Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Hi everyone.
This might seem a little off topic so forgive me:doh:
I should be sleeping but again sleep deludes me!
Has anyone seen 2012 movie?
It's been a strange day for me as saw the vid where MJ goes to church in 2004 and those people hold their hands out towards him praying for justice and healing..........seen it?:yes:
If not I'll post a link here.......
Then I see 2012 movie...........and its all nudging me into wanting to revive my faith.:bugeyed
Sorry if off tired but wanted to share my little input!:wub:

Here's the link incase u havent seen!

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I read that u guys have been having "blah" days, i feel like that today. I even been kinda sleeping a lil bit on /off and its only early morning!
Oh and speaking of Krishna. A few days ago I was searching "michael jackson meditation" on youtube. I don't remember specifically why I was looking that up. I think I wanted to see if there was any videos/info about Michael doing meditation. But I came across these videos after searching, and it mentions Krishna. He wanted to have a painting done of himself as a Krishna

Also, I've been trying to work at getting lucid dreams, but no luck so far. I just think it would be really exciting to realize I'm dreaming and wake up during the midst of a dream with Michael in it. ;)
About the lucid dreaming... omg, wouldn't that be great with Michael? :wub2: I've had a few with him that were sooooo vivid, I mean, omg. But LUCID, that would be amazing. I often realize I'm dreaming in dreams, but it's in a stupid way, like "Oh, I've had other dreams at this house..." but it's like I just go with the dream instead of taking charge of it. :rolleyes2: I guess in some ways I enjoy watching the "movie", finding out what will happen next. In early 2009 I had this amazing spontaneous lucid dream. I found myself walking through an extremely busy train station and realized I was dreaming. Everything was suddenly more real than a dream. And I looked at all these faces, all ages, all races going past me, in amazement thinking... holy crap... they all look totally real and my mind is making all this up microsecond to microsecond??? Then I noticed these two little boys looking at me and the one boy said something totally profound about consciousness and like a dummy I didn't write it down and I've since forgotten :doh:

About the MJ and Krishna pic story... wow, how cool that you found this by chance :) Thanks! I couldn't figure out what the timeframe actually was. He said 1990, but then Bad was coming out. That would be no. So maybe it was actually Dangerous Tour? Or was it the 80's and Bad Tour? Don't know. So I wonder if that was MJ's first copy of the Bhagavad Gita or if he'd already read it by that point. LOL, oh I just love how he wanted a pic of Krishna to look like him ;) I don't have to feel too weird and creepy-religious then about owning the MJ Krishna necklace and calendar :lol: Hey Michael, look what we got! :lmao: Sweet. Too bad he didn't get the painting in the end, though. That kind of sucks.
I don't have to feel too weird and creepy-religious then about owning the MJ Krishna necklace and calendar :lol: Hey Michael, look what we got! :lmao: Sweet.

Oh Lordy...I guess I'm not the only dork that got it...:punk::*****::D
I really couldn't help it. The calendar was on sale but I did draw the line with the MJ rosary.
I do have an excuse because we are about to move to. And I plan on getting myself a completely whacked out music corner where my piano will be. MJ Krishna next to Horus MJ, next to Chopin, Liszt and everyone else, french Chansoniers you name. It'll be my little heaven.
MJ Krishna on the wall- I want to hang that necklace thingie :D from an an equally strange prop- I was in Santa Barbara 2 years ago and was standing on a windy mountain road in the middle of a bad fire. I had bought a Saint Barbara candle in the mission there. She's the patron of many, among those that work with EXPLOSIVES. I held onto that d*amn candle while the helicopter was throwing stuff about 10 feet from us- we were stuck in that fire.

Than MJ came to my mind. And Saint Barbara is pretty appropriate.

He could have used some more Saint Barbara in his life.

