). I guess they continue to reinforce their beliefs to this day in their bubble.
ozemouze;4296518 said:
This person is in the circle that mandatorily promoted LN. I think they really believed MJ didn't have supporters anymore and would be cancelled anyway (as the MSM and Oprah said to). I guess they continue to reinforce their beliefs to this day in their bubble.

That&#8217;s very likely he case, although this line of thinking is completely incomprehensible to any rational observer.
I don't agree with her approach and don't think we should treat statements like those coming from Sia as just a difference in opinion. It may seem like we're "obsessed", but if people didn't call out every instance of those falsehoods the only thing that reached mainstream would be the massive media campaigh to paint MJ as guilty. If people didn't fight tirelessly after LN was released the public would just blindly accept every lie those frauds spew and the false narrative of MJ's accusers would just become a common knowledge. Some people are lazy, don't have enough interest and time or are just too accustomed to the opinion formed by major media outlets to ever look for the truth themselves. If they won't see those falsehoods opposed they'll continue to blindly accept them as truth.
Having said that, I don't believe I'm in any position to criticise Paris. Being just a fan I have no idea what it's like to be MJ's daughter and having to endure attacks on her and her family. Maybe she genuinely believes it's for the best, maybe it's a defense mechanism she developed after years of having to put up with people slandering her father. I may not think her approach to lies about MJ is effective, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna question her love for MJ. And speaking of effectiveness, criticising her on twitter won't bring any good. It just further pushes her towards snakes like Sia.
ScreenOrigami;4296522 said:
That’s very likely he case, although this line of thinking is completely incomprehensible to any rational observer.

The most ridiculous thing about this whole mess the title of Sia's album that caused it: "Reasonable Woman". :hysterical:

Sorry for overreacting this topic and person BTW, but I'm still fuming and in disbelief about it.
ozemouze;4296529 said:
The most ridiculous thing about this whole mess the title of Sia's album that caused it: "Reasonable Woman". :hysterical:

Her Twitter bio states that she belongs in diapers, though. So, what is it? The &#8220;reasonable&#8221; woman or the cry baby? :hysterical:
Mechaspiderman;4296528 said:
Having said that, I don't believe I'm in any position to criticise Paris. Being just a fan I have no idea what it's like to be MJ's daughter and having to endure attacks on her and her family. Maybe she genuinely believes it's for the best, maybe it's a defense mechanism she developed after years of having to put up with people slandering her father. I may not think her approach to lies about MJ is effective, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna question her love for MJ. And speaking of effectiveness, criticising her on twitter won't bring any good. It just further pushes her towards snakes like Sia.

You're absolutely right and it's of course wrong to criticize her on twitter (I don't doubt it happens and it's very unfortunate, but most people who wrote her about Sia just wanted to warn her with good intentions indeed). It's completely wrong if outsiders want to determine how she should cope with this complicated situation, and her way of dealing with it in private until now was completely fine and mostly accepted IMO.

The difference here is she did it on a public platform. Literally no one expected her to fight Sia, just to "rise above it with serenity and grace" (basically to practice what she promotes anyway). Her acknowledging it by replying was a bit of a slap in the face TBH.

But let's take the fans out of the picture (I reckon it might feel absurd when complete strangers try to warn you). Taj and Brandi (and now TJ) called Sia out too, didn't she think there must be some reason if their relatives are angry too? Or why didn't she realize it at least when Sia trashed her whole family (I don't rule out some members may be indeed problematic :/, but it included her grandmother and the 3T as well)? Or why did she felt the need to respond to Sia, when she had no problem ignoring Darren Hayes?

And I don't doubt her love for her father either, on the contrary, and that's my main concern actually: if someone manages to bait her into something that can be finally presented as she denied her father/family, how would she cope with that?! It's very ugly what's going around behind the scenes here, I'm afraid.

But I think I should let go of this case as it's driving me mad. :shutup:

ScreenOrigami;4296530 said:
Her Twitter bio states that she belongs in diapers, though. So, what is it? The &#8220;reasonable&#8221; woman or the cry baby? :hysterical:

I feel so bad already for knowing much more things about this person then I needed in my life. :lmao:
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Help me, I can't let go of this stuff. :scream:

So, the thing about this Sia (as no one seems to know her :D) is that she uses the same talented young (started as a child) dancer in her MVs instead of herself. She was even criticized about that for being a hypocrite, as she finds it very important to protect her privacy (hence the wig), but has no problem allowing a child to be the focus of the exposure. The criticism got more serious when one of these videos was deemed as borderline pedophilia.

