Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I'm reading the book The Intention Experiment (still, lol) and I'd really recommend it. It's like a scientific compendium of all studies that have to do with the ability of consciousness to affect things. I'm in a chapter right now that talks about the Earth's magnetic field fluctuations and the effect this has on psychic ability. Seems that when the field is quiet (no geomagnetic storms caused by the sun), our ability to perceive and pick up info is at its highest and during 'stormy' times it's low, but our ability to DO something to the world is high. So like we can send intention, prayer, etc well during unquiet geo times, but perceive things the best during quiet times. (However I just got to a part where it seems to say it's opposite for women -- kind of confused now. Will explain more when I'm done at some point.) Anyway, the geomagnetic field has been generally very quiet the last few years because we were at the longest solar minimum ever recorded. It's picking up more now. If you want to track things yourself, you can see
and historical data can be found here:
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Asedora Hi :flowers: I hope you feel better soon. Sorry your mom is sick :(

mjbunny That stuff about the magnetic field is interesting. You have me scratching my head about men and women being opposite though :lol:. I'm looking forward to hearing what's said about it whenever you have read it.

*hugs* to everyone :heart:
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Don't they always say you're the best interpreter of your own dreams in the end, lol. I thought maybe people from this board were there because the the borders are somehow connected with Michael? Or maybe it's telling you that you're not alone :hug:
Lol yeah I guess so! :lol: Aww that's a nice thought, could be. I dunnow what the dream further had to do with Michael though, can't remember. Totally need to buy me a book on dreaming someday soon, I'm so intrigued by it especially after youknowwhat.
Thanks for your book recommendation! much to check out, so less time. Hmpf.

Hugs for everyone feeling down - I'm feeling ya! :huggy: :heart:
I'm reading the book The Intention Experiment (still, lol) and I'd really recommend it. It's like a scientific compendium of all studies that have to do with the ability of consciousness to affect things. I'm in a chapter right now that talks about the Earth's magnetic field fluctuations and the effect this has on psychic ability. Seems that when the field is quiet (no geomagnetic storms caused by the sun), our ability to perceive and pick up info is at its highest and during 'stormy' times it's low, but our ability to DO something to the world is high. So like we can send intention, prayer, etc well during unquiet geo times, but perceive things the best during quiet times. (However I just got to a part where it seems to say it's opposite for women -- kind of confused now. Will explain more when I'm done at some point.) Anyway, the geomagnetic field has been generally very quiet the last few years because we were at the longest solar minimum ever recorded. It's picking up more now. If you want to track things yourself, you can see
and historical data can be found here:
Ok, it wasn't as contradictory. Researcher Michael Persinger found the following things in a series of studies:

When the Earth's magnetic field is 'calm', extrasensory and telepathic experiences increase. This includes accuracy of dreams and remote viewing, including 'visions' like clairvoyance. (I guess that means meditation should be best then, as long as you're in the right place for it mentally.) In contrast to men, women seem to have more outright premonitions at this time and our memory works better.

When the magnetic field is stormy (high kp index) or when it's in great flux (changing from low to high or back quickly), that's the time when intuition isn't as strong, but our ability to send intention... to actually create change in the physical world seems to be strongest. Strangely for men it's when their memory is better and they're more likely to have premonitions. There's really no explanation for why this is different with women. But for overall intuition and energy sensing, that's still low for both sexes during times of high magnetic field energy. But perhaps the best time to pray or do a healing.

Kind of sucks you can't have both full force at the same time, huh? So you seemingly can't have equal ability to get info and give info at the same time, lol. And it would say that MLP should theoretically be strongest when the field is strongest, but maybe we won't feel like it is? Hmmm... I wonder. November for me was intense (higher fluctuating field) and December was much harder to concentrate (lower field). Too bad they don't have easily understandable data like this chart for 2010 yet. January's MLP was INTENSE for me. Would love to know what the field was doing that night.

update: .... I don't know Looks like it was mid-high on Jan 25th, but lower on Feb 25th, but both days (or the next day?) spiked high at one point. Hard to tell.
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mjbunny - thanks for the info about the Intention Experiment book. I looked into that online a couple weeks ago...along with the other books Lynne has written but they seemed too technical and science-y for me...I thought I would get bored reading them. Is the book keeping you interested?

