I Think Murray's People Have Stepped Up Their Smear Media Campaign


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I Think Murray's People Have Stepped Up Their Media Smear Campaign.
It happening first in the foreign press.
I read somewhere that murray supporters are coming to LA by bus loads June 14th to rally.
Not sure where this statement came from exactly but it has been going from MJ facebooks to every MJ fan forums online...

MAY 10, 2010

It has recently come to our attention that Conrad Murray supporters will be demonstrating at the preliminary hearing, June 14th at the Superior Court of Los Angeles, much like Michael’s supporters have always done. This is their right just as it is ours.

We would like to urge fans that are planning to attend to please do so in peace, unity, and love for Michael. There should be NO violence, NO slander, NO yelling, and NO bad-mouthing or name-calling of Murray or his supporters. This reflects negatively on Michael. He would not support this type of behavior. The press called Michael names that were undeserved and hurtful. By acting out and creating chaos, our message can not be heard or is overshadowed by our behavior. By calling names, we are lowering ourselves to their level. That would only contribute to the filthy tabloid gossip. Michael deserved better than that. We must honor him, his wishes, and his message of peace and compassion, even in the face of opposition. Both sides can peacefully co-exist and let the justice be served inside the courtroom, just as it has been before.

Please ignore their signs, actions and words. DO NOT acknowledge their presence, IGNORE them completely, and certainly do not respond to anything they have to say. DO NOT let them bait you into an argument or lashing out to defend Michael. That is what they want. Our protest should be silent. We do not want to draw any attention to them at all. The world needs to see Michael’s light shining through all of you instead.

Our message is much bigger, better, and more dignified by not using slanderous or vulgar words. Your respect will make a much larger statement that will be revered instead of criticized. Their behavior toward a silent prayer vigil will only make them look bad. They cannot fight if there is no one to fight with. Do not give them the fuel for their fire.

Please do not even acknowledge their banners. Our banners will stay the same: “Justice for Michael”. We all have a common, unifying mission, which is JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL. We do not have to respond to them at all, because Conrad Murray supporters are not on the side of righteousness or justice, they are wrong, and right will prevail.

This is much deeper than just a demonstration. This will go down in history. Whatever your actions are that day, will be part of Michael’s legacy. When people look back on this day we want them to remember Michael, not Conrad Murray. Michael Jackson supporters are not to be looked down on as crazed fanatics, but as crusaders for peace and love. This is what Michael Jackson is, was, and always will be. It is what he believed in and stood for. We are HIS voice, representing HIM.

Martin Luther King Jr. said,
“A riot is the language of the unheard. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity. Importance should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. We must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate”

MICHAEL IS LOVE AND PEACE, NOT HATE! This is the message we must unite to send to the world.

You have caught the attention of the entire world; you represent their conscience and inspiration. This is your chance to impact Michael’s legacy and reputation for generations to come. We must stand together to honor him. We can shut them out completely and let our message speak for itself. The most powerful impact you can have in carrying on his legacy, is spreading his peace and love. Our silent protest and prayer vigil will be seen and felt the world over. Make Michael proud!


Mr. Joseph Jackson, and Mr. Majestik Magnificent
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Not sure where this statement came from exactly but it has been going from MJ facebooks to every MJ fan forums online...

MAY 10, 2010

It has recently come to our attention that Conrad Murray supporters will be demonstrating at the preliminary hearing, June 14th at the Superior Court of Los Angeles, much like Michael’s supporters have always done. This is their right just as it is ours.

We would like to urge fans that are planning to attend to please do so in peace, unity, and love for Michael. There should be NO violence, NO slander, NO yelling, and NO bad-mouthing or name-calling of Murray or his supporters. This reflects negatively on Michael. He would not support this type of behavior. The press called Michael names that were undeserved and hurtful. By acting out and creating chaos, our message can not be heard or is overshadowed by our behavior. By calling names, we are lowering ourselves to their level. That would only contribute to the filthy tabloid gossip. Michael deserved better than that. We must honor him, his wishes, and his message of peace and compassion, even in the face of opposition. Both sides can peacefully co-exist and let the justice be served inside the courtroom, just as it has been before.

Please ignore their signs, actions and words. DO NOT acknowledge their presence, IGNORE them completely, and certainly do not respond to anything they have to say. DO NOT let them bait you into an argument or lashing out to defend Michael. That is what they want. Our protest should be silent. We do not want to draw any attention to them at all. The world needs to see Michael’s light shining through all of you instead.