I don't know if the criticism was legitimate or not, and that's not the point either. The point is that obviously no one wants to be associated with this kind of notoriety, so what we are witnessing could be not just PR, but damage control. She wants to make sure to show the world "she's not like that", so she promotes LN, tweets cryptic messages to Paris, and now this:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This popped up on my timeline today. She's doing what she feels is necessary to promote her new album, and cleanse her image. See how that works? <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MJInnocent</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; andjustice4some (@andjustice4some) <a href="">July 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

BTW, I was thinking that Paris's tweet to her can be interpreted as a subtle shade as well (or at least a case when you want to say something nice about someone, but can't really think of anything worth mentioning): what she complimented was the choreography of Sia's MV, so the part Sia had nothing to do with. :devil:
ScreenOrigami;4296514 said:
This is the part I&#8217;ll never understand. If you&#8217;re a musician, wouldn&#8217;t you be dreaming of having MJ&#8217;s gigantic global fan base supporting you? I mean, seriously, any artist who shows MJ some love, and be it just a tweet, will definitely be on the list of artists whose work we&#8217;re going to check out and &#8211; if it&#8217;s any good &#8211; support by either listening to it ourselves or recommend it to someone who may like it. Such a super easy way to get one&#8217;s name out there.

Lol, Sia doesn't need MJ fans. Her videos on YouTube have hundreds of millions and billions of views. That should give you an idea of how popular she is.

And fans need to leave Paris alone. She is not a DLC to an MJ video game, she is her own person with her own life. It's so obnoxious and disrespectful to constantly analyse and poke her over every little stupid meaningless thing about MJ.
She is on the spiritual path. That means she has a sense of the higher perspective. It also means detaching from drama. She knows that none of this petty crap actually matters in the grand scheme of our existence. It's all just material world surface-level dust. If people misinterpret her tweets that is their own problem, not hers.
Anna;4296604 said:
Lol, Sia doesn't need MJ fans. Her videos on YouTube have hundreds of millions and billions of views. That should give you an idea of how popular she is.

And fans need to leave Paris alone. She is not a DLC to an MJ video game, she is her own person with her own life. It's so obnoxious and disrespectful to constantly analyse and poke her over every little stupid meaningless thing about MJ.
She is on the spiritual path. That means she has a sense of the higher perspective. It also means detaching from drama. She knows that none of this petty crap actually matters in the grand scheme of our existence. It's all just material world surface-level dust. If people misinterpret her tweets that is their own problem, not hers.

what sia said in a later tweet was completely irresponsible, non sensical and flat out stupid. She said &#8220;I don&#8217;t supporte the Jackson&#8217;s nor do I believe they&#8217;ve been supportive of Paris in her recovery&#8221;

How on earth could she say such thing when she doesn&#8217;t even know the family nor ever spoken to them? This is just wrong on so many levels and reeks of arrogance and a lot of other things. I&#8217;m glad Taj, T.J and Brandi responded to this. Imagine a stranger saying something like this about your family, it&#8217;s speaks a lot about her character. This is just like the tabloids and comes off as attention seeking.
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Anna;4296604 said:
And fans need to leave Paris alone. She is not a DLC to an MJ video game, she is her own person with her own life. It's so obnoxious and disrespectful to constantly analyse and poke her over every little stupid meaningless thing about MJ.

Sorry, but I'm not sure you followed this case if you say that, this woman specifically bashed the whole Jackson family. Please don't act like it's a normal thing to side with a stranger bashing your family over your relatives. Are these Jacksons making "every little stupid meaningless thing about MJ" too? Or they don't count?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The nerve of some people. I’m not gonna sit here and just let a complete STRANGER dismiss my entire family like that. I don’t care who you are. You have no idea what we have or haven’t done when it comes to OUR family. &#128545;And yes MY cousin Paris and her new ep are both amazing. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3) <a href="">July 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">That’s terrible <a href="">@Sia</a>. &#129318;&#127997;*&#9794;&#65039; You have NO IDEA who my family is and obviously NO CLUE how me or my family support my cousins. Have you thought about how you are attacking THEIR family who they love? Push that negativity somewhere else. &#128078;&#127997;<a href="">#tabloidjunkie</a> <a href="">#stayinyourlane</a> <a href="">#GossipGirl</a></p>— TJ Jackson (@tjjackson) <a href="">July 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wowww. Smh and lol at the hypocrisy. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Brandi Jackson (@BJackson82) <a href="">July 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Anna;4296604 said:
She is on the spiritual path. That means she has a sense of the higher perspective. It also means detaching from drama. She knows that none of this petty crap actually matters in the grand scheme of our existence. It's all just material world surface-level dust. If people misinterpret her tweets that is their own problem, not hers.

