Merged: Psychics channel Michael

^Innnteresting dream, mjbunny. It wouldn't surprise me if you really did soon develop such a gift of being able to clearly hear spirits out of your right ear. That would be cool. I know what you mean about a songs melody and rhythm appealing you but the lyrics being a total turn off. 'In Da Club' is so one of those songs!
darlingdear - haha...interesting dream. love the last part with the giggle and lip bite :wub:

Ahh, I love it when he bites his liiipp :wub: He looked so cute lol.

darlingdear - LOLOL. Yeah, what were you doin' in bed with them? :lmao:

That's for me to know and you to find out :ninja:
...joking, joking :lmao:
I was a bit like, mmm why am I next to Jermaine? Why not Jackie? OR Michael. Why couldn't Michael of been there in the bed tooooo lol.

Your dream sounds interesting. Like amy said, maybe you will develop such a gift?? That is interesting.

Oh, just quickly going back to the right ear burning thing, today I was mucking around, singing MJ songs, whilst you know looking at my newly reinstated posters..(really cool I know), I felt like omg, what if Michael can see/hear me singing, essentially to him, and then I got all embarassed but my right ear was starting to get warm after I turned it down and stopped lol and before I started to sing I was just cleaning up while listening I felt like someone or something was there, not so strongly, but you know.
I wonder if he hears/sees when the fans sing his songs or something..
^ LOL. I like to put bunny lyrics into his songs all the time. I can only imagine :lmao: And lol about Jermaine. Something you want to confess? :hysterical:

Haha...I thought about this recently when I was singing and dancing to his songs. If he saw that he'd probably laugh at me :lol:
Nah, Amy. For pure comedy he would have to watch ME dancing... just me and my humps shimmying around the living room at 3am ... or it would scare him away :lol: One or the other...

I've had dreams before about hearing Michael in my right ear. I wonder if it's just symbolic. I mean, who would mind if you could actually hear him? lol But at the same it might be one of those 'be careful what you wish for' scenarios, you know. Like you ask to see spirits and then they're all showing up all the time and driving you nuts and won't go away (like Whoopi Goldberg in Ghosts, lol). And maybe that statement right there is the key to why I don't see them or hear them clearly...some goofy fear :doh:
@mjbunny: Didn't you mention often that you had a buzz in your (right?) ear very loudly?!? Or was that someone else? No I'm quite sure that was you...anyhow, that might explain the dream...some sort of message that you are in developing state? Crazy! :wild:
Haha...I thought about this recently when I was singing and dancing to his songs. If he saw that he'd probably laugh at me :lol:

oh me too. I always think I'm doing it but I thought if Michael could see me now, he'd be like jeez girl, give it up LOL. :doh:
His music just makes me wanna dance though, like a compulsion to get up and shake it :lol:

^ LOL. I like to put bunny lyrics into his songs all the time. I can only imagine :lmao: And lol about Jermaine. Something you want to confess? :hysterical:

Nah, Amy. For pure comedy he would have to watch ME dancing... just me and my humps shimmying around the living room at 3am ... or it would scare him away :lol: One or the other...

I've had dreams before about hearing Michael in my right ear before too. I wonder if it's just symbolic. I mean, who would mind if you could actually hear him? lol But at the same it's probably one of those 'be careful what you wish for' scenarios, you know. Like you ask to see spirits and then they're showing up all the time and driving you nuts and won't go away. And maybe that statement right there is the key to why I don't see them or hear them clearly in my right ear :doh:

LOL. :lmao:
I wish I could of caught the beginning of that dream, to see why I was in the bed with them all cos it was totally..weird.

Yeah I know what you mean, it would be nice to hear Michael's voice, then we could hear what he really thinks of us dancing and singing :D and of course it would be just lovely :wub:
haha yeah like Oda Mae Brown! I love that film. When they are like, say something! And she's like SAM WHEAT. and hides in the closet. And when Sam keeps her up all night singing I'm Henry the Eighth I am..