Our message is much bigger, better, and more dignified by not using slanderous or vulgar words. Your respect will make a much larger statement that will be revered instead of criticized. Their behavior toward a silent prayer vigil will only make them look bad. They cannot fight if there is no one to fight with. Do not give them the fuel for their fire.

Please do not even acknowledge their banners. Our banners will stay the same: “Justice for Michael”. We all have a common, unifying mission, which is JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL. We do not have to respond to them at all, because Conrad Murray supporters are not on the side of righteousness or justice, they are wrong, and right will prevail.

This is much deeper than just a demonstration. This will go down in history. Whatever your actions are that day, will be part of Michael’s legacy. When people look back on this day we want them to remember Michael, not Conrad Murray. Michael Jackson supporters are not to be looked down on as crazed fanatics, but as crusaders for peace and love. This is what Michael Jackson is, was, and always will be. It is what he believed in and stood for. We are HIS voice, representing HIM.

Martin Luther King Jr. said,
“A riot is the language of the unheard. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity. Importance should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. We must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate”

MICHAEL IS LOVE AND PEACE, NOT HATE! This is the message we must unite to send to the world.

You have caught the attention of the entire world; you represent their conscience and inspiration. This is your chance to impact Michael’s legacy and reputation for generations to come. We must stand together to honor him. We can shut them out completely and let our message speak for itself. The most powerful impact you can have in carrying on his legacy, is spreading his peace and love. Our silent protest and prayer vigil will be seen and felt the world over. Make Michael proud!


Mr. Joseph Jackson, and Mr. Majestik Magnificent

Amen to that. I hope that there will be many of Michael's fans there that day, acting dignified, with love. Justice will prevail!
^ Definitely. I can't believe Murray has supporters...that is just disturbing that people would go out of their way to actively support him in this. :unsure:
I read somewhere that murray supporters are coming to LA by bus loads June 14th to rally.

by bus loads?? :(

well, those bus loads stand no chance against michael's sea of fans.

murray's "supporters" are probably getting paid.
well, those bus loads stand no chance against michael's sea of fans..
I gotta say this.... Sorry, I really do not see a great action from the fans, as I saw in 2005 for Michael. :ph34r:

The fans have to do something far greater than was done in 2005.

murray's "supporters" are probably getting paid.
Where does the money? :scratch:He is a doctor bankrupt.
I gotta say this.... Sorry, I really do not see a great action from the fans, as I saw in 2005 for Michael. :ph34r:

The fans have to do something far greater than was done in 2005.

Where does the money? :scratch:He is a doctor bankrupt.

I know. But Michael's millions of fans are still here! Michael may not be here in person, but HE NEEDS US MORE THAN EVER!! I really don't know what is going on. But maybe fans will start appearing at the actual trial? Were there plenty of Michael's fans during the hearing and preliminaries?

Yes, where is his money for his security guards, lawyers, house, and child support? Money for Murray's team is coming from somewhere.

But I didn't mean 100% that murray's supporters were getting paid. i just said that, half as a joke, and half serious.
I know. But Michael's millions of fans are still here! Michael may not be here in person, but HE NEEDS US MORE THAN EVER!! I really don't know what is going on. But maybe fans will start appearing at the actual trial? Were there plenty of Michael's fans during the hearing and preliminaries?
I do not know what happens. And I did not see many fans in the audiences. Only a few fans, nothing compared to 2005.

Yes, where is his money for his security guards, lawyers, house, and child support? Money for Murray's team is coming from somewhere.

But I didn't mean 100% that murray's supporters were getting paid. i just said that, half as a joke, and half serious.
I understand you. What I mean is that he would not have money to pay then from somewhere or someone has the money. :scratch:

"Sources close to Murray tell us a group of his friends, patients and fellow church members -- numbering in the "hundreds" -- will be outside the courthouse at Murray's next court hearing to show solidarity.

We're told the group will rent buses in Houston and Las Vegas -- where Dr. Murray has his medical practices -- and drive them to L.A. for the June 14 court date."
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he not going to jail I just wish people move on from this already and i am not being harsh but head killers incharge are going to make sure of this
It's strange though that days before the hearing of June 14 everything is so quiet..I was expecting Murray's pr team to have stepped up with something new by now.
I guess nothing's happening on the 14th. The judge will move the hearing for September.
nothing is happening on the 14th its just a hearing ot set a date for the prelim. will last all of 5 mins