
starlight you're in the christmas spirit early!


awww cute thanks so much!!!

oh I am sorry I know you have 2 dare he take your baby...I dont even know him and he makes me mad takeing a womans baby away......he is a skank.


Christian did nothing wrong. He does NOT deserve to be used as a weapon by his own father to get back at you. Fucking ridiculous.

Heather the cops told me he can do whatever he wants.
We're still married so they won't stop him.

Being at his dad's dad's doesn't make me happy or make me worry less.
I want my son home in my arms.

This is why the law is so fucked up. He may have as much legal right as you do, but he does not have the right to keep him away from you. If he doesn't cool off and bring him back in the next day or two then the fucking cops need to do something, PERIOD!
hey you gotta do what you gotta do to get that baby back home...them file freaking divorce papers on his ass....see how he likes that...Hell I would do what ever i had to do to protect my kids.
this is absolutely maddening really it is. i wish i had connections in the police or i'd be on the phone with them right now :coffee:
See how he likes me gettin the cops all up on him that way.
I can claim he just walked out and I am afraid for their safety since he won't or can't make contact.
Might be bullshit, but at least it is better then sitting on my ass.

Do whatever the hell you have to do to get him back home! There's no way in hell he should be able to get away with this.
that because you live in the damn sticks....those damn police still ride horses instead of police cars...southern states are like 10 years behind the times...
horses?! dang they probably just run around :coffee: horses are too much work....forget runnin how bout walkin :lol: at a nice snail like pace are too funny Britt.........but seriously....I do wish there was something we could do to help you Trista....I have children and I would be going crazy too.
if i could i would be on a man hunt through oklahoma to find christian. hell to the fuck no is 'mr. soon to be ball less' (*snaps hedge clippers*) gonna get away with it either. citizens arrest. no lie i will literally cuff him up and drag his sorry ass to the police station. :coffee:
i am off... trista i am hoping i wake up to hear your child is back :hug: you can make it through this :hug:

Im looking at my MJ scrapbook I made when I was 16.. I'll try and take some pictures..