Bluhh guys I'm having such a bad day. Maybe it's 'cause I didn't sleep last night...but my energy is crazy depressed today...I feel so tired of life. Or at least, the way my life has been going. :sigh: I've felt that way for a long time I guess but today it's intensified. Hugs to anyone else who is feeling down. :group:
^ Amy, that's exactly the way I've been feeling too. Totally tired of how things are working out...or actually, not working out. *sigh* There's just so less challenge coming on my path while I crave for it so much. Hard to explain I guess, it's more. that I think of this dream with the huge garden and the fences I had, had you featured in it...running the same way a garden next to me...same struggles? That's odd, lol.

But anyway...hugs for you - hope you're feeling better soon. :huggy:
:D Look what I got today

:hug: I'm feeling the same type of way, I guess. But also feeling sick, like I'm gonna puke off and on, a bit like a stomach flu. I wonder if I'm actually sick or it's some adjustment my body is making to the energy upgrade from last night. Otherwise I just feel listless and irritable and yeah, like... "aghghghgh", like I just want to sleep for a day or two to 'get away' from everything, but I don't even feel like sleeping. Does that make sense? Weird energy.

mjbunny - thanks for the info about the Intention Experiment book. I looked into that online a couple weeks ago...along with the other books Lynne has written but they seemed too technical and science-y for me...I thought I would get bored reading them. Is the book keeping you interested?
It is very scientific, yes. It's highly interesting, but it's slow reading. I feel like after some pages I need a break. I've heard her before on Coast to Coast, so that's how I first became interested. The scientific research I find crazy important, so I'm trying to wade through it. One of the reasons I would recommend it despite it being technical is just from a knowledge standpoint. People always accuse people who believe in this stuff of being floofy, but the research is far from it. Floofy, for example, would be much of the movie What the Bleep. Yes, it was "wow!", but some of it was really taken out of context and fringe theories were presented like they're fact. The part that always got me about that movie was how the natives of America couldn't SEE (like physically couldn't see) the ships of Europeans approaching because they had no concept ships like that could exist. Since they weren't in their world view, they only saw the water breaking and thought, "what's up with that???" OMG. What a bunch of BS :lol: How would a baby ever learn anything then? :rolleyes2: Not that there aren't kernels of truth in that movie, just some of it was so ... floofy. But anyway, yes the book is worth it if you can stand the technical bent.
^^ I'm gonna join ye. I really need to sort out my stuff (and my life). I had to move back into my family home last year and I have the contents of my old house in my bedroom :( Everything is a mess. I'm constantly moving back and forth, living out of a bag. The band I was in fell apart after five years, during the recording of our second cd. We met up recently to talk about finishing the cd and I have heard nothing since. I'm sick of waiting around for people to meet with me to finish the songs. What am I even waiting for? We're only going to finish the cd, not gig, write, rehearse, etc. I know I should go out on my own but it's so daunting. Plus, I love the full sound of a band as opposed to just me and my guitar.

Sorry for that rant. The day started out great, I got some stuff done. Over the course of the day I was slowing down. Now it's close to bed time and I really didn't get much done at all.


mjbunny, I didn't think about the video game dream being about me but that really makes a lot of sense. Thanks :huggy:

and hugs to everyone else too :heart::group::heart:
^ Oooops, too bad for anyone wanting the MJ Krishna calendar cuz I just bought it :lol: I guess Etsy works like ebay or something? Wonder if she'll add more. I'd love a candle like yours, but there aren't any in the listings.
^ Oooops, too bad for anyone wanting the MJ Krishna calendar cuz I just bought it :lol: I guess Etsy works like ebay or something? Wonder if she'll add more. I'd love a candle like yours, but there aren't any in the listings.