But on a more serious note, I guess you might open the door for every man and his granny everyday 24/7..
@mjbunny: Didn't you mention often that you had a buzz in your (right?) ear very loudly?!? Or was that someone else? No I'm quite sure that was you...anyhow, that might explain the dream...some sort of message that you are in developing state? Crazy! :wild:
Yeah, in both ears. Never had it until one night in July I sat down to meditate and kind of said, ok Michael, are you there? I felt him, but I kept saying "I can hear, I want to hear, let me hear" and then I started getting this high-pitch old-TV like whine/buzz in both ears at the same time and I've never heard this before. Then it was constant and loud (!) for two months and I was like "uh-oh" :lol:. Faded off quite a bit by September, but it's still there often at a low level and it gets really loud sometimes when I meditate or do MLP. It kind of comes and goes. I've had other strange auditory things in the last few months... loud buzzes and beeps that come and go. I'm assuming it all has something to do with energy, since they haven't run across anything physically wrong that would cause it (no medications, etc). Perhaps it's just a new way of experiencing energy. Or it will develop into something else, get stronger or even fade? I guess time will tell.

Did you guys ever see the movie 'Vibes' with Cyndi Lauper, Jeff Goldblum, Julian Sands and Peter Falk? Oh God, I LOVE that movie and it's never been released on DVD (It was finally released in 2009, just found out. So excited... just bought one from the US on ebay! :)). Cyndi's character Sylvia has this gift with which she can clearly hear her spirit guide Louise talking with her and they have whole conversations. At the beginning Nick asks her who she's arguing with and she says, "Oh, that's Louise. She's my friend:angry: in the spirit world." :lol: Here's a great scene when Sylvia leaves her body to save Nick:
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mjbunny said:
Nah, Amy. For pure comedy he would have to watch ME dancing... just me and my humps shimmying around the living room at 3am ... or it would scare him away :lol: One or the other...
darlingdear said:
oh me too. I always think I'm doing it but I thought if Michael could see me now, he'd be like jeez girl, give it up LOL. :doh:
His music just makes me wanna dance though, like a compulsion to get up and shake it :lol:
:lmao: I can just see us now...:sarmoti... Michael:
... :lol:

mjbunny said:
But at the same it might be one of those 'be careful what you wish for' scenarios, you know. Like you ask to see spirits and then they're all showing up all the time and driving you nuts and won't go away (like Whoopi Goldberg in Ghosts, lol). And maybe that statement right there is the key to why I don't see them or hear them clearly...some goofy fear :doh:
Haha...true. I'll be careful to specify my wish then... "I don't want to be able to hear any spirits, I just want to hear Michael" :D
Did you guys ever see the movie 'Vibes' with Cyndi Lauper, Jeff Goldblum, Julian Sands and Peter Falk? Oh God, I LOVE that movie and it's never been released on DVD, dammit. Cyndi's character Sylvia has this gift with which she can clearly hear her spirit guide Louise talking with her and they have whole conversations. At the beginning Nick asks her who she's arguing with and she says, "Oh, that's Louise. She's my friend:angry: on the other side." :lol: Here's a great scene when Sylvia leaves her body to save Nick:

Oo, that film looks interesting. I'll have to check it out..

:lmao: I can just see us now...:sarmoti... Michael:
... :lol:

:lmao: that gif. Maybe MJ might appreciate our effort :lol:
One of these days I will crash through my ceiling..
I dare not dance in my living-room though, incase the neighbours look in :lol: that would be sooo mortifying.
Everyone's having dreams eh? I had one last night where Michael was edited into this old early 70s film. He had been summoned by these guys, who were in a warehouse or near some docks? Michael looked like how he did in TWYMMF. Then he started getting into a Kung Fu battle and kicked everyone's asses. :lol: Then I went on the IMDB message boards for the movie and reading what people were saying about it. They were talking about how Michael was the best part. It was the funniest thing. :laugh:

Haha...I thought about this recently when I was singing and dancing to his songs. If he saw that he'd probably laugh at me :lol:

I like to dance and sing to my music every once in a while, and I know I always get a bit self conscious that Michael is watching. It doesn't help that there were some times I could feel his energy while I was doing it. And I don't dare try to do his more complicated moves. Yeah I can just imagine him laughing. :blushing: :unsure:

Did you guys ever see the movie 'Vibes' with Cyndi Lauper, Jeff Goldblum, Julian Sands and Peter Falk? Oh God, I LOVE that movie and it's never been released on DVD (It was finally released in 2009, just found out. So excited... just bought one from the US on ebay! :)). Cyndi's character Sylvia has this gift with which she can clearly hear her spirit guide Louise talking with her and they have whole conversations. At the beginning Nick asks her who she's arguing with and she says, "Oh, that's Louise. She's my friend:angry: on the other side." :lol: Here's a great scene when Sylvia leaves her body to save Nick:

That looks like an interesting movie. I'm a sucker for anything with Jeff Goldblum in it too. :wub: Added it to my Netflix list. :)
Michael looked like how he did in TWYMMF. Then he started getting into a Kung Fu battle and kicked everyone's asses. :lol: Then I went on the IMDB message boards for the movie and reading what people were saying about it. They were talking about how Michael was the best part. It was the funniest thing. :laugh:
Hehe. Nice dream!

I'm a sucker for anything with Jeff Goldblum in it too. :wub:
Same here!

I just found the movie on if anyone wants to watch it online. it appears to be nice quality. I'm gonna let it buffer/load for an hour or two so I can watch it tonight. :)
hey everyone!
I just came across this song on Orianthi's album, and it feels perfect... Apparently she said it's about Michael and a friend of hers who died around the same time...

God Only Knows

I feel so alone, can't seem to find my way out of this lone
No, it don't seem right
I didn't have a chance to say goodbye.

In this this silent space, I close my eyes I can hear you say
That it's alright, but my world's such an empty place tonight.
Cause I know that, it's all part of life.

I wish I had the chance to say goodbye, yeah I still miss you.
So hard to see through the tears I've cried.
Yeah, I still need you.
Cause I don't want to, if I don't have to ever let you go.
The longest I'll hold on... God only knows.

As the time goes by, it gets a little easier to smile.
I know I'll never forget everything that you said.
You said it's alright, it's all part of life.

I wish I had the chance to say goodbye, yeah I still miss you.
So hard to see through the tears I've cried.
Yeah, I still need you.
Cause I don't want to, if I don't have to ever let you go.
The longest I'll hold on... God only knows.

{The hard times} will never fade if you keep looking up
Right around there is a better place if you believe in love.
Cause I know that, it's all part of life.

I wish I had the chance to say goodbye, yeah I still miss you.
So hard to see through the tears I've cried.
Yeah, I still need you.
Cause I don't want to, if I don't have to ever let you go.
The longest I'll hold on, the longest I'll hold on.
The longest I'll hold on... God only knows.
God only knows.
Yeah, God only knows.
God only knows.
I just found the movie on if anyone wants to watch it online. it appears to be nice quality. I'm gonna let it buffer/load for an hour or two so I can watch it tonight. :)
LOL, cool. I'm watching it right now. It's a cheesy 80's movie, but it's funny and I always loved it for the paranormal aspects :) Me too... I love Jeff Goldblum. He's too cool.

hey everyone!
I just came across this song on Orianthi's album, and it feels perfect... Apparently she said it's about Michael and a friend of hers who died around the same time...
:cry: Nice, thanks
Anyone having any intense energy experiences tonight? Or am I just going crazy? :lol:

By the way, that other thread about messages in dreams made me think about that old thread from June/July 'He was there', so here it is if you want to see what people wrote about in the days right after :cry:
Anyone having any intense energy experiences tonight? Or am I just going crazy? :lol:

By the way, that other thread about messages in dreams made me think about that old thread from June/July 'He was there', so here it is if you want to see what people wrote about in the days right after :cry:
Tonight is stressful energy for me. I feel ancy and stressed. Gah. Are you feeling Michael around tonight?

