Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I will definately take part in the Valentine's Day send love to MJ meditation. :heart:
Will be nice to do that on today of all days, sending L.O.V.E. to MJ.
(also as a little warm up for our group one too. My meditation skills are poor atm :lol:)
My apartment dream inspired me to look for a new one for real. I hate mine, noisy neighbour, moist walls and so on. I already had plans to move out, I always said last year that I wanted to move out during the first half of "This Is It", during the concerts I'd have visited. But well.... I didn't have the power... but this dream really kicked my butt... I found so many nice, cheaper and bigger ones. I'm shocked!! In a positive sense :D
Oooh that's so cool! I'm happy for you! Hope you can find something nice soon. :) I really wish to have my own place now too, especially with all this family drama going on...I'm feeling too old to stay in this house and be such a big part of it while having my own ways of thinking and living my life, you know. My mom wants to change the whole way we behave in here, but I just can not do that. :mello:
Moneyyy, is the issue always...ugh...hope L.A. will work out, might be good too.

Aaaaw, I know that kind of dreams, indeed frustrating! I even feel helpess then. I had 2 of that kind, but it's years ago, but I still remember them so well.
The first is short, I dunno where I was, it was all white and nothing else and then I felt pain, it was getting stronger, it really hurted, I couldn't move and I forced myself to open my eyes to awake, it was so tiring and then suddenly opened my eyes wide. It was so strange.
The 2nd dream was like falling asleep and awake in the dream, I was in some kind of hospital and I was there in some kind of coma for a long time, I had this hospital clothes on and children were outside and player football (they were dressed in white as well), it was our 21th century, it looked older. I left the building and stayed on the courtyard. I was walking towards some men and 2 men hold my arms suddenly on each side. One man stood in front of me, and my knees started to be weak and I rolled my eyes, because I was about to close them like I'd go to sleep, but I didn't want to close them, the man in front of me tried to help me to stay awake. I didn't want to close my eyes, I saw strange things when I was about to. But then I awoke with my eyes wide open in my bed again... that was a strange one.
Wow those are awesome! Interesting that you actually 'awoke' in these other environments. I think I've only had this 'awaking' in the exact same environment as where I would be I can see and feel exactly how I am sleeping and seeing the things around me, but just with crazy things going on in there, lights or seeing animals or other
It's really strange realizing you are awaking but you are actually not.:scratch:
FunkeyJay - aw how sweet to have a dream where Michael was flirting with you....and to have him kiss your forehead at the end. :wub: I want one!

darlingdear - you are making me want to visit the exhibition so bad! I hope I get the chance. Love how you felt a shift in energy as you walked in...ohh I can only imagine.
Glad you saw Avatar and liked it too! Michael would have loved it also don’t you think? (sigh)

mjbunny - interesting about you dreaming most the day and spending a lot of time with other fans. Maybe you really did pop in on me for a moment. :D And you felt like you saw Dr. Murray for real? Weird...what was he doing?

Flor - welcome back darlin! :huggy:

Well I’m at my parents right now...I expected to be back home for the meditation but it started snowing like crazy out here so I didn’t want to drive home in it. I’m hoping I can get in the zone easily here...uninterrupted. I won’t be able to report back until later this evening though. Anyway, looking forward to connecting with you all!! Love you guys! :heart:
darlingdear - you are making me want to visit the exhibition so bad! I hope I get the chance. Love how you felt a shift in energy as you walked in...ohh I can only imagine.
Glad you saw Avatar and liked it too! Michael would have loved it also don’t you think? (sigh)

.. Anyway, looking forward to connecting with you all!! Love you guys! :heart:

Yeah it just hit me, like bam, this strong energy, I have rarely felt this walking into a room. It was ...*sigh* magical. :wub:
Oh yeah I think MJ would of really liked it. The messages it conveyed! About nature, destruction, peace etc.
I wanna see it again now :lol:

Look forward to connecting with you too, amy. And of course, all the other lovelies in this thread :heart:
Right, I'm gonna go and get ready for the meditation now, hopefully I'll see ya'll there! :hug:
Hey everyone, hope the meditation went well for you all! This time it took a while to get into it, but I did eventually. :) I'm gonna get something to eat and then post a longer post in a minute. :)

I thought I might have missed it cos I was out and only got back like 20mins late....but I tried anyway, and I did feel a sense of community, like I wasn't on my own :) I got a strong message of "don't be afriad to be yourself, regardless of what others think"...interesting.
I'm interested to hear eveyrone else's!
Wow....that was so...GAWD.:heart: I'll start from the beginning:

Was walking around (had a hard time getting into it...ugh, too much on my mind) and suddenly saw Michael how he looked in this picture, with a white horse on his side. The feeling and word that I felt was 'royal'. I was walking around in a park, which looked verrrry familiar to the park across the street at The Lanesborough Hotel in London, I think it's just called Hyde Park? (Where we walked through towards the Dorchester, FunkeyJay!) OMG and I now remember...didn't we talk about horses at that point?!?! :mello:

There were white stone Roman entrances and in the middle there was a sort of pond with white stones around it, all square forms and you could sit on it. Many grassfields around it. Sun was shining brightly. Much blue, green and white colours. Noticed some birds flying. When I walked over I saw some of you sitting, but only ones I could 'recognize' were mjbunny, amygrace and I thiiiink I saw littlesparrow?
I saw mjbunny reading a big book, she had glasses on and didn't look up...felt like she was searching in that book for something. Then I went to Amy, and asked if she could help me, don't know what I meant, but said, 'you gotta help me, I can't see it'. No one said anything to me though. She took me by the hand and kinda pushed on my back to send me towards a door from a sort of..mausoleum kind of building...all white Romanian kinda stone again. Don't even know what's Romanian but I just feel that word coming up, lolll.