Yes Etsy is just like Ebay :yes: The Seller was pretty fast with the shipping too.
Sorry I bought the last candle though :( Maybe you can ask her if she can make you one though :hug: I found her website too, pretty cool stuff!
:hug: ^ I also think that most of the dreams I have in which MJ shows up briefly or whatever are just dreams, just things made up by my brain. And I'd rather have an MJ made by my mind than no MJ in my dreams ;) But some of them... some of them... I think are definitely more.

Yes Etsy is just like Ebay :yes: The Seller was pretty fast with the shipping too.
Sorry I bought the last candle though :( Maybe you can ask her if she can make you one though :hug: I found her website too, pretty cool stuff!
It's too bad she doesn't have MJ on her paintings page. The Krishna thing is a tad weird, but for some reason I love it. I guess it kind of reminds me of my favorite old tarot deck, Cosmic Tarot, where many of the characters look like old movie stars.
Omg you guys...word of advice...never watch "The Fly" before bedtime! I just watched that movie for the first time...didn't expect it to be so grotesque. I can't get those images out of my mind now. :bugeyed Hope it doesn't taint my dreams... I just might not sleep AGAIN. :unsure:

Anyway, wonder if there's a global energy upgrade going on right now... that is forcing us to release old patterns or process our crap...and that's why many of us feel so crappy or as if our life is in shambles. Bah. I do pray we all make it through this phase gently, easily and quickly. Another round of hugs all around :group: It really helps me to turn to our little supportive group here. :heart: Love you guys.

mjbunny - I'll probably check out that book sometime in the future then...just so I can gain the proper knowledge. Btw, I'm with you on your feelings about what 'What the Bleep' talked about...about how the natives couldn't see the ships...:lol:

Shayla - omg love that design of Michael as Krishna! It's so beautiful and fitting to Michael to me. :wub: Thanks for sharing the link to that girls store...I will probably purchase something from her too.

....gah...still can't get those nasty decrepit fly images out of my head...:mello:
Omg you guys...word of advice...never watch "The Fly" before bedtime! I just watched that movie for the first time...didn't expect it to be so grotesque. I can't get those images out of my mind now. :bugeyed Hope it doesn't taint my dreams... I just might not sleep AGAIN. :unsure:
:lol: Wow, haven't seen that for a long time. It's pretty gross, I'll agree, but I remember how we all laughed back then when his parts were falling off. :doh: If The Fly wigs you out, I'd suggest not seeing 'Hannibal'. I'm not the kind of person who's traditionally shy-ed away from horror movies. Used to love them. Try not to watch them often anymore, though. I don't think it's necessarily good to put images like that into your mind, stupid things to haunt you at 4am or gross or torturous stuff that will pop up like thought vomit at some point in your life. Anyway, one night 'Hannibal' was on and I was like, ok, I saw 'Silence of the Lambs', this isn't so bad. And then the last 15 minutes or so... :puke: It about made me physically sick. Never had a movie make me sick before. I was on the verge of barfing clear into the next day and just so disturbed. I could not get those effing images out of my mind. :no: I felt like my mind got raped, really. Maybe those particular things just got to ME that badly and not others. I don't know, but I wish I'd never seen that. I wish it could just be erased. That and 'Wolf Creek'... :(

Anyway, wonder if there's a global energy upgrade going on right now... that is forcing us to release old patterns or process our crap...
Yeah, I wonder too.