I don't feel like the only weirdo now. :D
Oh and speaking of Krishna. A few days ago I was searching "michael jackson meditation" on youtube. I don't remember specifically why I was looking that up. I think I wanted to see if there was any videos/info about Michael doing meditation. But I came across these videos after searching, and it mentions Krishna. He wanted to have a painting done of himself as a Krishna
Very cool! Thanks for sharing that! Love that Michael wanted the painting changed to look like him. Sucks it never happened though! Aw.

mjbunny said:
Suck Fony!
:lol: ...yeah they are quite annoying. I get so peeved at all this overly protective copyright shiz honestly. Like are we all that greedy and stingy that we can't even let other people share great artworks or music or whatever unless our name is marked on it or something? I mean the point of the art is to have it enjoyed! Wouldn't it be nice if it was enjoyed wherever it could be? It all reminds me of the seagulls in Finding Nemo. Mine mine mine mine! :smilerolleyes:

Modulation Alert said:
Yeah, I once looked up "huh" (just for fun) at Merriam-Webster. In the corner it just said "Ask the Editor: "Michael Jackson"."

I nearly suffocated laughing so hard. I did save it as a screenshot somewhere.

mjbunny said:
About the lucid dreaming... omg, wouldn't that be great with Michael? :wub2: I've had a few with him that were sooooo vivid, I mean, omg. But LUCID, that would be amazing.
I had a lucid dream with Michael once...but it sucked. 'cause for me, when I realize I'm dreaming, I realize everything is all fake and so it's like...the same as daydreaming. There's no thrill 'cause I know it's all fake. So yeah in my dream with Michael...I was talking to him and suddenly realized it was a dream and that he wasn't really Michael but just my mind making Michael up. So I tried to imagine him being flirty or something :)lol:) but couldn't 'cause I knew it was just me making it up and so it seemed pointless. Not long after that I wake myself up.
Oh Lordy...I guess I'm not the only dork that got it...:punk::*****::D
:lol: And you won't be the last dork. I just tweeted to someone about that earlier today, so I'm sure it's working its way around now :lmao: Whoa about that story near Santa Barbara. Yikes.

I had a lucid dream with Michael once...but it sucked. 'cause for me, when I realize I'm dreaming, I realize everything is all fake and so it's like...the same as daydreaming. There's no thrill 'cause I know it's all fake. So yeah in my dream with Michael...I was talking to him and suddenly realized it was a dream and that he wasn't really Michael but just my mind making Michael up. So I tried to imagine him being flirty or something :)lol:) but couldn't 'cause I knew it was just me making it up and so it seemed pointless. Not long after that I wake myself up.
:lol: Always trying, lolol

Oh, I just have to say this once more before bed: Suck Fony.

Night all! :hug:
Yeah, I once looked up "huh" (just for fun) at Merriam-Webster. In the corner it just said "Ask the Editor: "Michael Jackson"."

I nearly suffocated laughing so hard. I did save it as a screenshot somewhere.

OMG that is too funny! hahah :lol:
Oh, I just have to say this once more before bed: Suck Fony.

I like that. It should be their new motto. :lol:

I think I've only had one lucid dream in my life that I really knew for sure was a lucid dream. A few years ago, I dreamed I was at Disneyland and there was a guy there who told me I was dreaming. So I was able to take control. But it was really hard to maintain lucidity, and before I knew it things got all fuzzy and I woke up.

But to have a an actual lucid dream with Michael, yes that would be fantastic. :wub:
I really couldn't help it. The calendar was on sale but I did draw the line with the MJ rosary.
See, I drew the line at $15, which was the rosary :lol: I guess it's like some kind of financially-challenged sacrilege. (Good thing I'm not Catholic, lol.) Thing is, if you take the bottom part off, it's just a blue sparkly-beaded necklace with a weird pendant. That's one idea, at least. Not yet sure exactly what to do with it. :unsure: If one believed in hell, would one go there for disassembling a rosary, or are there no official rules about that?

I like that. It should be their new motto. :lol:
Me too. And Lord knows they deserve it. I want to make huge banners and signs: Suck you, Fony! We want YouTube!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I asked last night (or rather, this morning :lol:) if I could please dream about the whys regarding the MJ/Krishna coincidences and how Michael feels about it all. So what I got was 6 hours of annoyingly restless sleep and dreams of people talking about the topic, like we would here, but with no real answers to anything, lol :doh:

Well, lots of stressful stuff going on for me... family health stuff and the like :mello: And that darn guy with the chainsaw in the yard behind our house (RrrrrrrRrRrrRRrRrRrrrRRr ... on and on and on)... aghghghghgh! ;) Hope everyone's doing ok today :angel:

P.S. Lorette also wrote about MLP last week:
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See, I drew the line at $15, which was the rosary :lol: Thing is, if you take the bottom part off, it's just a blue sparkly-beaded necklace with a weird pendant. That's one idea, at least. Not yet sure exactly what to do with it. :unsure:
Well, MEDITATE!! :D I actually LIKE the rosary, it's really just a catholic way of meditation. You just have to remember their 5000 variations- but aside from that the rosary can put you in alpha state really quick...:bugeyed

Me too. And Lord knows they deserve it. I want to make huge banners and signs: Suck you, Fony! We want YouTube!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I asked last night (or rather, this morning :lol:) if I could please dream about the whys regarding the MJ/Krishna coincidences and how Michael feels about it all. So what I got was 6 hours of annoyingly restless sleep and dreams of people talking about the topic, like we would here, but with no real answers to anything, lol :doh:

Well, lots of stressful stuff going on for me... family health stuff and the like :mello: And that darn guy with the chainsaw in the yard behind our house (RrrrrrrRrRrrRRrRrRrrrRRr ... on and on and on)... aghghghghgh! ;) Hope everyone's doing ok today :angel:

Well, at least in Germany one can really let out the inner "Rasenmaeherpolizei", the inner "lawn mower police", you know, it's 12:00 sharp, "Mittagsruhe!!!!", don't you dare mow your lawn on Sunday...I think that is the stuff I don't miss living here.
Now, payed maternity leave, Kindergeld and daycare that makes working affordable- I'm all over that.
Oh, and Baeckerein of course. I'd kill for a sloppy, juicy slice of poppy seed cake. I'm homesick today. :no:
Well, MEDITATE!! :D I actually LIKE the rosary, it's really just a catholic way of meditation. You just have to remember their 5000 variations- but aside from that the rosary can put you in alpha state really quick...:bugeyed
I know next to nothing about rosaries. Never had one, touched one, nothing. We were extremely protestant when I grew up, lol. ;)

Well, at least in Germany one can really let out the inner "Rasenmaeherpolizei", the inner "lawn mower police", you know, it's 12:00 sharp, "Mittagsruhe!!!!", don't you dare mow your lawn on Sunday...I think that is the stuff I don't miss living here.
Now, payed maternity leave, Kindergeld and daycare that makes working affordable- I'm all over that. Oh, and Baeckerein of course. I'd kill for a sloppy, juicy slice of poppy seed cake. I'm homesick today. :no:
You like poppy seed cake? Bleh, lol. So does my hubby :scratch:. After 4 years here with cafes, bakeries, restaurants and relatives, neighbors and friends cooking, expats raving about Glühwein, etc... I can't think of any food (or drink) that I would truly miss if I left Germany. But I would about kill for a big plate of chile rellenos and enchiladas from back home :excited:
P.S. Let me add that I might miss other ethnic food (like decent goulash or this one brand of African cumin sauce ... but nothing German, lolol.)
Good morning girls! :group:

Lorette of 'Extreme MJ' wrote this today, have you seen it? ;)
I just saw an email from her about this! Aw, how sweet is that?! Saw the one about MLP too. :heart:

mjbunny said:
I asked last night (or rather, this morning :lol:) if I could please dream about the whys regarding the MJ/Krishna coincidences and how Michael feels about it all. So what I got was 6 hours of annoyingly restless sleep and dreams of people talking about the topic, like we would here, but with no real answers to anything, lol :doh:
:lol: dang. maybe you should meditate on seems to have good luck with that stuff! :cheeky:

Asedora said:
Guys, there is something wrong is going on in my house. I do not know what is that. One day my little son was complaining that he hears noises in the kitchen. He asked me if I was making those noises but it was not me because I was not in the kitchen. I asked him what kind of noises he hears and he could not explain anything, but I know he is very sensitive to paranormal stuff cos it is not the first time I see him being involved in some strange “activities”. . .
Hmm...well, sounds like it could be your basic case of "ghosts". I wouldn't be worried unless you get bad vibes from them. You can always try talking to them though...if you think someone is there anyway.
Ok, first... you have a ghost that does the dishes??! :wild: Rock on! I would totally say I need me one of them, but I have this "no ghosts" policy at my house :lol: ... ok, joke finished... going on with real reply ;)