When I was one step from the door, I saw a German friend of mine which I met through this board, I asked her to join too which she did but she was only there briefly I just heard. (I have a very strange connecting bond with her, too much similarities, coincidences on subcontious level etc, same things happening to us..etc. Long story, but very interesting!) She looked dizzy, I took her by the hand to walk towards Michael but lost her in those steps.
Michael stood in the door, he was a few steps higher than me...he looked at me and I didn't see him very well, it was a bit blurry. I asked him 'why can't I be with you?', can't remember what he said.:doh: Then I felt my left arm (I had both my arms placed next to me, open handpalms) get warm and at the same time Michael grabbed that hand. Then, he stroked the left side of my head (for me) with his other hand and that's when I kind of freaked out 'cause I got that thingly third eye feeling but then on the exact place where he was stroking me. Had this for about 5 minutes and even when I opened my eyes it was still there. :bugeyed

Gee..quite amazed once again...still a bit worried about how many percent might be...imagination? But yeah...I think I'm beginning to learn this quite well, never felt it so physical! Yay! Curious what you guys had!
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Wow, that sounds great, Mrs.Music! Interesting you mentioned a park area, cause that's what I saw most of the meditation! Like you, I had quite a hard time getting into it, but when I did, again I saw some stone steps, which I walked down and then saw a huge grassy area. It had loooads of trees around it, and I noticed other people sitting under the trees and stuff. I saw most people from this thread, the ones that I noticed straight away was mjbunny, who was standing next to me, and amygrace. :lol:

I saw Michael too after that point, and then again I noticed mjbunny standing next to me, lol :lol: He was talking to us, but I can't really remember what he was saying. :mellow: I remember hugging him and then he dissapeared somewhere. :lol: From quite a way from where I was standing, I could see amygrace, and waved to her haha :lol:
I remember seeing more people which I recognised too, which I'm guessing was the rest of you here? :)

Anyway, if I remember more I'll add it on, but yeah, feeling pretty good after it, and again, I got the tingly/breeze sensation on the left side again. :)
Okidoki. Soooo, earlier for the Valentines thing I didn't feel much, like I couldn't conjure emotion. Ah well. Nearly every day is Valentines Day for me when it comes to Michael. He gets "I love you, I love you" so often anyway :lol:

Ok, so our meditation. This time for me it wasn't so intense. I'm out of practice. I felt like I was just making everything up. Haven't been meditating much lately :doh: Plus I'm tired and kind of feel a bit barfy today.

Anyway... I felt us meet in some non-descript dark place (not scary-dark, just like twilight and I didn't see any particular surroundings). We waited a while and I think it was like 10 of us in total that showed up :) Again we hesitated, wondering what to do next. I lost focus for a minute and then I saw a large green hillside near a forest. That went dark and then I got bluish lights through my eyelids and it was like... I don't know... like blue fluffy clouds? I felt like being in a soft bluish fuzziness.

Then I saw Michael walking toward me. He was wearing a black (or dark colored) jacket with gold or silver trimmings and buttons. I guess he looked mostly like Dangerous era, but maybe HIStory. Sometimes he was wearing his hat, some moments not. So then I realized you were all there too (sorry, kind of forgot you in the presence of MJ :lol:)

Next thing I knew we sort of drifted into a place like Neverland with very GREEN grass. I saw a ferris wheel not far away and like mountains in the distance, house to the right (but didn't get a good look at it). It was daylight, blue sky. There was a long rectangular wooden table on the lawn and we all sat down at it. Michael talked with some people individually, but it felt like at the same time (like without time). Then there was something weird, like he said, "I have to talk with all of you about something important." He said something about things being said/written that aren't true and it's important we understand that. (This echoes the dream I had this morning, but I still don't understand what it is that isn't true :doh:). I think FunkeyJay asked him something about if it was really him on some occasion when she'd felt a presence (?) and he said yes. Someone (?) blurted out a question about whether it was an accident or murder. We were like... ohhhhh, ummm... what a question, yikes. He told her, "It's not what you think." I then asked if he directed that to me as well and he looked into my eyes and said no. (But please don't take this as something with certainty because it was just my meditation, ok?!) By the way, he also called us "my girls" again at some point, lolol. That cracks me up. I wonder if that's just in my mind or 'real'. Why do I love that? "My girls" a-hee-hee! :lol: :heart:

We all got up from the table after a few minutes and I saw someone (Mrs Music again? hehe) kiss him on the lips! We kind of laughed and then another gal (sorry, don't know who, but hopefully you'll remember this, lol!) did the same, lololol. Someone said... what, Michael, are you kissing us all now? We all laughed. He looked kind of embarrassed and smiled shyly. I think Amygrace was next, just hugged him (sorry, girl -- hehe). The rest of us just hugged him in turn. Then it was like we were going to go, but Michael grabbed my hand (I was closest) and we all took hands and stood in a circle, walking around in this circle singing We Are The World. After this people slowly went away somehow. I wanted to stay, though, and I had a conversation with Michael ...he told me to trust myself on certain things and just some kind of personal stuff about my life.