That other thread is great. Only read through 4 or 5 pages... neat experiences though. Makes me really miss him again :cry:
^ I'm not sure what's up. I just feel like there's this big energy change, like I got all warm and felt pulsing energy and then got shaky for no reason I could see. I feel like there was some kind of energy attunement going on or something. Can't really explain it, just it was intense. And now I'm fine again. I swear I'm not crazy :lol:

Just finished watching Vibes on Stagevu ;)
^ I'm not sure what's up. I just feel like there's this big energy change, like I got all warm and felt pulsing energy and then got shaky for no reason I could see. I feel like there was some kind of energy attunement going on or something. Can't really explain it, just it was intense. And now I'm fine again. I swear I'm not crazy :lol:

Just finished watching Vibes on Stagevu ;)

hun, you're not crazy. I've felt Michael so much the last few days, just at random times. I was literally dressed as a leprechaun yesterday (for St Patrick's Day, lol) at a concert, and all of a sudden BAM I knew he was there.... weird? Maybe once a soul has transitioned, he can communicate more strongly? Is that possible? I don't know, but there's definitely something going on that we've all been feeling him.
^ I'm not sure what's up. I just feel like there's this big energy change, like I got all warm and felt pulsing energy and then got shaky for no reason I could see. I feel like there was some kind of energy attunement going on or something. Can't really explain it, just it was intense. And now I'm fine again. I swear I'm not crazy :lol:

Just finished watching Vibes on Stagevu ;)
Maybe you're getting an energy upgrade tonight! :cheeky:

Getting ready to watch Vibes myself. Just put the babe to bed so I'm ready for movie time!
hun, you're not crazy. I've felt Michael so much the last few days, just at random times. I was literally dressed as a leprechaun yesterday (for St Patrick's Day, lol) at a concert, and all of a sudden BAM I knew he was there.... weird? Maybe once a soul has transitioned, he can communicate more strongly? Is that possible? I don't know, but there's definitely something going on that we've all been feeling him.

Well things feel different but I cant explain it. I have been feeling Michael around the last past two days. Once when they played MJ in the radio then on Tuesday because I have been praying to hear from my MJ friend who I havent talked to in 5 months, And I got a message from him on Tuesday!!!!! and just so happy that is is ok. :)
Asedora said:
I am not feeling great since yesterday. I hope it will not get any worse. I do not feel Michael today and I did not feel him yesterday.:(His energy def changed imo.
I have to read a book or something.....
Aw hon :huggy: hope you feel better and feel Michael close soon.

I just finished watching Vibes... LOVED it! Jeff Goldblum was so cute too... especially the last scene when he looks straight into the camera... adorable! :wub: Thanks for recommending that movie, mjbunny! Really enjoyed it.
hey everyone!
I just came across this song on Orianthi's album, and it feels perfect... Apparently she said it's about Michael and a friend of hers who died around the same time...

God Only Knows

I feel so alone, can't seem to find my way out of this lone
No, it don't seem right
I didn't have a chance to say goodbye.

In this this silent space, I close my eyes I can hear you say
That it's alright, but my world's such an empty place tonight.
Cause I know that, it's all part of life.

I wish I had the chance to say goodbye, yeah I still miss you.
So hard to see through the tears I've cried.
Yeah, I still need you.
Cause I don't want to, if I don't have to ever let you go.
The longest I'll hold on... God only knows.

As the time goes by, it gets a little easier to smile.
I know I'll never forget everything that you said.
You said it's alright, it's all part of life.

I wish I had the chance to say goodbye, yeah I still miss you.
So hard to see through the tears I've cried.
Yeah, I still need you.
Cause I don't want to, if I don't have to ever let you go.
The longest I'll hold on... God only knows.

{The hard times} will never fade if you keep looking up
Right around there is a better place if you believe in love.
Cause I know that, it's all part of life.

I wish I had the chance to say goodbye, yeah I still miss you.
So hard to see through the tears I've cried.
Yeah, I still need you.
Cause I don't want to, if I don't have to ever let you go.
The longest I'll hold on, the longest I'll hold on.
The longest I'll hold on... God only knows.
God only knows.
Yeah, God only knows.
God only knows.

i had a feeling it was bout michael, but i wasnt too sure.
Hi everyone.

Ex WhoAmI here. I took a bit of a break from posting. I missed loads. I had a lot to catch up on.

I have been having the weirdest dreams lately. They are really long, very detailed and so real. Then when I wake up I can only remember little snippets. :scratch: One was like I was watching a movie but as time went by I was living it instead of watching and by the end (of the movie/real life part) my friend had been dead the whole time and I realised that I was the only one who had been communicating with her. That worried me a bit because I had a dream that she died before and her grandmother died the next day. I never told her that but I contacted her and everything seems to be ok.

So then (same dream) I was part of a video game/real life again and I was trying to save a boy. I kept getting killed and I was trying to desperately to get to the boy. In the end I must have ran out of lives because everything went black and what looked like blood dispersing in water.

I know there was so much more but I can only remember the feeling from it.

mjbunny I loved your story about the limo. :wub: and thanks for recommending Vibes. I had never heard of it but I'm gonna watch it soon.

There's a psychic fair with a fortune teller coming to town on Sunday so I'm going to go to that. I'll let ye know how I get on.

I hope everyone is good :huggy:
Mundy - scary dreams goin' on there. Eep. Cool about the psychic fair coming up. Defly let us know how that goes. :)

Well, I had a weird night. I didn't sleep at all. It's now 7:30am. My energy has just been processing all kinds of crap I couldn't sleep. Blah. At one point I tried asking God/my Guides to hear spirits - and I got a ringing in my right ear for a little bit. But that's it. I'm gonna keep trying on that.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great day.
Neeve - thanks for posting that song :cry:

I read through that thread about people's experiences after June 25th. They are so incredible, but I miss him so :cry:
I had a weird energy vibe thing earlier, I was staring at my MJ poster, and I just got these tingles running through my torso, like around my back and stomach. I dunno if that sensation makes sense? It made me think of you guys all saying you can feel MJ around you, I just dunno what mine was about..
Also :lol: I swear to god, one of his eyebrows moved, followed by his eye. I swear that happened, but then I thought mm, it's not Harry Potter :lol: But I seriously did see his eyebrow & eye move..:ninja:
okay I'm craazy now, take me away whitecoat men :D

I was checking out the inner Michael blog and she posted that 'Think Different' video that has been posted here before. Each time I watch it it makes me tear up, but it's just, so good isn't it. The words. :sigh: Oh Michael. :cry:

:heart: to all

edit: amy - sorry to hear you can't sleep! :huggy:
& Definately let us know how the fair goes, Mundy
@mjbunny: Thanks for the recommendation on Vibes!

@Neeve: Ohhh....beautiful lyrics. :(

@Mundy: Cool about the psychic fair, sounds very interestinggg!

Meheh, I got this site 'Sloganmaker' from a friend and she said; type in MJ! And I got this. ;)

Hmm I had a crazy dream last night, one that keeps on returning actually. It's about a huuuge garden, full of fruit and vegetables and other plants, mostly green, and it has fences but they are low so you could actually jump over them. There's always a person running after me from outside the home into the garden, trying to kill me and looking scary...and there are more people running together with me but they are in the other gardens on both sides. It's like square blocks, the gardens. Somehow I can't seem to jump over the fences and try to find a door all the time, which I never can. And then mostly it ends that the murderer wasn't a murderer or that I try to kill him. So last night I had the dream again, now with some people from the board in it, including you amygrace. Totally odd. Can't remember details, had to run off this morning and now I forgot.

Trying to find out what dreaming about a garden/feeling danger means....can't find anything though. But...fences...are like I feel insecure to cross the borders but somehow want to, and is the dangerous feeling actually trying to 'push' me to just go and do it?:scratch:
Hey, just thought I'd pop in and say hello. :)
I'll read through all the posts in sec, feels like I haven't posted here in ages!

Take care everyone. :hug:
hun, you're not crazy. I've felt Michael so much the last few days, just at random times. I was literally dressed as a leprechaun yesterday (for St Patrick's Day, lol) at a concert, and all of a sudden BAM I knew he was there.... weird? Maybe once a soul has transitioned, he can communicate more strongly? Is that possible? I don't know, but there's definitely something going on that we've all been feeling him.
I've read that before, actually. But as we all said, the energy is different. It's hard to imagine more intensity than last summer, but what I've felt the past week has certainly been very real. Maybe even more is possible now or will be into the future. :angel:

I just finished watching Vibes... LOVED it! Jeff Goldblum was so cute too... especially the last scene when he looks straight into the camera... adorable! :wub: Thanks for recommending that movie, mjbunny! Really enjoyed it.
Glad you liked Vibes. :D Jeff Goldblum can always deliver those sarcastic, funny lines perfectly. Vibes isn't the best movie ever or something, but it's one of those too-often overlooked ones about psychics, like The Frighteners.