I was reading some posts about Krishna and watching videos. It is all looks real strange. I have to say that one day I dreamed about Michael and he had a blue skin for some reason and he was wearing Bad tour outfit. I do not want make any conclusions about it yet. I am just saying what I saw. It looks like more ppl believe now that MJ was Krishna reincarnation. Personally I do not believe it but I am thinking about such possibility.
I'm also not ready to say that or believe it. Did you see Avatar before the blue-skinned dream? Or stuff about Avatar? Another possibility to consider, I suppose. (Btw, amygrace asked me last night if I've seen that movie yet & I forgot to answer. No, never did due to that dubbed language vs no 3D issue and now it comes out of DVD later this month. No 3D on the DVDs, though. How lame is that?) Ok, anyway... the thing is... I keep getting pulled to all the Krishna stuff now and it's weird for me to feel like that. And the coincidences that come up astound me. I can say that when we did the group meditation last time and I found all that info and got my MJ Krishna calendar that day, some things just blew my mind. The night before that I had done a personal meditation and Michael had said certain things to me and we were in certain cirumstances and it was strange and didn't make total sense at the time. So that next night when I was reading stories about Krishna... the SAME THING came up ... totally tying together what Michael had told me the night before. Now that doesn't tell me that they're the same spirit/being/person... it could just be a nice, synchronistic way to make a point. At one time I kind of felt like, "Cute, Michael. Very cute ;)" Maybe he just felt an affinity with Krishna and so that's something to connect through? Or maybe they're friends over there. I mean, why not? I and others have seen Michael and Jesus together in some way, so why not Krishna too?

You know, one other thing that may or may not have anything to do with this topic is that I've always seen Michael's energy as BLUE. I mean like deep to dark blue light. I even wrote about it here once months ago. I can also see him glowing in white or with golden light, but it's like some blue wavelength at the core, if that makes sense. Don't know why, but yeah... I always see blue. No idea if there's a connection there or that's just something weird in my own mind.

Guys, there is something wrong is going on in my house. I do not know what is that. One day my little son was complaining that he hears noises in the kitchen. He asked me if I was making those noises but it was not me because I was not in the kitchen. I asked him what kind of noises he hears and he could not explain anything, but I know he is very sensitive to paranormal stuff cos it is not the first time I see him being involved in some strange “activities”. . .
Today I heard it myself. It was like somebody was doing dishes or something? I went to the kitchen and just looked around. There were a few plates in my sink but there is no reason for such noise. So I do not know.
Whoa. And kids are defnitely wayyyy more open to that stuff, huh. Is this a new place or have you lived there for a while? How strange if it just started happening after living there for some time. Maybe you should ask them nicely to leave because they're not supposed to be there. Tell them it's 2010 (in case they've been gone for a while and don't realize it) and this is your house and they shouldn't really be there anymore. Sometimes that alone works.
Ok, first... you have a ghost that does the dishes??! :wild: Rock on! I would totally say I need me one of them, but I have this "no ghosts" policy at my house :lol: ... ok, joke finished... going on with real reply ;)
:lmao: ...once again you crack me up.

(Btw, amygrace asked me last night if I've seen that movie yet & I forgot to answer. No, never did due to that dubbed language vs no 3D issue and now it comes out of DVD later this month. No 3D on the DVDs, though. How lame is that?)
No 3D on DVD? Very lame! Is that just in your area?

You know, one other thing that may or may not have anything to do with this topic is that I've always seen Michael's energy as BLUE. I mean like deep to dark blue light. I even wrote about it here once months ago. I can also see him glowing in white or with golden light, but it's like some blue wavelength at the core, if that makes sense. Don't know why, but yeah... I always see blue. No idea if there's a connection there or that's just something weird in my own mind.
I forgot about that! Very interesting. Wonder if it's a piece of our little Krishna puzzle. :p I'm very pulled to all this stuff now too. Oddly it feels almost as cool and interesting...even familiar, to me as Egyptian stuff has always felt.
No 3D on DVD? Very lame! Is that just in your area?
America too. I was looking at Amazon last night (why is it that everytime I type that word it first comes out Amazong? :lol:) and there's no 3D there either. It's released in the US April 22nd (isn't that Earth Day as well? Hmmm... ;)) Comments seem to be not so upset about no 3D because new TV technology is coming soon and then we'll really have 3D at home and they'll release Avatar in all its glory in a 3D edition. And I'm like... yeahhhh... if you have enough MONEY to buy a $4000 3D plasma screen TV :rolleyes2: I've still got a picture tube, baby.