Well, so there you go. It felt very 'flight of fantasy' like to me, so I'll be interested to see what everyone else writes! :unsure:

Oh wait... before I read everyone else's I want to list some of the names I think I noticed there. At first when we gathered I noticed Mrs Music, Louise, Amygrace (who seemed to come a bit late?), CaptainEOLove (?), Darlingdear and I thought to myself "and all the others I'm forgetting", lol, sorry! I knew there were others there and it felt like no point taking roll call, like that seemed silly. Then later, I was very conscious that FunkeyJay was there. But like I said, I felt there were about 10 of us altogether.
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We all got up from the table after a few minutes and I saw someone (Mrs Music again? hehe) kiss him on the lips! We kind of laughed and then another gal did the same, lololol. Someone said... what, Michael, are you kissing us all now? We all laughed. He looked kind of embarrassed and smiled shyly. I think Amygrace was next, just hugged him (sorry, girl -- hehe).
Haaaaahahahhah! Awesome... :lmao: I actually think I might have done that for a second, I got flashes from that meditation where I gave him the kiss! And I also got a flashback of that particular kiss on his mouth...I was like I was going back and forth in between 2 places. One the Neverland thing and the kiss and all that stuff from last time, and this one with the park.
So that's very interesting that yours looked like Neverland and that I got drawn to that past place. :eek:

Anyway, gonna catch up the rest tomorrow! Sleepy-time for me now! xo
I think FunkeyJay asked him something about if it was really him on some occasion when she'd felt a presence (?) and he said yes.

OH - MY - GOD! :bugeyed: I had to answer this... before I continue with your post! And before I write down my stuff... I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!!! :D YES, I asked that!!! WOOOOHOOOO !! :bugeyed:

And now I need to go on reading...!! Woooohooo!!
Mrs Music - Wow, so you had a pretty intense meditation then? Cool. I wonder about the kiss :lol: I thought of you, of course, because of last time ;) And the part about him stroking your hand and stuff... I saw him spending moments individually with each person, so in the context of my experience it also makes sense. Way cool about the tingly third eye! It sounds like an energy/chakra kind of thing. I wonder what this book I was reading and why I was wearing glasses :lol: And you seem to get these grand locations! When you say Michael looked like that pic, do you mean he was wearing that red outfit too?

and then saw a huge grassy area. It had loooads of trees around it, and I noticed other people sitting under the trees and stuff. I saw most people from this thread, the ones that I noticed straight away was mjbunny, who was standing next to me, and amygrace. :lol:

I saw Michael too after that point, and then again I noticed mjbunny standing next to me, lol :lol: He was talking to us, but I can't really remember what he was saying. :mellow: I remember hugging him and then he dissapeared somewhere.
So like Mrs Music and me you saw a green grassy area. Hers was more park-like and mine was more Neverland-like, but in the end... big, green grassy area! And cool about talking with him and getting a hug. All things I saw too. But then maybe those are things we'd be expected to make up? Man, I wonder how much is 'real' on some level and what we're just imagining. Can't wait to hear reports from everyone else!

OH - MY - GOD! :bugeyed: I had to answer this... before I continue with your post! And before I write down my stuff... I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!!! :D YES, I asked that!!! WOOOOHOOOO !! :bugeyed: And now I need to go on reading...!! Woooohooo!!
:wild: NEAT-O!!! Yeah, it was definitely you asking that and it was so clear to me that it was you that I thought at the time, "I better remember this in case she doesn't or doesn't remember getting an answer." Wow, that's amazing! Can't wait for the rest! I wonder who asked the other question I specifically remember...
wow, you all have such vivid experiences, of like meeting others.... I think I need to work on my meditation!!
It's cool to hear all your experiences :)
I'm blown away.... woohooo!!

OK, here's what I expierenced.

At first we tried to find a location. We were on the clouds and someone of the group said something like "You must be kidding!", so we changed to the beach, a car and then a something like a forest came to my mind, it was not a deep forest, it was kind of the beginning of it. So we stood there and I counted about 7-8 people.
I also saw Michael coming towards us and just like mjbunny he was dressed in black, but in my meditation he was complete in black. We started to build a circle adn tried to spread love into the world, Michael wanted us to and also he wanted us to pray. We all streched (can I say that?) our arms into the circle and tried to feel and spread energy. The last thing he said was something like "Love for our children", we repeated that. I also had the feeling we were singing, but I didn't hear anything, but I still had the feeling we did. After that we were done, but somewhere in between I stood next to Michael and I asked him if he was really there on the (german) Valentine meditation and he answered yes (OMG @ mjbunny). He was talking to everyone indiviualy and somehow we all said something about Justice for Michael and we were clapping, but he wasn't like "Yeah, gimme justice", he was shy about it and was walking around. He said bye to everyone, he gave me a hug and I told him that I love him. I didn't see anyone else's farewell, sorry, didn't see any kiss this time ;) I was too distracted by Michael :)
As he left only a few were still there, I remember Mrs.Music, mjbunny and amygrace. We tried to continue somehow, but I don't remember what we talked about, but I remember the word GREEN, it was said every often. Then my meditation was over.
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wow, you all have such vivid experiences, of like meeting others.... I think I need to work on my meditation!!
It's cool to hear all your experiences :)
Maybe it's vivid imagination? I don't mean that it's all imagination, but that's kind of what it feels like (well, I'm speaking for myself here). It's like letting your mind go and just taking whatever you get in the flow without trying to control it. Like trying to allow whatever comes to come to you, like a daydream that you're not entirely in control of...? Like that, I guess :)