This spiritual path is very much built on a very material foundation though, isn't it? I's not like she's going to give up on her wealth, as it's just "surface-level dust".
Themidwestcowboy;4296606 said:
what sia said in a later tweet was completely irresponsible, non sensical and flat out stupid. She said &#8220;I don&#8217;t supporte the Jackson&#8217;s nor do I believe they&#8217;ve been supportive of Paris in her recovery&#8221;

How on earth could she say such thing when she doesn&#8217;t even know the family nor ever spoken to them? This is just wrong on so many levels and reeks of arrogance and a lot of other things. I&#8217;m glad Taj, T.J and Brandi responded to this. Imagine a stranger saying something like this about your family, it&#8217;s speaks a lot about her character. This is just like the tabloids and comes off as attention seeking.

Because she's ignorant. But Sia's opinion doesn't matter. Or 50 Cent's. Or anyone else's. That's the point. It's all meaningless drama. I wouldn't appreciate it if someone said shit about my family, but I would also have the awareness to know that their opinions are completely irrelevant.

ozemouze;4296608 said:
Sorry, but I'm not sure you followed this case if you say that, this woman specifically bashed the whole Jackson family. Please don't act like it's a normal thing to side with a stranger bashing your family over your relatives. Are these Jacksons making "every little stupid meaningless thing about MJ" too? Or they don't count?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The nerve of some people. I&#8217;m not gonna sit here and just let a complete STRANGER dismiss my entire family like that. I don&#8217;t care who you are. You have no idea what we have or haven&#8217;t done when it comes to OUR family. &#65533;&#65533;And yes MY cousin Paris and her new ep are both amazing. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3) <a href="">July 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">That&#8217;s terrible <a href="">@Sia</a>. &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;*&#9794;&#65039; You have NO IDEA who my family is and obviously NO CLUE how me or my family support my cousins. Have you thought about how you are attacking THEIR family who they love? Push that negativity somewhere else. &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;<a href="">#tabloidjunkie</a> <a href="">#stayinyourlane</a> <a href="">#GossipGirl</a></p>&#8212; TJ Jackson (@tjjackson) <a href="">July 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wowww. Smh and lol at the hypocrisy. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Brandi Jackson (@BJackson82) <a href="">July 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

This spiritual path is very much built on a very material foundation though, isn't it? I's not like she's going to give up on her wealth, as it's just "surface-level dust".

Paris didn't side with Sia, she did the opposite&#8212;she said separate the artist from the art. Which apparently some people are incapable of doing when it comes to MJ.

The spiritual path has nothing to do with material wealth or circumstances. The material world is just a school for experience, growth and learning, so you can realise the Self and serve others&#8212;thereby serving the Self/God/Source, etc. Wealth breeds material attachment, so it's usually a hindrance for spiritual awakening and growth, but it's not necessary to make yourself poor unless you feel you need to. You can become Self-realised and still be rich. It all depends on your ability to detach. As long as you use your blessings to help others, you're on the right track.
Read Paris's replies to people since those tweets. This one sums up her position nicely: "Someone will always have something to say. Don't let it break your serenity."

Paris is finally at a place where she has peace within herself. After years of pain and suffering. Stop trying to pull her back down.

General notice for everyone:

Do not be disrespectful to Paris or there'll be consequences.
Dan Reed just started following Sia. And also keeps an eye on Paris, I am sure he is salivating of the recent developments, holding out hopes Paris will switch sides and grant an interview or something!