I forgot about that! Very interesting. Wonder if it's a piece of our little Krishna puzzle. :p I'm very pulled to all this stuff now too. Oddly it feels almost as cool and interesting...even familiar, to me as Egyptian stuff has always felt.
For me too. It's very strangely intriguing... (and omg... weren't you and I talking just a week or two before all the Krishna stuff started about feeling like an affinity to India? I find it strange how in all the regressions I've done so far, not like I've done for a long while, I've never ended up in India, but I KNOW they're there, you know.)
America too. I was looking at Amazon last night (why is it that everytime I type that word it first comes out Amazong? :lol:) and there's no 3D there either. It's released in the US April 22nd (isn't that Earth Day as well? Hmmm... ;)) Comments seem to be not so upset about no 3D because new TV technology is coming soon and then we'll really have 3D at home and they'll release Avatar in all its glory in a 3D edition. And I'm like... yeahhhh... if you have enough MONEY to buy a $4000 3D plasma screen TV :rolleyes2: I've still got a picture tube, baby.
Dang...that stinks! Avatar isn't Avatar without the 3D! Glad there will be new TV technology in the future for 3D movies though. When I brought home Coraline in 3D last year, it came with those blue/red 3D glasses...and it was awful. Gave me a headache. True the 3D prepped televisions will probably be crazy expensive though. Bah. I'll just have to plan on getting rich...I was planning on that anyway. lol :cheeky:

mjbunny said:
For me too. It's very strangely intriguing... (and omg... weren't you and I talking just a week or two before all the Krishna stuff started about feeling like an affinity to India? I find it strange how in all the regressions I've done so far, not like I've done for a long while, I've never ended up in India, but I KNOW they're there, you know.)
Yes! I was thinking that right after I made my last post too... it must be the fact that I'm already so drawn to India that this Krishna stuff is so interesting to me.
Haha...omg you guys I took a nap today and dreamt that I was browsing this thread and suddenly as I scrolled down I saw someone had posted this HUGE painting of Michael...and he um...was completely naked. I'm talkin' full frontal...frikkin' HUGE right there in my face. I was like....:bugeyed...woah. Then this girl proceeded to post a bunch of other steamy photos with Michael. mjbunny mentioned how this girl was probably going to get banned and everyone knew the photos would get taken I was hurrying at looking at them all. :shifty: :lol: Someone here (can't remember who) was very upset that the photos were going to be taken down she made a post consisting of nothing but different angry ranting smileys. :lol:

Ok anyway...WEIRD dream. I tell ya though...I can't get that full frontal out of my head now. :mello: :ninja:

However one day, soon after MJ passed I was
ready to go to bad and I heard like somebody scratching my pillow. You know how you can do noise with nails against the fabric? I looked at my pillow very closely and the noise was coming right from my pillow. It was no reason for such noise. I was so sacred , or my god. I turned over the pillow thinking so maybe an animal there, but obviously it was nothing there and the noise stopped. Then the noise started again coming FROM the pillow while my head was laying down ON that pillow. I almost jumped and then the noise stopped and I never heard it again. I did not feel a bad energy or something. It was just crazy weird lol I still do know what was it but for some reason I think that MJ wanted to say hello to me and scared me to death :lol:
Hah...weird! Wonder if it was Michael or what. But then who is making the noises in the kitchen? :scratch:
OMG Amy! I'm just on your website right now. You're so amazing and I saw a pic of your daughter - she's gorgeous.

Haha...omg you guys I took a nap today and dreamt that I was browsing this thread and suddenly as I scrolled down I saw someone had posted this HUGE painting of Michael...and he um...was completely naked. I'm talkin' full frontal...frikkin' HUGE right there in my face. I was like....:bugeyed...woah. Then this girl proceeded to post a bunch of other steamy photos with Michael...