At first we tried to find a location. We were on the clouds and someone of the group said something like "You must be kidding!", so we changed to the beach, a car and then a something like a forest came to my mind, it was not a deep forest, it was kind of the beginning of it. So we stood there and I counted about 7-8 people.
I also saw Michael coming towards us and just like mjbunny he was dressed in black, but in my meditation he was complete in black. We started to build a circle adn tried to spread love into the world, Michael wanted us to and also he wanted us to pray. We are all streched (can I say that?) our arms into the circle and tried to feel and spread energy. The last thing he said was something like "Love for our children", we repeated that. I also had the feeling we are singing, but I didn't hear anything, but I still had the feeling we did. After that we are done, but somewhere in between I stood next to Michael and I asked him if he was really there on the (german) Valentine meditation and he answered yes (OMG @ mjbunny). He was talking to everyone indiviualy and somehow we all said something about Justice for Michael and we were clapping, but he wasn't like "Yeah, gimme justice", he was shy about it and was walking around. He said bye to everyone, he gave me a hug and I told him that I love him. I didn't see anyone else's farewell, sorry, didn't see any kiss this time ;) I was too distracted by Michael :)
As he left only a few were still there, I remember Mrs.Music, mjbunny and amygrace. We tried to continue somehow, but I don't remember what we talked about, but I remember the word GREEN, it was said every often. Then my meditation was over.
At first we were on the clouds... love it. I was in blue clouds and thought, yeah right :lol: So a forest in some way (lots of trees) was in all of ours so far, right? I saw a forest near the hill, but then later at 'Neverland' there were trees along the perimeter as well. WOW about sending love to the world. Now THAT is cool. When we were sitting at the table in mine it felt like he said something like that to us at once point... like "heal the world... I'm serious, now really heal the world." I remember that now. During the love-sending thing earlier I felt a presence a bit (nothing stunning) and my hubby felt like he got a message from Michael to pray for each of his kids and for others, which reminded me when you said "love for our children" :heart: Crazy that you saw I was one of the ones hanging around last, lol, because that's what I saw as well! One of the last ones, reluctant to leave. And when Michael reached to grab my hand when we formed the circle, you were also standing right by him ... sounded familiar as well. So for you were we in the forest the whole time?
Maybe it's vivid imagination? I don't mean that it's all imagination, but that's kind of what it feels like (well, I'm speaking for myself here). It's like letting your mind go and just taking whatever you get in the flow without trying to control it. Like trying to allow whatever comes to come to you, like a daydream that you're not entirely in control of...? Like that, I guess :)

that's a great explanation......I'm going to try that next time :)
Oh, P.S. I'm going to try to watch a movie I recorded during the meditations, so I'll be away for a while. If I don't fall asleep I'll be back online in a couple of hours (or sooner if the movie gets boring, lol.)...
Okidoki. Soooo, earlier for the Valentines thing I didn't feel much, like I couldn't conjure emotion. Ah well. Nearly every day is Valentines Day for me when it comes to Michael. He gets "I love you, I love you" so often anyway :lol:

Ok, so our meditation. This time for me it wasn't so intense. I'm out of practice. I felt like I was just making everything up. Haven't been meditating much lately :doh: Plus I'm tired and kind of feel a bit barfy today.

Anyway... I felt us meet in some non-descript dark place (not scary-dark, just like twilight and I didn't see any particular surroundings). We waited a while and I think it was like 10 of us in total that showed up :) Again we hesitated, wondering what to do next. I lost focus for a minute and then I saw a large green hillside near a forest. That went dark and then I got bluish lights through my eyelids and it was like... I don't know... like blue fluffy clouds? I felt like being in a soft bluish fuzziness.

Then I saw Michael walking toward me. He was wearing a black (or dark colored) jacket with gold or silver trimmings and buttons. I guess he looked mostly like Dangerous era, but maybe HIStory. Sometimes he was wearing his hat, some moments not. So then I realized you were all there too (sorry, kind of forgot you in the presence of MJ :lol:)

Next thing I knew we sort of drifted into a place like Neverland with very GREEN grass. I saw a ferris wheel not far away and like mountains in the distance, house to the right (but didn't get a good look at it). It was daylight, blue sky. There was a long rectangular wooden table on the lawn and we all sat down at it. Michael talked with some people individually, but it felt like at the same time (like without time). Then there was something weird, like he said, "I have to talk with all of you about something important." He said something about things being said/written that aren't true and it's important we understand that. (This echoes the dream I had this morning, but I still don't understand what it is that isn't true :doh:). I think FunkeyJay asked him something about if it was really him on some occasion when she'd felt a presence (?) and he said yes. Someone (?) blurted out a question about whether it was an accident or murder. We were like... ohhhhh, ummm... what a question, yikes. He told her, "It's not what you think." I then asked if he directed that to me as well and he looked into my eyes and said no. (But please don't take this as something with certainty because it was just my meditation, ok?!) By the way, he also called us "my girls" again at some point, lolol. That cracks me up. I wonder if that's just in my mind or 'real'. Why do I love that? "My girls" a-hee-hee! :lol: :heart:

We all got up from the table after a few minutes and I saw someone (Mrs Music again? hehe) kiss him on the lips! We kind of laughed and then another gal (sorry, don't know who, but hopefully you'll remember this, lol!) did the same, lololol. Someone said... what, Michael, are you kissing us all now? We all laughed. He looked kind of embarrassed and smiled shyly. I think Amygrace was next, just hugged him (sorry, girl -- hehe). The rest of us just hugged him in turn. Then it was like we were going to go, but Michael grabbed my hand (I was closest) and we all took hands and stood in a circle, walking around in this circle singing We Are The World. After this people slowly went away somehow. I wanted to stay, though, and I had a conversation with Michael ...he told me to trust myself on certain things and just some kind of personal stuff about my life.

Well, so there you go. It felt very 'flight of fantasy' like to me, so I'll be interested to see what everyone else writes! :unsure:

Oh wait... before I read everyone else's I want to list some of the names I think I noticed there. At first when we gathered I noticed Mrs Music, Louise, Amygrace (who seemed to come a bit late?), CaptainEOLove (?), Darlingdear and I thought to myself "and all the others I'm forgetting", lol, sorry! I knew there were others there and it felt like no point taking roll call, like that seemed silly. Then later, I was very conscious that FunkeyJay was there. But like I said, I felt there were about 10 of us altogether.

Last time I tried to channel Michael was a few months ago and I had that same vivid image of an amusement park in my head. I got a picture of Michael next to a ferris wheel. I asked him if he is ok, I heard a voice say "Im fine". Then I asked is there food up there? He answered "of all kinds". I remember the image though it was so magical.:wub:
Hi guys. I just got back home, so I couldn't participate in the meditation. It was really amazing reading all of your experiences again though. Nice to know Michael showed up again. :wub: However, there was one thing I feel like mentioning. Mjbunny, you said you guys were singing WATW. That's interesting because I walked into a restaurant earlier, and the WATW remake was playing. I think it was around the same time you all did the meditation. Of course it could have been just a "coincidence" (I'm sure it's getting some playtime now on the radio) but I don't know.

OH! Btw, mjbunny I had a dream with you in it...and CaptainEoLove85 too. Shoot I can't remember...I woke up an hour or so ago thinking "remember this!" and now I don't guys had shown up at separate times I know...and just for a short time. mjbunny you had came to help me with something...I can't remember. Dangit dangit dangit... my mind is blank. :( Ah well. Worth sharing anyway. I find it cool that some of us are starting to dream of each other. :D

Interesting. The only thing I remember dreaming was about the media again. In part of it they were showing the "baby dangling" incident and then I saw that there was a look-a-like of Michael on the TV. Like they were using that to spread more lies about him. I was saying "That's not Michael! How can anyone believe that's Michael!?"

Oh and Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :heart: :huggy:
At first we were on the clouds... love it. I was in blue clouds and thought, yeah right :lol: So a forest in some way (lots of trees) was in all of ours so far, right? I saw a forest near the hill, but then later at 'Neverland' there were trees along the perimeter as well. WOW about sending love to the world. Now THAT is cool. When we were sitting at the table in mine it felt like he said something like that to us at once point... like "heal the world... I'm serious, now really heal the world." I remember that now. During the love-sending thing earlier I felt a presence a bit (nothing stunning) and my hubby felt like he got a message from Michael to pray for each of his kids and for others, which reminded me when you said "love for our children" :heart: Crazy that you saw I was one of the ones hanging around last, lol, because that's what I saw as well! One of the last ones, reluctant to leave. And when Michael reached to grab my hand when we formed the circle, you were also standing right by him ... sounded familiar as well. So for you were we in the forest the whole time?

That's so cool! I just read yours again and I somehow overread the clouds part. So cool we had that both and we were both like "yeah sure"... or maybe it was you saying out loud "you must be kidding" :lol: Wow, what crazy expierences. So many things that matches. Your hubby takes part at the meditation too? How cool :)
About the serious message, Michael was very serious in my meditation as well, it was kind of important, he also spoke about the world, but said "send love to our planet" or something similiar, I just remembered.
Reluctant to leave, indeed. I didn't want to, I wanted to expierence more, and I just remembered that we formed a very little circle and holding each other hands, but somehow it didn't last that long.
And yes, we were at forest in mine. But it was just the beginning... don't how to explain it, there was a park nearby, because there was a way that went up and there wasn't any forest, there was just a field of grass. I should have mentioned that too, but I don't know how to explain :lol: But somehow we didn't go up, we stayed on this way that was leading into the (deep) forest.

I was walking around in a park, which looked verrrry familiar to the park across the street at The Lanesborough Hotel in London, I think it's just called Hyde Park? (Where we walked through towards the Dorchester, FunkeyJay!) OMG and I now remember...didn't we talk about horses at that point?!?! :mello:

Yep, that was the Hyde Park. I think you talked with Melanie about horses, I just remember hearing a bit of it :)
So cool you were at a park as well, so far everyone (except of me, I wanted some trees :lol:) was at a park. That's crazy :D
OMG OMG OMG!!! I just got back...and I typed up my meditation before reading everyone else's so I could get my thoughts down first. Now after reading what you all said....:dropdead: I'm loving the connections! Not just between some of you but with how mine matched up with mjbunny's in particular when she said
Someone said... what, Michael, are you kissing us all now? We all laughed. He looked kind of embarrassed and smiled shyly. I think Amygrace was next, just hugged him (sorry, girl -- hehe). The rest of us just hugged him in turn.