Btw, I'm with you on your feelings about what 'What the Bleep' talked about...about how the natives couldn't see the ships...:lol:
Good, because that was just outright ridiculous :lmao: But I loved the part when she drew the blue vines all over her body. Or how our brains are 'addicted' to the chemical processes that keep drawing us to the things those neurons crave. So it has its merits.
:lol: Wow, haven't seen that for a long time. It's pretty gross, I'll agree, but I remember how we all laughed back then when his parts were falling off. :doh: If The Fly wigs you out, I'd suggest not seeing 'Hannibal'. I'm not the kind of person who's traditionally shy-ed away from horror movies. Used to love them. Try not to watch them often anymore, though. I don't think it's necessarily good to put images like that into your mind, stupid things to haunt you at 4am or gross or torturous stuff that will pop up like thought vomit at some point in your life. Anyway, one night 'Hannibal' was on and I was like, ok, I saw 'Silence of the Lambs', this isn't so bad. And then the last 15 minutes or so... :puke: It about made me physically sick. Never had a movie make me sick before. I was on the verge of barfing clear into the next day and just so disturbed. I could not get those effing images out of my mind. :no: I felt like my mind got raped, really. Maybe those particular things just got to ME that badly and not others. I don't know, but I wish I'd never seen that. I wish it could just be erased. That and 'Wolf Creek'... :(
No way would I go near Hannibal. I simply will not do horror movies. I used to love them but I can't handle the vibes anymore... even if it's just a commercial about a horror movie. I'm sure The Fly wasn't as bad as Hannibal but I totally really wish I hadn't seen some of that footage. Disturbingly yuck.

Good, because that was just outright ridiculous :lmao: But I loved the part when she drew the blue vines all over her body. Or how our brains are 'addicted' to the chemical processes that keep drawing us to the things those neurons crave. So it has its merits.
Loved those parts too. It definitely still had some good points in it! I still quite enjoy the movie overall.
^ Hmm, I don't know what's up, but it won't go through. I get a link that claims I'm not logged in, but I am. What's the title of the thread and in what section?
Hmm I've been really stressed out lately too. I'm currently under a lot of pressure right now in my life and I don't expect it to let up any time soon. It's a long process. When I get like this I feel like escaping. It's hard to stay in reality sometimes. :(

But I hope everyone else is doing all right. :huggy:
Hmm I've been really stressed out lately too. I'm currently under a lot of pressure right now in my life and I don't expect it to let up any time soon. It's a long process. When I get like this I feel like escaping. It's hard to stay in reality sometimes. :(

But I hope everyone else is doing all right. :huggy:

Same here. I've been feeling pretty stressed out lately with work and school situations. Been in a depressive mood. I've been staying up alot lately listening to lots of music. It is kind of my escapism. Sometimes its very much needed to tune all that stress out
I had a dream about Michael last night, which I vaguely remember.

He was talking about facebook (wtf? :lol:) and Tempany( MissyJackson) was talking back to him about she has it too...

*weirded out* :lol:

So it's...


MJstarlight - that stuff is way cool!

:huggy::huggy: to you all guys.

I had a really strange dream last night and it's made me feel really funny today :(
It was horrible.
In my dream, Michael didn't die on June 25th, but he "survived" (in terms of the fact he survived from the people who tried to kill him that day). However, the murderers came back to "finish him off" as I heard someone say in my dream. They injected stuff deep down in this vein, to prevent it from being detected by anyone. Now, I heard MJ was dead so I was like OMG is this true??? Asking everyone, I could feel the tears rolling.
Then I saw a body on a stretcher, covered in a white sheet, I didn't see who it was, but by looking at the feet, I knew it was MJ.
I logged onto the forum and people were getting the news through, everyone was unsure. I heard some people say he had woken up! And he was fine. I remember thinking omg, that is so good, God must of let him come back to us :cry: I was really thanking God for returning MJ. He must of seen the pain it caused us all. My eyes were so red and everyone was like are you okay?? But then for some reason I said NO, Michael Jackon is dead! Then someone said..hmm, January 14th, the day MJ passed away. No idea why that date either.
And then I was like, so that is why amy and mjbunny have been feeling weird, they could sense something was up or was going to happen.
But then I woke up not knowing if he was alive or not :cry:

Sorry to share such a manic dream with everyone, since you're all feeling down :(
Please forgive me, but I just had to get it out my system, so to speak. I'm feeling real odd about it. It was strange cos I'd asked MJ before I went to sleep if he had a message to give me. I'm not saying it is a message cos I can't even make sense of it myself :no:

:heart: to all
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