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It's funny my posts were removed. Can't I write my honest opinion? If it would be LaToya I think it wouldn't be issue. But if it is Paris then you cannot say anything. I hate that I cannot express myself and just to criticise actions that should be criticised... And I hate that constructive criticism is taken as a hate
It's funny my posts were removed. Can't I write my honest opinion? If it would be LaToya I think it wouldn't be issue. But if it is Paris then you cannot say anything. I hate that I cannot express myself and just to criticise actions that should be criticised... And I hate that constructive criticism is taken as a hate

I dont know what you wrote and how you put it forward, but do you reckon its possible to re-write the sentiments in a way that would be allowed under the rules of the board? (Reservation: I dont know what you wrote or why it was removed)
Lightbringer;4296628 said:
Dan Reed just started following Sia. And also keeps an eye on Paris, I am sure he is salivating of the recent developments, holding out hopes Paris will switch sides and grant an interview or something!

This doesn&#8217;t surprise me. If he&#8217;s really working on LN2, he&#8217;ll have no qualms taking her tweets out of context to &#8220;tell a story&#8221;. This whole situation is very unfortunate, and I hope that someone in the Jackson family will coach Paris in regards to how her words can and will be exploited for this narrative. Gotta be more careful in the future and phrase her tweets in a way that can&#8217;t be taken out of context.
Anna;4296618 said:
Read Paris's replies to people since those tweets. This one sums up her position nicely: "Someone will always have something to say. Don't let it break your serenity."

Paris is finally at a place where she has peace within herself. After years of pain and suffering. Stop trying to pull her back down.

You often take a righteous and know-it-all stance, and generalize people into one category, and I'm a bit tired of being scorned about things I never said or done. The fans aren't the Borg to think all alike, so it would be nice if you could differentiate between unacceptable behavior towards Paris (which is very disappointing indeed and deserves disapproval) and genuine concern/questions. Plus, I don't see how discussing a complicated topic and asking questions about it can harm anyone, I actually think the opposite: it's discouraging people from talking things over plus oversimplification that doesn't help.

And yes, I've seen the posts here that were indeed disrespectful, and I thank you for deleting them. But others don't deserve to be put in the same category because of that.

I think I was clear in my posts that I don't condemn Paris for the situation, I'm just confused and can't understand her reaction, that's why I'm asking questions. I know her explanation about "keeping your serenity", but my incomprehension isn't about that part. I never expected her to fight anyone, like I said multiple times already I'm actually quite happy if she (and her siblings) can stay out of this mess as much as possible. There seemed to be a silent agreement that Taj and Brandi (and the fans, may I add) fight LN on public platforms, while PPB are doing their things and “keep their serenity”, and it was a great solution and worked very well (and most people accepted it IMO).

I think what some of us feel now is that Paris sort of broke this status quo by publicly acknowledging Sia, and this is what’s confusing. You may say she just wanted to act kindly, and that’s fine, but why didn’t she respond to Darren Hayes’s message too then? The one she chose to interact with was a silly one-liner where her name could be replaced by anyone, while Hayes sent a heartfelt, personal message and he’s obviously genuinely interested in what The Soundflowers could offer to the public (and no, I don’t want to dictate what message she should reply to, I just don’t get it, and see it very contradictory).

And please don’t act like there’s nothing strange in liking someone’s posts who disrespects her family, including TJ, whom she acknowledged just some days ago as a father figure. BTW she liked that particular post too – obviously not because she agreed with it, most probably she only read it superficially (there was a mandatory suck-up for her at the end as a bait), as she later unliked it. So that’s how attentive she handled the case, but I guess dropping commonplaces about love&peace unquestionably makes you deep and above material things (which brings us back to square one, haha: why acknowledge a worldy flattery then?).

And one more thing: I think those had her best interest in mind in this situation who tried to warn Paris (including her own cousins, not just strangers like fans), instead of just standing by. I might be wrong with this opinion (I wish I am actually, because if the concerns are real things can get an ugly turn in the future), but it doesn’t make those intentions any less good than yours (like you don’t know Paris or where she is “on her path” ATM any better than others here either).

I bring this here from the "Jackson Discussion/Picture Thread Part II thread" not to derail that topic:

Anna;4296623 said:
Disrespect towards any of Michael's children won't be tolerated. If you want a clue as to why Paris reacts the way she does, try actually looking into her reasoning and having sympathy for what she's been through, instead of making assumptions and disgusting judgements. She went through hell, for years, and has finally got out of it through disengaging from negativity. Have some respect for her and for her choices.

That’s all very nice and I couldn’t agree more. If only it was applied to MJ as well here.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It also looks like he's peeking from behind that couch Sia is so obviously trying to camouflage herself with. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Salazar (@MikeSalazar777) <a href="">July 5, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