You will see how it makes sense in my it is:

It started out where I felt like we were just all together at once all the sudden. Like I wasn't really waiting for people to show up...everyone was just there. I got the sense that even if some people's conscious mind wasn't there, their higher selves already were anyway. So I was trying to figure out where we were exactly...I felt like we were somewhere, but I couldn't see the surroundings. I waited it out...then found us all on the top of this hill overlooking the most beautiful valley below. We all held hands and ran down. The bottom of the valley was lush with grass, trees and was so wonderful. It felt like we were being shown the best of all of it's magic. We all just took a bit to enjoy ourselves in the scenery...some of us laid in the grass and then we started thinking what should we do? It was silent for a moment when we were just like "oh let's just see Michael"...and we giggled at how predictable we all were. We always want to see Michael! :p Surprisingly, Michael showed up almost at that instant. It was just like that. And this time I didn't have any reservations about him being there with I usually do. It just felt right. We all giggled and talked together...just hung out for a few minutes...I don't really know what was said - I wasn't that in tune with the experience I don't think. I do remember us all telling him how much we loved him. And we could see that this love was completely understood by Michael. He knew that we weren't just crazed fans who thought he was cute (lol)...but that our love ran deep, and we truly respected who he was as a person. I then saw all of us in a kind of line, and Michael was going to each girl, giving a kiss on the forehead. One girl actually kissed him on the lips! When he got to me, he kissed my forehead and I think I gave him a hug. I didn't really feel like trying to kiss him on the lips...the moment was too "sweet" for that. If that makes sense. It was all starting to get blurry at this point...I wasn't too consciously connected. I think he was teaching us about nature and the planet at some point. More happened but it's a little hazy. I remember at one point some girl grabbed my hand to show me something...I don't know who it was though. It felt like it was a girl not from this thread. (?) In the end, I had the thought that we should come up with a phrase to take back...something that would give us more specific 'proof' that we really did connect. "Love conquers all" came to I shouted it out at you all...and then we all shouted it while raising our arms like a toast. Then 'poof' people started to pop out. And so did I.

Sooooo, obviously my phrase idea didn't work...:lol:. Maybe I was just imagining it or maybe everyone was was consciously getting out at that point. But the other stuff...I'm amazed at how it matches up with some of you! Weeee! I love doing this, you guys. It is awesome. :group:
So glad that the mediation thing seems to be working for you guys :)
Ohh, I LOVE reading your experiences !! :heart: And you met Michael, WOW!!! :heart:
I fell asleep... Ohh silly billy :( And I couldn´t concentrate ..

I don´t get it!!
How do I meditate? It´s been a long time since I really have experienced something while meditating...
I don´t think I´m doing it right... :(
Ohh, I LOVE reading your experiences !! :heart: And you met Michael, WOW!!! :heart:
I fell asleep... Ohh silly billy :( And I couldn´t concentrate ..

I don´t get it!!
How do I meditate? It´s been a long time since I really have experienced something while meditating...
I don´t think I´m doing it right... :(

I once read that it's normal to fall asleep when you try to meditate. During a meditation you need that state of mind, with practise and concentration you'll be able to stay awake. According to what I've read you need to practise once a day.

I fell asleep the first weeks quite often and it was very annoying.

I usually try to meditate while I lay in bed. I try to relax, focus on my body parts to have them relaxed and then I try to slow down my breathing while trying to think that my third eye opens a little bit up while I breath-in. After that I try to think about nothing and let everything just happen. Sometimes I know I have seen something but as soon as I realise it, it's gone. That's why I try to kind of press 'pause' and try keep something in mind. Recently I read about some people who try to focuse on colours and let them just appear like they would draw something in order to release blockages. But for group meditation I'm usually to lazy to lay down, so I do it in this classical position :)
I've to admit sometimes it's not easy. I've had a tough time meditation recently because of all this Murray stuff. I'm happy it worked out yesterday.
OH - MY - GOD! :bugeyed: I had to answer this... before I continue with your post! And before I write down my stuff... I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!!! :D YES, I asked that!!! WOOOOHOOOO !! :bugeyed:
And now I need to go on reading...!! Woooohooo!!
Wow that's just plain AWESOME! :bugeyed

Mrs Music - Wow, so you had a pretty intense meditation then? Cool. I wonder about the kiss :lol: I thought of you, of course, because of last time ;) And the part about him stroking your hand and stuff... I saw him spending moments individually with each person, so in the context of my experience it also makes sense. Way cool about the tingly third eye! It sounds like an energy/chakra kind of thing. I wonder what this book I was reading and why I was wearing glasses :lol: And you seem to get these grand locations! When you say Michael looked like that pic, do you mean he was wearing that red outfit too?
Yes it was quite intense actually, but maybe it was because I'm very emotional the past days. Also in the line of missing Michael and stuff.
Don't really know what the thingly feeling was that I had, too less knowledge, but it was awesome indeed! :wub: Maybe I saw you like that because you're kind a like..the 'wise girl' here, plus in your meditations it sounds like somehow you lead the others to it or something...hmmm. Yes he looked like that almost exactly, only his clothes were a bit different...more sparkly and darker red.:yes:
At first we tried to find a location.
As he left only a few were still there, I remember Mrs.Music, mjbunny and amygrace. We tried to continue somehow, but I don't remember what we talked about, but I remember the word GREEN, it was said every often. Then my meditation was over.
Aw, sooo great! Very cool you had the same location specifics...the green was very much alive in mines too.

Michael was very serious in my meditation as well, it was kind of important, he also spoke about the world, but said "send love to our planet" or something similiar, I just remembered.
Yep, that was the Hyde Park. I think you talked with Melanie about horses, I just remember hearing a bit of it :)
So cool you were at a park as well, so far everyone (except of me, I wanted some trees :lol:) was at a park. That's crazy :D
Interesting, he was very serious in mines too! Although he didn't speak at ALL.:scratch:
Oh that's right, that was with!

It was all starting to get blurry at this point...I wasn't too consciously connected.
More happened but it's a little hazy. I remember at one point some girl grabbed my hand to show me something...I don't know who it was though. It felt like it was a girl not from this thread. (?) In the end, I had the thought that we should come up with a phrase to take back...something that would give us more specific 'proof' that we really did connect. "Love conquers all" came to I shouted it out at you all...and then we all shouted it while raising our arms like a toast. Then 'poof' people started to pop out. And so did I.

Sooooo, obviously my phrase idea didn't work...:lol:. Maybe I was just imagining it or maybe everyone was was consciously getting out at that point. But the other stuff...I'm amazed at how it matches up with some of you! Weeee! I love doing this, you guys. It is awesome. :group:
Great meditation as well! I love how somehow when I read those I'm like 'yeah!' in little tidbits of them.
About someone taking your hand, did you read mine.....? :bugeyed

I love this so much too, I definitely needed it! Feels so great to get more into these kind of things. :heart:

Then about my dream of tonight..not so much to do with Michael, but MY GOD...I had the most crazy dream of the month (lol can't say 'ever' 'cause I'm having these vivid dreams too often). I'm still kinda 'in it' like I usually have, but ugh....I was in London at some airport and saw this huge plane flying over but there was smoke and fire coming out of it and it just crashed so hard into the airport. I can still feel it SO vividly. After that I began to hysterically run, help people, get people out of hotels and basements, gather my stuff, find my mom. I almost feel like I really experienced this you know, friggin' tired and all! :no:
I'm gonna go back and read all your posts about last night.

I was gonna join in with both but guess what? I forgot 'cause of MSN!! :angry:

Last time I tried to channel Michael was a few months ago and I had that same vivid image of an amusement park in my head. I got a picture of Michael next to a ferris wheel. I asked him if he is ok, I heard a voice say "Im fine". Then I asked is there food up there? He answered "of all kinds". I remember the image though it was so magical.:wub:
LOL, well if there's Mexican and Indian food in heaven, then that's heaven indeed :lol: So I think that's a lot of us who've seen a Neverland or amusement park type of place in dreams or otherwise.

However, there was one thing I feel like mentioning. Mjbunny, you said you guys were singing WATW. That's interesting because I walked into a restaurant earlier, and the WATW remake was playing. I think it was around the same time you all did the meditation. Of course it could have been just a "coincidence" (I'm sure it's getting some playtime now on the radio) but I don't know.
Interesting. The only thing I remember dreaming was about the media again. In part of it they were showing the "baby dangling" incident and then I saw that there was a look-a-like of Michael on the TV. Like they were using that to spread more lies about him. I was saying "That's not Michael! How can anyone believe that's Michael!?"
Yeah, who knows about the We Are The World thing. Probably coincidence, but maybe you were with us on some level too. You know, about how amygrace had a dream of you and I... it's interesting that your dream the same night was about the media lying and things that weren't true and I also had a dream about fake messages from Michael and fans believing things that weren't true! So that's the same theme. The three of us must've been fighting the press or something in dreamland ;)

So many things that matches. Your hubby takes part at the meditation too? How cool :)
Just to clarify... he doesn't do the meditation with us (our psychics thread experiments), but he does MLP and did the send-love-to-MJ one from the German forum :)

About the serious message, Michael was very serious in my meditation as well, it was kind of important, he also spoke about the world, but said "send love to our planet" or something similiar, I just remembered.
And yes, we were at forest in mine. But it was just the beginning... don't how to explain it, there was a park nearby, because there was a way that went up and there wasn't any forest, there was just a field of grass. I should have mentioned that too, but I don't know how to explain :lol: But somehow we didn't go up, we stayed on this way that was leading into the (deep) forest.
He seemed more serious in mine as well. I feel like a dork that I seemingly didn't get the full "love" message like you guys. No wait... I guess I did ... in the comments about healing the world, singing WATW... and also in the 'private' conversation right before I left. But again, I didn't feel this was the most vivid. I kind of zoned out now and then. Do you mean it was kind of like the edge of a forest? Oh, I forgot that Louise also saw lot of trees as well :)