Haha, that's so funny. :lol:
Haha...omg you guys I took a nap today and dreamt that I was browsing this thread and suddenly as I scrolled down I saw someone had posted this HUGE painting of Michael...and he um...was completely naked. I'm talkin' full frontal...frikkin' HUGE right there in my face. I was like....:bugeyed...woah. Then this girl proceeded to post a bunch of other steamy photos with Michael. mjbunny mentioned how this girl was probably going to get banned and everyone knew the photos would get taken I was hurrying at looking at them all. :shifty: :lol: Someone here (can't remember who) was very upset that the photos were going to be taken down she made a post consisting of nothing but different angry ranting smileys. :lol:
:ursofunny:Whoa... what's going on in this thread today? :upside_down:

OMG, :lol: now that is a really a crazy dream! Imagine if that was the day you decided not to get online :cheeky: And I wonder what the heck it means, lol. I'm glad I just mentioned that she was going to get banned and it wasn't me who posted the pics or something :rofl: ..."...frikkin' HUGE right there in my face"...
Haha...omg you guys I took a nap today and dreamt that I was browsing this thread and suddenly as I scrolled down I saw someone had posted this HUGE painting of Michael...and he um...was completely naked. I'm talkin' full frontal...frikkin' HUGE right there in my face. I was like....:bugeyed...woah. Then this girl proceeded to post a bunch of other steamy photos with Michael. mjbunny mentioned how this girl was probably going to get banned and everyone knew the photos would get taken I was hurrying at looking at them all. :shifty: :lol: Someone here (can't remember who) was very upset that the photos were going to be taken down she made a post consisting of nothing but different angry ranting smileys. :lol:

Oh boy. :toofunny: I had a dream this morning that Michael was in this movie playing a role as being part of a gangster family. He was from the Bad era, and he was cursing like a sailor. I was thinking it was pretty hot because you rarely get to see Michael swearing and he was throwing a lot of F-bombs around. :lol:
^ :hysterical: Earlier on another board a married woman posted that last night she dreamed that Michael was sitting next to her and was kind of looking at her like "hey, baby". And then they started making out :lol: And she was all shocked in the morning, like "omg I can't tell my husband this dream ever!" :lmao: (I'm so lucky that mine at least claims to not be jealous, lol.) What's going on this week? lol

Your dream with the swearing reminds me of one I had last spring, probably around March 2009 or so. I don't remember much of anything except for Michael saying a particular word for some female anatomy that I could just hardly imagine him saying at all... and he said it 3 times in a row and with this slightly gruff voice that... omg... :lol: I was like :bugeyed!! Michael???! :bugeyed It just sounded sooo nasty said like that, lol, and I couldn't believe what I'd heard. The only way I could imagine it for real would be like if it were said as a joke. And ever since then it occasionally pops up in my mind and I'm like ... omg, make it go away! :doh: :hysterical:
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Haha...omg you guys I took a nap today and dreamt that I was browsing this thread and suddenly as I scrolled down I saw someone had posted this HUGE painting of Michael...and he um...was completely naked. I'm talkin' full frontal...frikkin' HUGE right there in my face. I was like....:bugeyed...woah. Then this girl proceeded to post a bunch of other steamy photos with Michael. mjbunny mentioned how this girl was probably going to get banned and everyone knew the photos would get taken I was hurrying at looking at them all. :shifty: :lol: Someone here (can't remember who) was very upset that the photos were going to be taken down she made a post consisting of nothing but different angry ranting smileys. :lol:

Ok anyway...WEIRD dream. I tell ya though...I can't get that full frontal out of my head now. :mello: :ninja:
Full frontal...oh dear......why do I always have to picture things right away when reading it, goddamnit.:hysterical: Ah well, I can imagine worse things...ahem. LMFAO. Have you spent a little too long in the manhood thread, you naughty girl....? ;) Loool.