Well, I had a weird night. I didn't sleep at all. It's now 7:30am. My energy has just been processing all kinds of crap I couldn't sleep. Blah. At one point I tried asking God/my Guides to hear spirits - and I got a ringing in my right ear for a little bit. But that's it. I'm gonna keep trying on that.
Wow, so maybe others were getting an energy upgrade as well? I was also up all night. Once I finally fell asleep I woke up with a start for no apparent reason at 11:11. I kind of laughed about the time.. you know, energy upgrade! And I felt like I was going to vomit for about 10 minutes. Weird. Then I went back to sleep and had one of those dang high school dreams. In mine it's always like I've been skipping classes (yeah, for 20 years lolololol) and now it's the last month and finals are here and I won't graduate if I can't pass all the tests. This dream wasn't as stressful as usual, though. At least I knew where the classrooms were and where I should be when! The test I was most worried about (like usual) was MATH. I was actually pretty good at math in school, so don't know why that's always the one class I've completely been avoiding. I knew I hadn't been to math class nearly the whole semester and was afraid of what the teacher would say when I suddenly showed up for the final :lol: And how the heck would I pass the test, having not been in class??? I knew I had a shot to maybe at least get a "C" or a "D" on it. But then I realized I actually already have enough credits to graduate (!), so in some way it doesn't even matter if I pass the math final or not, but I still wanted to try. I wonder why math. What does that represent? Finances, money, real life stuff? Or something complicated with rules? Principles governing the material world? Then in the dream was a guy I had a crush on back in high school and he liked me, but I just wanted to be friends since I'm married, lol. And then he and some others were talking ish about MJ. Ah hellllll no. Had to put them straight right away. You hatin' on MJ, you don't hang with me. Period. :cheeky:

So then (same dream) I was part of a video game/real life again and I was trying to save a boy. I kept getting killed and I was trying to desperately to get to the boy. In the end I must have ran out of lives because everything went black and what looked like blood dispersing in water.
There's a psychic fair with a fortune teller coming to town on Sunday so I'm going to go to that. I'll let ye know how I get on.
Wow, the dream sounds like trying to work out the same issue over and over? Yeah, let us know how the psychic fair goes :)

I had a weird energy vibe thing earlier, I was staring at my MJ poster, and I just got these tingles running through my torso, like around my back and stomach. I dunno if that sensation makes sense? It made me think of you guys all saying you can feel MJ around you, I just dunno what mine was about..
Also :lol: I swear to god, one of his eyebrows moved, followed by his eye. I swear that happened, but then I thought mm, it's not Harry Potter :lol: But I seriously did see his eyebrow & eye move..:ninja:
okay I'm craazy now, take me away whitecoat men
:lol: I have the poster in my avatar up on the shelf above the TV in our living room. It's a slightly odd pic of Michael, but in it his EYES are soooo amazing... especially on this huge poster. And it looks so great in person... much better than the avatar. Anyway, every now and then from the corner of my eyes it looks like his eyes flash, like the white sparkled or gets lighted up (like Ra in Stargate, lolol). I assume this is an optical illusion, but it always gets me :unsure:

Trying to find out what dreaming about a garden/feeling danger means....can't find anything though. But...fences...are like I feel insecure to cross the borders but somehow want to, and is the dangerous feeling actually trying to 'push' me to just go and do it?:scratch:
Don't they always say you're the best interpreter of your own dreams in the end, lol. I thought maybe people from this board were there because the the borders are somehow connected with Michael? Or maybe it's telling you that you're not alone :hug:
:hello: everyone. I too..was feeling 'different' enegry yesterday. i noticed alot of you were feeling like this as well. Mine wasn't exactly negative,but feeling sad. Thanks for the link. :group:
:wub: :rollingpeace:
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