It started out where I felt like we were just all together at once all the sudden. Like I wasn't really waiting for people to show up...everyone was just there. I got the sense that even if some people's conscious mind wasn't there, their higher selves already were anyway. So I was trying to figure out where we were exactly...I felt like we were somewhere, but I couldn't see the surroundings. I waited it out...then found us all on the top of this hill overlooking the most beautiful valley below. We all held hands and ran down. The bottom of the valley was lush with grass, trees and was so wonderful. It felt like we were being shown the best of all of it's magic. We all just took a bit to enjoy ourselves in the scenery...some of us laid in the grass and then we started thinking what should we do? It was silent for a moment when we were just like "oh let's just see Michael"...and we giggled at how predictable we all were. We always want to see Michael! :p Surprisingly, Michael showed up almost at that instant. It was just like that. And this time I didn't have any reservations about him being there with I usually do. It just felt right. We all giggled and talked together...just hung out for a few minutes...I don't really know what was said - I wasn't that in tune with the experience I don't think. I do remember us all telling him how much we loved him. And we could see that this love was completely understood by Michael. He knew that we weren't just crazed fans who thought he was cute (lol)...but that our love ran deep, and we truly respected who he was as a person. I then saw all of us in a kind of line, and Michael was going to each girl, giving a kiss on the forehead. One girl actually kissed him on the lips! When he got to me, he kissed my forehead and I think I gave him a hug. I didn't really feel like trying to kiss him on the lips...the moment was too "sweet" for that. If that makes sense. It was all starting to get blurry at this point...I wasn't too consciously connected. I think he was teaching us about nature and the planet at some point. More happened but it's a little hazy. I remember at one point some girl grabbed my hand to show me something...I don't know who it was though. It felt like it was a girl not from this thread. (?) In the end, I had the thought that we should come up with a phrase to take back...something that would give us more specific 'proof' that we really did connect. "Love conquers all" came to I shouted it out at you all...and then we all shouted it while raising our arms like a toast. Then 'poof' people started to pop out. And so did I.

Sooooo, obviously my phrase idea didn't work...:lol:. Maybe I was just imagining it or maybe everyone was was consciously getting out at that point. But the other stuff...I'm amazed at how it matches up with some of you! Weeee! I love doing this, you guys. It is awesome. :group:
Wow! :) The nondescript entry location and then the big hill part was crazy to read too. I saw the big hill, but guess I missed that running down it part, lol. What you said about being predictable and wanting to see Michael. Yeah, it was like that in mine too. Like... ok, now what do we do? Why bother asking because we all know what we want to do :smilerolleyes: lol. For a moment then I thought, what if Michael is busy right now? Maybe we should try going somewhere else and not making it all about MJ? Funny about him knowing we're not just crazed fans who think he's cute :cheeky: Yeah, I think he knows that by now. Wow about seeing someone kiss him on the lips. Or were we just expecting that because of Mrs Music's ... umm... experience last time :lmao: I swear there was a second kissy chick. I wonder which one that was... :shifty: Love and the planet... like FunkeyJay's :heart: The part about trying to do something that everyone would remember :lol:... I did that last month, hehe. We were all still together and about to leave so I made this massively loud "AhhhhhHHhHhhhhhhhHH!!!!" singing note, like some crazy opera diva. I thought it was weird and might be noticed then :hysterical: but it didn't work out that way either.

I don´t get it!!
How do I meditate? It´s been a long time since I really have experienced something while meditating... I don´t think I´m doing it right... :(
I second what FunkeyJay wrote in reply to this and I also wanted to add that I can't meditate much without falling asleep or having my mind wander too much if I'm tired. It's much harder if you're sleepy in general, like if you regularly don't get enough sleep. And lying down just encourages you to sleep. I do our meditations and MLP sitting up, but sometimes otherwise lying down before sleep if I'm awake enough for a while. When I'm really sleepy I don't even bother trying the "journey" type meditation like we did last night. It just gets too dream-imagey and I fall asleep. That's when I have more success with just trying to focus on a center point and push thoughts and images away. (But then fall asleep anyway :lol:)

Yes it was quite intense actually, but maybe it was because I'm very emotional the past days. Also in the line of missing Michael and stuff.
Don't really know what the thingly feeling was that I had, too less knowledge, but it was awesome indeed! :wub: Maybe I saw you like that because you're kind a like..the 'wise girl' here, plus in your meditations it sounds like somehow you lead the others to it or something...hmmm. Yes he looked like that almost exactly, only his clothes were a bit different...more sparkly and darker red.:yes:
'Wise'... hmmm, well I am older :lol: Actually I thought the part with the book was interesting. It sounds like the kind of thing I'd be doing usually in meditation. My guides are often getting me to read or eat or drink something. And I've seen Michael with books more than once. Now something totally random... do you guys do Carnival this week in the NL? I was just looking at the pic with MJ in the red outfit and on TV is the big Rosenmontag parade and people marching along dressed in stuff like that... what an odd coincidence. Maybe Michael was getting dressed for Munich :lmao:

Then about my dream of tonight..I was in London at some airport and saw this huge plane flying over but there was smoke and fire coming out of it and it just crashed so hard into the airport. I can still feel it SO vividly. After that I began to hysterically run, help people, get people out of hotels and basements, gather my stuff, find my mom. I almost feel like I really experienced this you know, friggin' tired and all! :no:
Maybe it's completely unrelated, but it made me think of the trains that collided in Belgium this morning. Trains, planes... public transportation.

Edit: Ok, it's COLOGNE, not Munich where the big parade is today. What can I say... still not a German...
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