Your dream with the swearing reminds me of one I had last spring, probably around March 2009 or so. I don't remember much of anything except for Michael saying a particular word for some female anatomy that I could just hardly imagine him saying at all... and he said it 3 times in a row and with this slightly gruff voice that... omg... :lol: I was like :bugeyed!! Michael???! :bugeyed It just sounded sooo nasty said like that, lol, and I couldn't believe what I'd heard. The only way I could imagine it for real would be like if it were said as a joke. And ever since then it occasionally pops up in my mind and I'm like ... omg, make it go away! :doh: :hysterical:
Hahaahahahah, seriously you guys are hilarious. I haven't gotten such crazy things but who knows, it sure seems like an....interesting....vibe we got going on here the last days. :lol:

Oh we had such lovely weather here today, I think I got sunburnt! Whoa! :punk: Totally makes me think of this time last year though...what I was doing at the time, and then up until like...June 25th...ugh so strange, it's so vividly in my mind...I knew exactly what I was doing. *sigh* Miss him much today, I was sitting in the train just listening to WYBT and stuff....gah those songs just touch me so deep over and over again. Goosebumps all over...and then seeing the sun up in the sky...or the city lights...all that. Meh. :(

Okay - not so much interesting to add today! Lol I'm just being chatty here all the time, sorry for all the nonsense...hehe.
OMG Amy! I'm just on your website right now. You're so amazing and I saw a pic of your daughter - she's gorgeous.
Aw thank you darlin!! :huggy:

mjbunny said:
OMG, :lol: now that is a really a crazy dream! Imagine if that was the day you decided not to get online :cheeky: And I wonder what the heck it means, lol. I'm glad I just mentioned that she was going to get banned and it wasn't me who posted the pics or something :rofl: ..."...frikkin' HUGE right there in my face"...
hey everyone!
It's been a while...I hope everyone is doing ok.
I suddenly got inspired to start a blog...I'm constantly getting ideas and it kind of takes over my mind :D
If anyone's interested, you can check it out here:
(is it ok to post that here?)
So far i haven't been advertising it at all yet, I'm still trying to come to terms with it and the direction it's taking. Also, I feel I have come very very far spiritually since last June, and I know that a lot of friends and family will really not understand where I'm coming from.....which sort of intimidates me. Interestingly, last night I was reading Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman (which I read from every night) and the passage I came to first said: "in order to get your work out into the world effectively you have to detach from what your friends think of you." I was shocked. It all fits... and then I saw Barbara's latest newsletter about Michael's frequency and resonance, and it was exactly along the lines of the post I had written the day before I saw her email... I don't know, things seem to becoming clearer to me, and the blogging is helping me explore all this....
Anyway, just wanted to drop by and send some LOVE. :wub:
amygrace- "pretty happy" :lmao: With that I'm finally starting to get a full mental image of actually coming to the thread, scrolling down and..... what?! :lol: OMG....
hey everyone!
It's been a while...I hope everyone is doing ok.
I suddenly got inspired to start a blog...I'm constantly getting ideas and it kind of takes over my mind :D
If anyone's interested, you can check it out here:
(is it ok to post that here?)
So far i haven't been advertising it at all yet, I'm still trying to come to terms with it and the direction it's taking. Also, I feel I have come very very far spiritually since last June, and I know that a lot of friends and family will really not understand where I'm coming from.....which sort of intimidates me. Interestingly, last night I was reading Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman (which I read from every night) and the passage I came to first said: "in order to get your work out into the world effectively you have to detach from what your friends think of you." I was shocked. It all fits... and then I saw Barbara's latest newsletter about Michael's frequency and resonance, and it was exactly along the lines of the post I had written the day before I saw her email... I don't know, things seem to becoming clearer to me, and the blogging is helping me explore all this....
Anyway, just wanted to drop by and send some LOVE. :wub:
Neeve, your blog looks amazing :) I read the top post about Michael. Wow, that's so wonderfully written :hug: :heart: Really, great. And so true, all of it. (I'm following your blog now via rss, btw ;))
Neeve, your blog looks amazing :) I read the top post about Michael. Wow, that's so wonderfully written :hug: :heart: Really, great. And so true, all of it. (I'm following your blog now via rss, btw ;))

Oh thank you so much! That really means a lot...I'm kind of nervous about telling other people about it, but I knew the amazing people in this thread would understand :) :wub: